What will revealing Triple H's relation to the Mcmahons do to his character??

For newer fans it doesn't make any sence but for attuide era fans it fits so perfectly.

Does anybody remember October 2005 the so called Season premere of Raw when Vince Mcmahon introduced HHH to Stephine? -for supposely the first time ever- Then the next time they are seen together is on Raw Feb 2009.? WTF

However for attuide era fans, they remember 10 years ago when Triple H took Steph away from her boyfreind Test. Then later came together as the heamly/mcmahon era.

So, it's a stickey subject......

In my view, i would of got Stonecold to help the mcmahon family. -To beat a Viper get a Rattlesnake- That would be fun....with a possiable match going into WM. Orton/Austin, or Orton/Austin/Edge for WWE championship.

As has already been pointed out plenty in this thread, they have mentioned it since then, heck in a promo last year Trips gave a coy wave to Steph and turned to HBK and said aww come on they sure as hell know!

But onto subject...I think it's going to open a world of possibilities for his character, the way I can see it going for the time being is the very intense Triple H we've seen before, yeah gold's on the line, but family is more important. He will fight tooth and nail for Stephanie, and seeing an intense Triple H once again will be great.
What will it do? WHAT WILL IT DO?! I'll tell you what it'll do, it'll collectively make every I.W.C. Triple H. hater's head spontaneously combust. They won't have any more secret smark knowledge of something that's never been a secret to begin with. They won't know how to react in seeing the guy they wanna hate so much for his personal life relationship, actually playing out a Main Event storyline, about his personal life relationship!

In reality for the rest of us, it'll do absolutely nothing except create a very great reason for Triple H. and Randy Orton to reenter into yet another feud between the two of them, for a purpose other than to bore the living shit outta us.

I honestly hope they do this right though. No half assing it, no trying to beat around the bush about it. I want Triple H., next Monday Night on Raw coming out and flat-out being the pissed off Husband each and every male would be, if their Wife had just gotten laid out like Orton did to Stephanie.

I don't think any self-respecting man in this world, with a Wife, would react any differently than what we're all anticipating and hoping Triple H. will react with. That's flatout aggression, anger, and vengeance. Rules and "scripts" thrown out the window. NO "match" involved. Just a pure encounter between a prick, and a very pissed off, loving Husband.

If anything, THIS will help evolve Triple H. even more in his career. It'll add another layer to the already greatness that he's become.

What he said.

The relationsship has been common knowledge since the attitude era. And lost count of the amount of times Trips has made referecnes to it.

Only thing that kinda makes no sense is how come now, after all these yrs he finally decides to intervene on the McMahons behalf

And are they also then gonna say that the whole divorce bit was just a storlyine and the repeated McMahon vs McMahon and DX Vs McMahons was all in good fun, when it clearly coincided with Triple H and Stephanie being husband and wife????

Anyway, it opens up a lot of questions storyline wise but as for the OMG factor, absolutely nothing.

Just might be now that we have two GM/Superstar combo's as Husband and Wife combo's at the top of there repsective shows. and somewhere down the line, like at SummerSlam Vickie/Edge Vs Triple H/Stephanie. OK that was jsut rediculous LOL

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