What's Next For The S.E.S?


Simmer down and pucker up...
Basically all you have to do is answer the thread title; What's Next For The S.E.S?

In my opinion I think they could have a lengthy feud with The Hart Dynasty for the tag titles, and eventually win them. They could have any two of them defending the titles at one time, then when the World Title has no contenders, Punk can step up and win it. Then Serena could maybe win the Womens Title, then they would be taking over Smackdown with nearly all the titles, and they would have more credibility because they have all got a title. They could even bring a mid carder in and he could win the IC title.

So, what do you think?
Do you think it's a good idea?
What do you think they should do next?
Hopefully disband. They aren't a very interesting storyline anymore. In fact, the group doesn't have anything to do with "straight edge" anymore as it is about punk being a tyrannical leader. It's just another meaningless faction and there is not too much else I think they can do that hasn't been done with them.
Quite honestly, either make a run for the tag titles, add a new member that needs instant heat(Cody was supposed to but he has his "dashing" gimmick now), or the last and most likely option is disbandment

Tag titles Well some gold added to the SES could make it a stronger stable and they could use it as another reason there better than everyone else. They could use freebird rule and have any combiniation of 2 from the stable(punk gallows, gallows murcury and punk murcury).

Ad a new member Someone like Shad when he comes back, or maybe someone from NXT. A heel that cant quite get over give them that extra push and give the SES an extra man to annialate there opponent kinda like Nexus without the higher power.

disband This is the most likely option. But its also the stupidest. Gallows will have no direction without the SES and Murcury hasnt had time to get over. Punk would just go off and continue how he was before the SES. Thats 2 more superstars lost in the shuffle or used as jobbers just cuz the WWE didnt give them a chance.
i dont think that they would go for the tag titles i have a feeling that spot is already taken by nexus. i actually like the ses and i feel like they should bring in darryn young like they tried to during the 1st season of nxt. now that he is out of the nexus he wount have a storyline whats he suppose to do go back to fcw or wherever he came from? maybe give punk the world title. i mean the dude needs it without cashing in the mitb to get it. all the titles could work except thats been done before by evolution. maybe he should replace the current ses with new people then have old ses fued with new ses. ??? idk where im going with this but thats something that would be different to me
I would like to see S.E.S feud with Nexus. Bragging Rights is coming in a couple of months and I'd like to see them feud leading into that. It would give Nexus more of a feel of being a threat to all of WWE rather than just RAW.
Well Darren Young seems to be gone from Nexus....wasn't he Punk's rookie on NXT? Sounds like the could debut their newest member. Out comes Darren Young with a shaved head and S.E.S gear on. Punk-Leader/WH Title, Gallows-Muscle/Tag Title, Mercury-Tag Title, Young-IC title, Serena-Women's Title
i think they should win a title soon to gain some credability. i also think they should add 1 or 2 new members. i really believe big show turning heel and joining them would be nice. maybe even chris masters because wwe really isnt using him.
At the very least, Serena is going to win the Women's title. She has the rare ability amongst Diva's to actually put on a good match and have talent. A few weeks ago they tested the waters with kicking her out after that whole bar thing, but if anyone is leaving, it's Gallows. Mercury has stated that WWE and Vince are the reason he went to rehab and they saved him, so much like Punk, he actually is straight edge. I personally like the SES as a growing faction, but I think if WWE wants to continue PG era they need to push CM Punk as a face. You can't get much more PG that anti-drug. I don't see it working out though. Punk was on fire when he debuted as a face on ECW, so he can play both sides very well, but he does make a great heel.

I do remember reading that Rhodes and Big Show were slated to join SES (though I believe the latter may have been forum gossip.)
I like the SES and I would hate it if they broke up. Luke Gallows would have no where to go, plus I like his current character alot. Joey Mercury would probably fade away. CM Punk and Serena may or may not move on to better things but since we don't know I would just keep them together. They need to make them win more matches because they look pretty weak right now.
Take over smackdown. Win all the gold and have punk reign supreem over smackdown. Exactly like evolution did raw in 2003/2004ish. Wait until every member is over as either a great heel or a great face. Then disband.
i think that they should add the recently beaten up darren young. it would make sense since punk was his pro in the first season of nxt and already tried to recruit him. WWE could make it seem like darren was crawling back to punk and the ses.
I really don't know what is next to expect from the Straight Edge Society. I'm guessing it's something of a continuation of their feud with The Big Show, or something else. Really doesn't matter, as long as they come out the superiors, because that's where it all lies.

The Straight Edge Society needs to g et some kind of momentum going again. They need to become a strong faction once more, if they plan on continuing. Other than that, I don't see where it goes for them, with exception of perhaps a slow disband due to CM Punk's lack of confidence in them, as well as lost respect perhaps. Really the only possibilities there is remaining for this faction.
Whats next for the SES? A slow build up to becoming a dominate faction. Punk is going to beat Big Show, make his way to number one contender, then take the WHC off Undertaker at WM.. LOL JK But it would be awesome. :)

But in all honesty, I really hope they don't disband them. The SES is the best thing on Smackdown. They should add 3 more members, and help Punk capture and keep the WHC for a long time.

Another Idea would be for the SES to turn face and go after the NEXUS.
I like faction wars.... :)
SES needs to expand, expand, EXPAND!! They were well on thier way, before the midget rey-rey fued that ended with the SE savior getting his head shaved. DUMB! Now they are losing 3 on 1 handicap matches & its just completely rediculous!!

The real problem is Vince not taking FULL advantage of Punk & the heat that this "were better then you" angle could actually get. I dont think its anything more then that really. Punk needs the mic time to take full advantage of this. Just a few months ago- this man was getting 2 times the amount of boo's as anyone else in the company, not named Jericho. Then...downfall for some reason. I know he was just recently hurt- but the SES' downfall stared before that. Punk stopped getting the mic time he was getting. Its a complete joke in my opinion.

If VKM was smart- he would be building the SES!! NOT tearing it down! Punk needs to be made to look stronger & much more of a force to be reckoned with on SD! The best way to do this is to add more followers or minions. It was OK when the first 3 additions were "re-runs" of other performers. Gallows & Mercury are fine, and should become a tag-team. Serena (not a re-run) is perfect as far as im concerned. She follows Punk perfectly. Just continue to get her into matches with other divas & worship Punk as a god.

But- like I said: followers or minions need to be added. But NOW- I think we need a couple of bigger name guys to join SES, not 're-runs'. Or at least 1 bigger, bigger named guy. We need someone to join SES, that makes the fans say: "why the hell would he join SES? he doesnt need them" THATS what will take this 'faction' over the top in my opinion!

Did I just hear someone say: "WHO?"

Well- I said this a good while back & I still believe it would be great for both parties. Mark Henry!! This guy is the baddest looking M-f'r in the WWE! But yet for some reason- no real push as a heel. Not even to mid-card I dont think!. Obviously- Henry wouldnt ever get up to the level of Punk- cuz that would defeat the purpose of him joining. The point in Henry joining is to, make fans think: WTF??? Henry doesnt need Punk- but he still does every single thing Punk tells him to do. After a BEAST like Henry is added- its OK to have smaller guys also join

PLUS: I think we can all agree- its time for markus to lose those god-awful cornrows for good!!

More suggestions for possible additions to SES:

Tyler Reks- what the hell happend to him??
Chris Masters- probly pointless but he's doing nothing rightnow
Darren Young- makes sense I guess
Goldust- Dustin Rhodes/Runnels gets a chance to be a serious character once more before retirement
Jillian Hall- a 2nd female for the group? she isnt doin shit rightnow
Santino- a way to make him serious. altho- i love his comedy

Thats all I got. SES needs to be on top ASAP! This is the best faction that actually means something....I think i've seen since NOD.
I have a feeling we'll be seeing the end of SES before too much longer. It seems they've already planted the seeds for a breakup feud with Punk favoring Serena over Gallows and Mercury. His lack of faith in them and his abandoning them at SS with the Big Show just tells me we're about to see the face-turn of Gallows and/or Mercury, and then ultimately their fade into oblivion.
i dont think they are going to disband anytime soon.. i think this past smackdown when serena and gallows won their match and punk coming out pleased with them is just a sign that they aren't going anywhere and i do think darren young could possibly join them very soon..with serena competing in her first match on smackdown i think is a sign that they are all going to be taking over their own divisions but as a group! i think this is just a start of a very powerful faction!
Bill Lesnar wants Cm Punk to deliver and push for a main event spot. Bill Lesnar would like to see a live sex celebration between luke gallows and Serana but that wont happen. Bill Lesnar in his amazing sight thinks Joey Mercury should be sent back to fcw

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