What's next for R Truth?

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OK, So R Truth has had his heel push and had a match with the Rock, that was probably the biggest in his career up to date (and ever?)

After he turned face he had his little feud with the Miz and Tagged with Kofi for a while, but it's obvious that there's nothing for him to do at the moment.

I love R Truth. Every time hr pops on the screen I know it's going to be entertaining - in and out of the ring. But let me ask - what's next for him?

He has charisma and is a Face, so bringing along AW isn't an option... Is he going to have a major feud any time soon?
liked him better as a heel.......wwe creative is just flat out lazy with him. it's soooooooooo much easier to have a guy come out and make a joke of himself than it is to get the crowd to hate him.
He will be nothing but comedy filler throughout his WWE stay at best he's a mid-card transitional champion. Last year after ther heel turn would have been great to give him 1 title run to put him in ranks with Mark Henry and Christian of given a good career it's just due title run.
Well I'ma be honest with you. It's like the Road Dogg Jesse James said: "The WWE missed the Boat with R-Truth 12 years ago." Yeah he was a rapping jobber named K-Kwik, but he had a very flashy but interesting style. He improved in TNA becoming TNA Champ urging many superstars to talk to management about signing him back. Truth did have a great heel run, but like somebody earlier said lack of management is what holding him back. He's extremely over with the crowd, and would make a nice mid card champion, definately Tag Team Champion, and if drafted over to smackdown if Management is willing to invest in him, I think he can have at least a 1 month reign as World Heavyweight Champion. But I really prefer him rapping to the ring. Nobody would take a champ seriously if he has an imaginary friend named little jimmy and that's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the TRUTH.
OK, So R Truth has had his heel push and had a match with the Rock, that was probably the biggest in his career up to date (and ever?)

After he turned face he had his little feud with the Miz and Tagged with Kofi for a while, but it's obvious that there's nothing for him to do at the moment.

I love R Truth. Every time hr pops on the screen I know it's going to be entertaining - in and out of the ring. But let me ask - what's next for him?

He has charisma and is a Face, so bringing along AW isn't an option... Is he going to have a major feud any time soon?

I'm not going to go into how he had one of the biggest heel turns in recent memory just destroyed shortly right after capitol punishment. This guy as a heel was on fire, he took that ball and ran with it. Then shortly later he gets buried by Cena, Orton, and ends up with Miz. And here we are today the rest is history. It's really sad, I don't know where he goes from here hopefully he leaves and goes back to TNA.
Late last year Miz and R-Truth were built into 2 of the top heels out there. Together they were quite ruthless, putting the beat down on anyone standing in thier way. Triple H even had problems containing them.

The build up to Survivor Series was looking Brilliant with The Rock due to wrestle in his first match in 8 years. Then the WWE made a horrible mistake. I think it was one of the Raw shows just before SS. John Cena buried both Miz and Truth on his own. To me this made The Rocks return match less special. (Why would the Rock need to Tag with Cena if Cena can slap the shit out of them both on his own?)

Then the "Little Jimmy" Face turn came around for Truth, as he lost all the heat he and Miz had developed after the Burial by Cena before SS. The Rock and Cena put the final nails in his Heel Coffin in the Tag Team Main-Event of Survivor Series.

It now looks like Truth is just doing what Santino was doing before he became US Champion. The odd match here and there and Backstage Comedy. A Shame really i though R-Truth was a very very good heel during 2011.
I'm not going to go into how he had one of the biggest heel turns in recent memory just destroyed shortly right after capitol punishment. This guy as a heel was on fire, he took that ball and ran with it. Then shortly later he gets buried by Cena, Orton, and ends up with Miz. And here we are today the rest is history. It's really sad, I don't know where he goes from here hopefully he leaves and goes back to TNA.

this is the main reason why i cannot stand John Cena at all...i constantly read stories about how he has buried people by hulking up the last 5 years. Those stories are all true and it makes me sick.

I just dont understand how he can job to the Rock but wont put over more young talent from time to time. Hopefully that time is now, but instead of putting the Rock and Lesnar over he should be putting over young talent or those committed to the WWE for the last few years.
I believe he should go to Smackdown during the draft. By doing so maybe this would allow him more TV time as well as make him a competitor for the World Heavyweight Championship. I do think he has a lot of potential. He's more over than i think WWE realizes. Also Smackdown sometimes appears stale, so i'm sure someone like R-Truth could live'n it up.
Truth if anything I want to see him get drafted over to Smackdown in the 2012 WWE Draft, at least on Smackdown he would have more of a chance to actually be a main eventer on that brand and with Truth I would turn him heel again but this time for his new heel turn I would make him more of a serious heel this time around, similar to his Ron Killings character in TNA making him more serious as a heel
This is a great thread, because I tried to think of what I'd do with R-Truth and had trouble coming up with opponents. His spot on the roster is really unclear - is he a fringe main eventer? (He still gets a closeup in the opening credits of RAW) Is he a midcarder? A tag division guy? Some possible directions:

1) Tag division: They've already set this up teaming with Kofi against the tag champs, but it hasn't really stuck. Personally I'm lukewarm on this. I'm fine with Kofi going for the tag belts, but I'd rather do something more interesting with Truth. What, though?

2) Cody Rhodes: You'd think Cody would be headed for RAW soon as he's been on Smackdown since forever. This could be a fun first feud for Cody, the promos alone would be something else. Of course, Truth's been on RAW forever himself and could be headed for Smackdown.

3) Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler works well with anybody, but they seem keyed on pairing Zigs with younger talent right now. Another pair that would be very entertaining on the mic.

4) Daniel Bryan: Bryan should work with upper level guys right now. Could be fine for a brief TV feud.

5) Alberto Del Rio: Not feeling the chemistry for this one. If nothing else, it would be too hard to follow the promos as both can be difficult to understand at times.

6) Christian: This could be a great midcard feud for a couple months. They'll need filler for things like Over The Limit and this could deliver. This is my favorite scenario for Smackdown. For Raw? I'd pair him with..

7) United States Champion David Otunga: If they have Otunga/Ace take the belt from Santino, Truth would be a great option for his next feud. This may well be what they're setting up, with Truth's re-established allegiance to Team Teddy.

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