What would make you mark out??


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Ratings are going down, and I think its because its too damn predictable, and they are running the same stories over and over. Batista/HHH/Orton, Cena/Show/Edge, and then the same stale matches on RAW/SD! or the same stale predictable matches. Chavo/Noble vs The Colons....gee I wonder who the hell is going to win that one? Matt Hardy vs Goldust? Wow I'm creaming in my pants with excitement because I just don't know what's going to happen. Well I guess you see my sarcasm.....

Now I'm not talking about Stone Cold or The Rock coming back unexpectedly, or any other current non-active WWE wrestler. I'm talking about a good old fashioned "Oh Shit!" moment that would genuinely make you excited. What would completely make you mark out? Because WWE has forgotten how to make us do that apparently. CM Punk MITB win? Hell no! Randy Orton winning at Backlash? Who the hell didn't see it coming...it should've been at Mania. Oh yeah, and what was the point of Edge losing the title at 'Mania? No point at all, Cena didn't even defend the title in the 3 weeks he had it.

What would make me mark out right now, is if Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect lost his cool finally and acknowledged the boos by the fans, and turned FULL fledged heel. If he came out in a suit, with shades, and became Hollywood Cena....Oh my God I would mark the hell out with excitement off of this fresh angle and gimmick for Cena's stale character.

There are many more I can think of but I want to hear what would make everyone else mark out. What can the current WWE Roster do that would make you completely mark out like you were a kid again....if anything at all???? We need a huge swerve to get us excited again, what should that swerve be?
I like the "Hollywood Cena" idea you projected, I'd mark for that.

I also think I would if Ted Dibiase Sr. was somehow behind the Undertaker's reign of terror all these years after bringing him to the WWE in the first place (I'm sure that's been discussed somewhere).
lol cena in a suit and shades? really? jeans and a t would be more realistic..but yeah a cena heel turn would be good right now, im bored of him beyond beleif as a face. and i hate his look too, cut off denim shorts, the most ridiculous haircut known to man, and hes too muscley his body looks odd..like batistas huge but it suits him. cena i dunno, just looks odd i think, im even sick of his fingers, fat stumpy party sausage fingers. god hes annoying. but back to the point..

theres no major faces to fight him even if he did turn heel, none that anybody cares about anyway...batista and hhh coming under the 'nobody cares' category.

i really dont know what would make me mark out now, a kennedy return is the only thing i'd get hyped about at the moment. i pray to god he stays injury free in the future, we all need it. im sure kennedy feuds with the likes of jericho, edge, orton, christian, maybe hbk and taker again too, these would all be money. kennedy is gold and wwe need him back asap.
A couple of things pop to mind...

The return of Mr. Kennedy.
But that's predictable. So I would need something totally out of left field. Like when MVP came out at the start of RAW I was "marking out"

Or if CM Punk were to lose the money in the bank to someone else. That's unexpected.

But the easiest thing to get me to "mark out" is a good solid wrestling match. Sometime's we do get that. Let's all try to be a little less negative and just enjoy things for what they are.
What would make me mark out right now, is if Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect lost his cool finally and acknowledged the boos by the fans, and turned FULL fledged heel.

Ah yes, listen to 10% of the live audience and turn your biggest babyface heel. What a sound business decision that would be.

If he came out in a suit, with shades, and became Hollywood Cena....Oh my God I would mark the hell out with excitement off of this fresh angle and gimmick for Cena's stale character.

Thus making the heel turn rubbish. The point of a heel turn is to get boos from the audience. If you mark out, that wouldn't be a heel turn would it?

What would make me mark out? Cena beating Orton at WrestleMania 26. Or Big Show being fired. Or "Dave Batista has been suspended due to a wellness policy violation" popping up on wwe.com. Not sure which one I would cheer for most.

If Orton does get an iron grip on Raw thanks to legacy and has a reign of terror, him losing to the top babyface on RAW at 'Mania would be pretty special.

No doubt some fans will complain about Orton's long reign, and THEN complain he had to drop the belt to Cena though.
I'd mark out for:

A Cena heel turn - Would just be great to watch and would probably be the biggest heel turn since Hogan's.

An Edge & Christian reunion - They teased it at Backlash, I think it'll happen soon, Edge looks like's heading for a face turn. I just hope it's far more entertaining than the DX reunion in 06.

New stars being pushed - Last week on RAW during the Orton promo they could have done the boring and predictable thing and had Batista or Shane interrupt him...but instead they had MVP come out and he got a good reaction in his first hint of a main event rub, they should give more guys this kind of chance.
I don't really mark out much. The last time was when Edge cashed in his Money In The Bank title shot at New Year's Revolution three and a half years ago.

I think it'd take a lot to be honest. I think Batista is turning heel soon, swerve me and have Cena turn instead and I think I would. But other than that I can't think of anything.

EDIT: Actually, I always mark out when somebody dies.
If Kane were to win the World title...it sometimes seems an impossible thought but if it happened I'd be well pleased no doubt.
To follow along with Cena, I'd love a return to his old rapping gimmick. Now that was entertainment. I used to be a big Cena fan when this was his gimmick but I stopped pretty soon after they changed it - it got old fast.

I'd mark out more than ever if Shawn Michaels won the championship. It'd be amazing, and it's been way too long since he was champion. Yes, I know he doesn't want it. But I'd mark out huge.
I would love to see Triple H turn heel again. That would be awesome.

I would also like to see Bret Hart come back even if just for one match. I would marrrk out. I know it wouldn't happen but still.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels forming a new NWO, would be awwwwesome. Or a similar angle to TNA's MEM/Front line. That would be coolio.
Lol ok first cena in a suit and shades reminds me of Johnny Cage from mortal kombat haha. But what id loooove (id be damn near giddy) woule be the return of the ministry. At this point and time it seems it would be pretty unexpected. Plus at the 'twilight' of 'takers career it would put emphasis on him as he prepares for his exit (not like he needs it but still).
I haven't marked out in a while. Christian was as close as it gets.

Oh wait, no the last time I marked out was when Randy Orton was champion last time, McMahon wanted HHH to come shake Orton's hand, Orton went to go find him and HBK's music hit. I marked the fuck out.

Well...with the exclusion of former wrestlers returning...I'd say have Cena turn heel. Just like everyone else. I like this scenario...WM26, Taker vs. Cena...Decent match, have Taker go over cleanly, have Taker offer his hand...and have Cena go ballistic on him. Pull out the chairs, chains, whatever. Brutally kick his ass.

I say WM26, only because of fear that Taker will retire before WM27...the longer you keep Cena full-fledged face the better. Have him make the swerve like Hogan did.
Orton continues to wreak havoc over the WWE , Shane and/or Batista finally turns heel and they completely destroy RAW, Vince says "there's only one thing left to do".

HHH and HBK return and clear the ring of the heels one night they tease DX is back but then Scott Hall and Sean Waltman come out too, followed by the Big Show (as a replacement for Nash whos stuck in TNA for seems like forever). They get a spray-paint can and with a knocked-out Shane in the ring , they tease spray-painting the NWO but then spray paint the letters.........K..........L.......I.........Q !!!!!!! The real life KLIQ becomes a faction on TV

Now i know because of Hall and Waltman's problems it will never happen, but they could come up with a ton of angles about how the heels would say the KLIQ will ruin wrestling, very unrealistic but that would be the ultimate mark out moment for me
I'm going to try to be remotely realistic, because obviously things like the Kliq existing would make everyone mark out...

But in reality, if any of the up and coming guys that i love got their push, Id mark hard. If Morrison gets a crazy push and wins the feud, or Shelton.
Which might happen with JO MO, so I have been marking slightly for a week or 2 now.

Bret coming in for one day and cutting a promo on the new hart foundation would be as much as i could mark out. It's not impossible. He was planning on doing it for teddy.

O yea, But the two times I have marked out in the last couple years was watching The Morrison vs Bourne match and having Morrison come out victor... Its one of my fav matches of all time now... AND watching Edge come out in Toronto against Cena in the TLC match, with his new blue pants, Getting overwhelmingly cheered... the emotion on his face was intense, it was like he had to try rly hard to be heel cause you know how much he appreciated that reaction... edge is the man.
Ah yes, listen to 10% of the live audience and turn your biggest babyface heel. What a sound business decision that would be.

Thus making the heel turn rubbish. The point of a heel turn is to get boos from the audience. If you mark out, that wouldn't be a heel turn would it?

I said what would make ME mark out, not WHAT should happen from a business perspective per se. If Cena turned heel, I would mark the hell out, and I think a lot of people would.
have shawn michaels win the last title one last time, that would make me mark out for life.

Think about it, if Wrestlemania 26 is shawns last stand, it would be awesome if he had the chance to compete for prior and win the WWE or World heavyweight title for one more run, watching him carry the belt from sucessful defense after defense would make me go nuts, it would take me back to the glory days when shawn was champion (wrestlemania 12 and onward) but this time it would mean so much more.
I think the wwe needs cena to turn heel...i mean look at it this yea they like him face bc of the kids but thats all that cheer for him ever adult boo the shit outta him everytime he comes out bc he has been ding the same thing for how many years now...i agree with him doing the whole hollywood cena fun i think that be cool but i would love to see the thug cena come back n break off raps again...it may even help him if he did it now and stayed face he was huge when he did that then he got drafted to RAW and they made him stop...dumb move...
WWE needs to come up wit better storylines im SO sick of cena and edge and good point why the hell make cena win the title if he was just gonna lose 3 weeks later...what to give edge another title reign to be a 9 time champ so dumb... hhh and orton done orton got the title lets move on but we all know thats not gonna happen as soon as hhh returns we gonna see them fight again...but this time i dont think they gonna put the belt back on trips...i think they gonna give randy a decent run...
If Kane came out of no where to win the belt i think that would be huge...so many story lines you could do with that and possibly could be interesting, and i rly wish hbk would get one more run b4 he finishes up but he just doesnt want it

They need to bring back Kennedy soo as a face and battle with the likes of legacy...ortan (later on) matt hardy even...and he could be a good guy to face cena if they do wanna turn cena heel have cena complain in the ring then bring back kennedy that woud be huge n crowd would go nuts!
I genuinely went crazy for the Undertaker/Shawn Michaels match at WMXXV. The near-finishes, the great moves... it was an epic battle, and one which I don't think will ever be topped. I marked out crazy for that match, especially in my head is Taker's face after the 15,000th Tombstone he gave to HBK who still kicked out. I think I'm still marking out now actually.

In terms of the future? Morrison getting a BIG BIG push this year, culminating with a face turn and title run would have me marking out. I find I get more involved with stars that I've been watching for a while finally make their move to the big time - I went NUTS when Jeff Hardy won the WWE Title. I think I'd do the same for Morrison.
I think that the last time I marked out in reality, where at live shows in the UK.

Manchester November 2008: The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy, Extreme Rules.
When Hardy went over I went ballistic.
Then because they did a double SD taping, Jeff continued to go over Triple H cleanly.
I thought he had won the title because they never said about it being non-title and his chance to get in a Triple Threat at Survivor Series. I went CRAZY. Then the person I was with said "He didn't win the title." I was still like "Oh ok, still cool!"

The other time was the Shawn Michaels/John Cena match in London April 2007 after Mania 23, the hour long match. The crowd was so hot, I was so happy when HBK went over, I never screamed so loud. I laughed in kids faces! haha.

Oh yes of course; Taker/Michaels when I was at Mania this year. GOOD GOD! Best match EVER! So awesome.

Then of course Jeff winning the WWE title!
1. Any great match. Like HBK / Undertaker WMXXV. I know these can't happen weekly on Raw/SD, but truly solid matches seem to happen bi-annualy at best.

2. E&C reunion with a DX-level push.

3. Cena heel turn and beating the crap out of HHH saying 'Get the hell off my show, bitch!'. Followed by intense feud.

4. Really believing that Edge/Cena feuds are done for good.

5. The return of managers. Guys like Heenan, Jimmy Hart etc. added a certain element that I miss now.

6. Tommy Dreamer winning the ECW title and the place going nuts chanting E C DUB! and having some ECW originals come out to celebrate with him.

7. Maryse announcing on Raw that she's retiring from WWE to be my personal maid/valet/sex toy.
i'd mark out if undertaker ever loses at wrestlemania, imagine if its cena vs. taker, face vs face , and cena turns heel during the match like austin at wm17? the crowd goes crazy, everyone in this thread would mark out. it'll arguably be the biggest moment in wrestling history. it'll get cena some legitimate heat, and the feud would be golden.
1) Kane comes out with his mask on.

2) Cena is tweened.

3) Through the miracle of cloning we get Benoit vs Owen.

4) RVD

5) Edge and Christian pull a 5 second pose.
My ultimate mark-out would be if Sting went to Wrestlemania to retire the Undertaker, and later feud with Triple H, Jeff Hardy and fellow christian Shawn Michaels. Or even build Randy Orton as an unbeaten heel, having Sting come out of the rafters to beat the p*ss out of Orton and Legacy. Dominating the feud and becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Then as a swerve from the Orton feud, having Cena come out to congraulate the Stinger and doing a heel turn on him.
My legit mark out would come when they give John Morrison deserved push and cleanly pinning the current world champion.
Edge and Christian becoming a dominate faction in wrestling without being delegated to tag team wrestling.
Mark-out? Seems like anytime one cheers for a wrestler that another fan doesn't like in a forum one becomes a "mark". That's hypocrisy I guess.
I believe the last time I mark out was when I attended Wrestlemania 22 and RVD won the Money in The Bank. I was jumping like crazy. I think he deserve it more than anyone in that match. I would have hate it if Flair won.

Other situations I can see myself marking out is definitely seeing Bret Hart return or a teaser like how they did with HBK on RAW in 2005 in Canada when Bret Hart music played. Watching it at home made me have goosebumps.

1. Seeing RVD VS AJ Styles, I seriously believe this is another RVD VS HBK dream match.

2. Any wrestler in WWE who deserves better to make there debut in TNA. For Smackdown tapings this pass Tuesday in MSG. When Shelton's match was over I was screaming to Shelton to go to TNA.

3. Seeing Edge & Chris Jericho teaming up to create Rated Y2J, which was the same sign my girlfriend made this past Tuesday.

4. Having The Rock VS John Cena or Hogan VS Austin. The 2 Biggest Dream Matches in History don't you think. I know everyone wants to see this.
id mark out for...........

1)mr kenndey returning and being built up as a super face and winning the title
2)chris jericho challageing the undertaker to a match at wrestlemania
3)mvp winning the wwe title
4)if the rock returned for one night only
5)stone cold having one last match at wrestlemania
6)christan vs edge vs jeff hardy vs matt hardy TLC match world title
7)john morrison vs hbk wrestlemania
8)john cena vs hulk hogan just for the build up to the match
9)randy orton vs jeff hardy a rematch from royal rumble 08
10)triple h annouces his retirement

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