What will revealing Triple H's relation to the Mcmahons do to his character??

Mighty NorCal

So tonight, it was made obvious, after all these years, that Triple H and Steph are married off screen, and Triple H is in fact part of the Mcmahon family. If you dont see potential for TONS of different directions here, your foolish. I can see him being involved in tons of storylines involving them, should they remain highly on camera post-WM. Or, I guess one could presume, they will just ignore the fact for the most part, as they have all these years. WWE booking tends to have short term memory anyhow.

What do you guys think?? How will his marriage to steph being revealed effect his future??
Good question.

It won't affect him at all. It might give his character another emotion though, and that is sympathy. Sympathy for someone other than himself. People LOVE Triple H. Non smarks that is. Most people (Non Smarks included) knew that he was married to Triple H. So I don't think that it will change peoples opinion of him that greatly. In fact if it does, it will make people relate to him more. Someone who sees his wife get beat up, then he comes and protects her. With all the bad things going on in this world, people will eat this up. Seeing a hero in Triple H.

It will be good for his character.
Personally, I'm just curious as to how they'll explain them being married all these years while still keeping kayfabe.

Will they just play it as though it will come as a surprise to the McMahon family too? Or that big ol daddy Vince just chose to ignore the shame of HHH being his son-in-law, and HHH keeping it secret as well, not out of mutual respect for Vince's wishes but just to say he was trying to 'keep his image cool' in the joking tone he often uses.

Eh. We'll see. Either way I love Trips and don't care what comes. I will watch him till he retires.
If they choose to keep this out in the open only one real future seems evident to me, and its pretty vague. I just see him being the McMahon's muscle and, if they choose to back away from camera again, their mouthpiece.

It could easily give him a heel-turn though. He could exploit that much like Edge does with Vickie and, when he drops the title, use it to get all kinds of rematches and special conditions in said matches.

Although its very unlikely, I could actually see this storyline turn into an Orton face-turn and HHH heel-turn. Have HHH start picking off Legacy one after another. Then, have Orton actually apologize and get Pedigree'd for it. Its a complete long-shot but something along those lines could work. I'd love to see HHH become a heel again, and I think Orton could benefit from a face-turn with some fresh storylines.
its no real suprise, like said before everyone already knew. and if anyone remembers Trips has sarcasticly joked about it before on numerous occasions without actually saying it.

My theory is and it works perfectyl with this whole thing is....

Steph Goats Trips into Fitting Orton at WM. Then in a perfect scheme she reveals herslef as the brains behing Legacy already having Orton take out her family one by one. And now she has the company to do what she please's

This way Trips isnt really tarnished as being a product of his marriage ( which we all know hes not ). Its a twist on a classic storyline and if done right could make for some good wrestling entertainment
My theory is and it works perfectyl with this whole thing is....

Steph Goats Trips into Fitting Orton at WM. Then in a perfect scheme she reveals herslef as the brains behing Legacy already having Orton take out her family one by one. And now she has the company to do what she please's

This way Trips isnt really tarnished as being a product of his marriage ( which we all know hes not ). Its a twist on a classic storyline and if done right could make for some good wrestling entertainment

That would be a perfect McMahonism. I could see it happen and move the storyline for at least another 3 or 4 months. It could end with a Last Man Standing Match or let HHH and Orton go at it in HIAC at the Great American Bash. I could see him challenging Orton to the cell to keep Legacy out.
I see all types of potential, this could add some much needed realism to this angle. What man wouldn't protect there family ESP there wife. This is what raw needs I think at adds repti th The Game. As great as he is this adds compasion to his character. It shows that hebcars about others, at first I was skeptical about this feud but aftervseing raw, Randy is at the top of his game he is a legend in the making, HHH face at the end was great il looking forward and pray the writers dnt screw it up.
Trips has made allusions to it in the past. Subtle, but they were to the point where even the lowest IQ'd mark would have realized something was up and at the very least ASKED someone who had the internet.

So I don't think it does anything to Trips' character. Marks will still love him, those of us smarks who rolled with DX during the Attitude era will still know he's actually earned his spot, and smarks who aren't old enough to remember the Attitude era will still hate on him because he is married to Steph and they think that he doesn't deserve his spot.
I see all types of potential, this could add some much needed realism to this angle. What man wouldn't protect there family ESP there wife. This is what raw needs I think at adds repti th The Game. As great as he is this adds compasion to his character. It shows that hebcars about others, at first I was skeptical about this feud but aftervseing raw, Randy is at the top of his game he is a legend in the making, HHH face at the end was great il looking forward and pray the writers dnt screw it up.

Sorry But, What?

Now onto the question at hand. This is an interesting development in so far as they can point to a certain point back a couple of years, when Bischoff was fired. Anyone remember it? Vince arrives at Raw in the Limo and Trips is there to say that Bischoff should be kept, well when Steph got out of the limo, trips went "Hi Steph". Don't ask me why I remember that but I do. If they do as well then they could go and play off that ad say that they got back together around that point in time. But kept it relatively quiet. But even Vince has admitted it at times, on Byte This, it was raised as asking about thanksgiving at the McMahon household with Triple H. So it isn't too hard to work with.

As to how it will affect his character I don't know, there is too much variation to how they can work it, the protecting of the wife, the being played by the wife. The just because I want to angle. Its not too hard to come up with some justification.
What will it do? WHAT WILL IT DO?! I'll tell you what it'll do, it'll collectively make every I.W.C. Triple H. hater's head spontaneously combust. They won't have any more secret smark knowledge of something that's never been a secret to begin with. They won't know how to react in seeing the guy they wanna hate so much for his personal life relationship, actually playing out a Main Event storyline, about his personal life relationship!

In reality for the rest of us, it'll do absolutely nothing except create a very great reason for Triple H. and Randy Orton to reenter into yet another feud between the two of them, for a purpose other than to bore the living shit outta us.

I honestly hope they do this right though. No half assing it, no trying to beat around the bush about it. I want Triple H., next Monday Night on Raw coming out and flat-out being the pissed off Husband each and every male would be, if their Wife had just gotten laid out like Orton did to Stephanie.

I don't think any self-respecting man in this world, with a Wife, would react any differently than what we're all anticipating and hoping Triple H. will react with. That's flatout aggression, anger, and vengeance. Rules and "scripts" thrown out the window. NO "match" involved. Just a pure encounter between a prick, and a very pissed off, loving Husband.

If anything, THIS will help evolve Triple H. even more in his career. It'll add another layer to the already greatness that he's become.
I think this will make his character interesting again. For a while to me anyways HHH has been boring and all his feuds are really the same and pretty much meaningless. I think now that he is probably feuding with Orton over his wife it makes the scenario interesting. The possibilities on how this goes could be endless.

I'm really looking forward to this actually and this is coming from a HHH hater. I just think it will make him more interesting. Already with his run in tonight, I was more entertained by him then I have since he moved to smackdown. I kind of wish HHH turns heel and him and steph become the next power couple. But I guess that will have to wait til after the feud with Orton.

I think the fans are intrigued by this and it's only going to help him. While some "smarks" might get there knickers in a knot and claim that this is unfair and what not for whatever reason, but honestly who cares. This could be a great storyline with different outcomes(including a possible Steph swerve)that I for one am excited about trips again and this hasn't happened for me in a long time.
It will do nothing to his character. Everybody knew for years that Triple H and Stephanie were married. If people didnt know that where the hell have you been for the last 10 years.
How do you figure?? when was it ever mentioned, outside of the attitude era, in a kayfabe wedding?? True he may have eluded to it in a few promos, but only people who visit Wrestling websites knew what they were talking about. The vast majority of young fans, and their parents who watch with them, have zero idea. Ypu have to understand, the attitude era and the current veiwing demographic are an extremely different group of individuals. Yor average fan, 85% of the veiwing audience, likely had zero clue. And yoru wrong, already, as this week, it added the human element to "the destroyer" as was evident tonight. he showed sympathy, love, protection. Triple Hs character wouldnt seen as a loving husband up until this point.
Just watched Raw and i like it. Norcal is right though in that we already know where this is going but the majority of the fans don't. He's almost flat out said it in a few promos such as when he says he'll see Steph at home, but how many people remember a line like that? Shawn always says that HHH married what's her name, but never mentions that it was legit. For all the fans know he's talking about the drive through wedding. This is somethign different for HHH. What's the biggest criticism of him? He's stale. This will be a new side to his character. Also, he and Steph will have that natural chemistry you don't get in fake couples such as Edge and Vickie. It's like when brothers team up. There's something there that you can't fake. The promos will be better and so will the actions accompanying them. Like this idea very well.
I think that this will do a great deal for Triple H's character. Say he got traded to Raw at the draft ( I'm crossing my fingers), Triple H and Stephane Mc Mahon could be a nice version of Edge and Vicky. Hell one day, Triple H could even be the owner of the WWE! Also if HHH does get traded back to raw, it would mean the return of DX!
After watching Raw last night, I think we've see one thing that Triple H hasn't had for a good long while, he has a weakness! In the time of the McMahon-Helmsley era, Stephanie mostly helped him in wins and didn't play majors parts in his losses until Summerslam 2000 which led to a feud with Kurt Angle.

The annoying thing about Trips is that he appears indestructable and can take a beating from the whole roster and win. With him nowing having Stephanie's marriage to him finally playing light, it adds new depth and a way for people to attack Trips to make his feuds more interesting.
It will open up all sorts of potential possibilities down the road. But it certainly isn't going to hurt his character, at this point.

They are just acknowledging what everyone already knows anyway.
It just opens up HHH's character more. I mean up to now, bar Shawn Michaels, it was ALL about Triple H. Anything he did was solely for his gain. Now add his wife into that and his dimension changes. While he'll do things for himself, he'll need to be looking after his wife on the flipside. I mean, if HHH's opponents try anything on Steph then he'll have to react.

Also, it just opens up more fueds. People can use that 'you're the bosses daughter's husband, you've had success given to you' SHIT. It is shit. The man is bloody amazing. However, it just opens up more fueds for people to use this. Heck, maybe a family fued too. It's just going to change his character basically in the way that he'll have to look after his wife too, not just him.
Its got the point now where its a case off... "Ok we know that the two are bunking up together, and have known for a long time, maybe its time to stop treating us, the fans like children".

They've been married like 5 and a half years already and we have known since day one that they have been. Maybe they should start using this as an angle to intensifie a potential HHH/Orton feud.

As for the question will it effect Triple H's character... if I'm honest it'll probably improve his character. Because Triple H's character has always been intense and ruthless and if his character was fighting for vengence over his real-life wife getting hurt by his opponent, it'll drive him to do more vicious things. If I'm honest if they go ahead with the Orton/HHH storyline, both guys will be so intent to hurt the other, it'll end up being settled in a Hell in a Cell match at some stage. And I think thats one match we'll all love to see.
I agree with the notion that this is only good for Trips at this point - I agree that him constantly being in the title picture and in feuds only centered around the belt without any personal issues attached to it whatsoever lately, much like Batista (unlike the feuds of say, Cena vs Edge, which was hugely personal, or also Trips vs Orton after the Evolution split), and that has made him stale. Of course he is over as hell, and he is a competent in-ring worker... but if there is no other storyline behind his matches for years on end except that "Triple H wants/needs to be champion", it starts to get boring.

Now, with this move, they add dimension to his character, and people will actually pay attention to the feud, since it is something they can relate to, something that could happen in real life (someone attacks your wife/girlfriend), and something that makes you care about the person, and gets you interested in what is going to happen next, and whether he will get his revenge or not... Just think about the HBK/Jericho angle of last year... when they worked on the angle long-time, and got HBK's wife smacked by Jericho - well, that's what got people really into the feud.

And I really think it's a good thing WWE is trying to do a bit more down-to-earth with their storylines, focusing more on personal issues between wrestlers instead of simply their "drive to be champion" - that would suffice in a "real" fighting environment, if someone is simply "better" than the other... but in wrestling, you just need a good storyline that gets the fans involved on an emotional basis, otherwise there's no point in it all. But WWE made a couple of good moves lately, with the HBK/Jericho feud being very personal, then the HBK/JBL thing taking the current economic crisis as a basis, and now the Trips/Orton thing... it just makes the whole thing seem more real, and you have to "suspend your disbelief" less, simply because the storylines are not that much "out there". Also, the Jeff vs Matt feud will definitely somehow be appealing to people, simply because it is the "brother conflict"-storyline, which a lot of people will also be able to relate to.

So definitely some smart moves on part of WWE leading up to Wrestlemania, and, to get back on topic, definitely a good move for Triple H right now. They have a ton of potential with that Legacy storyline right now, especially if they play it like one of the McMahon's doublecrosses the others... we all know, a McMahon will never work as a face really, and especially not ALL of them - one has to have his (or her ;) ) own agenda, and hopefully they'll play it out around that.
I think it will affect Triple H, his story line anyway.. heck we can see a potential heel turn for Steph and the McMahons..I dont think people forget the feud Trips had with Vince..Steph can turn on Triple H the night after Wrestlemania!
well it is already been said , but i think that leading up to WM that the really non-smarks will find out that steph & trips are married and again leading up 2 WM the Mcmahon-Helmsly era will be back.......for 6 weeks that is coz it obvious that it steph will screw HHH outta the title at WM coz steph could be the possible mind behind legacy coz it sure as hell wont be shane that screws hhh at WM and randy will win title at mania and by the end of the year hhh will have surpassed flairs hard earned record =[ that is unless hhh has another 8 month title reign again after he eventually wins title back from randy at some stage in april (as in backlash) may or june.
For starters, putting the Triple H and Stephanie marriage out in the open, at least to the smarky fans, will hopefully serve to get ignorant fans off of his back for the entire "the only reason he's champ is because..." bullshit. In the immortal words of Professor Jordan Perry from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: "Sometimes the best place to hide is right out in the open."

And NorCal, you could tell by the crowd reaction on that episode of Raw when Stephanie was having the 2nd child - DX came out and showed pics of that the baby looked like, with HHH's face on it. Most fans knew. It got around. I think it'll be an easy transition into the storyline, maybe with a "I still love you, Steph" thing going on, and them getting "remarried" on Raw or some shit.

This is the best thing for both HHH and Orton. I was in my office on the CPU (on the LD) when HHH made the save last night, and I could hear the crowd pop for Hunter. They want this. They respect someone who comes to save his family. I was thrilled. Honestly, of all the directions they could have gone in with this, they chose the best possible one.

I'll do you one better - if my original idea of one of the McMahon kids being alligned with Legacy (maybe Steph?) is true, setting up a Raw feud with Triple H - well, then we have months of really solid programming ahead of us.
Maybe Shane joins Legacy, and says that he did it because he felt threatened by HHH. His brother-in-law has been rumored to have a hand in the state of the WWE once all is said and done. If we are going to put the real life fact that Trips/Stephanie are a family. Why not putting out in the open on HHH's affect on the business even if a grudge isn't there between he and Shane?
this is a great thing for hhh character. He has been the same thing same promos for a while now this will deff bring a new dimension to his character, the family man. This also leads me to believe that hhh will some day be the new kafable boss of the wwe. which i also think is another great idea. who pulls off being a heel or a face better then hhh? him being the boss would be a great way to cap off his already amazing career.

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