What's So Great About The Hardy Boyz?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I always here all this hype about the Hardy Boys - how over they are, how amazing their teamwork is, how they should be in the main event, etc. etc. Well, I've just got one thing to say; why? What is so great about them, what makes them better than any other tag teams or any other singles stars? I've seen a great amount of their matches in the time I've watched wrestling and I've never seen anything particularly entertaining or innovating from them. Except spots, lots and lots of spots. So, tell me, why should I be so impressed? Or (if you want), why shouldn't I be impressed?
I can understand why people aren't impressed with Jeff (I still think he's phenomenal), but Matt deserves none of the vicious words that are targeted at him, or any claim of him being a spot monkey (which is ridiculious).

Did you catch that match the other week with Benoit and Matt Hardy? That right there is the prime example of why Matt is so great and truly deserves to be in the main event scene. He can do so many styles of wrestling all of them exceptional, I've been extremely impressed with him, especially over the last year or so.

But I completely understand why some people hate the Hardys. Some people are just purists when it comes to wrestling (not saying you are) and despise any time someone gets on the top rope. When it comes down to it, wrestling is entertainment, and the Hardyz always entertain (atleast a majority of people).
I'm no purist, I'm usually the guy yelling "climb the top rope!" I just don't think they excel in any particular area. To be honest, I think they're just mediocre. There are much better tag teams, such as The Briscoe Brothers, LAX and even Team 3D. *Falls asleep*. Sorry, I fall asleep whenever the phrase "3D" is mentioned. Are there any areas they, or just one of them, excel in that I may not have noticed?
i agree with xfearbefore that matt is a better all around wrestler that can and hopefully will end up with that break out stardom he deserves, jeff is a little bit more the spot guy but even he can put a decent match togather, but i think the main reason they are so popular as a tag is because who likes a slow paced tag match, no does. everyone wants to see the hot tag, iver the top dive on to a group, even the quick tag team moves are awesome, point is they can do all that in a tag match and make it work great. singles matches are more about the wrestling and strategy than tag matches are.
Thank God someone made this thread so I didn't have to. For 8 years since the first ladder match, it's been "Push the Hardy's, Push the Hardy's." And I say, yes, push the Hardy's over the imaginary cliff and let their careers plummet to the bottom never to come back again.

Don't get me wrong, the Hardy's were a good tag team back in the day for a good solid 2 years, but what happened, they did the same thing that people rip Hulk Hogan for, they've lived off their reputation for the last 6 years with out any innovated new moves to add to their resume.

Jeff Hardy: See Spot Monkey. This guy does nothing in the ring that impresses me. His matches are so choreographed they make me sick. Of course he's going to go crashing off the 12 foot ladder through a table and make it the spot of the night, but it's old. Very Old. He has zero mic skills, and concentrates too much each week on what his hair color and dance for his music is going to be.

Matt Hardy: This man had his chance people, he had it, and he did nothing with it. He shot out boring promos with "I am Mattitude...Version 1.0" Wow, that's fucking great, do you have anything else to say Matt. Matt throws hands up to his face, "Ahhhh".

This is why I despise Matt Hardy, He's a pussy, plain and simple. Here is a man that got cheated on by his girlfriend and one of his best friends, and what does he do, like a pussy he gets cheap heat with the fans and telling them all the backstage secrets. He broke Kayfabe big time and should have never been hired back. But what happens, he gets hired back, and gets put in the main event spotlight, where he proceeds to melt under all of the pressure and put on shit match after shit match against Edge. Those matches were so painful to watch against Edge, because guess what Edge was that much better then Matt.

With all of those great tag teams of the early part of this decade, look at the big 2, Edge and Christian vs. Matt and Jeff. There is a reason why both Edge and Christian are multiple time World Champions, Main Eventing their respective shows, because they kick ass both on the ring, and on the stick. They do and have innovative matches with almost everyone they are put with, and carry their fair load. Matt and Jeff rely on the high spot, in every match. They can't carry a match, and are shit on the mic. The Hardy's had their chances to run with the ball, and both sucked it up big time.
I think their an ok tag team. Matt I think is the better one but I don't see him ever getting to the main event. He could have maybe back when he was really over with the Edge/Lita thing but I think the chance to get him that over again has passed. But he doesn't impress me that much anyways and I've never seen him as that great. Jeff is more of a spot monkey. It wouldn't be as bad if he didn't botch as much as he does. I've watched these videos on Youtube called Botchamania and Jeff Hardy is on so many of them and it just shows how he botches so much. He really doesn't impress me and I don't think their anything special.
I never did think too highly of them. I always found their moves silly. They make no sense and sometimes when I see jeff do that move where he hits people where the sun don't shine with both his legs I think to myself that's something my five year old brother would think of. But Then again that's kind of how most cruiser weights moves are.
I love Matt Hardy. I think he should be a serious player. Unfortunatley I think they've missed the oppertunity with him.

I hate Jeff though. He was ok I suppose a few years ago. When he could do the occasional bit of wrestling. Now all he does is a bit of flopping around, then a swanton bomb.

As a team though they bore the shit out of me. The only one who has even the slightest bit of charisma is Matt. And he only displayed that when he was doing the Version 1 gimmick. As faces neither has nothing. Sure Jeff has good gimmick matchs. But that makes him a spot monkey only. Matt on the other hand frequently has good wrestling match's. I dont see why they just get rid of the team all together. Build Matt up as a main event contender. It wont take long. Despite his frequent jobs he's as over as ever. It's not like there's anyone else for Edge to feud and have good match's with.

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