Whats the deal with the Suicide hate?

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Panic Switch

Dark Match Winner
I honestly don't get why he is so badly looked down upon on these forums. Sure he was featured in the TNA video game and then introduced on TV. What is so bad about that? If anything it is probably one o the most original debuts for a wrestler I have ever seen. But here are a few points I have compiled on why I think Suicide is great and doesn't deserve the hate:

1. He has quite an original character which has been shrouded in mystery which adds a lot of intrigue to his character.
2. Interesting move set with a great finisher.
3. Great look and hand gestures.
4. Can pull off a good match with anyone.
5. Good mic skills from what we have seen so far. He has a sort of Christian Bale as Batman thing going on, which is a good thing.
6. Is easy to create story lines for without becoming stale as there are so many mysteries surrounding his identity and background.

He is no where near as bad as people seem to claim. I would like to see some points of his detractors as to why he is bad. Also if anyone has any other reasons why they agree with me feel free to state them.
I don’t really have a problem with Suicide, apart form maybe his character set up is a little "too" gimmicky for my taste. It’s much better now he isn’t rope sliding to the ring though.

My main problem with him is just one simple thing. We are getting Suicide instead of Kaz. I would rather see Kaz, as Kaz in the ring. He was one of, if not my favourite wrestler, and as much as Suicide "isn’t that bad" he's no Kaz.
I am with you here, Suicide should not deserve this hate all because he originated from a video game. The way he is portrayed character-wise is a good gimmick that can specifically do well in the X Division, complimenting his moveset as well. Sure, the body suit may look a little tacky with the whole mask/body get-up & the tying in with his promo on last week's Impact may seem a little confusing... but he can put on a good solid performance. His match with The Pope on the PPV was pretty good for a falls count anywhere match.

He may not be able to rise to the main event as a full-time player with that gimmick, but it is something that the fans can get connected with as it is something different & is a good addition to the X Division.
Hate is the wrong word, stupid would be more apt. I can understand, to a degree, bringing in Suicide to promote the video game. Only TNA bought him in about three months after the game was deemed to be a pile of shit and a total failure.

Secondly, the person in the suit. Kaz is shit, no mistake about it. But TNA did a good job of convincing people that he wasn't half bad. Instead of pushing forwards and making something of him, they put him in a suit. Anybody can play the role, but they chose somebody they're tried to establish.

But I do like the idea of a character called Suicide, who's hand gestures suggest he's going to kill himself and a class full of school children, who's aimed a kids.
I personally like the suicide gimmick but agree with Angry panda in the fact that i love your signature and i would like to see kaz back and mabey someone else as suicide
I thought Suicide's match with The Pope was the match of the night. I'm not a huge Kaz fan or Suicide fan for that matter, but he can still put on good matches. I think Suicide is now going to be a jobber for the X Division unless he unmasks himself. I could care less about the gimmick and the fake overacting Batman promos, but at least it's more entertaining then Kaz in general. I can't hate Kaz or the Suicide gimmick when Cody Deaner is still a character in TNA. Deaner makes Suicide look like The Undertaker.
Suicide was brought in for the game and then debuted, but he's been here for a while now and we all really want to see Kaz instead. He was primed for the main event. Did he get hurt as suicide and someone took over while he healed or something. I thought I heard that months ago. Anyway, we want kaz back. I don't mind the Suicide character, but Kaz deserves this push and exposure more.
Perhaps it's because he's been booked absolutely horribly. He came in and just sorta won the X-Division title out of nowhere. He didn't do much with it, and spent most of his time trying not to get unmasked by the MCMG and LC.

He then proceded to drop the title to a shit champion in Homicide and we haven't heard anything about the "mystery" of his identity since. He floated around the X Divison for awhile until being in a absolutely pointless and underwhelming feud with shitty Elijah Burke. TNA has given me no reason to care about Suicide at all.

I can't find a reason to like him myself, what do you got?

1. He has quite an original character which has been shrouded in mystery which adds a lot of intrigue to his character.

This hasn't been mentioned for like months.

2. Interesting move set with a great finisher.

It's aiight.

3. Great look and hand gestures.

Silly costume and a gun hand gesture, just perfect.

4. Can pull off a good match with anyone.

He's decent in the ring, not much else.

5. Good mic skills from what we have seen so far. He has a sort of Christian Bale as Batman thing going on, which is a good thing.

He's talked for like 5 seconds.

6. Is easy to create story lines for without becoming stale as there are so many mysteries surrounding his identity and background.

TNA hasn't bothered to create any storylines for him.
i have a foil to each one of ur original points, but i dont really care to waste me time, so ill just let u know, he sucks, thats why there is hate on him, he was only X champ because TNA didnt give a shit about that title and still doesnt lol. Suicide is nothing but average in the ring and say his emphasema mic skills are a good thing, u must just like guys in masks huh, how much did u cry when Rey was suspended, haha.
I feel the character being from the video game is hard for fans to latch unto. Granted the guy can put on a great match with a lot of people on the roster. It is just that perhaps many people did not play the game and added unto that some may be turned off to the game based on the bad reviews it received.

I played the TNA game and felt it was alright. I prefer Kaz much more over Suicide. I do not see why they cannot just bring up someone from development or the indy promotions that can do high risk maneuvers and work good matches to play Suicide and thus they could have the best of both worlds and possibly it could set up a Kaz/Suicide feud.

I do not hate Suicide, but at the same point do not really care for the character. Kaz was being promoted and pushed and I feel he is better off without this gimmick.
I believe it's a combination that yes, he was the result of a video game promotion , but he's "too cartoonish" even by wrestling fans.. err... "wrestling universe" standards -- and that's saying something!

His promos certainly don't help with that bizarre voice and his entrance theme music just bury him even more. Suicide the character could work, but, putting it over requires alot of delicate work that TNA just misfired with it on every level.

Suicide is sorta like TNA's answer to John Cena -- the more fans reject him, the more determined they are going to push him.

At least Suicide's promos are limited.
I like him. Yeah, of course it'd be better to let Kaz wrestle as himself, not as Suicide. But regardless, he's damn talented in the ring. He gets a decent pop when he comes out, he's good in the ring, innovative dare I say. And somewhat original. I like Suicide, maybe let him hang for a few more months, it doesn't really bother me at all. I think it's dumb all the hate he gets.
I don't. He's cartoonish and has had some of the most abysmal script writing I've ever seen. When they were doing that sit down interview with Mike Tenay and he was talking about his theme tune lyrics, that made me cringe so much. He's maybe cool if you if you get your rocks off to 'My Chemical Romance' but if you're over the age of 14 I doubt he'll do much for you.

He also features unrealistic moves on par with John Cena, his finisher has no impact (no pun intended)

Saying that Kaz is a talented guy and should ditch this waste of space gimmik.
Did he get hurt as suicide and someone took over while he healed or something. I thought I heard that months ago. Anyway, we want kaz back.

I'm not sure what his first injury was, but he was carrying something that caused Suicide to be delayed until after the game came out, then he was in a couple of matches maybe even just one and tore his bicep (I think) which meant he was gonna be out for a good few months.

At this point Daniels took over, and it was Daniels that won the X-Division Championship. That’s what made the whole MCMG's calling out Daniels claiming they knew he was Suicide a mildly humorous storyline, just a few weeks earlier it had been.
I don't hate suicide, although I think he looks like a 5 year old drew up the plans for his outfit. But I loved Kaz back in the day, oh well, it cant last forever now can it?

Bring back Kaz. Nuff said

Just My Opinion
Jake hit it on the head. His name is fricking suicide and does the hand gesture that looks like he's going to top himself.

I'm all for quite extravagant characters but when you have one that reminds people of a lost loved one or something like that you know you've gone too far.
I can't agree more with what has already been said. He makes the suicide gesture, while being named Suicide like he's really to off himself. I know a few people that have done that very act to themselves. It's actually a pretty shameless name and character and I'm surprised the character has gotten as much airtime as he has. I hope he leaves soon.

Any character that is the name of such an event where somebody dies isn't cool. I suppose TNA will introduce "The Rapist, The Arsonist, and the 1st Degree Murderer" and you'll wonder why nobody likes them. Dumb. You fail OP.
Feast or Fired is coming up at BFG no? maybe they will throw him in and let him get "fired" and let kaz come back as they did with the whole curry man/fallen angel stuff.. sadly I think he will be around as Suicide for a while esp since hes in the middle of a lame feud with the pope EB >>

I loved how the promos were working at first how every once in a while the screen would kinda flash and you would see something that says Whoissuicide.com it bugged me forever and i finally got my dvr to stop over it.. kinda subliminal msging.. Dunno how many ppl noticed that hehe.

but BFG feast or fired is the right time to drop him for good
Suicide is great for TNA. He's an easily marketable character and has a look that kids can attract to. Kids love flashy, high flying, colorful wrestlers, hence why Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio are big cash cows in the WWE. So it's a genius idea to bring a colorful, high flying, flashy character to TNA. TNA will make millions of dollars from Suicide. You can bet that the Suicide action figures will fly off the shelves. Suicide is basically Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, and John Cena mixed into one. He has the flashiness of Mysterio, the daredevil attitude of Hardy, and the anti-evil attitude of Cena. The only thing that will stop this guy's merch sales is his name.

He's not that bad in the ring, either. I'm always watching when he's on the screen, which is more than I can say for an "amazing wrestler" like Daniels. Hell, when Daniels was in the Suicide suit, it was the most entertaining time of his career. I think the problem isn't Suicide, it's how he's booked. I think that if they give him mic time, and have Foley write his promos, it's wrestling gold waiting to happen.

And if you're really a Kaz fan, then you'll want him to stay in the suit. Without this gimmick, Kaz would've been fired a long time ago. Why take away an interesting, unique upper midcard character like Suicide and replace it with an uninteresting, bland, regular high flyer like Kaz?

The pros of Suicide outweigh the cons. Stop dissing everything TNA does. To be honest, if they book Suicide correctly, he could be the merchandise selling, homegrown megastar they've been looking for.
I don’t really hate Suicide, I just hate his name and the gesture he does. I don’t think I have to explain why I hate those things as it has already been explained enough by other people, but I don’t think that’s something that should be pushing.

Ultimately, having a character that goes by the name of Suicide does no good to their public image, which is something that they should probably worry about. I know their main demographic probably isn’t kids or teens, but kids and teens will still continue watching the product if they like it. But if parents see what they are watching and what they see is Suicide, then they aren’t going to allow their kids or teens to continue watching because they don’t like the message that Suicide sends out.

Like I said, kids or teens are probably not their main demographics or major demographics, but they shouldn’t risk losing those viewers because parents don’t like what they are seeing on TNA’s programming.

I don’t really hate the wrestler that plays Suicide (Kaz) but I do hate the message that it sends out because of the name and gestures the character does.
Sorry, but Suicide is a stupid fucking gimmick. I would have loved to have been in the creative meeting where the idea to bring him into TNA for real.

"Jeremy, you know that Impact game that Midway is doing for us?"

"Yeah, Vince."

"I think that it would be great if we take the Suicide character that Midway is putting in it, and bring him into TNA."

"Vince, I don't know about this."

"Jeff, trust me, it will work."

"Vince, you said the same thing about David Arquette winning the WCW title."

"Dixie, can you talk some sense into these people."

"Oh, Vince, the cross promotion is going to be great."


"Yes, Jeff?"

"It's not going to work."

"Sure it will. Have someone, I don't know, like Frankie portray him."
Suicide... I'm not too big on him, but my little brother, who is nine years old, loves him...

Should a character named Suicide be marketed to kids? Of course! I mean, is anyone really that brain washed by WWE's PG rating? TNA also has a character named Homicide, should he be taken off the air too? Jeff Hardy's gimmick is that of a drug using daredevil and that is on a PG rating! My point is, kids and adults watch wrestling to see over the top characters that are entertaining... If you are letting your children watch wrestling to try and instill some kind of morale values into their lives, then you need serious parental help... I mean, would you really want your kids imitating DX, Austin, Rock, Edge... The list goes on and on and on...

Now, the important issue... Is he entertaining?

Maybe if something would've developed in the "who is Suicide" gimmick and he wouldn't have had the almost embarrassing title lost to Homicide... I think he could've been a nice draw for the company... Now, he's almost forgotten about... Although i do like his feud with The Pope... Let's just hope some more depth to his character is revealed, to make people care again...

Kaz had no charisma as himself... At least as Suicide, he has a chance to develop a character that people may care about and he may even sell some merchandise for the company... Speaking of that, why hasn't TNA started selling his masks yet???
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