What's so good about TNA? Does anyone think it's getting better?


DAMN My Ex-Gf just got implants!!!
What the hell is so good about Tna? I decided to create this thread after hearing Vince Russo saying how terrible wwe's product is. So TNA puts on good matches so what! Who cares? So does WWE. WWE has bad segments at times. So does TNA look at the Abyss / Hogan segment for example Hogan talking about here's my hall of fame ring brother it's yours boring. Then all you TNA smarts talk about is how Kurt Angle is so great. Hello wwe made him not to mention the guy's addicted to prescription medicine.

TNA pushes it's young talent. I believe Sheamus was just WWE champion not to mention Miz, Kofi, Dibiase, Rhodes, McIntyre, and Morrison all 32 or younger. I mean TNA doesn't even have funds to leave the impact zone. All this talk about the pope he doesn't matter cause he was a nobody in WWE. If John Cena went to TNA they would be throwing parades. If AJ Styles went to wwe he would be on ECW if it was still around. My point is for all you people who complain WWE is stale and boring TNA isn't much different.
ok the only thing i don't agree w/ is your statement about AJ styles. C'mon if the wwe somehow stole this guy from tna you he's gonna be either on raw or smackdown. As to your article yeah I have read tna fans saying wwe product is stale, boring but tna is not that much different too. I guess some tna fans are former wwe fans that are frustrated they're no longer the target audience of the wwe.
Pope will not ever matter because he wasn't over in WWE? I dunno, it sounds pretty stupid that anybody who shines in TNA doesn't matter because they were in WWE before. BS. If TNA is able to build up a guy better than WWE did, they deserve credit for that. Do you think Steve Austin doesn't matter since he wasn't as popular when he was in WCW?

I don't think the age argument is a good one. TNA has old guys and young guys. WWE has old guys and young guys. Honestly I don't care whether Batista is 40 or Kurt angle isn't as young as whoever, or anything else. If they can entertain me/still wrestle O-K, then they're fine, they don't all have to be freakin 22 years old.

TNA to me is honestly just more fun to watch. I'm not going to say it's the holy grail of wrestling programs, but it's easier to overlook it's flaws when you are actually enjoying the show. You can dislike TNA if you want but I think it's weird to say it's "stale and boring". They have over-the-top, borderline ******ed segments like the Abyss-Hogan one you mentioned. It was kind of stupid but it was anything but boring. One of the most over maineventers in the company, AJ Styles, has acquired a mentor in Ric Flair and he turned heel. He is developing a new persona for himself so he's anything but stale. New wrestlers have been coming in, and more are rumored too. You may not like the people who are signed, but at any rate, new wrestlers being featured keeps it from being stale.

You say that it's dumb for TNA to bring in talent that wasn't over in WWE (Pope), and yet you criticize them for relying on talent that WAS over in WWE (Angle). I don't get it. It kind of sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to bash on the company.
Let's see what TNA does right:

Their character development puts WWE to shame, as TNA clearly spends a lot more time investing into character segments and segments that help get not just their Main Eventers over, but most members of the roster.

They actually make use of storylines, and not just angles, with their broadcasts. This makes for more compelling television which is the traditional formula to get fans into their broadcasts to actually want to see and purchase the PPV's.

Their Knockout Division owns the WWE Divas division in every conceivable way. Look at Victoria in WWE compared to Tara today. Awesome Kong is a phenomenal talent. So is Hamada. So is Angelina Love.

TNA also produces the better broadcast from a Creative standpoint than WWE, and clearly more effort goes into Impact than WWE Raw. What WWE basically does is take the same script from the week prior, and just changes some lines around for the Guest Hosts. You still have the same matches, same types of promos, same people in the same segments, doing the same things week after week.

When watching TNA, you seem to get a clear picture that they start from scratch each week, so you see the effort placed into each show on a week by week basis.

TNA has better storylines, better characters who exhibit more personality, overall has better matches, and produces more interesting television than WWE does.

And of course, TNA caters to adults, where as WWE caters to little children. So I feel that where as Vince has told that audience which made him a very wealthy man to "Like the product or Fuck Off", TNA has welcomed those same people that WWE has essentially told to "Fuck Off because they aren't important anymore". And that shows with the more adult themes in their shows, cursing, blood, etc.

WWE still has better overall production value, and of course, better marketing ... which is something TNA really needs to step up its game with.
This is why I hate this place sometimes and why I don't post wrestling too much.

This is a simply ridiculous post, that you have made really diificult to read but let's break it down.

What the hell is so good about Tna?

What's so great about WWE? Oh yes, I am breaking it down like this.

I decided to create this thread after hearing Vince Russo saying how terrible wwe's product is. So TNA puts on good matches so what! Who cares? So does WWE.

If this is a WWE vs TNA thread its in the wrong section. It's WRESTLING, matches are VERY important and TNA has just as many as WWE, maybe even moreso given the lack of TV time available.

WWE has bad segments at times. So does TNA look at the Abyss / Hogan segment for example Hogan talking about here's my hall of fame ring brother it's yours boring.

It totally served a purpose. It wasn't to my taste but it worked and it will peak with Hogan and Flair's first TNA match. It's called build and it's something that TNA gets criticised for. But when they try it, they get criticised by WWE smarks who are unwilling to try new things outside the WWE shareholder meeting.

Yeah Sid I went there. :)

Then all you TNA smarts talk about is how Kurt Angle is so great. Hello wwe made him not to mention the guy's addicted to prescription medicine.

Angle in TNA is better than 80% of WWE's time in their prime. he has had better matches in the last six months than Orton, HHH, HBK and Taker.

TNA pushes it's young talent. I believe Sheamus was just WWE champion not to mention Miz, Kofi, Dibiase, Rhodes, McIntyre, and Morrison all 32 or younger.

Sheamus should never have been champion and probably will never be again. I'll give you Miz but McIntyre, DiBiase and Morrison are in the middle of stilted pushes and Cody Rhodes is in less than midcard hell.

I mean TNA doesn't even have funds to leave the impact zone.

MAKE MORE SENSE. This is what i am saying, this post has no structure.

But to address your point. TNA is 7 yrs old. They are not doing badly.

All this talk about the pope he doesn't matter cause he was a nobody in WWE.

Pope will be a huge star and WWE will not "make" a star like him anytime soon. I include McIntyre in that.

[/quote]If John Cena went to TNA they would be throwing parades.[/quote]

I'd slit my throat. While I could tolerate Cena in a non PG, unrestricted environment, he has been boring and uninteresting for years now.

If AJ Styles went to wwe he would be on ECW if it was still around.

BULL. SHIT. Even Vince can recognise talent (occasionally). AJ rejected WWE's offer remember.

My point is for all you people who complain WWE is stale and boring TNA isn't much different.

That's not your point. You attack TNA and say it has no redeeming features.

You say TNA is stale and boring, yet you have the front to defend WWE for a flagship programme with an insane guest host feature. TNA has become excting recently, much more so than Raw. Ask anyone on this site who has watched both companies and they will say that is TNA who is making them anticipate Monday nights again.

For every mistake TNA makes, it improves twice over. WWE may produce a decent hour of programming a week.

You need to appreciate that.
You make valid points, I quite like TNA but I really cant understand the people who rave about it and hate WWE, they say shit like "TNA puts on excellent matches man" but not really, they have some good one's on during a week, but mostly they are just pretty good, just a few more crazy moves thrown in.

TNA's not bad, I watch it far more than WWE, but I am not deluded into thinking that it kicks the shit out of the "E". Fuck, the World Title scene in WWE is far more interesting than this AJ "I wanna be Ric Flair" shit. TNA has Kurt Angle? Whoopdee fucking doo, for the most part the only people that care are the IWC, he's not the greatest of all time, or the greatest in the world today, he's just a pretty good wrestler.

TNA has some elements where it's better, for a start it's only on once a week, but for the most part, it's just an alternative to WWE, that has matches which can be a bit more high risk.
I agree TNA is a joke especially with Hogan and Bishoff running things,it was bad before but now it sucks. At least WWE has actual storylines and they finish them. Most TNA wrestlers could not cut it in the big time,they belong in the little rec hall their in. They can't even sell out a decent sized arena! JOKE!
TNA's not nearly as horrible as all that but there are far too many TNA fans that are so desperate for TNA to be seen as competition for the WWE that they blow TNA's product way out of proportion. I've been watching TNA for about three and a half years now and the simple truth is that TNA isn't nearly as good as some people try to convince themselves and everyone else that it is. I keep seeing phrases like the WWE is stale or the WWE is shit and how much better TNA is and all this and that. But when you sit down and watch the actual product, it's just not how it is.

When it comes to the development of characters, I do have to give TNA something of an advantage because they are trying to branch out further and do more with characters than the WWE at this time. For instance, the idea of Orlando Jordan's bisexuality as being out there in the open, such as kissing his male valet and groping him and all that. It's bold and it's different. However, it wasn't shown on television so that's a setback. In my view, it's easily the boldest move TNA has made in terms of a character but the fact that it hasn't been shown on television renders it all but moot. TNA does have an advantage, but they're not nearly head and shoulders above the WWE in this particular area. That's more of that puffery I mentioned earlier.

As far as wrestling content goes, I don't agree at all. From what you read in these threads sometimes, you'd think every match TNA has is some sort of epic and it's not accurate at all. On iMPACT!, most of the wrestling matches you'll see on the show are 5 minutes or less. In recent weeks, the WWE has added more wrestling content to Raw and while last week's matches overall weren't as good as those that had been on the previous several weeks, I haven't seen anything on iMPACT! that's any better lately. Also, people sometimes forget that the WWE is more than Raw. If you watch Superstars and Smackdown, you'll see two high quality wrestling shows. Often times, the wrestling matches on Superstars and Smackdown, in my view, are usually better than what you see on Raw or iMPACT!. TNA is a company that has more high spots in some of their matches, but the problem is that TNA often sacrifices psychology and storytelling for spots. Overall, I typically enjoy WWE wrestling matches more than TNA wrestling matches.
I agree TNA is a joke especially with Hogan and Bishoff running things,it was bad before but now it sucks. At least WWE has actual storylines and they finish them. Most TNA wrestlers could not cut it in the big time,they belong in the little rec hall their in. They can't even sell out a decent sized arena! JOKE!

You're right. TNA can't sell out large sized arenas. That is because of the Walmart Lazy mentality amongst casual wrestling fans in general, and has nothing to do with TNA's Creative direction. Fans are simply lazy, and TNA has a marketing problem that they have to overcome with these lazy wrestling fans out there, who are too lazy to go around and look for anything not named WWE.

As far as WWE having "storylines", what a complete joke. WWE hasn't had storylines for years. There is a difference between storylines and just doing feuds and angles.

TNA does have storylines. WWE rarely ever does them anymore due to laziness on the part of Vince McMahon.

Who is supporting The Pack? Is Bischoff or even Hogan secretly supporting them?

Who kidnapped Samoa Joe?

What does Hogan really think of Eric Bischoff and what is the extent of each one's authority?

Eric Bischoff holding JB and Abyss' jobs over Foley's head

Jeff Jarrett attempting to start back at the bottom and work his way back up as a force within TNA

Where does Dixie Carter stand in the middle of all of this?

So they seem to be doing quite well in the storyline department, where as all WWE can do is feuds to pair two people together. I think storylines are more compelling for TV viewing, as opposed to simply seeing WWE do the same feuds time and time again.

Advantage: TNA

Go back to enjoying Hornswoggle and DX poopy humor. That seems a little more suited for your age bracket.
What the hell is so good about Tna? I decided to create this thread after hearing Vince Russo saying how terrible wwe's product is. So TNA puts on good matches so what! Who cares? So does WWE. WWE has bad segments at times. So does TNA look at the Abyss / Hogan segment for example Hogan talking about here's my hall of fame ring brother it's yours boring. Then all you TNA smarts talk about is how Kurt Angle is so great. Hello wwe made him not to mention the guy's addicted to prescription medicine.

TNA pushes it's young talent. I believe Sheamus was just WWE champion not to mention Miz, Kofi, Dibiase, Rhodes, McIntyre, and Morrison all 32 or younger. I mean TNA doesn't even have funds to leave the impact zone. All this talk about the pope he doesn't matter cause he was a nobody in WWE. If John Cena went to TNA they would be throwing parades. If AJ Styles went to wwe he would be on ECW if it was still around. My point is for all you people who complain WWE is stale and boring TNA isn't much different.

I agree with alot of this post.
Orton and Cena are both younger than 32 too, just to make a point...

People moan that WWE doesn't book it's talent right(and I agree in some instances), but TNA takes it to a new level and hasn't got a clue. Why is AJ Styles losing clean when he is the champ? Why is his current number one jobbing to Orlando Jordan a few weeks before he becomes number one? It just doesn't make sense.

TNA is good for older fans who are stuck in the 90's, and don't want to get real and realise that this is 2010, not 1997, and the ones who will knock WWE at any given opportunity.

TNA really is minor league, a complete joke, and I refuse to watch such crap. Far too many TNA fans think TNA pisses all over WWE... Reality check, check the date, check the ratings and actually watch both shows as a critic, not a fan. You will find FAR more problems with TNA than WWE.
I agree TNA is a joke especially with Hogan and Bishoff running things,it was bad before but now it sucks. At least WWE has actual storylines and they finish them. Most TNA wrestlers could not cut it in the big time,they belong in the little rec hall their in. They can't even sell out a decent sized arena! JOKE!

Its people like this that kill the business!!! And i am not a WWE/TNA Smark of any kind i watch all WRESTLING but WWE is stale and boring and i agree they did shit on the FANS that made them as big as they are now, they basiclly said the the male fan between 18-35 to go fuck yourself your no good to us anymore. So there is an option for that fan and its called TNA and a damn good option, TNA has great stars(Angle,Hogan,EZ-E,Nash,Hall,Waltman,Anderson, and AJ STYLES!) (New up and comers Pope,Beer Money,Young,MCMG, and so on) Give TNA a shot and dont be a WWE Smark cause VinnyMac is laughin at you!!!!!:lol:
I don't Rave about TNA and hate the E but I do Think TNA is overall better.

I think TNA has so much more of an entertainment value. Everything always seems fresh and new. Yea not every wrestler blows me away but most do.Both companies have the young guys and some nostalgia but in TNA they are a family. In the WWE these guys don't care for each other. In TNA every match is about Progressing the company. These guys who know they aren't in the spotlight bust there ass and put on great matches just to say "Win or Lose this is TNA. You don't get that from WWE. They have so many throw away matches and filler segments that do nothing. I DVR both shows and fast forward through most of WWE. I just cant listen to it anymore. I use to be a huge fan. But I feel like Vince is like" Ha I got you bitch and now your stuck" TNA offers an alternative that brings back the old excitement. Its fresh faces compelling story lines and great action. Don't get me wrong WWE has a Wayyyyy bigger fan base and better production. But if you gave TNA Vince's pockets they would blow the roof off the place. and vice verse give Vince TNA's tiny little Impact Zone and he would not last long. I think Vince has become bigger than his business and unfortunately it suffers because of that. Hogan has a huge EGO but he has kept it in check (so far) He has done a great job in just a few short months along with dixie carter. Neither Company is perfect and they never will be able.....But I feel Vince is only more successful because of the history of the company and his pockets. I hope he begins to take TNA more serious than just a minor blip on the radar. They have definitely earned that Respect.
You're right. TNA can't sell out large sized arenas. That is because of the Walmart Lazy mentality amongst casual wrestling fans in general, and has nothing to do with TNA's Creative direction. Fans are simply lazy, and TNA has a marketing problem that they have to overcome with these lazy wrestling fans out there, who are too lazy to go around and look for anything not named WWE.

As far as WWE having "storylines", what a complete joke. WWE hasn't had storylines for years. There is a difference between storylines and just doing feuds and angles.

TNA does have storylines. WWE rarely ever does them anymore due to laziness on the part of Vince McMahon.

Who is supporting The Pack? Is Bischoff or even Hogan secretly supporting them?

Who kidnapped Samoa Joe?

What does Hogan really think of Eric Bischoff and what is the extent of each one's authority?

Eric Bischoff holding JB and Abyss' jobs over Foley's head

Jeff Jarrett attempting to start back at the bottom and work his way back up as a force within TNA

Where does Dixie Carter stand in the middle of all of this?

So they seem to be doing quite well in the storyline department, where as all WWE can do is feuds to pair two people together. I think storylines are more compelling for TV viewing, as opposed to simply seeing WWE do the same feuds time and time again.

Advantage: TNA

Go back to enjoying Hornswoggle and DX poopy humor. That seems a little more suited for your age bracket.

- Is Bret done with WWE? Is he coming back to wrestle Vince? Is his injury angle a big charade that Bret/Cena have planned?
- Will Cena get revenge on Batista at Mania?
- Vince screwing Cena - How will this affect him?
- Will Edge get revenge on Jericho?
- Why did Michaels attack Taker? Will Taker get back at him tonight?
- Who's the guest host this week/what will they bring to the table?
- How are Miz and Daniel Bryan going to get on?
- Are Legacy finished? Why did Dibaise attack Orton?

I notice that most of TNA's 'names' are 50+ and past their sell by date, WWE's are as popular as they ever will be, or are on the rise and can become huge stars.

Advantage WWE.
Alright. Frequent viewer of these forums, have never created an account, but had to once I read this thread. Now, I just want to say right off the bat, that I'm a fan of professional wrestling or sports entertainment or whatever you want to call it, whether it's the WWE, TNA, ROH, or any other promotion. I usually watch as much as I can.

However, that hasn't been the case for the last few months, as I haven't even watched an episode of Raw, and only watch Smackdown. You're asking what is so great about TNA? Well, to put it as simple as possible, every Thursday, TNA iMPACT leaves me excited and wanting to know what's going to happen the following week.

Now, I'm not saying TNA is the best wrestling promotion in history. But they are creating far better TV than Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown. Especially since Hogan and Bischoff came in, they have been emphasizing creating characters, giving the wrestlers a personality. Giving us story lines (something WWE doesn't even know the definition of) that we actually care about. The Angle and Mr Anderson feud got real interesting this past Thursday.

I will admit with others that the Abyss/Hogan segment wasn't the best, and wasn't my cup of tea, however, it got people interested in the story, and hoping to see the return of the "Real" Monster Abyss.

Yes, there is a lot that TNA still needs to work on, and WWE's production is leaps and bounds better than TNAs. But Monday Night Raw, didn't leave me wanting to know what would happen the following week, it actually made me turn it off completely.

I've watched WWF/WWE for who knows how long. I'm not upset because I'm no longer a part of WWE's target audience, or the fact that they have a PG rating, or anything like that. However, when it comes down to it, TNA is creating compelling TV right now, the WWE is not. Simple as that.
You're right. TNA can't sell out large sized arenas. That is because of the Walmart Lazy mentality amongst casual wrestling fans in general, and has nothing to do with TNA's Creative direction. Fans are simply lazy, and TNA has a marketing problem that they have to overcome with these lazy wrestling fans out there, who are too lazy to go around and look for anything not named WWE.

As far as WWE having "storylines", what a complete joke. WWE hasn't had storylines for years. There is a difference between storylines and just doing feuds and angles.

TNA does have storylines. WWE rarely ever does them anymore due to laziness on the part of Vince McMahon.

Who is supporting The Pack? Is Bischoff or even Hogan secretly supporting them?

Who kidnapped Samoa Joe?

What does Hogan really think of Eric Bischoff and what is the extent of each one's authority?

Eric Bischoff holding JB and Abyss' jobs over Foley's head

Jeff Jarrett attempting to start back at the bottom and work his way back up as a force within TNA

Where does Dixie Carter stand in the middle of all of this?

So they seem to be doing quite well in the storyline department, where as all WWE can do is feuds to pair two people together. I think storylines are more compelling for TV viewing, as opposed to simply seeing WWE do the same feuds time and time again.

Advantage: TNA

Go back to enjoying Hornswoggle and DX poopy humor. That seems a little more suited for your age bracket.

First off TNA would'nt know a storyline if it hit them in the head I never seen such a mess since WCW,WWE has it's faults but TNA is very very minor league and no the fans are not lazy.TNA just does'nt have a good enough product to sell out an arena that's the way it is.You can not deny the facts saying the fans are lazy is a pretty pathetic excuse c'mon get a grip!
What a gutless response. Care to actually put some effort into this and use examples?

Let's see what TNA does right:

Their character development puts WWE to shame, as TNA clearly spends a lot more time investing into character segments and segments that help get not just their Main Eventers over, but most members of the roster..

Really? Like who? AJ Styles? Do you seriously consider making him a Ric Flair close is an example of them spending a lot more time investing into his character? The real challenge would have been to make him the top face in the company, not the top heel by using *another* played out gimmick. How about Somoa Joe? Where has his character gone since Hogan showed up? Beer Money? Daniels? How have any of these guys gotten over bigger than they already were before your hero showed up? Hernandez? Morgan? What have they done? Won the tag belts then fought each other? Wow....cutting edge stuff there. And shit, the ratings are *still* 1.1-1.2 every fucking week which tells me *no one* has gotten over. Sure, maybe with a few people in the grain of sand called the IWC - but that doesn't mean shit. So who exactly is so over in TNA that if they returned to the Palace of Auburn Hills again next month they'd sell more than 650 fucking tickets in an arena that seats over 20,000?

They actually make use of storylines, and not just angles, with their broadcasts. This makes for more compelling television which is the traditional formula to get fans into their broadcasts to actually want to see and purchase the PPV's..

More bullhsit from you. This is your opinion, not a fact. No one is going to their PPV's. No one new is buying them. That's a fact.

Their Knockout Division owns the WWE Divas division in every conceivable way. Look at Victoria in WWE compared to Tara today. Awesome Kong is a phenomenal talent. So is Hamada. So is Angelina Love..

Grown men who follow womens wrestling for anything other than a few minutes of checking out hot chicks are fucking creepy. I said it. I've never met a dude who got laid on a regular basis you ever gave a shit about workrate in a womens wrestling match. Ever.

TNA also produces the better broadcast from a Creative standpoint than WWE, and clearly more effort goes into Impact than WWE Raw. What WWE basically does is take the same script from the week prior, and just changes some lines around for the Guest Hosts. You still have the same matches, same types of promos, same people in the same segments, doing the same things week after week

Do you know what a feud is? Do you know what a pay off is? If you were alive during it's time, I wonder if you would have said the same thing about Dusty vs. the Horsemen. Your comment is also fucking comical since you are obviously cupping the balls of the company who just gave us AJ vs. Angle, AJ vs. Daniels and AJ vs. Joe, squarly on your chin. Shit, never seen those matches before? You know what they should do? They should start having Sting hang out in the rafters...oh wait...nevermind.

When watching TNA, you seem to get a clear picture that they start from scratch each week, so you see the effort placed into each show on a week by week basis.

I agree with you that it's clear as hell they start from scratch each week lol...best I can tell it starts right before the cameras start rolling.

TNA has better storylines, better characters who exhibit more personality, overall has better matches, and produces more interesting television than WWE does.

Again, more bullshit from you. Use examples kid. Isn't this kind of shit considered spam?

And of course, TNA caters to adults, where as WWE caters to little children. So I feel that where as Vince has told that audience which made him a very wealthy man to "Like the product or Fuck Off", TNA has welcomed those same people that WWE has essentially told to "Fuck Off because they aren't important anymore". And that shows with the more adult themes in their shows, cursing, blood, etc.

By adult it appears you mean trailer trash. Do you seriously need cussing in your wrestling program to enjoy it? And your comment about Vince telling his fans to fuck off just shows how iggnorant you are. I don't know what you do for a living, but people who make a lot of money don't do it by telling anyone to fuck off. Maybe they don't teach you that at Gamestop. Vince is making money hand over fist in one of the worst down economy's this country has ever seen and he sure as shit isn't doing it by telling anyone to fuck off. Vince puts on a product that in one show - one fucking show -wrestlemania - will earn more viewers, make more money, and sell more seats than TNA will in the entire year. He certainly can't do that by excluding anyone.

WWE still has better overall production value, and of course, better marketing ... which is something TNA really needs to step up its game with

Wow. You are a funny dude. TNA needs to step up their marketing game? They just signed HULK FUCKING HOGAN. You don't think the whole universe knows that? You know why no one watches TNA? because they fucking suck. because it's 2010 and Hulk Hogan is not what people want to see.
- Is Bret done with WWE? Is he coming back to wrestle Vince? Is his injury angle a big charade that Bret/Cena have planned?
- Will Cena get revenge on Batista at Mania?
- Vince screwing Cena - How will this affect him?
- Will Edge get revenge on Jericho?
- Why did Michaels attack Taker? Will Taker get back at him tonight?
- Who's the guest host this week/what will they bring to the table?
- How are Miz and Daniel Bryan going to get on?
- Are Legacy finished? Why did Dibaise attack Orton?

I notice that most of TNA's 'names' are 50+ and past their sell by date, WWE's are as popular as they ever will be, or are on the rise and can become huge stars.

Advantage WWE.

It's obvious from your comments that you don't understand the difference between a wrestling storyline and a wrestling angle or feud. And that is why I tried to emphasize that above.

You should study the examples I listed, and you can see a distinction between those and the items you list, which are pretty much all feud-based.

Storylines lead to character development, and that helps get the characters over with the audience.

Let's go through your examples:
- Is Bret done with WWE? Is he coming back to wrestle Vince? Is his injury angle a big charade that Bret/Cena have planned?

Bret getting injured was a "wrestling angle". There is no storyline component, like a "Who dunit" concept. He could very well be faking it, but it is not a storyline. Who is Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son or Who ran over Austing is a storyline. This is an angle.

- Will Cena get revenge on Batista at Mania?

Not a storyline. This is called a "feud".

- Vince screwing Cena - How will this affect him?

This is called a feud.

- Will Edge get revenge on Jericho?

This is called a feud. Focus is on a match and the championship.

- Why did Michaels attack Taker? Will Taker get back at him tonight?

This is again not a storyline. This is a feud. Michaels has been wanting to challenge The Undertaker at Wrestlemania and this is a continuation of that program. There is no storyline.

- Who's the guest host this week/what will they bring to the table?

This is again, not a storyline. There is no beginning, middle, and end to it. This is a regular feature on a wrestling broadcast.

- How are Miz and Daniel Bryan going to get on?

Thus far, this is nothing. No storyline. No angle. No nothing. They have been named as mentor/mentee for a show debuting tomorrow.

- Are Legacy finished? Why did Dibaise attack Orton?

This is part of a program between Orton and Legacy which has been building for months and months.

TNA clearly invests more into their story-telling than WWE does. All WWE can do is discuss feud-based programs, because clearly their Creative Juices are drained. And when you keep trying to only use "the match, the match, the match", as the only selling point, then it becomes dull and uninteresting.

You are clearly grasping at straws with the examples you listed, as there clearly is a distinction between them and what TNA is doing on their program.

TNA's strategy is to get their viewers to take a vested interest in their performers by placing them in unique situations and circumstances to make the viewer want to follow every move they make each week. This translates into viewers becoming interested in their matches, and therefore due to a combination of their in-ring performance, and interest in following their characters through storylines, they become encouraged to purchase the PPV's.

WWE wants to skip the part about the storylines, and go straight to promoting matches and feuds between their rosters. And this is why when WWE wrestlers come out, often times they come out in silence from the crowd and silence while the match is going on. And then you blame the "bad crowds" for not supporting the WWE talent.

But I have just described what the difference is in TNA so far as placing more effort into character development and storylines, and that is why they get better reactions on their shows, overall, than WWE.
Up until the time that TNA officially got a television time slot, I had been a die-hard fan of WWF/E since I was a little kid. I had started watching it on TV right about the time that Rock won his first IC title. Yet, for as steeped into the "E" as I am, even I can say that TNA has the superior product in more than one way.

I would first like to state something that we as wrestling fans have already established: more often than not in these later years - Vince McMahon is just simply ass-******ed PERIOD. It's an up-and-down kind of thing. He's a good businessman, but an absolutely horrible promoter. That being said...

TNA is an honest product right now. They don't have such a shitload of non-wrestling concepts cluttering them up like the WWE. As a fan, I feel great that I can actually take pro wrestling (as it is presented by TNA) seriously and be thrilled by it all at the same time. Looking back at the last month or so of TNA, the show has been on a roll with no signs of slowing (and they were doing fantastic even before their merger with Hogan!).

They have acquired so many new talents it isn't even funny. From main eventers and legends like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, the Nasty Boys, Jimmy Hart and Jeff Hardy to some of wrestling's unsung heroes like Sean Morley, The Pope, Brian Kendrick, Orlando Jordan and Ken Anderson. ESPECIALLY KEN ANDERSON. If anybody deserved to jump ship to the squared circle of milk and honey, rest assured it was him. All of those guys are going to achieve the greatness they so rightly deserve with TNA.

At any rate, TNA produces the best matches every week, hands down. That is so hard to say for me, because I am so high on WWE guys like Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and Evan Bourne - guys who are so horribly under-appreciated and under-used. Instead Vince relies on his old war-horses to get the job done. I am so serious about this, if you look at the record books, the two top-tier straps in the WWE have been in constant syndication around the same five or six waists for almost a decade and it makes me sick.

Vince has so many potentially great wrestlers in his camp, but he refuses to establish them and get them known and popular. This is where TNA does not fail. Every wrestler on the TNA roster is fully established and has a firm standing with the fans. Every one of those guys could be a main eventer or even a World Champ tonight! Where as with the WWE, Vince has one small handful of well-known main eventers and a massive pool of unknown, unused talent. The exceptions to this rule are the couple or guys who've gotten a rare push lately - Kofi, JOMO, Miz, and McIntyre.

TNA definitely puts on the better show when it comes to their female wrestlers, or Knockouts. These ladies could act and wrestle circles around the WWE Divas. The most comical thing about watching a WWE Divas match is that even the commentators sound bored! Knockouts, on the other hand, can get in the ring and bring a crowd to its feet.

This, of course, brings me to the target audience. TNA operates under a TV-14 rating, and for obvious reasons. The matches are much more high-risk, the interviews are harsh and emotionally charged (to say the least), and the Knockouts are a bit more, how shall we say, "visceral". Vince runs his company under a wholesome, family oriented PG rating.

The sport of professional wrestling was never intended to be child-friendly - that's why it's wrestling. If the younger crowd wants in, they do so under parental supervision - and if the parents don't like what their kids are watching than they should cut it off. Looking at the characters in the WWE, some of them are severally limited because the PG rating. This is probably why someone like Kane is as under-used as he is right now. Wrestling has flourished for the last, I dunno, 100 years or so because of its realism and legitimacy - two attributes which appeal to people on a massive level. I guarantee that it will not continue to do so as a Disney Movie.

I will conclude with this: I think Vince is ripping off TNA is some small yet noticeable ways. For example, all the concept PPVs - most especially Hell In The Cell. I liked it much better when it was called TNA LockDown. Let's see if the fans of professional wrestling have spotted any of the other scary coincidences...
It's obvious from your comments that you don't understand the difference between a wrestling storyline and a wrestling angle or feud. And that is why I tried to emphasize that above.

You should study the examples I listed, and you can see a distinction between those and the items you list, which are pretty much all feud-based.

Storylines lead to character development, and that helps get the characters over with the audience.

Let's go through your examples:

Bret getting injured was a "wrestling angle". There is no storyline component, like a "Who dunit" concept. He could very well be faking it, but it is not a storyline. Who is Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son or Who ran over Austing is a storyline. This is an angle.

Not a storyline. This is called a "feud".

This is called a feud.

This is called a feud. Focus is on a match and the championship.

This is again not a storyline. This is a feud. Michaels has been wanting to challenge The Undertaker at Wrestlemania and this is a continuation of that program. There is no storyline.

This is again, not a storyline. There is no beginning, middle, and end to it. This is a regular feature on a wrestling broadcast.

Thus far, this is nothing. No storyline. No angle. No nothing. They have been named as mentor/mentee for a show debuting tomorrow.

This is part of a program between Orton and Legacy which has been building for months and months.

TNA clearly invests more into their story-telling than WWE does. All WWE can do is discuss feud-based programs, because clearly their Creative Juices are drained. And when you keep trying to only use "the match, the match, the match", as the only selling point, then it becomes dull and uninteresting.

You are clearly grasping at straws with the examples you listed, as there clearly is a distinction between them and what TNA is doing on their program.

TNA's strategy is to get their viewers to take a vested interest in their performers by placing them in unique situations and circumstances to make the viewer want to follow every move they make each week. This translates into viewers becoming interested in their matches, and therefore due to a combination of their in-ring performance, and interest in following their characters through storylines, they become encouraged to purchase the PPV's.

WWE wants to skip the part about the storylines, and go straight to promoting matches and feuds between their rosters. And this is why when WWE wrestlers come out, often times they come out in silence from the crowd and silence while the match is going on. And then you blame the "bad crowds" for not supporting the WWE talent.

But I have just described what the difference is in TNA so far as placing more effort into character development and storylines, and that is why they get better reactions on their shows, overall, than WWE.

IF you want to watch a whodunit programme go and watch CSI Miami or whatever. WWE is called sports entertainment, it isn't called let's go revist wrestling angles from our competition that occured over 10 years ago.

TNA needs to realise what year it is. Hogan and Russo are living in the past, TNA needs to create their own storylines and not the bullshit that they used to serve up, I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head, but why what the hell is with Joe getting kidnapped? I mean, this is WRESTLING, why would one wrestler kidnap another? WTF?
Frankly everyone has missed the point completely. TNA wont compete with WWE for one reason and one reason only;

TNA is producing a wrestling based show - WWE is a variety/comedy show with some wrestling in it

Carry on supporting WWE if you want - but know this;

WWE employs people to write their TV that HATE wrestling and think its beneath them. Never wonder why no matter how good a character or fued/angle/storyline gets it eventually ends up with some goofy conclusion leaving everyone involved looking stoopid?! They're trying to make the guys look stupid - thats why. Its how they save face with their mainstream Hollywood buddies.

Stop comparing the products please - cant compare Harleys to cadillacs.
IF you want to watch a whodunit programme go and watch CSI Miami or whatever. WWE is called sports entertainment, it isn't called let's go revist wrestling angles from our competition that occured over 10 years ago.

Actually. No. I will watch TNA Impact. If I want a Who Dunit storyline, or storylines in general mixed with my wrestling program, and there is a company that is willing to provide me with just that, then that is the program I will watch.

Don't you Fucking tell me to abandon wrestling just because you don't like the direction TNA is heading in. You can Fuck off, thank you very much. You can go jerk off to Hornswoggle dancing around the ring with all the kiddies, since that caters to your mentality so much.

TNA needs to realise what year it is. Hogan and Russo are living in the past, TNA needs to create their own storylines and not the bullshit that they used to serve up, I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head, but why what the hell is with Joe getting kidnapped? I mean, this is WRESTLING, why would one wrestler kidnap another? WTF?

Because morons like you get too smarky for your own good, that you lose control of the big picture at hand. Casual fans aren't like you and nor do they possess the mindset that most within the IWC possess.

You think wrestling is all about the matches. It isn't. It's about the characters that participate in storylines that actually leads to the PPV matches. The entire process is important to creating an all-around great product.

Not just the parts Vince wishes to choose just because he doesn't feel like being creative.

Wrestling isn't a fucking sport. Quit acting like it is.
Up until the time that TNA officially got a television time slot, I had been a die-hard fan of WWF/E since I was a little kid. I had started watching it on TV right about the time that Rock won his first IC title. Yet, for as steeped into the "E" as I am, even I can say that TNA has the superior product in more than one way.

Superior product? Boy I hope you can back this up.

I would first like to state something that we as wrestling fans have already established: more often than not in these later years - Vince McMahon is just simply ass-******ed PERIOD. It's an up-and-down kind of thing. He's a good businessman, but an absolutely horrible promoter.

How can someone be ******ed, but also be a billionaire(or whatever the hell he is) because he took the company to a new level? Why is he a horrible promotor? You need to back that up...

TNA is an honest product right now. They don't have such a shitload of non-wrestling concepts cluttering them up like the WWE. As a fan, I feel great that I can actually take pro wrestling (as it is presented by TNA) seriously and be thrilled by it all at the same time.

Right... So Joe getting kidnapped is a wrestling concept is it? This is the sort of stuff that Sideous tunes in to watch, don't go telling him that. No signs of slowing?

So 3 consecutive 1.2 ratings isn't slowing? Don't talk crap, TNA drew a couple of high numbers for them(not even half of what RAW is doing), and once all the hype died down they fell back to the same old. You can't tell me that isn't slowing down.

They have acquired so many new talents it isn't even funny. From main eventers and legends like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, the Nasty Boys, Jimmy Hart and Jeff Hardy to some of wrestling's unsung heroes like Sean Morley, The Pope, Brian Kendrick, Orlando Jordan and Ken Anderson. ESPECIALLY KEN ANDERSON. If anybody deserved to jump ship to the squared circle of milk and honey, rest assured it was him. All of those guys are going to achieve the greatness they so rightly deserve with TNA.

All of those are going to achieve greatness?
- The Nasty Boys - LOL don't make me laugh, nobody cares about them.
- Sean Morley - Nobody card about him in WWE, nobody will in TNA.
- Kendrick - See above.
- Jordan - See above, although to more of an extent, he's an absolute joke.

At any rate, TNA produces the best matches every week, hands down. That is so hard to say for me, because I am so high on WWE guys like Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and Evan Bourne - guys who are so horribly under-appreciated and under-used. Instead Vince relies on his old war-horses to get the job done. I am so serious about this, if you look at the record books, the two top-tier straps in the WWE have been in constant syndication around the same five or six waists for almost a decade and it makes me sick.

Better matches? TNA Impact matches last 3 matches...
WWE has the better wrestlers, and puts on the better matches, look at the best matches from the past year, far more WWE than TNA.

Vince has so many potentially great wrestlers in his camp, but he refuses to establish them and get them known and popular. This is where TNA does not fail. Every wrestler on the TNA roster is fully established and has a firm standing with the fans. Every one of those guys could be a main eventer or even a World Champ tonight! Where as with the WWE, Vince has one small handful of well-known main eventers and a massive pool of unknown, unused talent. The exceptions to this rule are the couple or guys who've gotten a rare push lately - Kofi, JOMO, Miz, and McIntyre.

WWE has the more established stars in the world of wrestling, and has the household names. TNA has a joke of a roster, and doesn't establish any of their stars really, everyone beats everyone else... it just looks like a joke.

TNA definitely puts on the better show when it comes to their female wrestlers, or Knockouts. These ladies could act and wrestle circles around the WWE Divas. The most comical thing about watching a WWE Divas match is that even the commentators sound bored! Knockouts, on the other hand, can get in the ring and bring a crowd to its feet.

Beth Phoneix, Natalya, Mickie and Maryse own the Knockouts.

This, of course, brings me to the target audience. TNA operates under a TV-14 rating, and for obvious reasons. The matches are much more high-risk, the interviews are harsh and emotionally charged (to say the least), and the Knockouts are a bit more, how shall we say, "visceral". Vince runs his company under a wholesome, family oriented PG rating.

And what's the problem with that? What happens when TNA's audience is too old for that? They have nobody, whereas WWE is targetting their kids young now.

I will conclude with this: I think Vince is ripping off TNA is some small yet noticeable ways. For example, all the concept PPVs - most especially Hell In The Cell. I liked it much better when it was called TNA LockDown. Let's see if the fans of professional wrestling have spotted any of the other scary coincidences...

And TNA didn't steal the concept from WWE initally of a hell in a cell?
What about Angle getting screwed? Wasn't that a WWE storyline?
Because morons like you get too smarky for your own good, that you lose control of the big picture at hand. Casual fans aren't like you and nor do they possess the mindset that most within the IWC possess.

You think wrestling is all about the matches. It isn't. It's about the characters that participate in storylines that actually leads to the PPV matches. The entire process is important to creating an all-around great product.

Not just the parts Vince wishes to choose just because he doesn't feel like being creative.

Wrestling isn't a fucking sport. Quit acting like it is.

Couldnt agree more. Anyone, and I mean anyone who's actually been somebody in the wrestling business will tell that the matches account for less than 10% of what it is to be a wrestler. Working has nothing to do with how athletic you are - and please, please don't reply and tell me that I'm wrong because of what some smark ***** said. If they knew one tenth of what they claim they know, they would be workers - not fans. period.

The ONLY real smart fans are the ones who realize that they actually aren't smart at all
What's so good about TNA? Well, let's start at a place that doesn't get the respect I feel it now deserves here, (in TNA that is) the Knockouts, the only way I ever been able to stomach women wrestling is because they were sexy, beyond that they were.... well I guess there is no beyond that in wwe is there, however over at TNA some of their knockouts are the sexiest women in the biz... take Velvet Sky and Mickie James, both can wrestle, both are hot (to me anyways) the difference... Mickie James is the exception to the rule in wwe, whereas in TNA that IS the rule, ..oh and yes I also love seeing velvet get in the ring a hell of a lot more and that may not be a huge deal alone but factored in it's jus another of the things that makes tna a more adult show, which I happen to like.

Daffney taking a choke slam from abyss... nice.... Daffney taking a choke slam from Abyss from the top rope... great... Daffney taking a chokeslam from abyss from the top rope to the outside of the ring... wow... Daffney taking a choke slam from abyss from the top rope to the outside through a razorblade table and breaking her arm... hell some of vinces MALE Divas (or wrestlers if ya wanna call them that) wouldn't have the stomach for that (and props to Taker last night for being more professional than profesional and not killing anyone) and yeah being able to take damage like that doesn't make you a great wrestler... damn entertaining though

So onto the great wrestling... moonsaults from the top rope to the outside through a table by the likes of Hamada... power bombs that look like there is actually power behind them from a MONSTER who's Kong name is very appropriate, and every move, at the very least, SEEMS devastating (not to mention she did knock a guy the .... out for messing with her boyfriend), to ODB who comes out drinking, slapping herself around and crotch grabbing, hey if the boys in the nwo and dx could do it, why the hell not? works for me (not so much the slapping obviously)

Basically saying TNA's Knockout Division has more sexy (and they use it), more talent, more athleticism, more ability to take the real hits for the fans and get back up, and more than enough strength (with Kong alone) to make you think that they ARE hard shots to get up from... in general they just have more and better... not than the wwe womens division... than the WHOLE F'n company... so yeah when a womens division can not only entertain me in every way wrestling always did... but make it sexy too, I'm a fan

TNA is "so good" cuz their womens division could literally rip apart wwes superstars, male or female, without batting an eyelash (still love all my old stars at wwe but a lot of them are goin fast so... yeah)

:lol:the fact that you put Maryse on your list totally shows how stupid you are. Maryse couldn't wrestler her way out of a paperbag, her moveset is nothing but hairflips and stupid hand gestures lmao

if you hate TNA so much, then why are you commenting on it's thread. The fact that you felt you needed to defend WWE shows you take TNA seriously and it's very obvious you watch it weekly. At the end of the day, you can say you hate TNA all you want, but you're still tuning to see what happens next and that makes you a TNA fan. You love WWE so much, stay the fuck off the TNA threads and stop bashing something just because it's not done the WWE way

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