What Would You Do to Save TNA?


Dark Match Jobber
Would love to hear from the disgruntled TNA fans out there. How would you improve the product?

I have a few ideas.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo immediately. Didn't TNA realize that these three guys ran WCW into the ground? Don't get it.

2. Make the TNA championship mean something. How many different TNA champions have there been in the last few months? They need to get a steady younger guy and build around him (i.e. A.J.Styles, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, RVD)

3. Storylines, storylines, storylines. Improve them. Don't confuse me with one moment Mr. Anderson is a rebel, then he is a member of the Immortal ass-kissing club, then he is a rebel and an asshole again. Not to mention making Sting the Joker...C'mon.

4. Strengthen the tag team division. TNA has two of the best tag team wrestlers in the history of tag team wresting in Bubba Ray and D-Von. Let them show these younger guys what tag team wrestling is all about. Make the tag team championship mean something again.

5. One on One feuds. Bring them back. What is it with the Immortal against Fortune or whatever gang they put together. One on One. Like the good old days of Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. Lets put a good feud together. AJ Styles against Chris Daniels. Make these feuds last and not for the sake of a pay per view.

Thats all I have for now. Would love to see what you guys think.
I'm not going to go point-by-point with you because I've already been down this road numerous times. You are obviously new here which means because you didn't see a thread on this already, you created one thinking it was original, which it is not. But I digress...

I'm curious... presuming all your objections were vindicated and you did in fact get what you want with Hogan, Bischoff and Russo run out, younger guys built around (even though all four of the guys you mentioned are in their mid-to-late 30's/early 40's), etc. — what is this is going to "save" TNA from, exactly? Continuing to pull in steady/rising ratings? Continuing to be the second largest and most successful wrestling company in the United States? Continuing to operate in the black?

Frankly, we see enough of these whiney threads about how to "save" or "change" or "bring back the old days" (mind you when TNA was struggling to pull in a 0.6) — what I'd love to see is a thread created on "How To Save TNA From the Internet"...
Well I've been down this road before but I'll bite.

First I'll say because TNA is a privately owned company none of us actually know how much money TNA makes or loses per year, we can speculate but we don't really know. For that reason we don't actually know if TNA needs saving, they still have about 1.5 million people watching it every week and even have higher ratings in some countries than WWE (like Australia).

Secondly if you don't enjoy the product don't watch it, its as simple as that. I'll admit I enjoyed the old TNA better than it is today but at the same time that's personal taste, they obviously have enough fans out there who like the program for what it is. They aren't gonna compete with Vince but who really expects them too. Do I think WWE is a superior product? yes I do, but once again that's personal preference, obviously posters like IDR and Dizzy think otherwise and that's perfectly OK, just because you don't like TNA doesn't mean others don't and I really don't think they need "saving" at this point.

I'm no TNA fan but at this point they've been on TV just as long as Nitro was (maybe even longer) so they must be doing something right. Just because they don't compete with the WWE doesn't make them worse, once again its about personal taste.

Lastly I would really like to know your definition of "saving" TNA.

SIDE NOTE: TNA's programming has gotten better as of late, just one mans opinion.
Russo should probably be gone - he was always good at scripting individual sements but he's never excelled at long term programs, if you want to get people hooked on the product, you need consistent and evolving long term stories, soemthing that when I see it this week will make me want to tune in next week, and if I miss a week I wont come back and find everything different. In WWE he used his "Crash" booking style to some effect but he wasn't in charge, in WCW it was a total failure without other people assisting in the editing, etc.

Bischoff should be a voice in booking but NOT the head booker or have final authority, especially if he is used as an on air talent (an area, at least as a heel, where he is very good). Bischoff had a reputation for getting too close to certain talent and letting it adversely affect his booking decissions, as well as not paying as much attention to booking angles his on air character was not involved in.

Hogan & Flair have great name value - they do not have great in ring wrestling value. If you want to use their characters to help draw attention/get over other TNA talent (Like having Flair head a heel faction for instance) that's great, but if your idea of hitting 2.0 in the ratings is to trot them out in matches forget it. Fans do not have great interest in seeing them wrestle (especially Hogan) because they are so limited now. Fans also are not interested in seeing Flair humiliated losing match after match. Just like Stone Cold has marginal value in WWE because he can't get in the ring, these two should not be used as your main event stars (really think Hogan vs Sting is going to draw a huge buyrate ???)

You do have some veteran stars who have real market value because they can still wrestle. Not sure what will happen with Angle and his latest brush with the law, but him, RVD, and Sting are household names, can still perform in the ring, have real market value. Use them at the top of your program and interwork younger TNA talent with them so the audience gets to know them better. Casual fans may tune in to see Angle or Sting, have them work with TNA guys, not just each other. This was big mistake in the Bischoff era of WCW, where established stars like Sting, Luger, Flair, Hogan, Savage, NWO worked exclusively with each other while rising stars like Jericho and Guerrero were left in mid card programs, largely ignored. After awhile it got real stale real quick and thye company never did much to build on its talent base. They did make DDP into major star and created Big Show & Goldberg, but some of that was by accident (Goldberg) and too many potential programs were lost because too much time was spent having the same small group of guys face only each other.
Would love to hear from the disgruntled TNA fans out there. How would you improve the product?

I have a few ideas.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo immediately. Didn't TNA realize that these three guys ran WCW into the ground? Don't get it.

2. Make the TNA championship mean something. How many different TNA champions have there been in the last few months? They need to get a steady younger guy and build around him (i.e. A.J.Styles, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, RVD)

3. Storylines, storylines, storylines. Improve them. Don't confuse me with one moment Mr. Anderson is a rebel, then he is a member of the Immortal ass-kissing club, then he is a rebel and an asshole again. Not to mention making Sting the Joker...C'mon.

4. Strengthen the tag team division. TNA has two of the best tag team wrestlers in the history of tag team wresting in Bubba Ray and D-Von. Let them show these younger guys what tag team wrestling is all about. Make the tag team championship mean something again.

5. One on One feuds. Bring them back. What is it with the Immortal against Fortune or whatever gang they put together. One on One. Like the good old days of Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. Lets put a good feud together. AJ Styles against Chris Daniels. Make these feuds last and not for the sake of a pay per view.

Thats all I have for now. Would love to see what you guys think.

I love the new and interesting :rolleyes: ways that people come up with to list the same tired complaints.

as for your points...
1. Bicsoff has been a great addition from a production standpoint, Hogan will be in a less commanding on screen role after BFG, and Russo has been doing a decent job getting the stories back on track(and he's done it despite a few curveballs mucking up the story structure).

2.Morgan is not championship material yet(not even close), and RVD young? really??

3.Anderson is an asshole- he'll do what's best for him at the time. Joining Immortal to "protect" his title interest made character sense from that perspective. Once the title was gone, so was his need for Immortal. And creating a "Joker Sting" is no different than creating a "Crow Sting", so he's done this before... and IMHO it's still worked this time around, and kept this run of Sting's from being stale.

4. I agree on this point, but the biggest problem that exists right now is the health of Chris Sabin, once he's back the division will likely follow. And the Dudley's spent alot of time in the tag-team division helping put over teams like Beer Money. Now they've moved onto another phase- one that Bubba has embraced and succeeded at, now you want him to take a step back??

5. The Angle/Jarrett fued says hello ;)

Point is... there's a general complaint thread for this tired BS.

What would save TNA?

If all the mindless sheep with the same opinions on the internet, who won't stop saying the same things, despite the fact that the product has been moving in the right direction, would shut up and see what happens by the end of the year, or just stop watching- that would help "save' the company.

In Summation... Captain Kirk, this planet doesn't need your "saving". Go play Captain Save-a-Ho somewhere else.
Why do you assume TNA needs saving? I haven't seen any oficial record saying they are loosing money or going bankrupt? Have you?

I like TNA as it is now. I don't think it needs "saving" whatever it means. If you think it really does or you have some insight info, just sent your cv to tna. With your great ideas you will definitely be hired - no question asked.
See here's the problem Impact from a financial point is doing very well. If you look at their site it is miles and miles ahead of where it was a year ago. I started following tna after I saw Aj on line and been an avid fan.
But then hogan and eric came and after awhile I couldn't take those fossils high jacking the show away from the stars that were there before. Then the influx of wwe riff raff except for morgan and angle. Then whole fifty year old sting champ thing. I admit it I gave up awhile ago. I read the results on line and tune in to the segments I want to see.
So I did more reading these forums and saw the arguments about this topic over and over again. I found out Impact doesn't need saving. Financially they are fine. In the pr department well who really cares because they are under the radar. Outside of kurt and the dudleys their roster is unknown outside the wrestling world so really does it matter. From a product standpoint their fans love it anson sorry personally im waiting for velvet boob to pop out one day. Please let that happen. Santa I've been a good boy this year and all i want for xmas is velvets left boob. Or right or left or a combination of both. From a roster a standpoint they are loaded. So truthfully brathey are fine and are moving towards a profitable future if they can keep the roster in check. To answer the question:they don't need saving. They are fine.
Just for shits and giggles here is What I would like to see happen:1 is go live every show. There is something to be said about guys who can deliver under the pressure of a live audience. 2: give pual heyman anything he wants to come. He would bring gabe with and shit those two guys have a formula for success.
Would love to hear from the disgruntled TNA fans out there. How would you improve the product?

I have a few ideas.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo immediately. Didn't TNA realize that these three guys ran WCW into the ground? Don't get it.

2. Make the TNA championship mean something. How many different TNA champions have there been in the last few months? They need to get a steady younger guy and build around him (i.e. A.J.Styles, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, RVD)

3. Storylines, storylines, storylines. Improve them. Don't confuse me with one moment Mr. Anderson is a rebel, then he is a member of the Immortal ass-kissing club, then he is a rebel and an asshole again. Not to mention making Sting the Joker...C'mon.

4. Strengthen the tag team division. TNA has two of the best tag team wrestlers in the history of tag team wresting in Bubba Ray and D-Von. Let them show these younger guys what tag team wrestling is all about. Make the tag team championship mean something again.

5. One on One feuds. Bring them back. What is it with the Immortal against Fortune or whatever gang they put together. One on One. Like the good old days of Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. Lets put a good feud together. AJ Styles against Chris Daniels. Make these feuds last and not for the sake of a pay per view.

Thats all I have for now. Would love to see what you guys think.

1. There were other factors that led to WCW's demise. Yes these three were at the frontlines, but they are not 100% to blame.

2. The TNA championship along with ALL OTHER titles in TNA and WWE are props to fuel storylines...they mean nothing nowadays. How many different times has the WWE title changed hands in the last year? What about the WHC? How many times have we seen those titles go from the same person? Hell Cena and Orton both have held the 2 major titles 9 times, and they are still in their prime.

3. This has been TNA's problem for a long time...all of it. Nothing has changed.

4. Yes WWE is trying to re-build the tag division...but tag team wrestling has been obsolete since territories have gone down. Back in the day, if WWE got a tag team from another company, you knew who they were. Now its all about which singles wrestlers can we place together before we release someone.

5. TNA has had some decent 1 on 1 feuds in the past.

Your arguments for "saving" TNA are cheap. There are SO many things that we could all say would help TNA change and be "saved". Part of the problem since day 1 was TNA got talent that were released from WWE because they thought "hey this guy/girl was popular in WWE, lets bring them in and our ratings will rise". Part of the problem with that, the casual viewer didn't know TNA existed or didn't know what channel they were on. Hell it took ME a few years to know who TNA was, and by that time they were just geting on TV.

Frankly, we see enough of these whiney threads about how to "save" or "change" or "bring back the old days" (mind you when TNA was struggling to pull in a 0.6) — what I'd love to see is a thread created on "How To Save TNA From the Internet"...

I couldn't agree more. Im tired of seeing threads based on bringing up old ideas. Its a new age, lets create NEW ideas.
Is closing the company down an option? Surely that would save them.

I don't really watch TNA but I am aware of their programme. From an outsider I would:

Fire Russo, Bischoff & Hogan
Bring in Paul Heyman and have him work with Jeff Jarrett in charge.
Release Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Sting, Scott Steiner. Old has beens and one is a drunk roid freak.
Get Jeff Hardy clean and push him to the moon.
Bring in Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas and Chris Masters.
Raid ROH for their best talents
Go to 6 PPV's per year
Stop all the bullshit heel/face weekly turns
we need PAUL HEYMAN!! i seriously belive he is the only real savior for tna... however bringing in some oldschool wwe writers like dave lagana or john perimini might not be a bad idea to... either way take full creative control away from russo and if they were smart they would bring in a developmental company like wwe has with fcw,,, lastly we need fresh faces... and they need that one baby face to be the face of the company
Is closing the company down an option? Surely that would save them.

I don't really watch TNA but I am aware of their programme. From an outsider I would:

Fire Russo, Bischoff & Hogan
Bring in Paul Heyman and have him work with Jeff Jarrett in charge.
Release Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Sting, Scott Steiner. Old has beens and one is a drunk roid freak.
Get Jeff Hardy clean and push him to the moon.
Bring in Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas and Chris Masters.
Raid ROH for their best talents
Go to 6 PPV's per year
Stop all the bullshit heel/face weekly turns

Again...blaming the 3 amigos. Look, I already stated earlier about them so Im not going into detail.

Paul Heyman WILL NOT work for TNA. He laughed at what they said they would give him to come in. He is happy with what he is doing. Besides...MOST of the creative control would have to go to him, like he wanted it to, in order for things to become better.

With Angle, Stiener, Sting, and Flair...TNA tried to get marketable, recognizable talent to bring in viewers. Is it working...not so much, but you cant just say "well you're not working out the way we wanted so good luck in the future" because those guys are with the company for awhile. To just fire them would cost TNA money because they would either have to buy their contracts or pay them to sit home. If they did either of those, 2 or 3 of them would go back to WWE anyway, and where does THAT leave TNA?

Why push Hardy when you have so many original and young guys fighting for TV time and the spotlight. TNA should've gotten rid of Hardy after the Victory Road debacle.

Benjamin and Haas are happy where they are. They had a chance for TNA and they didn't go. Masters may be brought in, but what could he do and where could he fit in?

WWE is raiding ROH for talent. They already have 3 guys signed or pretty much signed to contracts and...guess what? IT IS THEIR TOP TALENT.

6 PPVs a year is a little hard when you're trying to get out there and make a name, especially when you buys are low.

As for the heel/face weekly turns...thats TNA. They dont know what to do with some of their talent and some of them aren't getting over so they try other things. Remember...unlike WWE, they dont have multiple shows and developmental where they can test the waters with a character.
The first thing that comes to mind here is that TNA has got to build their storylines towards PPVs better. PPV matches are being thrown together with little or no build-up. They've got to improve that. Also, they had a great thing going with Immortal and Fortune going at it. WWE has no stables right now and TNA could've really make use of the stables they had but it's since deteriorated. The X-division and tag division need to be showcased. The tag division can be loaded if they'll just use them. The X-division is exciting as hell. Why they're not on TV more I don't know. Finally, use the guys who brought you to the dance. Feature Samoa Joe and AJ Styles more consistently.
Simple.............sell it to Vince so he can tell Dixie the Dolt to take a hike, fire Hogan and the gang, and salvage whatever is left talent wise.
I'd leave it the fuck alone and stay as far away from it as possible because I don't know ANYTHING about running a successful pro wrestling company just like every person on this forum.

I like what they're doing now. If you asked me what I'd LIKE to see in TNA - that's a whole new topic and should be the topic of this thread. Otherwise it'll turn (and already has) into *********ion material for haters who will undoubtedly jump in to throw their 2 cents and snap a few smarky jabs.

TNA doesn't need saving because it's not in trouble, and it's not in trouble because they're not listening to people like us. Case closed.
I get SOOOO tired of seeing the same thread made time and time again. As already stated if u don't like don't watch, it's as simple as that. IW is doing just fine, they outdrew the last smackdown taping, yet u don't see or hear anything about that on these forums, they are the number one company ratings wise outside of te u.s. Why you ask, because of the same people you want fired... They are going on the road more than ever before, also coincidentally enough, after said names were hired, the company is growing, it's not an overnight thing, they continue to get more advertisers, stop with the same bitching, it gets old, we realize there are many hogan/bischoff Haters, yet the company is doing more money since they got there. They are big names that help bring in advertisers, and get more tapings outside the impact zone. the ratings are only a small part of the overall business for them, this is something the majority of the IWC for some reason can't comprehend. If the ratings are constantly the same, but you're going on the road more and getting more multi million dollar sponsorships, they are still making money and growing.
Would love to hear from the disgruntled TNA fans out there. How would you improve the product?

I have a few ideas.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo immediately. Didn't TNA realize that these three guys ran WCW into the ground? Don't get it.

2. Make the TNA championship mean something. How many different TNA champions have there been in the last few months? They need to get a steady younger guy and build around him (i.e. A.J.Styles, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, RVD)

3. Storylines, storylines, storylines. Improve them. Don't confuse me with one moment Mr. Anderson is a rebel, then he is a member of the Immortal ass-kissing club, then he is a rebel and an asshole again. Not to mention making Sting the Joker...C'mon.

4. Strengthen the tag team division. TNA has two of the best tag team wrestlers in the history of tag team wresting in Bubba Ray and D-Von. Let them show these younger guys what tag team wrestling is all about. Make the tag team championship mean something again.

5. One on One feuds. Bring them back. What is it with the Immortal against Fortune or whatever gang they put together. One on One. Like the good old days of Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. Lets put a good feud together. AJ Styles against Chris Daniels. Make these feuds last and not for the sake of a pay per view.

Thats all I have for now. Would love to see what you guys think.

My biggest strategy to save TNA would be two things.

1) Not listen to trolls like you that want to bring up tired and speculative points like WCW's death as a rationale to get rid of certain people in the organization. You obviously already named them like the self professed expert of wrestling you seem to fashion yourself as.

2) Like Zeven said, I would go nowhere near it, that's the only way I could save a company like TNA or any wrestling company for that matter because I personally have no experience as a person in the business, all I know about wrestling is what I watch on TV, which is what I assume is the same in your case. Yes, you have an opinion and yes I understand that you have a right to state one, but any thread that starts off with the typical "fire Russo, Bischoff and Hogan because they killed WCW" tripe is a really tired one. Yes we all know that WCW after Ted Turner bought it from Jim Crockett was one piece of a corporate conglomerate and more often than not just looked at as an afterthought by the powers that be but let's face it the company had been near death so before guys like Hogan, Bischoff and Russo (i.e. the Crockett bankruptcy and the turbulence that the company had when Bill Watts was running it). Again you're just someone sitting on your ass and typing up a battle plan for something you know nothing about.

Get over yourself...
How you "save" a successful, growing and expanding company is beyond me, but anywho, I'll give it a go. I'd suggest doing exactly what they've been doing, as the (International) growth of that company over the last couple of years has been nothing short of spectacular.

Here's a few questions for the OP: Did you know than iMPACT Wrestling (in the UK) gets double the audience that Raw and Smackdown do? I'm guessing you didn't know that. Did you know that TNA have almost a 100 International TV deals and in many markets do better than WWE? I'm guessing you didn't know that either? Did you know TNA's taping in Huntsville drew the same crowd as a Smackdown taping does? I'm gonna guess you didn't know that either.

The plain and simple facts are that TNA are in the best place they've ever been in their 9 year history. And short of putting the World Title on Hulk Hogan I really don't know what they could do to improve their standings in the International market (as they're already taking it by storm). Don't judge their success on the Nielson TV Ratings thing because quite frankly, that means shit in the bigger picture. Look at how many TV deals they have, how many stars they have, how many sponsorship deals they have, how many fans they're drawing for their road shows, how many fans they get when they visit other countries etc. TNA is really at the top of it's game right now, and the dissapointing thing for all you numpties out there is they are only gonna get bigger and better. Sorry WWE fan boys but it's the cold hard truth. My best advice would be either learn to love it because it's here for the long haul or stop watching it altogether. In fact, that's it, that's how I'd save TNA. Stop the plebs who don't like it from watching it. I can't get my head around why someone would watch a TV show they don't like but it seems half this forum falls into that category. Sad, very sad.
Hell yah,

thanks He's Phenomenal,

you just spoke the real truth man.

i agree that IW is in its best form right now.

bt dont mind i just think that it would get the relief form the recent switches if they give less creative power to russo.
Jesus Christ, this again? "Disgruntled" fans? So, you admit to looking for fans who want to complain just to complain?

Here is my list:

1. Save TNA from fans like this that don't know when to stop criticizing when there is nothing to criticize.

2. Save TNA from WWE marks that think the company closing would be a great idea when that puts plenty of wrestlers jobless.

Now, I'll address things they need not what to "save"

1. They need a B show. They have 6 Divisions. Not every division is showcased or can be showcased and include a lengthy matches as well.

I think the more realistic way to doing it and creating a better smoother product is by having a 3 hour Impact (8pm to 11:05pm) and bring Xplosion over as a 1 hour program with atleast 3 matches.

That way, the World title, X-Division title, Tag Team titles and Knockouts title can be focused within 3 hours of Impact and the Television title and KOs Tag Team title could be focused on a bi-weekly basis on Impact but a consistent basis on Xplosion.

2. They need to establish a monthly on the road schedule. I think they did well this year with their road shows but they need to hit up bigger cities and venues.

3. They need to become a little more kid and family friendly. I do NOT want them to be anything like WWE but I think considering the way they reach out to fans, families and kids would enjoy the interaction. TNA drew a massive demographic ratings in teenagers a few months ago.

7,000 they recently drew at a Virginia event which was flooded with families coming over. There is a market there, they should reach out to a little bit.
How you "save" a successful, growing and expanding company is beyond me, but anywho, I'll give it a go. I'd suggest doing exactly what they've been doing, as the (International) growth of that company over the last couple of years has been nothing short of spectacular.

Here's a few questions for the OP: Did you know than iMPACT Wrestling (in the UK) gets double the audience that Raw and Smackdown do? I'm guessing you didn't know that. Did you know that TNA have almost a 100 International TV deals and in many markets do better than WWE? I'm guessing you didn't know that either? Did you know TNA's taping in Huntsville drew the same crowd as a Smackdown taping does? I'm gonna guess you didn't know that either.

The plain and simple facts are that TNA are in the best place they've ever been in their 9 year history. And short of putting the World Title on Hulk Hogan I really don't know what they could do to improve their standings in the International market (as they're already taking it by storm). Don't judge their success on the Nielson TV Ratings thing because quite frankly, that means shit in the bigger picture. Look at how many TV deals they have, how many stars they have, how many sponsorship deals they have, how many fans they're drawing for their road shows, how many fans they get when they visit other countries etc. TNA is really at the top of it's game right now, and the dissapointing thing for all you numpties out there is they are only gonna get bigger and better. Sorry WWE fan boys but it's the cold hard truth. My best advice would be either learn to love it because it's here for the long haul or stop watching it altogether. In fact, that's it, that's how I'd save TNA. Stop the plebs who don't like it from watching it. I can't get my head around why someone would watch a TV show they don't like but it seems half this forum falls into that category. Sad, very sad.

Can you show me some statistics to back up your "facts" about the overseas popularity? How about the 100 international TV deals they have?

How many sponsors to TNA have? Im not trying to dog them, Im asking a real simple question. WWE deals with K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Jakks, Mattel, THQ, comic book companies...etc. What corporate sponsors do TNA have?

TNA is NOT at the top of their game...if they were then they would be legitimate competition for WWE. Dont get me wrong, I WANT TNA to succeed, but its going to take a lot more than just changing things on TV in order for them to do that.
So, after shooting down everyone and going to an extreme with another post, Im going to finally play along with this thread. Everyone wants to say "TNA sucks" or "TNA is awesome" or "TNA doesn't need to change, they are great" well listen up cause Im tired of all these threads popping up.

In order for TNA to change, it needs to start with management. No not Bischoff and Hogan or Dixie or Double J...MANAGEMENT. The people in charge of the compny...the ones funding it. It also needs to start with SpikeTV and not being so complacent. How do you think WWE got to where it is...USA, a division of NBC lets them know what they want or if something isn't working.

For TNA...they need to find a MAJOR network. Look at UFC. They had enough of Spike and finally caught the eye of FOX. Now FOX is going to place them not only on the main network channel, but also FX. WWE gets that from NBC, just look at what NBC has done for WWE. Saturday Night Main Event, replays of WrestleMania...hell they even gave the failed XFL a chance. Spike was doing a TON for UFC, including UFC Unleashed, preliminary fights for the PPV, and Ultimate Fighter.

What has Spike done for TNA? Has TNA even gone to them with other ideas for a B show? All I see right now is TNA Impact. If TNA is the big show for Spike...why haven't they invested more into it? Maybe TNA needs another TV deal to make a show where they breed and build their own stars instead of banking off old ones.

This is what a manager needs to say to TNA and Spike...
Im looking at TNAs roster and I count about 60 total wrestlers, with about 19 of those being ECW, WCW, or WWE guys. Really? REALLY!? So you have about 41 wrestlers that are TNA bred...how many of those get TV time? How many wrestlers from other companies get TV?

As much as everyone bitches about WWE's brand extension...TNA needs it. Develop another show. Hell Hogan went to TruTV of all places and created a wrestling show about midget wrestlers!! HE COULD HAVE USED THAT FOR TNA!!!!!

I really dont know what else I can say.

**Steps off soapbox**
Can you show me some statistics to back up your "facts" about the overseas popularity? How about the 100 international TV deals they have?

How many sponsors to TNA have? Im not trying to dog them, Im asking a real simple question. WWE deals with K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Jakks, Mattel, THQ, comic book companies...etc. What corporate sponsors do TNA have?

TNA is NOT at the top of their game...if they were then they would be legitimate competition for WWE. Dont get me wrong, I WANT TNA to succeed, but its going to take a lot more than just changing things on TV in order for them to do that.

I can't be asked to dig out all the articles TBH. Just log onto PWInsider.com most of it's there.

TNA are legitimate competition to WWE as proved by their international ratings (which you can find yourself on PWInsider.com) and their attendance from the Huntsville taping which was the same (if not more) than the recent Smackdown tapings (which you can also find on PWInsider.com).
I can't be asked to dig out all the articles TBH. Just log onto PWInsider.com most of it's there.

TNA are legitimate competition to WWE as proved by their international ratings (which you can find yourself on PWInsider.com) and their attendance from the Huntsville taping which was the same (if not more) than the recent Smackdown tapings (which you can also find on PWInsider.com).

I like you man, but you are really grasping at straws here. To show that a company you support is legitimate competition, you are asking people to compare the one time a company leaves for a TV taping to ONE Smackdown taping that happened to have been an all-time low. All you would be proving there is that one company's absolute worst attendance is approximately equal to the absolute best attendance the other company can muster.

The fact is, TNA is not competition to the WWE. They are an alternative to the WWE and are a solid #2 in terms of the American market, but are they anywhere near dethroning WWE for #1? Heck no! Thing is, that's ok. There's nothing wrong with being #2. If you have your niche and make money in that niche (something TNA claims they do), what's the issue?

I mean, at this point the company has literally played every card it can to get where it is. They've brought in every major name they could get their hands on, they've signed guys coming off of WWE title runs, they've brought in Hall of Famers and legends, and here we stand with a mere 10 percent increase at max in television ratings.

At this point, I think the best thing for fans to do is to understand TNA as they understand themselves. They need to be TNA and not compare themselves to WWE. They are a successful entity at this point and whether that means they are the top wrestling organization in the US or not, they are successful in what they do. Heck, the probably will never get to WWE levels because WWE has been doing it way longer and has become a global empire as far as business is concerned.

So how do you save TNA? You don't. You let TNA be TNA and continue to grow at whatever speed they grow. Let them be the best TNA they can be and just see it as such. Sure, we all can be fantasy bookers and I certainly have plenty of complaints with storylines and pushes as it pertains to their show, but their TV does pretty consistent ratings and they seem to be doing ok. As long as they continue to work towards getting better, they are fine.
TNA doesn't need saving but here are some things that would strengthen the show a bit.

1) Focus more on the X-Division. It's the one thing they have that WWE does not. They need a vet or 2 put people over there and that title was practically made for RVD. Why not let him do what he does there instead of being background noise in the world title scene

2) The Knockouts division has taken a few stumbles over the last year or so but it's still another area where TNA does well and WWE does not. Ignore the misogynists and let the girls do their thing, they have a lot of good potential feuds they can do with the roster at hand and there are plenty of ex knockouts who they can pick up on the cheap to get a few more technically inclined workers to bring out the best in Mickie James.

3) Rebuild the Tag Team division. WWE is now starting to do so but they don't have the depth TNA once had. Make Tag Team wrestling matter again. There are plenty of underutilized talent that you can create gold with. I don't expect Devon and Pope to be the next Doom I can see say... Haskins and Kendrick having a good feud with the guns one day.

4) I like what they are doing with the TV title and Eric Young, it's a good way cover up the fact that this title is meaningless however there is a bunch of talent that can use the rub like Morgan, Joe or Pope. Defend it weekly, or put it on someone like Joe or RVD and let them hold on to it for a year, nobody would notice nor care. They will put on great matches and the title will eventually gain prestige, but it HAS to be defended regularly or just scrap it. you can't have it both ways.

5)The TNA title picture needs fresh faces. I have no problem with heel Angle holding it at all and he should have it for at least 4 months and stop this infernal game of hot potato. Put it on Bubba or Roode..you can't go wrong with either man. Cycle Sting and Anderson out the title picture.

6) Immortal needs to die.
I like you man, but you are really grasping at straws here. To show that a company you support is legitimate competition, you are asking people to compare the one time a company leaves for a TV taping to ONE Smackdown taping that happened to have been an all-time low. All you would be proving there is that one company's absolute worst attendance is approximately equal to the absolute best attendance the other company can muster.

I mean, at this point the company has literally played every card it can to get where it is. They've brought in every major name they could get their hands on, they've signed guys coming off of WWE title runs, they've brought in Hall of Famers and legends, and here we stand with a mere 10 percent increase at max in television ratings.


You raised some valid points but these 2 are off base.

Fact: TNA is competition or there would be no need for non compete clauses.

Fact: It wasn't TNA's first time on the road like you state, and it's important to highlight that attendance is better than a FEW recent wwe events because it shows that they have a genuine interest in the product and can put asses in seats. WWE on the other hand is having trouble filling venues they should be selling out easily with a superior product.

Fact : Ratings are overrated and TNA's viewership numbers have been steadily growing. Take a look super stars and Smackdown, 1 show TNA dominates, the other they are on the verge of overtaking, and this is domestic. internationally TNA owns WWE.

Fact: If I was a WWE shareholder I'd be concerned. Very concerned.

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