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What's the most pain you've ever been in?


Turn Bayley heel
For me, a quick story:

I fractured my ankle when drunk. Didn't realise, went back to school, walked around on it for 4 weeks, I was playing football, and then my ankle gave way after about 2 minutes, immense pain insued. I carried on playing, only for someone to do a two footed tackle on me so hard I went off the pitch. I then decided it was best to get my ankle seen to and had to walk about 800 yards to the health centre. It ultimately turned out that my ligaments had taken extra strain because of the fractured ankle and then all 3 snapped 1 when it gave way, one in the tackle and the final one when they checked the mobility in the health centre before sending me to the hospital. This happened in 2006, and I have been able to play football for a culmulative 4 hours since, because it starts to hurt so quickly.

Sitting in the hospital waiting room with my ankle being the same size as my thigh is the most painful moment of my life until they gave me morphine. So, what is your most painful moments?
Spinal tap. Couldn't move for like five days. Couldn't keep my head up, couldn't walk, eat or anything. It fucking sucked. I was in capable of moving for like five days. :(
Well like 2 years ago i broke my wrist. I was Riding Bikes to the nearby publix with my cousin and my aunt. My cousin was riding his bike too as my aunt was walking. Well after a couple of minutes we were both going full speed and he suddenly stops and as he is stopping he is going to my side of the sidewalk.(the side walk was pretty big).

Well i didnt have enough time to stop so i couldnt do anything but crash into him and i flew out of the bike onto the grass on my side.When i was flying off the bike i threw my left arm to my side and my hand was flat so all of my weight landed on my hand and my wrist broke.

I was in terrible pain.I couldnt lift my arm anywhere over where the breast would be on a woman(i forget what that part is called on the men,i think it's breast too but im not sure).I also lost all appetite.Well my mom took me to the hospital with my grandma on the afternoon.they took x-rays and said it was only fractured.the next day they were going to fix the bone.The doctors told me that the bone was being connected by a small piece.it was called leaf something,he describe it as breaking the stem of a leaf and the part that is connected is what my wrist bone was like.

When i went to get x-rays again to see how i was progressing,they said that the bone was separating and that they might have to perform surgery to put screws in the bone.Thankfully on my next appointment the bone was healing better and i would have to go through surgery were they would have to open up my arm, because the first surgery they just maneuvered the bones and fixed them.

Sorry for the lengthy story.
Easily when I broke my ankle...I lasted until 23 without breaking a single bone (a few dislocations, but no broken bones...I don't count broken noses, since that's pretty much nothing but cartilage).
Dog bite. Now I have a measly scar on my back that looks like a mole.... almost. But holy hell, at the time... it hurt. The dog that bit me was actually a friendly one and I had just pet him on the street. I turned around the wrong way (guess he thought I was an intruder) and he just ran and BIT me in the stomach/back area. I couldn't move, just collapsed right there on the street and I had to be carried into the house to get a towel around the bite, peroxide, etc as I sat there screaming in agonizing pain.

And heh... onto scars (just feel like sayin' it), it's sort of funny how my best, most noticeable ones are the ones that didn't actually hurt. I got some pretty schweet ones on my toe and my wrist. It's that sort weird of feeling you don't really like, but it's not really pain.
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Oh and i forgot to add,

Til this day my cousin still believe it was my fault that i got injured.

the only pain he was in was flying off of his bike and landing on his face, and it wasnt even that hard when he landed.
Strained my achilles tendon playing football. Limped around on that mother for months. Worst part was waking up to piss the first night forgetting about the leg and having it absolutely crumble on you.

I very nearly considered peeing myself, staying on the floor, and rotting in my urine.
i fell of a 6ft wall and factured my collar bone (i missed a rather big rock by about a ft or so)

and when i was 4 my mum left the wash machine open and i fell over and got a fork stuck in my back.

EDIT: sorry i mean dish washer
I've had several painful moments.

I've had my Ankle smashed by a wheel on a Lawn mower, at the age of 5, and as result had to have 2 reconstructive surgeries and spent half a year in the Hospital, then had to learn how to walk again.

A mere couple of weeks after being released from the Hospital and being cleared to play regularly again, I fell into a ditch and cut my knee open on a jagged sewer drain. Required stitches.

From there, I backed my leg into a nail, while building a tree house. And I managed to walk behind a series of Construction workers hammering, and found my forehead on the wrong end of the hammer.

So.. just by all of that alone.. I'd have to say arguably the most pain I've ever been in.. was when I had to watch Grease. Followed by the Second one.
My most painful was sun poisoning. No, not on normal places, like my back or shoulders. It was on my freaking scalp. I had blisters everywhere for about a week, and then a thick hard shell for a few days. I got it at Ozzfest 2006, while standing in a big huge parking lot with about 5000 other people, for roughly 17 hours.

Painful moment number two, was during childbirth. The doctor wanted to send me for x-rays, because he had thought my ex broke my hand from squeezing it. I couldn't feel my fingers for a week, and my hand and wrist were killing me for over a month.
I also forgot to add partial collapsed lung. In all seriousness, that was about the worst pain I've ever felt. I thought I was literally going to die. I couldn't breath at all.
Getting hit in the face by a recorder and falling over the seats and school and hitting my head on the concrete ground.
Either between tearing both achilles, Playing football, It was such a deabilating injury, As I could only walk around 200 yard's for about 8 month's.

Or sticking myself to the floor via a garden fork, I was stuck in the back garden for around 45 minutes before someone heard me.

Oh, Also the repeated dislocation of both shoulder's almost monthly.
I was playing about with my brother when i was 13. Incidentally, we were playing wrestling. Weird. He was pushing me around and I was about to fall onto the floor so I grabbed my big brother as I was falling. He lost his footing and fell on top of me. Because I had grabbed him, he fell straight onto my wrist, breaking in it 3 different places.

I went to the hospital at like 3 in the morning, crying my eyes out. I couldn't even get my t-shirt on it was that bad. They gave me morphine and I had to stay the night.The next morning I saw the x-ray and the surgeon said that my wrist was practically fucked. I had 2 surgeries in the next 3 weeks to starighten out m wrist and I was in a plaster cast for the next 8 months.

That was the most pain I've been in although I also broke my hip when I was 16. Sucks to be me really.

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