Whatever happened to the suprise that would change TNA forever?


Dark Match Jobber
Whatever happened to the suprise that would change TNA forever???

Back in June that's all we heard from Dixie on her Twitter account and even Jeff Jarrett started pumping it up, then all of a sudden it was never mentioned again?

Does anyone know what happened? I feel it is terrible to promise your fans a surprise just so you buy ppv's and watch Impact.
Dixie Carter will do anything, and i mean ANYTHING to try to get the attention of fans. It wasn't the first time, won't be the last. The next huge announcement that will change TNA forever will be that yes, Dixie did it. She had to pull a few strings, but she finally got Essa Rios to come back! In all seriousness, if it wasn't about the whole ECW thing then who knows, she does this all the time.
I believe it was supposed to be Paul Heyman, even though he never ACTUALLY agreed to join TNA.

Just another case of TNA (especially Dixie) promising something they are not prepared to deliver. I wouldn't be surprised if she was talking about Tommy Dreamer coming to TNA, as they will call anything a "huge surprise" and something that will "change the business forever". Pro Wrestling is supposed to have surprises. REAL Surprises. If you advertise surprises, people start to wait for them. Then, when something does happen, they either feel justified or disappointed. It takes away from that HOLY $H!T moment that alot of people watch for. Want proof of how bad TNA is at this? Look at the January 4th 2010 edition. ONLY TNA could make and episode dedicated to surprises, and still have it suck.
If you feel comfortable believing anything that comes out that hole in Eric Bischoff's head he calls a mouth (and if you don't who can blame you), the "big surprise" was probably this whole ECW thing. Bischoff claims he pitched the idea to Dixie in February, which would make sense with Dixie going public and hyping it's arrival as a "big surprise that will change TNA forever" in April.

Even if the majority of the wrestling world thinks this idea is a total shit, it's understandable that a mark like Dixie would be overly excited about it. So that's probably what they were referring to, as sad as it may be.
I think she was talking about the ECW angle as well. Surprising the wrestling fans is not an easy thing to do these days. Especially when you run your mouth saying there is gonna be a surprise.

As of now, I could give two shits about "surprises". You wanna surprise me, let's get rid of all the gimmicks and attempts to shock me and work on making the current product better.
Actually if you paid a little attention to Jeff Jarretts tweets and Hogan always talking about meetings in New York they were considering moving Impact out of Orlando and moving it to New York...Reason because they would start making a profit because at Universal the fans get in free, and usually when they do a house show is when they make any money what so ever. Not to mention it would be a different atmosphere, however I think they just haven't inked a deal with that yet, but you never know...
I think she was talking about whoever "THEY" are. She said from the very beginning that it's not something where she's gonna come out and say "hey surprise, everyone!" But rather, it's something that would be revealed over time. And Jeff Jarrett said that the surprise is NOT ECW. If "they" are something major and a big surprise, then we'll know on 10.10.10. If it doesn't happen by then, then I'll assume it was supposed to be Heyman.
Is that they still exist. What would change the wrestling world would be if they got real crowds. People who pay for their tickets and actually have an idea how to cheer. For what Tna does they might as well have soccer fans in the seats. There is a reason why TNA gets bashed and it is because they do not take real pride in themselves. The difference between TNA and WCW are that the wrestlers in WCW were at least getting paid real money to suck. WCW had the backing of a billionaire and it blew chunks toward the end. The current owners of TNA will be working at your nearest Walmart soon. Tommy Dreamer Foley Hogan and Bitchoff (yeah thats what I call him) will be working at costco. TNA should get a name change to D.O.A
I hate it when Dixie says things like "It's going to change pro wrestling forever", I mean come on it's TNA nothing you do is going to change pro wrestling forever. I don't hate TNA, but lets face it nothing they do is very significant, Hulk Hogan (probably the most famous wrestler of all time) coming to TNA didn't change anything. A big problem they have is that they can't pull of surprises and that's what big wrestling promotions need to do, they always spoil the surprises.
I hate it when Dixie says things like "It's going to change pro wrestling forever", I mean come on it's TNA nothing you do is going to change pro wrestling forever. I don't hate TNA, but lets face it nothing they do is very significant, Hulk Hogan (probably the most famous wrestler of all time) coming to TNA didn't change anything. A big problem they have is that they can't pull of surprises and that's what big wrestling promotions need to do, they always spoil the surprises.

Actually she didn't say it was going to change ''PRO WRESTLING" Forever, she said it was going to change ''TNA'' Forever!This is news for TNA not the wrestling world! This might not even be a blip to the WWE but for TNA this could change them. Dixie also said this will not be revealed soon she said over time.And hopefully the time is 10-10-10 at BOUND FOR GLORY!
Hey you ever notice that these "Big Surprise" talks and tweets happen when there is a PPV coming up ? TNA is horrible at promoting their matches, so they throw around words like "so big that there's a non-disclosure agreement" or "this news will change everything you know about TNA"...Like someone posted earlier it this "Big Surprise" doesn't happen by BFG then i will lose all faith in TNA
Jeff was showing those pictures that were supposed to be hints to an announcement or a hint to the future of TNA. He then stopped doing that, making some excuse he was infringing on something.

For some reason, I think it might have had something to do with EV 2.0... I think they were gonna try to build it up HUGE but everyone was on the invasion storyline and was shredding it immediately.

I have a feeling it was something along those lines... They realized it wasn't going to be as big or people were on it too soon. I don't know. But that seems pretty likely. They have truly dropped the ball again in TNA with this EV 2.0 storyline. It is worthless, stupid, and going absolutely NOWHERE!

I could rant forever on this, but I will stop here by saying I think their big "surprise" might have had something to do with them and they thought better of it!
We're wrestling fans. We aren't supposed to have attention spans and memories. What are you even talking about?

Speaking of "they" I recall a video promo having Steiner on it. I thought so atleast. Whatever happened to that? Speaking of, that promo included Raven didn't it?
Dixie needs to stop with all those comments like a surprise is coming or TNA will change forever. It makes her look foolish in my opinion to say something is going to happen then it doesn't. I think she was talking about Heyman then the deal never happened. If she was talking about Dreamer or EV2 than she was right, but it's changing TNA for the worse. All the TNA originals are upset that they're taking their spots.
I honestly think that nothing could really surprise us any more everything leaks quickly over the internet. Even, for example we would know when john cena contract is close to expire as is the deal with jericho right now and the fact is how surprise would you be if jericho is the "them" or the big surprise, not as much now that you know his contract was up. The only thing that would surprise me completely is if Shane McMahon Showed up at Bound For Glory and was the they who are taking over (hypothetically speaking(damn that would e cool honestly))
the big suprise was this whole overused ECW storyline and dont get me wrong i LOVED ECW but it was only at its best the first time WWE killed it and TNA cant save it with Eric "I kill every wrestling promotion im in" Bischoff running shit TNA is a joke now anyway as soon as they got rid of the six sided ring it has been nothing but downhill from there
the big suprise was this whole overused ECW storyline and dont get me wrong i LOVED ECW but it was only at its best the first time WWE killed it and TNA cant save it with Eric "I kill every wrestling promotion im in" Bischoff running shit TNA is a joke now anyway as soon as they got rid of the six sided ring it has been nothing but downhill from there

The only thing Eric BitchOff is good for is making false claims and giving hair dye tips. I usually detest Mark Madden BUT I really do enjoy reading his Anti-Bischoff columns.
I think it has came w/ EV 2.0. Dixie did claim it was going to come in the few weeks. Mabye it's the drug testing. Mabye it's going to come at B4G. Who knows? All I know is Heyman is out of the question since he signed w/ Strikeforce now.
Vinnie Mac bought them out and now the E has five weekly shows, so they are going to move it to Wednesdays so we watch wrestling every weekday. But srsly. Its probably nothing. If they stopped mentioning it, its probably a talk with a wrestler that fell through so now they have no surprise. Hence the "It'll reveal itself over time" thing, it was something they were unsure about and it ended up not happening.
They never actually hyped a "surprise" Dixie posted a very ambiguous tweet that she'd spoken to Spike TV and they had given the go-ahead to Dixie. She claimed that the news would change TNA. Generally this is accepted as being a referral to Xplosion and ReAction. Jarrett tweeted hints about an annoucement that he later stated would be put on hold. Of course all of this was reported as "TNA announces surprise" which it wasn't, it was spun by websites to generate hits. Just like the ones that say "top TNA star heads to WWE" and then this supposed "top star" is a mid-card jobber like Consequences Creed.
Reddannihilation said:
They never actually hyped a "surprise" Dixie posted a very ambiguous tweet that she'd spoken to Spike TV and they had given the go-ahead to Dixie. She claimed that the news would change TNA. Generally this is accepted as being a referral to Xplosion and ReAction. Jarrett tweeted hints about an annoucement that he later stated would be put on hold. Of course all of this was reported as "TNA announces surprise" which it wasn't, it was spun by websites to generate hits.
First, I'd like to know who "generally accepts" that. For that idea to have "general acceptance", there are a HELL of a lot of posts on this board wondering what that surprise was. "Generally accepts" sounds like a "generalization" to me.

Second- Dixie Carter Twitter quote time!
TNA Dixie said:
Thx for ur feedback. Just spoke to RVD. Looks like you get ur wish. RVD v Sabu tonight in main event. Lots of great surprises planned too.
TNA Dixie said:
2 Cold Scorpio is confirmed for the HardCORE Justice PPV this Sunday. More names to come this week...as well as many surprises for the show.
Well, Hardcore Justice came and went. I think the great surprise was CW Anderson? We're all still guessing on that one. Or maybe it was New Jack, but the bigger surprise would have been if he turned down an easy paycheck. But wait- there's more. Maybe this series of tweets is what you were referring to.
TNA Dixie said:
It's 6:30 am. Been up for hours. So excited I can't sleep. TNA's about to change forever. Can't wait to share it w/you, my staff, the talent
TNA Dixie said:
Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level.
TNA Dixie said:
To clarify. I will not be making an announcement about how TNA will change forever. You will just see for yourselves in the coming weeks.
Well, it's been ten weeks. If an 11pm show that draws a .5 on a good night is what "changes TNA forever" "in the coming weeks", Dixie has less faith in the future of TNA then I do.
TNA Dixie said:
Oh, if you guys only knew who I met with today..... You will.
Yup, we found out when he did an interview publicly disowning your company.
TNA Dixie said:
Got a nice surprise for Slammiversary.
Which turned out to be Tommy Dreamer. Wrestlers signing with TNA when their no-compete expires- surprising!
TNA Dixie said:
We strive to deliver what our fans want, and the next step in the evolution of the TNA brand will do just that.
Ambiguous enough so that the hardcore marks will be able to point to anything they've done since May, and vague enough to make the rest of us wonder what that could have been.

So did she use the word "surprise" in all those tweets about how TNA would change forever? No, she burnt that word in plenty of other places. But there are more ways to tease a surprise than saying "I'M GOING TO SURPRISE YOU!!!!" Dropping vague, excited hints towards a future happening is one of them; the best thing is, if you can't cash in on it, you can count on wrestling marks to fill in whatever it was. Seriously- if ReAction is supposed to change TNA forever by getting half the Impact audience to stick around for another hour, hopes have been somewhat lowered from the goal earlier this year of competing with WWE.
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First, I'd like to know who "generally accepts" that. For that idea to have "general acceptance", there are a HELL of a lot of posts on this board wondering what that surprise was. "Generally accepts" sounds like a "generalization" to me.
Sorry I don't account for 20 people on an internet forum when there's over a million involved in the sample size.

Well, Hardcore Justice came and went. I think the great surprise was CW Anderson? We're all still guessing on that one. Or maybe it was New Jack, but the bigger surprise would have been if he turned down an easy paycheck.
There were plenty of surprises at HJ. No one knew New Jack would be there, the Gangstas reunion, the ring announcer etc. Plenty of stuff happened that no one expected.

Well, it's been ten weeks. If an 11pm show that draws a .5 on a good night is what "changes TNA forever" "in the coming weeks", Dixie has less faith in the future of TNA then I do.
So the arrival of a new faction, the rise of a group of wrestlers against said faction, the destruction of the current world champion, the change of a title's name, the addition of new programming and the release of certain wrestlers have all happened in that time and I'd say TNA's very different to how it had been. Seems she was pretty accurate with that.

Yup, we found out when he did an interview publicly disowning your company.
You realise to disown something you have to own it first right? Also no idea who you're talking about but my guess is Heyman. In which case get out of the dirt sheets.

Which turned out to be Tommy Dreamer. Wrestlers signing with TNA when their no-compete expires- surprising!
So apparently you knew Dreamer was going to be there even when your precious online articles couldn't predict it? Intersting.

Ambiguous enough so that the hardcore marks will be able to point to anything they've done since May, and vague enough to make the rest of us wonder what that could have been.
I'm still not seeing how this supports your claim, come to think of it I can't figure out what your argument is supposed to be?

So did she use the word "surprise" in all those tweets about how TNA would change forever? No, she burnt that word in plenty of other places. But there are more ways to tease a surprise than saying "I'M GOING TO SURPRISE YOU!!!!" Dropping vague, excited hints towards a future happening is one of them; the best thing is, if you can't cash in on it, you can count on wrestling marks to fill in whatever it was. Seriously- if ReAction is supposed to change TNA forever by getting half the Impact audience to stick around for another hour, hopes have been somewhat lowered from the goal earlier this year of competing with WWE.

So the correct answer is...Dixie Carter never said there'd be a surprise that would change TNA forever? Well what do you know I was right. Thanks for clearing that up.
Not playing quote wars with you. It's an incredibly lame debate tactic, because, as I've said before, you avoid addressing ideas so that you can attempt to cast doubt on individual points, as if that were in support of your statements. But here's my point, since you missed it entirely in your rush to try and debate everything while saying nothing.

Dixie Carter repeatedly suggests to her audience that there are "big changes", "surprises", or other "stay tuned to find out" events happening. You don't always have to use the exact word "surprise". (You talk about "court law" a lot- still laughing about that one, btw- but here's an example. If you say "I'm going to beat the hell out of you" before you kill someone, that's still first-degree murder. You don't have to say "I am planning on murdering you." If you don't get that, ask your teacher parents to get one of their colleagues to explain it to you.)

The audience is left to constantly guess what that "surprise", or other synonym used, is. That's shitty writing. Yes- when Dixie Carter is tweeting about her promotion, she is a voice of that promotion. You don't build up a surprise without your audience knowing exactly what the payoff is, and again, judging from these boards, "general acceptance" is a little lacking. Yes, I am completely blowing off your implicit claim of being able to represent the 999,980 silent voices you are counting.

Again, don't bother responding with the quote wars. You don't express any ideas when you do that. Address my overall idea that Dixie Carter constantly leaves her audience guessing as to what her "surprises" (or other synonyms) are, with your own constructed argument about how these surprises or other synonyms are. I am more than happy to debate you without the sarcasm if you would challenge my ideas with your ideas, instead of some bullet point list saying "nuh-uh".

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