What will revealing Triple H's relation to the Mcmahons do to his character??

Totally agree with a previous post. The Stephanie turn would be a great storyline. Think about it. Orton has had so many opportunities to punt her as well, and has taken a pass. Steph turns on Trips right before or at WM25, look at the pops when Vickie comes out on Smackdown. Raw would love to have that with Stephanie! This could be a longstanding storyline.
I think the best option from here is play up the marriage thing, then have Steph turn on Trips at WM25. Then have her join Legacy, you could even have Steph and Randy in a relationship or something to take it up a notch.
Well it looks like they are going to have to get married on screen again since after reading WWE.com, there still isn't any mention of their relationship.

I think Vince will be the one to backstab the McMahons. I don't think he is going to miss the 25th anniversary of the show he created so he must have some part to play. If Stephanie does get married to Triple H on screen, I could see Vince screwing Triple H out of the title for that very reason.
But its pathetic! Do they really think we don't know that in real life they are married?! Do they take us for idiots? Seriously they shouldn't patronise the fans who know the truth. For storyline purpose's, Steph getting re-married to Triple H would be very interesting but because Triple H has come out of role several times when it comes to the HHH/Steph marriage in real life thing, it would look stupid.
i mean everybody knew anyway! i mean if they didnt than damn why are they watching wrestling!? and yeah i defintely thinks it helps his character because it gives him more motivation to beat Orton he will be more intense than ever! making it a bigger accomplishment once orton beats him at mania!
Well it looks like they are going to have to get married on screen again since after reading WWE.com, there still isn't any mention of their relationship.

I think Vince will be the one to backstab the McMahons. I don't think he is going to miss the 25th anniversary of the show he created so he must have some part to play. If Stephanie does get married to Triple H on screen, I could see Vince screwing Triple H out of the title for that very reason.

why do they need to get married on screen?
Back in 2006 in the whole DX deal when Trips and Stephanie had their first kid it was mentioned that Trips had been there with the McMahons when Stephanie dropped.. you're looking to much into it.
i don;t know if this has already been mentioned, because i didn't read every single note, but i'd like to see a triple h, shane, and someone else (don't know who) against orton and legacy. i think that could make for some good matches with shane FINALLY getting to hit the coast to coast on orton.
i dont think its gonna make any affect at all since everyone already knows....whats he gonna d come out and say "Vince im the one who has ur daughters two kidsand we r married" it b pointless....
Am I the only one who thinks that Trips and Steph's on-screen relationship is going to lead to Trips retiring within the year? After all, he's in his 40's and he's set financially and professionally. There is nothing more for him to accomplish (other than beating Flair's World Title number, but I think even Trips knows he doesn't deserve that honor). I really think this is brewing towards him leaving the spotlight...he's been a solid main eventer for almost 10 years, with only Taker and HBK being in the ME spotlight for longer...he's had a tremendous run, therefore I think it's coming time to turn the Game off.
Yes you are the only one who thinks like that. Triple H was simply defending his Wife after that ASSCLOWN ORTON RKO'D her for no reason.
As for alluding to being married, whenever HHH and HBK were commenting about the father being a stud, that is the only clue HHH has given non-kayfabe.

As for the actual question, I think HHH is at a point with the crowd where nothing he can do will really make him heel, so why not add to his faceness by having him defend his wife, only to have her turn on him. It also adds some intensity to a feud which no-one was REALLY sure where it would end for Orton. Now he has direction, and HHH has honour to defend. The classic good vs evil.
well i have been a triple h fan for a long time and granted i wanted them to do this bring him back into the "family" but for every one trying to think that they have to explain there marriage thats crap cause im sure that most smart wrestling fans have known that for years and they do mention it in code from time to time but they dont need to explain it . this is a story line they want people to belive that a guy would honor his wife and come out the hero . but this should complete hhh's character from this i only see hhh breaking flairs record then hopefully step down and give some one else a shot to be in the spot light
It would explain how he became so huge. Becuz it sure wasn't off of his natural talent or lackof. People would see how much he really deserves everything he gets in the WWE.
I dont think it'll hurt Triple H's character. He's one of the five most popular wresters right now, and I really dont think revealing his relationship with Stephanie McMahnon will hurt him, It'll probably actually help him get over more. They're building up Orton as a bastard who beat up Triple H's family, and most importantly hurt his wife. I think that most fans will sympathize with Triple H and cheer him on when he faces Orton at wrestlemania. It should make for a very interesting match up at the least.
The crowd reaction last night showed WWE exactly what everyone on here already knows ... kayfabe or not HHH and Stephanie are married, we all know that, we all HAVE known that so let's move on with a storyline that makes RAW watchable again!!! The crowd and home audience had to be cheering when HHH was making the save, hell I thought he was coming down to the ring before Orton hit Steph with the RKO...you knew who she was calling on the phone before the final match went down anyway. Plus, with the way NWO went down, you know that HHH is heading back to RAW and Cena to Smackdown to challenge Edge.

HHH's character will definitely benefit from this storyline because Orton has become what HHH used to be, there is so much history between Orton and HHH that storylines just ooze out of the creative team's minds...adding Stephanie to the mix was the icing on the cake!

I think WWE is finally realizing that they can keep the brands seperate but also spread out storylines and talent over all of the brands to make TV more entertaining, Christian cannot stay on ECW forever, HHH is not a SD star, and Cena is getting old on RAW and needs to leave, and the draft will hopefully accomplish this!
yada yada yada. I'm 99 percent sure this has been on WWE TV before. In terms of Triple H, the crowd and his character, it will do nothing of any importance.

As people are saying, what it will do is set up a Trips/Orton match at Mania. This is something I just don't want to see. Because I've already seen it. Orton, I suspect, will go over. He is THE PRESENT (trademarked) and THE FUTURE (trademarked), and since Trips doesn't usually win at Wrestlemania anyway...

That's fine, but it doesn't change the fact that we've seen Orton/Trips before, the chemistry between them is good but not great, and Mania 25 should really have fresh matches. Or at least matches we've not seen a gazillion times over within the last year and a half.
Wasn't part of the angle during the brand split, that Triple H was married to Steph, and she tried to use that to get him on Smackdown?

Part 1 From Vengeance '02


Part 2


Basically, the "reveal" on RAW, won't do anything for long-time fans, or anyone who knew anyway. The only people it will affect, are the people who have just started watching, and have been hiding under a rock for a few months.
It would explain how he became so huge. Becuz it sure wasn't off of his natural talent or lackof. People would see how much he really deserves everything he gets in the WWE.

Because clearly he got cheered because he's married to Steph. Or because he won titles when he wasn't married to her because the Creative department was psychic and knew it would happen and wanted to kiss Vince's ass before it happened.

Or maybe, and this is just a big MAYBE... the guy who made DX, was one of the best heels going when he turned on them and then ushered in the McMahon Helmsley era (Oh, and remember, he wasn't married to her at this point) and was hated on screen, was good enough to make it by himself.

HHH is good at what he does and he makes people love or hate him, like the Rock, like Austin, like HBK and like Hogan. None of those guys were great in the ring, so if you would be so kind as to stop basing HHH's career of his wife

So HHH has won the belt a few times. If he was as selfish as people say, he wouldn't have tapped to Benoit, tapped to Cena at WM, he wouldn't have put over Jeff Hardy. But the fact is, people are so blind to the fact that HHH is in a relationship with a woman who happens to be the owner's daughter, that everything he does is for his own ego.
If they stick with highlighting his relationship with 'the family', then there will be an opportunity for an epic angle. We hear everyone complain about Triple H all the time, whether he's a boring roided out oaf or a sycophantic self-promoter. You give Trips a heel turn. Then half the IWC will be like "Oh yays, his character is better now". At that point you give him a real burying gimmick. Have him replace his trusted sledgehammer with a brand new shovel. He then begins to abuse his power to keep himself from looking bad. You could have Stephanie throw out matches as he's losing, pull scripted blackouts when he has the upper hand, and many other things. The point is that you turn him into an openly self-serving heel that you couldn't support even if you wanted to. It won't happen, but I'd laugh my ass off if it did.
I think like THEONEBIGWILL mention the world already knows about their marriage and kids so outside of storyline and clever tactics HHH should show up with the same passion as he had the closing of RAW and come clean.
This can open a storyline in itself but everyone knows and expects a man to come and regulate on whoever hurt their wife.
That's the Human Element.
HHH is good at what he does and he makes people love or hate him, like the Rock, like Austin, like HBK and like Hogan. None of those guys were great in the ring, so if you would be so kind as to stop basing HHH's career of his wife

Umm people hate him becuz he doesn't deserve alot of the shit that he gets. He's one of, if not the most overrated wrestler of al time.

So HHH has won the belt a few times. If he was as selfish as people say, he wouldn't have tapped to Benoit, tapped to Cena at WM, he wouldn't have put over Jeff Hardy. But the fact is, people are so blind to the fact that HHH is in a relationship with a woman who happens to be the owner's daughter, that everything he does is for his own ego.

He doesn't even deserve to have the belt. that's the point. But kids like you are so brainwashed into thinking that he's the greatest thing to ever step in the ring you guys don't care ..... marks anyways !:suckit:
Umm people hate him becuz he doesn't deserve alot of the shit that he gets. He's one of, if not the most overrated wrestler of al time.

So were Hogan and Flair. Flair was worthless after his plane crash, and Hogan merely coasted by on being Vince's chosen one. To be honest, kids cheered him when he returned because they'd heard of him, not because he was impressing them.

He doesn't even deserve to have the belt. that's the point. But kids like you are so brainwashed into thinking that he's the greatest thing to ever step in the ring you guys don't care ..... marks anyways !:suckit:

:lmao: Reads it again... :lmao: Seriously? Ok, we'll take this outside into a pseudo-'industry' based awards level. 6 PWI awards... do I care? Not really, but they're there.

PWI Feud of the Year (2000) vs. Kurt Angle
PWI Feud of the Year (2004) vs. Chris Benoit
PWI Match of the Year (2004) vs. Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit at WrestleMania
PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (2003–2005)
PWI ranked him # 1 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2000
PWI Wrestler of the Year (2008)

Two feuds of the years, one Match of the year. Now, does the fact he is related to Vince help him even remotely perform in the ring against Angle and Benoit? Eh, not really. They might get him there, but it takes more that being the boss' relative to keep it. If that wasn't true, it'd Shane O'Mac as champion.

Like him or not, and you've made it clear you don't, 7 of his 13 wins have come before he married Stephanie. Given he's had 3 of the others in the last 6 months, that sorta makes you wonder just how you come up with the fact that he's there because he married Stephanie. He won KOTR before that, he won all his other belts before it... So bar 6 (5 if you count that idiotic night where he won it and held it for 3 hours) belts and one Rumble win where he was back from injury and guaranteed a push, in the 5.5 years of marriage, you gotta think that's not a good return
Triple H vs Randy Orton- WrestleMania 25. this will be epic and not just a regular match. I could see all the McMahons come out during the match and all attack Orton and maybe Rhodes and DiBiase but the McMahons beat the crap out of them and Triple H will bring the sledge hammer into the match and wack orton with it. Maybe, but i doubt it, but Batista will get involved to get back at Orton for punting him. In the End, I see Triple H standing Tall still the WWE champion with the McMahons in his corner raising his hand. It could be the start of 1 of the greatest alliances in WWE.
Oh hell yeah it will help him. The McMahons have been involved in numerous storylines over the years where they were at each other's throats. This could set up a lot more Triple-H-Shane McMahon matches as well as set up a possible future where Triple-H is the on screen owner of the company. We know that he can do it as he has done it before so for him to be recognized as a McMahon would be even greater now than ever before.
For newer fans it doesn't make any sence but for attuide era fans it fits so perfectly.

Does anybody remember October 2005 the so called Season premere of Raw when Vince Mcmahon introduced HHH to Stephine? -for supposely the first time ever- Then the next time they are seen together is on Raw Feb 2009.? WTF

However for attuide era fans, they remember 10 years ago when Triple H took Steph away from her boyfreind Test. Then later came together as the heamly/mcmahon era.

So, it's a stickey subject......

In my view, i would of got Stonecold to help the mcmahon family. -To beat a Viper get a Rattlesnake- That would be fun....with a possiable match going into WM. Orton/Austin, or Orton/Austin/Edge for WWE championship.

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