What's next for Ambrose?


Championship Contender
Looking far ahead, where does Ambrose go after Rollins?

It would appear based on last night they are setting up for an Orton face turn and a new feud (post Hell in a Cell) with Rollins.

My guess is Ambrose beats Rollins at Hell in a Cell seeing as how it helps push him, and a loss for Rollins doesn't matter a ton seeing as how we know he's not "really" in the heavyweight title picture and still has the money in the bank contract regardless to use whenever he desires.

So, a few buddies and I were pondering: Does Ambrose then turn his attention on the Authority and maybe a feud with Triple H? Using his "craziness/lunatic fringe" to go nearly "attitude era" on H and the Authority as he blames them for breaking up the Shield and turning Rollins against him?

Any other potential scenarios?
They could obviously go with Ambrose vs the Authority, which would be good. But I was thinking of how great an Ambrose vs Wyatt feud could be. Bray Wyatt hasn't been seen for a while and it's implied he will be getting a decent push when he returns. I think an Ambrose/Wyatt feud would be money. The mic work alone would be worth it.
They could obviously go with Ambrose vs the Authority, which would be good. But I was thinking of how great an Ambrose vs Wyatt feud could be. Bray Wyatt hasn't been seen for a while and it's implied he will be getting a decent push when he returns. I think an Ambrose/Wyatt feud would be money. The mic work alone would be worth it.

Not a bad idea, though I've seen rumors of Bray turning face and not sure they'd want one to go back heel so quick if that is true.

Also, I read today a report that when they return, Harper will "turn" on Wyatt and that will be his first big rival, biting the hand that fed him if you will
I don't think the feud is going to end, there's no reason to end it yet. I think Ambrose wins at HiaC. But then we have Survivor Series, and most likely a Huge Tag Match. The Authority versus the anti authority.

Authority: Seth Rollins, Kane, Orton, Trips and Rusev
Anti Authority: Ambrose, Cena, Reigns, Big Show and Henry.

Reigns should be back by then as it was only stated to be 1-2 months, even if not you can fill someone else in there as needed: Ziggler or Swagger for instance. If Trips doesn't wanna wrestle, slide Miz in there as he has nothing planned post HiaC.

Continue the Ambrose/Rollins feud till TLC, where they can have a match for the ages. Rollins wins because of Kane. Ambrose moves to Kane till Rumble, Orton at EC and Trips at Mania...bing bang bong
It all depends on how long it will be until Reigns and Bryan can make their returns. Even a Bad News Barrett return would be huge at this point.

I was thinking the same thing, but not only with regards to Ambrose, but in terms of the Main Event scene. What will be done post- HiaC?

Rollins vs Orton could be done quickly to seal an Orton Face/Tweener turn, but I think if handled properly, that rivalry could be one done to put over Rollins as a Top Heel by going over Orton at Mania, whilst also sealing the end of the Authority with HHH lacing up against a Reigns/Ambrose at Mania.

But immediately, post-HiaC, I basically expect to see more of the same guys feuding, probably Cena-Ambrose resume their squabbling, but with more spotlight on Rollins-Orton, and obviously some build for a Survivor Series match between the Authority and the Anti-Authority.
there will likey be Team Ambrose vs Team Authority at SS in classic 5 on 5 SS match it will be. Orton/Rollins/Kane/Dust Bros Vs Ambros/Cena/Uso/?? dont know who the 5th member will be on team Ambrose though
If Ambrose beats Rollins which I don't think he will. I think the Authority will make sure he doesn't this will continue until TLC. If he does win, then he might do what Reigns did while Ambrose was out, take on the Authority, like Reigns went after Rollins.

It's really hard to tell what they will do. Main event wrestlers are due to return, rumours of face turns are non stop, and I don't think they know which way to turn right now. The only thing I do know is, Mania isn't that far away, and they have to start thinking about it now, and start building towards it. So whatever happens in the next month or so will give us an idea of what is going to happen come February.
As cool as it would be to have him hotshot to the title at Wrestlemania, I just don't see it happening. I see Ambrose/Rollins through TLC and feuding with Orton after that. It would be cool to see Ambrose/HHH at WM. Would be a huge feather in the cap for him if that happens as HHH puts over a lot of future main eventers at WM
Post-HIAC, it will be Authority VS. Anti Authority, then he will continue his feud with Rollins into TLC, he will come close to winning the RR just for Triple H to screw him over, then at EC he gets a title shot against whoever wins the RR, and then Triple H screws him over again, then he beats Triple H at Wrestlemania 31.
I think Rollins beats Ambrose at HIAC due to interference from Kane.

He faces Kane at Survivor Series and loses due to interference from Rollins while Rollins faces Cena at Survivor Series and loses due to interference from Ambrose.

Ambrose faces Rollins in a final showdown at TLC and wins after Orton comes out and turns on Rollins.

Ambrose comes in the Rumble and loses, probably be the biggest name in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal (if they have one at WM31).

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