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What's so great about Ted Dibiase?


Getting Noticed By Management
While I've looked in threads about legacy and Randy Orton, somehow I've always noticed how so many people are very high on Ted Dibiase and my question to that is why? What is it that is so special about him that people tend to think that he's a ''future main eventer'' or ''better than Cody Rhodes''. I think it's do to the fact that Ted Dibisiase SR is is father, nothing mroe nothing less.

When have we ever seen him do something worthy of entertainement from the time he debuted up until now? Sure he has some skills on the Mic but his wrestling ability isn't so special that it makes me say '' WOW! he's really a good wrestler''. I think the guy is way overrated and people push him into a box too fast. We haven't seen brilliant things from him (yet) and I think that he's lower than Cody Rhodes at this moment. So I'll ask again what's so special about Ted Dibiase??? If you can prove me wrong please do, but untill then I'll just keep my opinion of him as a mid-carder.
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DiBiase just is smooth with everything he does. His look is great, his delivery is great, his character is great and he's pretty good in the ring. It's not so much what's great about him but more along the lines of what's the hole in his game? He's not supposed to be anything more than a mid carder right now and that's pretty much wht he is. He and Cody together are in the main event but not on their own, very similar to the New Age Outlaws back in the day. He has a lot of his father in him which is definitely a good thing also. I see very little wrong with him.
I have kinda wondered the same thing. He hasn't really done anything yet to stand out in my opinion anyways. I think the same thing about Cody Rhodes also. If it wasnt for them being hooked up with Randy Orton right now, I dont think anyone would really care about them. But then again I hate it when they give someone a title in their first match like they did with Dibiase and that might make be a little biased against him, but there are plenty of people I didnt like when they first started that I have since become fans of. But anyways, Dibiase has potential but right now I dont think he is anything special.
There's actually nothing that's "bad" about him... he's not amazing, but he's above average and that's saying something since he's only been in the WWE for a matter of months.

I started to like him when he came second in the Intercontinental title number 1 contender battle royale, he showed promise

The only thing he needs to change to get into the main event is his finisher, which looks a bit weak. He just needs to keep improving, and he'll be a top guy within a couple of years.
Theres nothing great about Dibiase ''yet'', but he does have the potential to be something great in years to come. I mean I wasnt exactly too optimistic about Orton when he debuted but there was something about him, he had future promise. Sometimes you just know that when looking at a guy like Ted Dibiase, time will definitely test him and I believe he'll be the breakout star of the year.
Cody Rhodes reminds me of Greg Gagne 30 years ago. Cody Rhodes is SOOOOOO tiny by wrestling standards he honestly looks less threatening than the Jobbers. Nothing against Cody Rhodes except he's way too small.

As for Dibiase he does have the look, he is a 3rd generation wrestler which ALWAYS is an advantage in the WWE, and if he's well disciplined will only get better in and out of the ring.

I'd like to see Manu/Snuka Jr. join up with Umaga and form a "Samoan" stable.
i think because he is Ted's son that will only benefit him however im not too fond of his finisher. If he is indeed going to use that finisher i would love to see him go full million dollar and dress like his father and shove money down peoples throats.
I have kinda wondered the same thing. He hasn't really done anything yet to stand out in my opinion anyways. I think the same thing about Cody Rhodes also. If it wasnt for them being hooked up with Randy Orton right now, I dont think anyone would really care about them.

That maybe true, but no one cared about Randy Orton until he joined Evolution either. I remember when Orton first started on TV as a face, the arenas were quiet for him, than he got hurt and tried to comeback as a heel and no one cared about him still. Then he joined evolution and became the star that he is.
I am one that sees both Cody and Ted being stars and future world champions a few years down the road. They are both solid in the ring, good and getting better on the mic, and getting the rub from arguably the best guy in the company right now.
You have to remember that Cody has only been around for a year and a half or so, and Ted for well under a year. Look at Randy Orton when he'd been around for that long. He kept getting injured and it seemed he'd never live up to his hype..but then he became a world champion and huge star through Evolution. And as we are seeing, he has grown by leaps and bounds since Evolution to one of the top two, if not the top heel in the WWE.
I don't see big holes in Dibiase's game, he has a great look and character, and his dad is a legend..which leads me to believe he will eventually grow into a great one just like Orton, and the same goes for Rhodes. You just have to watch them grow and see what we say even a year or two from now if they stick with the Legacy
I agree, since his debuted on RAW I've yet to see a truly impressive match out of Dibiase Jr. No doubt him and Cody are future main eventers, but they right now by themselves don't even come off as a threat in the mid-card. Two time world tag team chamions, but who did they beat? Hardcore Holly? John Cena and Batista was a cheap win during a heated feud between Cena and Batista. Since then they've done nothing special but team with Orton. He's got the mic skills and the look of a WWE superstar, but I'd definitely want to see more out of him when he gets into the ring.

Right now he can ride the momentum the legacy is giving him, use this time to improve in the ring, but if WWE truly sees him as a main eventer they gotta show us some more from him.
It's far too soon in the junior DiBiase's career to make an assessment either way. It takes years to truly establish a main event talent, and it's unfair for anybody, fan or otherwise, to lay judgment at the feet of DiBiase, Rhodes (who I happen to feel at least at this stage is more talented than Ted) or anybody.

If anybody feels that being second generation is all you need to be successful, I've got two words for ya...

David Samartino.

Really there is nothing too great about Dibiase. As of right now he hasn't done anything that stands out. With Rhodes you had great improvement but as of yet Dibiase hasn't really improved a whole lot. Rhodes has had more time to improve and get his craft down and has shown he is pretty good on the mic while Dibiase is still rigid.

So while Rhodes has went from boring and dull, to becoming a pretty good midcard talent, I think it's Dibiase's look and natural charisma that get's fans more on his side. There is just something about Dibiase that draws fans to him instead of Rhodes. It doesn't hurt that Dibiase has a better build(he is chubby but the bigger build just makes him look more like a maineventer than Rhodes who has a slim build). So although Rhodes may have improved 10 fold since his debut, Dibiases natural charisma and connection makes him a fan favorite.
Ted is alright. Rhodes is alright. Orton is the shiz. That's really all there is to it. I just hope they give this Legacy some sort of decent long term storylines because while I love Shane-O-Mac, where they have this Legacy thing going, I'm not a fan. I think they need one more established star in the group with Orton. Doesn't have to be a headliner, but someone in the mid-card that could easily take a heel turn and shoot their career through the roof. Although that would kill the "legacy" name. All the best stables have had 4 members. Evolution, The Horsemen, DX even had 4 or more at almost every point except now when HBK and Triple H get together.

I do believe DiBiase will be the breakout star of the group. But it's way too early to see how much he could come into his own. Rhodes just doesn't have it. He'll get to mid-card hell at best. He's boring. I think the whole Legacy thing is being pushed a little too hard. They don't need Orton to have a show spot, Ted and Cody to have a show spot, and then them have another spot together doing something causing trouble. It's a little more than I can handle. I honestly think this Legacy thing has the potential to flop hard. It's just 3 guys raising hell and not even being that entertaining doing it. Because they do the same thing every week. Yawn. We can't even watch them finish matches because they get DQ'd and all that b/s. I'd almost rather watch the pathetic TNA Frontline stable. But I don't, because TNA doesn't have a Randy Orton.
Well, for one he's got the look, he seems to have good presence, and a decent amount of physical charisma. I haven't heard him talk that much, but he's fine from what I've seen. Him and Cody have been pretty good in the tag matches they've had and Ted's got a bunch of potential.

Other than that, there's two things working in his favor: His name and the fact that the powers that be have already got it into their minds that he's a future player. He's pegged, just like Randy Orton was.

Also Orton wasn't as great as he is now when he first joined up either. He developed quite a bit over time, so. Give it some time, he'll get better and eventually you'll probably see him at the top of the card.

Cody, on the other hand. I don't know. He can talk, he's got charisma and he seems to have skill. But he's a bit smaller than most. So I dunno where he'll go, but I hope they give him a chance. I mean Edge isn't really that great in stature either, but he is probably one of the most over guys on the roster and has been a multi time champ.
He has "it". The swagger, the smooth suave aproach, the arrogance, the heat, the natural ability to MAKE you believe he just MIGHT be the best thing since tuesdays at Wings N More. I don't know. You can't describe "it". Hogan had it, Savage had it, Austin, Taker, Shawn, Rock, Angle. You know when guys have "it" and when they don't.

In my opinion, Cody doesn't have it. Its not his fault he talks with a lisp. Not his fault he is so small. But he probably won't ever elevate himself where Ted Jr will.

However, having "it" doesn't mean he will DO anything with it. Injuries, dumb mistakes, and other stuff could factor in.

Plus he was the son of MR "IT". If Anybody in this world of wrestling had it, it was his daddy. MAN that guy was beyond incredible. Could work with anybody, great on the stick, never complained. First one to do the job.

Damn shame his dad never got a world title run. He deserved it.
He has "it". The swagger, the smooth suave aproach, the arrogance, the heat, the natural ability to MAKE you believe he just MIGHT be the best thing since tuesdays at Wings N More. I don't know. You can't describe "it". Hogan had it, Savage had it, Austin, Taker, Shawn, Rock, Angle. You know when guys have "it" and when they don't.
Your saying that he has the same "IT" as all of those great superstars? Where has he shown you this? What has he done to make you feel like he is so great. I think he is overatted. I have not once seen him have a decent match that made me feel he would be the next (insert great wrestler here) to me he is only as good as every other rookie in the WWE. I think he is only liked so much becouse he is with Orton and Rhodes.

In my opinion, Cody doesn't have it. Its not his fault he talks with a lisp. Not his fault he is so small. But he probably won't ever elevate himself where Ted Jr will.
Your kidding right? Rhodes has ten times more everything then TDJ. Rhodes will go way further in his career. Since returning and winning the tagteam belts in his first match he has always IMO been second fiddle. he is the person in legacy only there becouse he is Just that tiny bit better then the other ex legacys.
However, having "it" doesn't mean he will DO anything with it. Injuries, dumb mistakes, and other stuff could factor in.
Or just being as boring in the ring as what he is now.
Ted DiBiase has impressed many so far, he may not have wrestled a decent match yet but everything he does seems smooth and right. His delivery, his character, his great heel persona are all impressive. The only entertaining matches DiBiase has been are the Tag matches along with is parnter Cody Rhodes. He's an impressive young wrestler and an impressive heel.

Do i sense a bit of contradictiveness going on here? If we have'nt seen DiBiase do anything special then why are we refferring to him as overrated? DiBiase is way better then Cod Rhodes, what have we seen Rhodes do that DiBiase has'nt? Exactly, nothing.
i honestly dont think it has anything to do with him being dibiases son its simpley because he has enormous potential his inring abilities are good and with time they will become great, hes only been in the WWE for acouple months nd he is all ready very impressive his look & his attitude are perfect for this error of wrestling thats wat is catching people attention..
He has the look, and as Swolfsta said he has alot of potential and IMO god given talent that can only get better overtime. Rhodes on the other hand is utter crap if it wasn't for his semi-decent in ring wrestling ability, his fathers surname and teaming up with Dibiase and Orton he wouldn't even be a blip on the radar

Something else is that Dibiase sr and Jr both have the same sort of attitude and look very similar when wrestling. And if jr can get to the level of his dad well i'll be on his bandwagon. Ted Dibiase Sr. was top 3 during the Hogan era in my book. and the best damn heel there was
I was watching the rock's dvd not too long ago. Some of his early matches were shown, specifically the one vs. HHH for the intercontinental title. the rock didn't do anything special. But he had that "it" factor that I see in Diabiase Jr. It had made him into a great star. Orton started the exact same way. there was just something about him. I like the way he was introduced. all though TDJ has not done anything yet, he might in the near future. Just give him time.

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