What's Next for Dean Ambrose?


King Of The Ring
Once again, after two great World Title matches at two consecutive PPV's, Dean Ambrose finds himself floating around WWE with no real direction. With seemingly no match in store for him at Battleground and no big feud headed his way for Summerslam, one has to think that we are going to see a repeat of the awful booking of a few short months ago... after a loss to Wyatt on Smackdown, it seems to be already under way unless WWE has something big in store for Ambrose that I can't yet see...

The return of Brock Lesnar seems to have hurt Dean Ambrose more than anybody else at this point. After main eventing two PPV's and losing both in very screwy fashion, one would think that Ambrose would be in line for another title opportunity, but plans seemed to change at the last second when Brock Lesnar was brought in to face Seth Rollins at Battleground instead of at Summerslam, which seemed to be the original plan. At this point, Ambrose has been relegated to watching Roman Reigns' back in his feud with Bray Wyatt, which kind of sucks given the momentum he had coming out of MITB. He goes from the main event, to literally having nothing to do at the very next PPV... WWE Creative for you, folks. Surely though, he won't be left off the Summerslam card, will he?

Where do you see Dean Ambrose in 2 months? Who do you see him feuding with heading into Summerslam? Basically, what's next for the guy...?
At Summerslam he'll probably face old man Kane or he'll be one of several competitors for the IC or US Championship and will gain nothing out of it. WWE Creative all right...they screwed up with Dean to no end...a clean loss against Wyatt who has been going nowhere for nearly 2 years.

Luckily the spoilers here save you from actually watching the recent RAWS. Until Pinocchio starts focusing only of NXT, he'll bore the crap out of RAW just like he did during his reign of boring monologues. Seth Rollins with the pedigree, Plastic Bella as champion, the man who soaps Pinocchio's backside as Money In The Bank winner,...the only decent stuff on RAW these days actually has John Cena in it, him and Kevin Owens work well together. Everything else is typical WWE Disney stuff.
The return of Brock Lesnar seems to have hurt Dean Ambrose more than anybody else at this point.

Sure seems that way. It's as if WWE management said to him: "We need someone to fill in as a challenger for Seth Rollins until Brock gets back. You're it."

Before that, Ambrose was operating securely on the midcard, losing a feud cleanly to Bray Wyatt and coming out second-best to others. Despite many folks on this forum raving about Dean's ability, it seemed the WWE hierarchy didn't see it that way.

No real problem there; Dean still gets plenty of TV exposure.....and if he was upset over not being seen as high on the totem pole as his Shield brothers, only Dean would know.

I think last night's clean loss to Bray Wyatt was a bad omen for those who wanted Ambrose to remain at main event level. Yes, the powers-that-be may have wanted Bray to appear strong for his upcoming PPV match against Roman Reigns, but that Dean Ambrose was used as the sacrifice doesn't bode well for the Lunatic Fringe continuing to operate at the top of the card.

I think someone like King Barrett is next for Dean.
It really sucks how they're just kind of treating him like an afterthought now. Building up to MitB, he came across as a big star and many people (myself included) totally accepted him as a World Champion after Elimination Chamber. I agree that Lesnar coming back was the worst thing for his push because it's unlikely the fans will turn on Brock the way they would Reigns had he gotten the title shot.

There for a minute it looked like he may have been ready to feud with Sheamus, potentially over the briefcase as a good way of getting him back into the main event. Cashing in on Rollins would be some pretty great poetic justice.

Just off the top of my head, thinking in terms of what I expect the 'creative' guys to do, I imagine Ambrose will end up turning heel sometime soon, which is a shame, really. If they'd pull the trigger on him, I'm pretty sure he could be a big-time main event face. Even if they do turn him heel, I imagine he'll still remain more popular and get better reactions to most of the other faces.
He'll probably keep fighting Kane/J&J/Big Show/Wyatt on TV. As far as an opponent for SummerSlam, I could see him getting into a feud with Sheamus where he wants to win that contract from him. Sheamus realizes his contract is in jeopardy, so he creates a partnership with the Authority where they will protect Sheamus if he agrees to keep the contract within the Authority.
I think Kevin Owens is next in line for Ambrose. Owens should be wrapping up his feud with Cena and I believe he'll win the US Title at Battleground. This should be a good one, but unfortunately it will be yet another program that Ambrose comes out on the short end of. Since Dean's popularity is one of the highest in WWE, apparently they feel like they can book him to lose all of his big matches w/o it judging him. Which is true to a certain extent I suppose. However, fan support will probably begin to dwindle away as they become disinterested
In someone they know is going to lose all his big matches. It reminds me of how they booked Ryback a couple years back.
Ambrose's next feud will probably be Kane unfortunately. I wouldn't want to see that, and I'm sure most WWE fans wouldn't want to either, but Kane is really their only choice.

The feuds are currently Rollins-Lesnar, Cena-Owens, Wyatt-Reigns, Orton-Sheamus, Ziggler-Rusev, and Miz-Ryback-Show. That leaves Ambrose as the odd man out.

I think Ambrose will quickly defeat Kane and hopefully move on to bigger and better things afterwards.
Where do you see Dean Ambrose in 2 months? Who do you see him feuding with heading into Summerslam? Basically, what's next for the guy...?
Ideally, he could focus on dissemboweling(hope I speled correctly) of The Authority. Trouble in that is, WWE seems determined to have HHH- Rollins at Summerslam and Kane and J&J seem kinda weak opponents right now because they are just stooges. So after maineventing you have him lose clean against most overated guy they got(yes I mean Wyatt) who you, get this, didnt had nothing to do after you fed him to Taker at Mania so you have him interfere with Reigns so you could build him now for Reigns. And repeat that in an endless cycle...

Thats trouble with WWE because aside of someone who they consider "top guys" everyone else almost have no direction. Cena, Lesnar, even Rollins(who they seem to consider very high as talent at least for now because he is Champion) have direction. Everyone else are just thrown at random. So if they find something for him to do he will have a match. Otherwise he would probably be thrown in some backstage segment and be done.
I'd say get involved with Rusev and Ziggler feud somehow. That feud is shaping up to be the worst in wrestling right now. Ambrose can throw a spark in there for whatever crazy reason..
I have no idea what the WWE is doing with Ambrose. All I know is that they are idiots. They continue to push people that the fans rebel against and wrestler's like Ambrose and Cesaro aren't given anything to really sink their teeth into. There was a reports of a rumoured push for Ambrose, and I hope what we've been watching isn't the extent of it. Right now he's being used to not only get Reigns over, but as someone said a placeholder for Rollins until Lesnar came back.

I'm afraid he's is becoming the new Daniel Bryan. They treated him like shit until the fans got really vocal. I don't want to see the same thing happen to Ambrose. He's a fantastic talent, and while he's on TV every week and headlining PPV's, his win/loss record is in the shitter.

What next for him? No idea, not many heels left for him to feud with. I can see him going after Sheamus though. That feud with Orton is a snorefest, so it would be nice to have Ambrose in there mixing it up and perhaps grabbing a briefcase containing a title shot for his trouble.
I can see him feuding with kane and possibly being the one to open kanes eyes and bring back the monster in him
Well I'd really like to see Ambrose get involved with Kevin Owens & the U.S. title scene after Owens' storyline wraps up with Cena & he is presumably the new U.S Champion & on the main roster full time. Or if that doesn't pan out for some reason, I think Ambrose could also have a really solid program with Rusev once he is ready to step back into the ring & is done with all the Lana crap.

Not to mention, there is also several other opponents I still want to see Ambrose feud with in the near future. He's the only Shield guy to no wrestle Brock Lesnar yet, as well as the only Shield guy to not have a full blown singles feud with Randy Orton yet. I'd love to see him feud with Chris Jericho if Y2J returns & one of them turns heel. A feud with Reigns is imminent once one turns heel. & I'd also like to see him in a singles feud with Cesaro at some point.

But as for what is immediately next for Ambrose & what's the most likely for him, it looks like Ambrose will face Kane at Battleground & that could easily be the feud that carries over to Summerslam (although I'm really hoping it doesn't). The only other good options for Ambrose at Summerslam would be if he somehow gets thrown back into the WWE Title picture & it becomes a Triple Threat (or even another Fatal Four Way match if Reigns gets added in again too). Otherwise it sadly looks like he'll be thrown in some meaningless mid-card match. If not Kane, I could see maybe The Big Show or The Miz jumping over from the Ryback feud to wrestle Ambrose & then have Ryback defend the I.C. Title in a multi-man match or something like that.
I completely forgot about it cause he's kinda feuding with Orton again, but I actually think Sheamus would be the perfect opponent for Ambrose at Summerslam. The two have had matches here & there but never a real one on one singles feud before & Sheamus' hard hitting style works really well with Ambrose's crazy brawling. There would also be room to drag the feud out for awhile longer if needed & since most people are unsatisfied with Sheamus winning MitB anyways, they could just put it on Ambrose. Then Ambrose would be Mr. MitB like most people predicted from the start & he'd have an easy in to challenge Seth again (or whoever is the Champion) & make his way back to the top of the card!
The return of Brock Lesnar seems to have hurt Dean Ambrose more than anybody else at this point.

Isn't it? Undoubtedly he got more affected. But this isn't the first time that had happened to Dean Ambrose, is it? The last time when he was in the red hot form and over the crowd amazinlgy, the return of Roman Reigns hurt him.

But I guess, the Creative team is well aware now that, Dean Ambrose is a Top Star who is never invisible. He will be on top in the very near future. When I said on the top, I meant, he would wear that WWE World Heavyweight title pretty sooner. But before that the potential feud we could expect him to be is with Kevin Owens. Or I've a bizzare idea of him taking on all three members of the New Day. It would be pretty interesting and entertaining for both the parties and the WWE universe as well. How about that?

Once again, after two great World Title matches at two consecutive PPV's, Dean Ambrose finds himself floating around WWE with no real direction. With seemingly no match in store for him at Battleground and no big feud headed his way for Summerslam, one has to think that we are going to see a repeat of the awful booking of a few short months ago... after a loss to Wyatt on Smackdown, it seems to be already under way unless WWE has something big in store for Ambrose that I can't yet see...

The return of Brock Lesnar seems to have hurt Dean Ambrose more than anybody else at this point. After main eventing two PPV's and losing both in very screwy fashion, one would think that Ambrose would be in line for another title opportunity, but plans seemed to change at the last second when Brock Lesnar was brought in to face Seth Rollins at Battleground instead of at Summerslam, which seemed to be the original plan. At this point, Ambrose has been relegated to watching Roman Reigns' back in his feud with Bray Wyatt, which kind of sucks given the momentum he had coming out of MITB. He goes from the main event, to literally having nothing to do at the very next PPV... WWE Creative for you, folks. Surely though, he won't be left off the Summerslam card, will he?

Where do you see Dean Ambrose in 2 months? Who do you see him feuding with heading into Summerslam? Basically, what's next for the guy...?

I just see Ambrose as enhancement talent. If WWE was to make him WWE Champion, it would have happened against Rollins.

I see him facing Kane the next two months, including Summerslam. He should win his feud against Kane. If they keep him a face, I can see him feuding with Sheamus through the fall. I think they'll turn him heel, costing Reigns his feud ending win against Bray. They would expect fans would show sympathy towards Reigns and turn against Ambrose.
I think they'll turn him heel, costing Reigns his feud ending win against Bray. They would expect fans would show sympathy towards Reigns and turn against Ambrose.

If WWE goes that route, the heel turn will feel forced. Ambrose is possibly the most over full-time wrestler on the main roster. It makes no sense to turn him heel other than for shock value. Reigns is also somewhat getting the fans back on his side, so no reason to hinder his progression or accelerate it. It will feel forced and fans will turn on him again.
If you are an Ambrose fan and you watched RAW tonight, you'll be depressed as hell.

It seems that Ambrose, who was headlining PPV's just not so long ago, is now fighting wrestler's like Bo Dallas. Bo Dallas, Jesus, who did Ambrose piss off for that to happen.

On the bright side it looks like Owens next competitor will be Cesaro after he finishes with Cena. But come on WWE, Ambrose is easily the most over wrestler on the roster today, and you give him Bo freaking Dallas. I'm going to go and get drunk.
Unfortunately for Ambrose, he has already feuded with every healthy heel on the roster. Wyatt? done that. Rollins? done that. Russev? not back yet. Barrett? almost a step down at this point. The only heels who in my opinion wouldn't be a step down are Owens busy with Cena right now and Sheamus (like him or not his MITB status automatically elevates him) who is dealing with Orton. And Kane who he has already sort of feuded with could be a transition opponent for a ppv or two.
If you are an Ambrose fan and you watched RAW tonight, you'll be depressed as hell.

It seems that Ambrose, who was headlining PPV's just not so long ago, is now fighting wrestler's like Bo Dallas. Bo Dallas, Jesus, who did Ambrose piss off for that to happen.

On the bright side it looks like Owens next competitor will be Cesaro after he finishes with Cena. But come on WWE, Ambrose is easily the most over wrestler on the roster today, and you give him Bo freaking Dallas. I'm going to go and get drunk.

Might just be a little compensation for all the losses Ambrose has taken which is ridiculous to think about. You are right though, he should be doing much bigger things than beating Bo Dallas. I think in the last month he has been pinned on every raw and smackdown and pay per view. I still believe he is the most well rounded of the Shield and could still be something huge, but that light is fading rapidly. A shame if he is indeed wasted like he has been.

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