
Do you like Suicide?

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I voted no. The thing with Suicide is kinda similar to what they are doing with the fake Sarah Palin thing. Nobody truly gives a shit about this character as they did this character way after the game came out & flopped. I hope they either do something to make this character interesting or just kill off the character all together.
The plan is Kaz as Suicide. However, Kaz is still hurting from surgery. In order to not reduce momentum for the character, Daniels is temporarily portraying Suicide. However, Daniels could end up portraying him long-term.

In terms of his Spiderman gimmick as not-suicidal......that zipline thing.......thinking about Owen Hart........yea.......suicidal.

Dude are you serious? Do you think that Owen commited suicide? Either you do or you have no idea what that word means, but dont bring up Owen like that. Suicide is an "eh" for me because he is some invincible character who likes to do heel run-ins even though he is a face.....desn't make any sense to me.
With regards to his name, the only thing about it that bugs me is that their roster has both Homicide and Suicide, but they have no relationship at all. Eithe rname is fine, but when you have 2 random guys named that similarily it makes it wierd.
I don't like him. Partly because he's gotta be the most inconsistant gimmick in recent history, showing up at random intervals.

But mainly cause he's Kaz. Not because I don't like Kaz, I really do. But because I think that's a huge huge waste of Kaz. He was really becoming big, bordering on mainevent. Heck, he was in 2 TNA title matches last year. He was young, talented and over. So what did TNA do? Make him pretend to quick and repackage him as a character from a game which 80% of TNA fans haven't played. Good work TNA *thumbs up*
As mot of yall know, Suicide was originally played by Kaz, now played by Christopher Daniels. It appears like Suicide will be competing for the X Division Championship in a few weeks time.

Here is a scenario for you: If Suicide (as Christopher Daniels) wins the title, and then Kaz reprises the role, who would be credited as X-Division Champion. If Daniels as Suicide wins it, then Kaz returns to play Suicide, as X-Division Champion (without physically winning the title) Does both Kaz and Daniels get credited as Champion or does only one

lol take some time to think, and tell me your thought :dark2:
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