What's Next For Dolph Ziggler?


The United Kingdom Champion
Now after he lost the US championship to Zack Ryder last night I feel as if that was his way of getting out of the mid-card into the Main Event picture. Obviously he will have a rematch shortly, probly on RAW, but with speculation of Jericho returning to face Punk at WM and then Miz is getting a push aswell. Where does he go? Cena is starting a fued With kane and there aint a worthy face for him to fued with. Same for Del Rio, but that is a different subject. Now one thing I may see happening, which I dont want to, is a fued with Jack Swagger over Vickie. Even though it could be a pretty good fued I feel that its a step down for him condsidering the levels he has touching lately and his in ring work and mic work has improved massivly. I am actually a huge fan of Ziggler and im intrested to know what creative do with him next?
Any thoughts or do you think he could possibly continue his fued with Ryder?
I personally see Dolph Ziggler destroying other wrestlers for a while, particularly those in the midcard. He'll get a rematch and lose it, then he will do post match beatdowns on the road to the royal rumble.

I don't think Jericho is coming back, despite the hype and speculation.

So I feel Dolph is, or should be headed towards CM Punk.
He will begin his climb to the main event.

I would personally want Dolph to go to SmackDown!

This could lead to a Ziggler vs. Bryan match for the World Title at Wrestlemania.

They can give Dolph his rematch for the US title, have him lose and say he is done on Raw, he is tired of this stupid Ryder wave, and he is not riding through it.
He can then take himself, Vickie, and Swagger (who has showed up a few time recently on SD!)

Then D.Bryan can build himself as a solid champion while Ziggler wins the Royal Rumble, or even takes another road to wrestlemania, and have him pick the winner of the SD EC match.

They have D. Bryan win that, legitimizing himself going into Mania.... and POOF.... we have a great WM Match.

Now, that's what i would like to be next for Dolph Ziggler.
But why have him say his leaving RAW?

Why not just win the rumble and chose the face DBryan?
I actually thought for a while that Dolph Ziggler would win the Royal Rumble in 2012 (from an early number). I would like to see a Ziggler/Bryan feud for the World Heavyweight Title leading into 'Mania. Now that could easily steal the show from any other match put on the card. But i know it wont happen because Orton will find his way into the Title picture sooner than later.
I personally see Dolph Ziggler destroying other wrestlers for a while, particularly those in the midcard. He'll get a rematch and lose it, then he will do post match beatdowns on the road to the royal rumble.

I don't think Jericho is coming back, despite the hype and speculation.

So I feel Dolph is, or should be headed towards CM Punk.

You don't think Jericho is coming back? Those vignettes couldn't be any more obvious that they're for Jericho. January 2nd, I guess you'll be the only one who's surprised.

As for Dolph, I feel the sky's the limit for him now. It might take a while, but I think no later than this upcoming summer we'll see Ziggler with a nice long run with either the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship.
I think Dolph enters the Rumble as #1 or #2 and makes it to the final 4. He continues to "show off". He will then be entered into Elimination Chamber and put on one heck of a performance there. Unfortunately he is not at the main event level yet and will be an after thought come WrestleMania. If I had to give my best guess I would say Ziggler is either involved in a tag title match or left off the card completely. I see WM being something like

Cena vs Rock
Taker vs HHH
Sheamus vs Barrett
Orton vs Rhodes vs Bryan
Ryder vs Christian
R-Truth vs Miz

That leaves Ziggler, Del Rio, Kane, Henry, and Big Show with nothing to do.
If I didn't think Jericho were returning I would say Dolph is headed into a match/feud with Punk but I don't think that is in the cards yet. Neither is a Royal Rumble win because I don't think either title will be in the cards for Dolph to go after until after WM28. I doubt Danielson holds the title past Elimination Chamber if that long. Punk is almost definitely gonna be champ going into and possibly coming out of WM28. I can see Dolph somewhat being stuck right on the cusp of the main event scene until the summer when he will win MITB and then cash in by Summerslam to get his first WWE Championship.
You don't think Jericho is coming back? Those vignettes couldn't be any more obvious that they're for Jericho. January 2nd, I guess you'll be the only one who's surprised.

Well I do hope your right, but I just don't see it. It would be too similar to the save us 222 if it was Jericho.

Plus I don't really think Jericho can bring a path of destruction it doesn't suit him at all.

I think Ziggler will win MITB, and hopefully this match is back on at Wrestlemania.

Ziggler vs Bryan is probably more of an IWC pipe dream then anything. Punk vs Ziggler should headline the RAW brand, as I feel it's the best potential match up in ring, they just need to book it right.
Dolph should beat Punk for the title ASAP!! I dont know why more people are not on Dolph's bandwagon. Imagine if he came from ROH..everybody would be slobbering all over him. :lmao:

The guy had a really shitty gimmick (spirit squad), he paid his dues and actual got over by putting on great wrestling matches. He didn't have to do a stupid youtube show. I mean the only time I remember Dolph having a bad match was with the horrible Kofi Kingston.

He keeps adding to his character and has improved his mic skills. And he has vickie who draws heat like no other.
I see Ziggler winning the Rumble then going to face Punk at WM. Ziggler needs to get out of mid-card and be a main eventer. I'm glad Ryder took the title, he needs and deserves the spotlight hes getting. But as for Ziggler i see him getting a VERY BIG push.
If Ziggler is in the Rumble,I think he'll win it

If not he'll win whatever challenge they come up with to determine #1 contender for the Rumble title against Punk (most likely)

As soon as Ryder won the US title,I knew that is where they might head Ziggler towards,time to take him to the next level.
I'm a huge fan of Dolph and think he is easily one of the best in ring talents in the WWE consistently stealing the show. Although his mic work has improved I'm sorry to say but it's still nowhere near main event level, especially wrestlemania main event level. He usually says a few words here and there that suit his show off gimmick, but he never truly has done an amazing promo on the mic that invests the audience. He is still not that over yet as well as no one really hates him, but that's due to booking which can be easily fixed. I think in ring he is already at the top but he has to develop his mic skills a bit more untill he becomes the next big thing. The good thing is he seems like a hard worker and want's to be the best so he should keep improving.
If Jericho comes back he will face Punk at Mania and Ziggler will be overlooked until after Mania. If Jericho doesn't come back I can see Ziggler taking on Punk for the WWEC. at Mania. I think either Jericho or Ziggler will win the Rumble and face Punk at Mania 28.
I agree with the guy that said he starts beating down Midcarders for a while, also the people that are saying he will be one of the top performers from this coming years rumble match. But i dont see Mania main event being in the cards for him in 2012, i can see him maybe having a solid match with a bigger babyface depending on what WWE does with there core group of babyfaces...I just really hope he dosent get lost in the shuffle of things. I am a huge Dolph fan, and i want him to do great things. The most i can hope for that i can see as being realistic is Dolph winning a triple threat match on Raw against Del Rio and Miz and earning a match facing Punk at The Rumble.
Now that the US title is off of Ziggler, I'm expecting that he's gonna get involved with a main eventer and most likely, it would be either Punk or Cena. Let's examine both:

A Ziggler-Cena mini feud could easily begin because the latter was the one who got Ryder the US title match in the first place. He played a part in the demise of Dolph's reign. That would be the potential seed of this would be feud. Relatively easy to write a storyline between these two.

If they ever have match, we can't expect Cena to lose cleanly first and foremost because he's the top guy(So, don't complain Ziggler fanboys). However, Cena losing via interference from the Rock is a great way for Dolph to score a W without damaging Cena and in the process making Dolph look good. It also further adds fuel to their feud as they continue on the road to Wrestlemania.

Cena's currently in a program with a returning Kane. The possibility of a Cena-Ziggler match at the 'Rumble depends on the creative team and their plans for the Kane-Cena feud. Will they extend it up to the 'Rumble? Will they have Kane go over as Dolph costs Cena the match(A good way to start the angle between them)?

On the other hand, a CM Punk-Ziggler title feud is also relatively easy to book. Just have Ziggler win a #1 Contender's match and boom, we have a feud. Having Ziggler lose to Punk gives the latter another name added to the list of foes he has defeated in his reign as champ. Ziggler would benefit from being involved in a main event angle in general. Both are terrific in the ring. When it comes to promos, we know Punk is one of the best while Ziggler remains somewhat average in that regard.

If the creative plans to put Miz instead of Ziggler in a title match against Punk at the 2012 Royal Rumble, that pretty much screws this possibility. Personally, I think Ziggler would benefit more from being involved in a title match than Miz would because the latter is already seen by the company and audience as on the main event level while the former is still trying to make that leap. With R-Truth returning soon, let's(me and Ziggler fans) hope that the Miz would have his hands full with this guy so that he won't be involved in the title picture come the Royal Rumble.

In conclusion, Ziggler would benefit greatly from facing either Cena or Punk. It doesn't matter who. Preferably, I'd have him go after Punk at the Rumble. I think it will be a better match compared to a Ziggler-Cena match and a good way at hinting that Dolph will be sniffing the belt for the most part of 2012.

Regardless of who among the two he faces, as long as if he shows he can hang with the very best, we may see Dolph rise to the top of card come the middle parts of 2012.
WOW! So many of you are convinced Ziggler is going to win the Rumble or feud with Punk. Just because everyone got exactly what they wanted last night doesn't mean its going to continue forever. The WWE is going to break our hearts somehow.

Whats next....? stealing the show for another year, a few BS feuds. Ryder needs someone to feud with after all. Maybe a falling out with Vickie and Swagger. A title shot with Punk, but not winning yet. Than NEXT years Money in the Bank he wins and cashes in.
as a few posts have said with DZ winning the RR then moving over to smackdown to face DB for the world title a great idea. it will be good we will get to see the y2j vs punk for the wwe title and DB VS DZ for world title. i think DZ is ready for the main event he has great

mic skills
great in the ring
great gimmick

im never bored when i see DZ in the ring or on the mic hes my number 1 fave wrestler
I just hope that now that the US Title is on Ryder that WWE doesn't drop the ball with Ziggler and put him into a position that will move him backwards. Hopefully they do NOT put him back with Swagger as a tag team. I would love to see Ziggler go for the WWE Title against Punk as we already know those two can put on an amazing match together.

I'll also agree that I would love to see Ziggler win the Rumble.
Back in 2010, we had a brief feud between Ziggler and Daniel Bryan, for the Intercontinental Championship held by Dolph. It had some of the best midcards matches I've ever watched.

I would love to see this feud again, now at the main event, now for the WHC held by Bryan. The chances are a bit slim, though.

More realistically, I see him feuding with either CM Punk or a returning face R-Truth (but only if Truth stays over).
Well, seeing as he lost to Zak Ryder at TLC, he automatically gets a rematch at the Royal Rumble, so I have a feeling that Zak Ryder will defend vs DZ at the rumble, Ziggler will lose, but both men will be on double duty, both will enter the rumble IMO. Ryder needs an opponent for the rumble and so does ziggler and I think once he loses vs Ryder again, he needs to be put to the main event, he has been a top mid carder for long enough, now is the right time for him to rise up. He is above that level now which is good. Beyond the rumble, I think ziggler will be put in matches, not any rivalries just yet but will win the money in the bank in 2012 and hold up til mania in 2013 or something, he is not ready to win the rumble just yet and some guys wait 5 years to win it so ziggler might not even be a main eventer in 2012.
Okay, a lot of folks in this topic want Dolph to feud with C.M. Punk. If you like a good series of wrestling matches, we'd get it with this match-up. But I don't see much interest on any other level.

Dolph just isn't a compelling presence. Yes, WWE needs some guys at the top of the card and seem doggedly determined to place Dolph there, but main event performers need personalities, and Dolph doesn't have one. So far, his considerable ring skills are augmented only by Vickie Guerrero, whose act seems to be running out of steam. Hers is the same, tired histrionics as all along (unless you're excited seeing her kissed by Hornswoggle). I would think management would love to split Dolph from her after all this time, but it's a dilemma: What does Dolph do to verbally engage Punk......or anyone else?

It's an interesting quandary faced by both Dolph and Cody Rhodes. A Lot of people on this forum tell us that Dolph and Cody are totally over; that the fans are going crazy for them.

But, are they? Or is it that we like these guys ring skills and presume the fans are wild about them? After all, people are always raving about Cody's act, yet his personality is as bland and vanilla as any I've seen. He's the beneficiary of Creative's ability to write good programs.

Well, if management is determined to elevate Dolph, they're going to do it. I suppose some sneak attacks on good guys, followed by a few barked verbal threats, might be sufficient to build enough animosity toward Dolph to get the job done. Hopefully, his work in the ring will do the rest.

Ho hum.
a feud with danial bryan or cm punk should be up next for ziggler
one of the main reasons to get the u.s. title off of ziggler is so he can be a mainevent heel
The most i can hope for that i can see as being realistic is Dolph winning a triple threat match on Raw against Del Rio and Miz and earning a match facing Punk at The Rumble.

That is almost exactly what they did with Dolph last year, when he lost the IC title and earned a WHC title match against Edge at the Royal Rumble. They can't copy that idea two years in a row, unless they do that and make it a triple threat or fatal 4 way at the Royal Rumble. We haven't had one of those in a RR in years
What's next for Dolph Ziggler? Obviously he will be moved up the card to the main event tier finally. I think they will have him do his rematch with Ryder, lose so that Ryder gets his first defense in, then Ziggler will likely have a strong showing in both the Rumble and the Elimination Chamber. Depending on how things go he should make it into a Wrestlemania feud and starting in the spring I can see him being a part of the WWE Championship scene for the long term. To say he has earned that spot at this point would be an understatement. He'll hold the WWE Championship after feuding with someone like Punk. That'll produce some great show stealers because we have already seen what excellent matches those two can put on.

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