What Will Kane Be Most Remembered For?


Brilliant Idiot
Will he be remembered for his day-long title reign during the attitude reign? Or will he be remembered for his current run and what he's done overall?

I know it seems simply enough. A guy of his talents SHOULD be remembered for his overall run and what he's brought to story lines and unique character points.

However, he was never champion during WWE's peak. (Discarding that 24 hour run.) Most of the fans that watched during that era either don't watch anymore or may have even forgot about that blip. Theoretically, more fans could remember that before anything else because their were simply more fans then.

Will his legacy forever be during his entrance to WWE as that character and his role in or around that moment?
When i think of KANE two things come to mind...
1. The big red machine, kane is a fantastic athlete and a great entertainer, the audience along with everyone at home get excited when his music and pyro hits because some no-namer is issuing an open challenge or kane is just pissed and feels like destroying something...hes intimidating, physical, and entertaining and thats what i think he will be remembered for.
2. the other thing that comes to mind is The Undertaker, look at it anyway you want kane was brought in to be Undertakers little brother and thats what he is, alot of people will remember him because of his feuds with taker as well as being part of The Brother of Destruction.
he will only be remembered as undertakers brother. thats it

i prefer the raw kane from when the shows split up and threw kane gone crazy on the shane and everyone else.

but lets face it kane as a character has been side stepped and thrown in the back to often
and when he isnt in the back he is simply in the front as undertakers brother
My fondest memory of Kane is the promo he did with Hulk Hogan and The Rock, swiping all the catch phrases and mannerisms, it was hilariously awesome!

My worst memory of Kane is of course the whole Katie Vick non-sense.

I think Kane should be remembered as one of the best big men to ever step in the squared circle!
I agree with the Bionic Redneck in that the Hogan/Rock catchphrase promo was hilarious. It's amazing to look back and think about Kane's evolution and how the whole character storyline doesn't fit together. Kane went from being a masked monster with a supposedly burned, disfigured face who couldn't speak to having to speak with that vibrating device to being unmasked and having the burnt, disfigured face thing dropped and being able to talk just fine. I think he'll be remembered as an upper mid card guy who could put on a decent match with just about anybody.
Isaac Yankem, DDS.

Going from that to being Kane is just an example of finding the right character that hits with the audience. Sure he has had some hits and misses...but what wrestler hasn't with their characters.

When I was a kid Yankem scared the crap out of me and made me not want to go to the dentist, but that was all that character did for me. Now I look at Kane and wonder WHY they didn't think of him before. Imagine when the Undertaker first started and how be was scary...now add Kane on top of that.
The obvious choices would be the monstrous, intimidating 'Big Red Machine' persona or the epic battles with The Undertaker throughout his career. Both are worthwhile accomplishments to look back on once a career is over.

Unfortunately, two things that will always stick out in my mind when it comes to Kane is the whole Katie Vick disaster, that is something that will sadly haunt Glenn Jacobs the rest of his life, especially if decides to enter the politcal world.

The other would have to be his very disappointing 24-hour World Title reign. You work your ass off to get to the mountain top, only to have the peak crumble beneath your feet once you reach it.
He will/should be remembered as the guy who gave everything to the business, and his love for the business. He will also be remembered for his 13 year(on and off) fed with the undertaker. I will want to more remember him for his last title reign because he is one of my favorite wrestler's all time, but i will honor his whole career, even the jobbing. He is a great entertainer and had great/classic matches/feuds.
Although he didn't have many world title reigns, I still think Kane will be remembered fondly. He'll be remembered as the masked, intimidating Big Red Machine who bulldozed his way through opponents in his early years. He'll be remembered for his hillarious Hogan/Rock promo. He'll be remembered for his marriage angle with Lita. He'll be remembered for his epic feuds/teams with The Undertaker.

I'm confident he'll get a Hall of Fame spot one day.
I'll remember kane as one of the most dominate forces in wwf/e also one of the most under used as well, he is the only wrestler to hold the wwf title, world title, and ecw title, also a 10 time tag champ, he held the intercontinental and hardcore titles, 11 eliminations in a rumble, and money in the bank winner.
What I will remember Kane for most:

1. His debut where he attacked Undertaker during Taker and HBK's Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood in 1997.
2. Coming down to the ring to save Mick Foley, The Rock, and Too Cool from a beatdown from both The Radicals and DX. I will always remember the image of Kane stepping up onto the apron, about to square off against ten men, and I had no doubt that Kane would clear the ring...
3. His comeback to the WWE rings as the UnAmericans were about to burn the US flag. After Booker T and Goldust unsuccessfully tried to stop them, Kane's new music hit and he came down to the ring in his new sleeveless wrestling attire, and dominates the UnAmericans, and even treated the fans to his own version of Bokker T's spinarooni, the "Kanearooni"!

What the world will remember him for:

Being Undertaker's brother. I wish I could say more, but he will not be remembered for much more than that, which is a shame.
I think Kane will definately not be remembered for his title reigns *a bit like Undertaker won't aswell...*. I will remember him for basically kicking everyone's asses in the beginning of his career with WWF/WWE and I'll also remember him for scaring the shit out of me when I first saw him come out and tombstone the Undertaker (his mask is FREAKY... especially when you were only 3-4 at the time ¬.¬).

EDIT That Kanerooni was hilarious =] and I just remembered another thing I will remember him for is the mask removal--> He was UGLY lol I still remember the face rofl EDIT
What I will remember Kane for most:

1. His debut where he attacked Undertaker during Taker and HBK's Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood in 1997.
2. Coming down to the ring to save Mick Foley, The Rock, and Too Cool from a beatdown from both The Radicals and DX. I will always remember the image of Kane stepping up onto the apron, about to square off against ten men, and I had no doubt that Kane would clear the ring...
3. His comeback to the WWE rings as the UnAmericans were about to burn the US flag. After Booker T and Goldust unsuccessfully tried to stop them, Kane's new music hit and he came down to the ring in his new sleeveless wrestling attire, and dominates the UnAmericans, and even treated the fans to his own version of Bokker T's spinarooni, the "Kanearooni"!

What the world will remember him for:

Being Undertaker's brother. I wish I could say more, but he will not be remembered for much more than that, which is a shame.

My friend you just said everything I wanted to.

I think only a mark can understand when another has an instant liking to a character.
That was the case for me with Kane. From the time he ripped that cell door open till his reunion with his 'father' inside the same cell door some 13 years later.

As a person, he is a loyal worker who was at times burdened with ridiculous scenarios but he never came off looking bad. We always knew the creative had dropped the ball.

He will go down as of my top 3 best big men of all time. He has always told a great story with his ring-work and his promos. This man is a legend
I think his look is what has made him memorable. There have been plenty of big men throughout the years, but whereas with Andre and Big Show (to a certain extent Khali), their gimmick seemed to be that they were just bigger than everyone else. Kane is not only big, but whenever he came out in the WWF days there was always a big bang of the fire erupting from the stage, then this masked guy walking with such a strong purpose that it was just awe-inspiring. Even knowing wrestling was scripted, seeing such an imposing site stroll towards the ring, fixing his gloves then normally just getting straight into action was amazing to see.

There's no doubt that despite several months after the fact, once he lost the mask a lot of the aura and mystery was gone. He was not hideously scarred, he just had a grubby face and a weird bit of hair.

What's been frustrating is as good as his latest run has been, why has it taken so long to let him show off his promo skills? Glenn Jacobs is one of the smartest men in wrestling and a great talker, so why leave it until the twilight years of his career to let him show it off? I understand that after DX gave him the voicebox so he could 'speak' it wouldn't have been right to suddenly having him cut promos as he is now, but they could have done it sooner than they have now.
Kane will be remembered for being one of the best big men in WWE's history. Everytime he entered the building, everyone stopped and looked. He made his mark felt. I'll always remember when he removed his mask. And the awesome RAWs that followed. When he lost to Triple H and removed his mask, I was in awe. That, to this day, remains my most favorite RAW in history. The build up to the match was amazing. I remember having hope that he would win, but at the same time, hoping he would lose so I could see his face. Now I'll admit, I was 11 at the time, I was a little scared to see the face. Then the weeks that followed, he chockslammed Eric Bicshoff off the stage, tombstoming Linda McMahon, and Shane's numerous matches with Kane. They were always amazing. Before the removal of his mask, he was my favorite. He had the most unique look ever in the WWE. His look made him look mysyerious and drew me in to watch him each week. He seemed unstoppable. Kane will be remembered for being one of the most unique looking individuals to ever step foot in a WWE ring.

*EDIT- and his awesome contact in his eye:)
My Two Most Favorite Kane moments.

1. Undertaker trying to teach Kane the Last ride on Taka and Funaki.

2. Kane giving a hurricanrana to Albert. That’s right Kane, 7ft 308lbs, gave a hurricanrana to Albert, 6ft 8in 331lbs. Not even off the turnbuckle, he did it to him while standing on the mat
Kane is notable because: 1. One of the best gimmicks, and his relation to Undertaker. 2. One of the best big men, athleticism. 3. Very good work ethic/backstage attitude/loyalty. 4. Incredibly intelligent in real life.

One of those guys who has been a backbone of WWE without demanding a whole lot of rewards. I think a future Hall of Famer.
I'll remember kane as one of the most dominate forces in wwf/e also one of the most under used as well, he is the only wrestler to hold the wwf title, world title, and ecw title.

Sorry but I have to correct you on this. Big Show was the first wrestler to ever hold the WHC, WWE Championship, & ECW Championship. Kane was second although his wwe title run was a joke of not even 24 hours in which he didnt even win it, Undertaker gave him the title busting open stone cold, not kane.

Ill always remember him best as the Fake Diesel, nah not really. That had to be the worst gimmick they stuck him with. Even IY DDS lasted longer and was original. He was awesome as Doomsday is USWA days, a pre-kane type gimmick but im glad he didnt stick to the black underoos type wrestling shorts lol.

Kane has held many titles, maybe he'll even be inducted into the HOF one day seeing as hes been a WWE guy since the early 90s. I'd say most people will remember him as the masked man who nobody could take down. It was awesome after his "kane" debut how every week for a while on Raw he would come down to the ring sometimes more than once and destroy whoever was in there. This guy used to be a monster and for one, im glad to see they have brought the monster back out. Im just glad they didnt take the mankind/mick foley approach and turn him into a little girlyman.
he will be remember as the most fucked up gimmick EVER in wrestling, he went from the big red machine and just a force, than to been a face, his storyline changed soo much i dont know what happened to him anymore, did the undertaker burn him by mistake or did the undertaker do it on purpose???? is paul his dad?? he was down with xpac at one time and was in love with tori? he hates his brother than hes friends with his brother than he buried his brother alive than they fight again than they are friends again and now there fighting again MOST FUCKED UP GIMMICK EVER
I will remember Kane as a great character of the attitude era, but one that should have been put to rest YEARS ago. Kane has been played out for about 6 years now. Wrestlemania 20 against Undertaker should have been the match that killed the character off imo. He's outstayed his welcome and nowadays they're just rehashing old storylines and matches that he's already done before.

Jacobs was always a bad wrestler, whether it was as Yankem, Fake Diesel, or even Kane. The only saving grace for the Kane character was his cool mask, costume, and backstory. The original Kane and original feud with Undertaker was interesting. But when the attitude era ended, so should have Kane.
Actually Big Show has never held the WHC. He held the WCW Championship, the ECW (WWE Version), and WWE Championships. Kane was truly first.

To Me, Kane will be remembered mainly for the Undertaker. Unfortunately he's a character who has been overlooked by WWE too many times, and his legacy will hurt for it. But when people think of Kane they will probably think of one of the best performers in WWE history, regardless of titles
My top four moments of Kane's career and what I feel he'll be remembered most (even if it's by me) is as followed:

4) Winning the tag team titles with The Undertaker as The Brothers of Destruction. It was a good run that should have lasted a lot longer than what it did. Sadly, most "good" tag teams don't last anymore in the WWE.

3) His debut at Badd Blood where he ripped the door of the Hell In The Cell in 1997. This was the way storylines were built. No one knew who Kane was, what he looked like or anything. There weren't any promos showing his build-up either. Just one night he showed up and began what is arguably the best feud of his career.

2) His 1-day title regin in mid-1998. After defeating Austin in a rediculously booked First Blood match at King of the Ring, Vince & Co. probably saw the error in their booking ways and quickly took the title off Austin. Nobody thought Kane would be a great WWE Champion and he wasn't. It may not have been his fault, but Kane's reign was a memorable as it was forgetable.

1) Two words: Katie Vick. Although this angle invloved HHH also, and in the end it is usually HHH who has to withstand people mentioning this more so than Kane, Kane's involvement can't go unnoticed. In fact, it was Kane who was depicted as enjoying sex with dead people so Kane will always be linked (as will HHH) in perhaps one of the most funny and yet tasteless angles in WWE history.
Kane went from being a masked monster with a supposedly burned, disfigured face who couldn't speak to having to speak with that vibrating device to being unmasked and having the burnt, disfigured face thing dropped and being able to talk just fine. I think he'll be remembered as an upper mid card guy who could put on a decent match with just about anybody.

Yes I agree 100%. Kane's evolution as a superstar has been diluted over and over again due to him first being the masked Big Red Machine who was unstoppable and needed someone to speak for him (Paul Bearer) to eventually unmasking and speaking in pretty good English. I think if Kane had a downfall (and he has had many), then one would be when the WWE decided to split him & Paul Bearer up toward Survior Series 98. The angle was going good with Kane and The Undertaker seemingly putting an end to their feud but when Paul Bearer turned on Kane, it made him seem less effective as The Big Red Monster. Slowly but surely he developed a softer side which landed him in a match against HHH at the following year's WrestleMania. Nowadays Kane is back with Paul Bearer on Smackdown! but still his career isn't as big as it once was IMO.
The only two things Kane will be remembered for will be his debut and when he was unmasked in 2003. Before he won the title in July, they always mentioned the fact that he was a champion but never said it was only for one day. His debut was one of the best in the past twenty years and nobody will ever forget that as well as when he unmasked.
He will forever be know as the guy who anally raped Jack Swagger.

All joking aside unfortunately I will remember Kane as the current version. I always liked Masked Kane better but its been so long since we've seen the mask its become a distant memory. Not only that I won't remember Kane for his dominance because he's spent so much time over the last 5-6 being almost completely irrelevant.

At the end of the day I'll remember Kane as a solid performer, a company workhorse and a guy who always gave 110% every time he walked out to the ring. I really wish I would remember him as the destructive monster he once was, but its been so long that everything he's done over the last 5 years completely blankets his previous work. I think most will remember Kane as nothing more than the "Undertakers brother" which is unfortunate because he doesn't deserve to live in that shadow, but I'll remember him for his in-ring skills, character and his willingness to put over the entire locker room when asked, and lastly I'll remember him as a future hall of famer (until the day he actually gets inducted).

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