What will Daytona Beach mean for TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
For those of you who didn't recognize the symbolism behind holding Bound for Glory in Daytona Beach, FL this year, here's a little history lesson for ya:

Back in 1996, the Outsiders – Kevin Nash & Scott Hall – went into Bash at the Beach '96 boasting about having a third mystery partner to help them in their three-way tag match against Sting, Savage and Lex Luger. They came to the ring without said mystery partner talking about how they were capable of competing without him, and began the match as such. During the match, Luger was KO'd and was taken to the back, after which the Outsiders began to dominate the match. As all four men eventually went down in the match, Hulk Hogan began his waltz to the ring, seemingly to aid Sting and Savage seeing as he was the companies top baby face at the time, only to hit several Atomic Leg Drops on Savage, in the process giving birth to the infamous New World Order.

Fast forward four years to 2000, and Bash at the Beach returns to Daytona Beach for the 3rd time in as many years and we're prepared to watch Hulk Hogan v. Jeff Jarrett for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, only to end up watching Jarrett lay down – literally – for Hogan at the start of the match, to which Vince Russo – then writer/booker for WCW and lead writer/booker for TNA now – then demanded Hogan pin him, throwing him the belt in the process. Hogan shoots on Russo breaking kayfabe talking about "bullshit like this" being the reason the company is in the shape it's in, but pins Jarrett anyway. Hogan begins walking to the back, and in the process, Russo returns a shoot interview talking about how Jarrett was still champion anyway, and that Hulk Hogan is a piece of shit that'd never be seen in the WCW again (he wasn't).

Fast forward again to 2010 and TNA – the company that's now home to a number of those infamous characters such as Hogan, Nash, Sting, Jarrett and especially Vince Russo is set to have it's 8th installment of it's flagship PPV "Bound for Glory" shot live from Daytona Beach, FL on October 10th, 2010 (10.10.10). Que the dramatic music...

Question is – do you expect a Bash at the Beach-type swerve of some type to happen? Will anything dramatic happen at all even, or are we looking at just your run-of-the-mill PPV here?

I can't help but feel like with all these cogs in the machine right now from the days of old, something controversial will undoubtedly happen. Seeing as BFG is months away, the picture is too blurry to predict right now, but were I a betting man, and I'm not, my money would certainly be on the idea of controversy reigning by the end of the night.

Thoughts? Concerns?
Will Kurt be challenging for the world title then?

If so, could be a screwjob forcing his retirement or something (apparently he's considering his future in the ring). I suppose they could throw the "shock heel turn" in there, but it depends on who the champ is at the time. However maybe they'll shock us by having no swerve or creative finish, just a nice resolving 1, 2, 3.

To be honest since drifting back into wrestling I can't really think that far ahead, especially as I'm still getting to know a majority of the talent and their angles.
Knowing TNA im sure they will do something like Re-hashing a WCW Moment in Daytona or some kind of a Screw Job Finish in their Main Event. Plus im sure Hogan will be involved in it somehow and Russo will come up with the Idea too. Be nice if they would just do their own thing for their Biggest PPV of the year but im sure like I said they will Rehash a WCW Deal probably.
It won't be anything shocking. I think the attempt will be there....some swerve, some "whatever", but I doubt really that anyone will realize that Daytona was the place that all this happened, except for those that live in Daytona. Not meaning that the thread is bad because it's an excellent connection :worship:, and it would nice if there was something to make the PPV better than what it's already shaping up to be, and that it would be a milestone to mention if TNA would play up the angle since they're not afraid to mention WCW, or any other affiliation. It certainly would---I would think---get an additional 500 buys in PPV just out of curiosity. Not saying that 500 is the total amount of buys, just saying as a starting number:blush:. It would be a wise angle to conjure up.....at least it would be something a little fresher, newer, and intriguing.
I can't expect anything bad or controversial to happen!!

I have to say, IMO Vince Russo hasn't really done anything to hurt TNA since he arrived and also it's not like he has an on-screen role in TNA anymore..

But for anyone e.g. Hogan or Bischoff, to do anything stupid is kinda stupid..I don't think they would want to do anything that happened 10 years ago, they know its happened before and look what happened to that company..

Say if something similar does happen but its kayfabe, then I would say okay, as long as its a work and not a shoot...

BTW, will it be the Ocean Centre??
I can't expect anything bad or controversial to happen!!

I have to say, IMO Vince Russo hasn't really done anything to hurt TNA since he arrived and also it's not like he has an on-screen role in TNA anymore..

Well, Vince Russo is the head booker in TNA. He's ultimately in charge of TNA's creative direction, who feuds with who, who wrestles who, who cuts promos and when, what comprises each segment of iMPACT!, etc. While Dixie Carter does have the final say about what sees the light of day and what doesn't, the shit that we've seen on screen from TNA is a stink that Russo has played part in. While I do think that TNA has improved over the past several weeks, it's been extremely bad for most of this year and Vince Russo is a contributing factor for that. He's not the only one, I don't want to lay everything on his shoulders, but he has played a part.

But for anyone e.g. Hogan or Bischoff, to do anything stupid is kinda stupid..I don't think they would want to do anything that happened 10 years ago, they know its happened before and look what happened to that company..

To be honest, TNA has re-hashed or attempted to re-hash a lot of stuff that took place years back. Sting hanging out in the rafters, the original members of the nWo coming to TNA and forming a faction, the "dumbing down" of the Knockout Division to include stunts like a Lacey Von Erich strip tease, the arrival of the Nasty Boys, Sean Morley practically staying as Val Venis only saying that he's a porn producer rather than a performer, an attempt at a Montreal Screwjob type of scenario that seemd to be part spoof, etc. These are all examples of angles, stories and stunts that took place in the mid to late 90s. If TNA believes it can get away with doing something at BFG that took place during the 90s in WCW or the WWE, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them attempt it.[/QUOTE]
To be honest, TNA has re-hashed or attempted to re-hash a lot of stuff that took place years back. Sting hanging out in the rafters, the original members of the nWo coming to TNA and forming a faction, the "dumbing down" of the Knockout Division to include stunts like a Lacey Von Erich strip tease, the arrival of the Nasty Boys, Sean Morley practically staying as Val Venis only saying that he's a porn producer rather than a performer, an attempt at a Montreal Screwjob type of scenario that seemd to be part spoof, etc. These are all examples of angles, stories and stunts that took place in the mid to late 90s. If TNA believes it can get away with doing something at BFG that took place during the 90s in WCW or the WWE, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them attempt it.

You blow my mind...Russo IMO killed WCW, but do you really think he will kill TNA?? Maybe? I mean although Bash at the Beach wasn't a main ppv, it was kinda like a big PPV, and to do something dodgy is just stupid...WCW did at at their biggest ppv..Starrcade..when they made Goldbergs streak end and he lost his title to Nash, with tht taser incident..but wasn't that Nash booking??

But TBH I don't think anyone will let anything bad happen, as for spoofs, I dont mind...as long as nothing idiotic happens!!
I'm not sure. I immediately thought of the NWO and the 2000 BATB when this was announced, but I'm not sure. It's the biggest show of the year so assuming something does happen, it very well could be argued that it happens simply because it's BFG. At the moment though, it's just too early to say. We have three more months which is an eternity in wrestling. The plan, whatever it is, could change ten times by then. I'm not sure, but I could see it either way. I'll say they'll do something there, but I'll give TNA the benefit of the doubt and say it's nothing horrible.
I see several reasons why this may just be all a coincidence. One being that Russo isn't booking alone. Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan supervise. The same Hulk Hogan who fell victim to Russo in one of those BATB moments and berated him for it. Number 2, will Russo even be around then? Ferrara is gone. And for months the controversial figure has been babbling about feeling burned out. Will he make it to October? Probably. But like I said, I really doubt, Hulk would let him get away with it.
I really doubt TNA has thought much about Bound For Glory in regards to history. I'm sure they will put on a huge spectacle of a show like they do every year. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hogan, Flair, Sting, and Jarrett in either the main event or semi main events. I think the main reason for Bound For Glory's location in Daytona is a matter of money and convenience.

A lot of the wrestlers live close by and they don't have to worry about hotel or travel expenses. TNA also has to tape Impact the next night so it is a lot easier to travel from Daytona beach to Orlando Florida then it is from New York or Chicago to the Impact zone.

Bound For Glory may have a few surprises this year, but I don't think it will be anything noteworthy like the NWO or Bash at the Beach.
*Long time lurker, first time poster. Unless you count my opinion column back in the 90s*

I had to chime in on this one because nobody, in several months, has commented on what I believe to be painfully obvious to me.

Ever since January, it seems they've been hinting at Bischoff and/or Hogan making a heel turn at some point. I personally believe it would have been at Slammiversary, except Scott Hall ruined the angle.

We've had Sting talking about Bischoff and Hogan pulling the wool over the eyes of Dixie. Early on we had the two-faced Bischoff (which is the only reason I've ever doubted a Hogan turn), and the hints from Kevin Nash on 1/4/10 that Hogan had implied he'd be running with the band.

So, Sting says he's going to drop the curtain at Slammiversary. Doesn't happen. Actually, quite the build-up for no reason. I figured we would have had a win from Sting, followed by a beat-down from the Band, or a dirty win for Van Dam, due to the Band interupting. However, Scott Hall decided to go back to the booze and ruined that angle.

They could have dropped it right there, like they have so many other things, but they've still got this angle between Sting, Bischoff, and Hogan. With Sting now "out of the picture" and BFG on the horizon, I'd take that to possibly be a heel turn for our fearless leaders.

I don't really know if the Daytona Beach location is coincidence or not. Seems like it would be, however, I'm not sure Dixie would go out of her way to announce the location when it's right down the street from the impact zone.
Not sure what will happen. Just siked to get tickets. :D Only live 30 mins away from it! I think that something will happen involving Sting, and kurt angle. It was a huge draw last time and can be a draw this time as well.
Hopefully nothing.

OK, to clarify, I hope nothing happens because it happens to be at Daytona Beach and only because it's at Daytona Beach. TNA gets enough shit for "recycling" and "rehashing", it doesn't need more for doing another Bash At The Beach swerve. I won't mind if something happens because it fits into a storyline, but if a swerve happens just because it's a place where swerves have historically happened, I will be upset, and disappointed.
i think the whole ECW invasion will be in DAytona beach ...
or even now nash is against hogan and bischoff ... maybe REturn of nwo .

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