What's Happening in Hollywood?

Well, yeah. You're well within you're right if you felt uncomfortable about it. No question. Theres a reason why they're called co-workers instead of besties. You're there to work. Not kiss, hug, make a pass, grab ass, etc. That's just what being in a professional environment is.

There are ways to show support to your colleagues that doesn't require getting handsy or saying things that sound flirtatious.
But of course, I'm just the resident pedophile around here so everything I say should be overlooked and simplified into, "Well his outlook is awful". I was simply saying that some people accept different acts, situations, etc as harassment. I was simply saying that sometimes, things can be taken out of context or taken to mean something different then it was.

Not going to bother re-replying to this, so here:

Me said:
I couldn't care less what YOU believe constitutes harassment, nor what YOUR intent was when sexually harassing someone.

Your intent does not matter. Just don't touch your colleagues without their consent. It's actually really simple.

Based on your previous posts in the Symposium I am 100% sure you and I have very differing opinions on what constitutes harassment or assault. Luckily, I have the law on my side, whereas you have nothing but what YOU want to do to a woman/girl and why we should be okay with it because you weren't 'malicious'.

Bold specifically.

If someone is legitimately offended, though, they should come forward. Idc what the situation, if you don't like it then do something about it.
Boy, you are making this easy for me.

Reasons someone may feel unable to 'do something about it':

Me said:
First, women are rarely believed, and don't want to go through what I explained upthread.

Second, many people don't actually like what sexual harassment is constituted as. In the Opening Post to this thread, SSJPhenom admits he doesn't think kissing a colleague is sexual harassment - it is, legally, and his colleague would be legally within their right to say so. But, in situations which may not be seen as 'that bad' or 'not even assault' - are people going to come forward? And, remember, the US voted for an admitted sexual predator to be POTUS, so forgive them if they don't believe they'll be taken seriously.

Third, they just want to forget what happened. There are many accounts of victims saying they felt the reporting and court case felt just as bad as the attack. Most people don't want to relive it over and over.

Fourth, in many cases the attacker is in a position of power. Whether it be teacher, boss, judge, parent, celebrity. Those people can very easily ensure you are not believed, that you don't get to work in your chosen field, that you will be humiliated, that everyone will hate you. They can make victims genuinely believe they are wrong, that what is happening to them is ok.

There are more reasons, as I say, a quick google can explain them far better than I can. The issue with this question, is again, it isn't asked as a genuine question, but as a way to judge the victim, in belief that waiting means lying. When there are hundreds of psychological reasons for waiting if people cared enough to actually want to know, and not just to discredit the victim.

Just so we're clear, though, Tuesday when I fixed my co-workers computer and she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, I was sexually harassed and I should go to my boss and report her for it?
I realise you're attempting to have one of us say 'No, don't be stupid, of course that doesn't count!'. But it does - you would absolutely be within your rights to speak to your manager about her sexual conduct if you felt it inappropriate or uncomfortable, male or female.

What you don't seem to grasp is that just because YOU don't constitute something as harassment, doesn't make that thing suddenly not harassment. For example, if you kissed me at work I would kick you in the balls, but you feel thats ok. The solution is simple. Don't do that shit.

You're acting as if you're constantly at risk of being accused of sexual harassment, because you somehow believe it's your right to touch your co-workers and if they say no, or complain - they're being selfish - SERIOUSLY? That alone tells me everything I need to know about you. So, to keep everyone safe, you keep your hands and lips to yourself unless expressly given consent to do otherwise. Why is that so difficult to grasp?
What you don't seem to grasp is that just because YOU don't constitute something as harassment, doesn't make that thing suddenly not harassment. For example, if you kissed me at work I would kick you in the balls, but you feel thats ok. The solution is simple. Don't do that shit.

And see, there you finally did it. Good on you. That was the point of this thread. That's what I wanted to discuss. Is sexual harassment black or white where context doesn't matter or is it a grey area where different people accept different things? She hugged and kissed me on the cheek. I didn't feel harassed or that she had anything else running through her mind except, "Yay, my CPU isn't freezing up every other mouse click". Some people would feel different. That's what I wanted to explore. So I grasp what you seem to think I can't grasp. If someone hugged you at work you'd assualt them. Context be damned. I would or wouldn't based on context.

For the record, I would never question a woman's, man's, or anyone's claim of sexual harassment. If someone came to me and said they'd been harassed at work I'd tell them to report it and if they refused I'd probably do it for them. No place for anyone at any workplace to feel uncomfortable. Work is hard enough as it is.

You're acting as if you're constantly at risk of being accused of sexual harassment, because you somehow believe it's your right to touch your co-workers and if they say no, or complain - they're being selfish - SERIOUSLY? That alone tells me everything I need to know about you. So, to keep everyone safe, you keep your hands and lips to yourself unless expressly given consent to do otherwise. Why is that so difficult to grasp?

I'm not going to respond to this to much. This is just more of your typical, "I'm on my soap box so listen and let me belittle you too for the sake of it.". Tells me all I need to know about you.

As I've said many many times, I don't do any of that stuff. Besides a rare compliment, I'd say everything I do at work I'd never have to worry about. Of course because I say I don't necessarily see a hug and such as sexual harassment then I must be a sexual harassing perv. Amirite?

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