What Were You Like At School?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Or what are you like at school now, for all the young un's.

I was a little shit. I hardly ever went in and when I did all I did was smoke weed up on the roof of the gym. The only classes I bothered with were Photography, English (I know I can't spell) and child care. I did child care because I thought all the fit birds would be in that class. I was wrong, the girls in that class couldn't get anybody to have sex with them if they offered to pay themselves.
Well whe i wee boy back in elementary school i was a trouble maker and fighter, I swear i was almost kicked out in my 6thgrade year. I did all the jokes and crap it was so much fun. Then sadley I have no idea what happened i turned into a good boy lol. I started to do well in my classes and never got in trouble again. Ihad honors classes in high school and ya. People knew me back in elementary are shocked to see what happened to me
I was a midget until I got to about 13. In my first year of school I remember one of the older kid's attempting to pick on me. I say attempting because he called me names and stuff, but it didn't bother me. But one day he said something about my dad being dead so I kicked him in the bollocks and stamped on his head when he was down. He was about 3 years older than me. 10 years later even though I'm not, people still think I'm hard and a little bit psycho because of that.
I was pretty normal. Kind of a loser when you think about it, but I was friends with everyone. Kind of like the fat guy on a high school football team. Too bad my school was small and didn't have a football team, because if it did I would've been a lot more popular and active. For the record I was overweight in high school but not the fat kid. People would playfully make fun of me sometimes but I didn't give a shit.

In grade school I was pretty much the fat kid and got picked on... spazzed out in comedic fashion a couple of times, I even remember.

But in high school I had a lot of friends but didn't really do much or go to all that many parties. I had a little click until my last year of high school when I was just friends with everyone.

I was an average student. And yes I went to a preppy private school.
^ Prax, that is awful (I'm glad you're not the fat kid anymore)! I used to yell at my friends for making fun of "the fat kid". That kind of shit really bothers me. When I was in school, I was a jock but I made it a point to be friends with everybody. Now my job takes me into the high school a few times a week and whenever I check out the cafeteria there is always that one fat kid sitting by himself- it breaks my heart. Kids can be such assholes.
I was the quiet kid that got along with everyone, especially the loners, I always figured that they were the ones most likely to show up with guns ablazen, and I figured if I hung out with them a little bit then maybe when that day arrives they would spare me, you know be like "fuck you" bang "fuck you" bang "fuck you" bang, then they get to me "your cool" leaves me alone "fuck you" bang and so on, and as for the fat kid well the fat kids usally had the best sense of humor, think about it Kevin Smith was a fat kid, and Chris Farley was a fat kid, and that's just the first two that come to mind, the only kid I stayed away from was the one that was caught spankin it, twice, once in the computer lab, and the second time in the bathroom
I was a little bastard myself for the most part. In Elementary School I was a troublemaker, always fighting and doing stupid things like TPing the boys bathroom to get myself suspended.

Middle school I started smoking weed and drinking and from there started skipping school almost everyday and failing my freshmen year in high school. However after that I got back on track and made up all my work to graduate on time.

Now I'm just quiet I guess. I get my work done at college, do normal shit. Not an asshole anymore I guess.
Boring. If anything I'm more of an ******** now. Because now despite the fact I did fuck all at school, I'm actually quite successfull. I love it when I see people who I didn't like at school and I can just ignore them, knowing that while there in there shitty little council house struggling to buy there 10 kid's clothes. I actually paid off my mortgage last year.
I still go to school and I'm basically the class clown but I still do my work. I'm different on here then I am on life like many people. Here I am quite and shit for some reason but at school I act like a ass to everyone. I always got something smart to say to someone even to teachers sometimes. I'll admit I was quiet in elementary school but then in middle school I started to see that good guys finish last so I started doing stupid shit like stealing and crap. I'm no bully though. If I steal I do it behind there back which is still a form of bullying but its better than just beating the crap out of them and taking whatever you want to steal from them.
I'm kinda quiet but have alot of friends so i guess I'm kinda popular. I used to be really shy last year and didn't have any friends really but this year I've talked more and gotten alot of friends. In elementary I got in trouble alot because thats what my whole class did then.
Well, I was pretty tubby from about the eighth grade on. Then one time in eleventh grade I got my head shaved on a whim and I looked like a combination of Uncle Fester Addams and Gollum (and even my best friends made fun of me...scumbags). Luckily for me, I had already discovered sarcasm in the tenth grade and really became an a-hole. I also liked to sleep a lot at school. I've never been in trouble once at school, mostly because I would sleep a lot. I graduated with a B average. At my high point I watched up to nine hours of TV per day or I played the N64 AKI wrestling games for just as long. I liked girls, but for some odd reason they didn't like my bowl cut that I sported until I found out my head looked weird. That and my man boobs probably didn't help, either. Oh, and just as I lost all my weight in the twelfth grade...I got braces. I am the luckiest man on Earth. That's about it for now. Maybe more later.
What am I like at school? Well, in primary school, I was always the quiet one who never really spoke up in class or anything like that, but around year 9, that all began to change. Now, I find myself joking around in class and generally just actually mucking around. Although, when the subject isn't boring as shit like Maths on a Friday afternoon, I do actually do the work. I'm actually doing really well at school like I have been for a while, considering how little time I actually study for it. Basically, I'm someone that could do better but just don't feel like it. I am not one to complain about the schoolwork though, unlike 99% of other people there. Throughout primary school, every time I was egged into doing one of those classroom gags like the classic "Let's throw things around the room at other people game" I would always get caught doing it. In lunchtimes and up till now, I always join in with the football games that happen every day, and it's a lot more fun in high school to play them now that they don't care anymore.
I was smart and quiet. Got picked on and tortured. Hated every minute of school and just want to forget I wasted 4 years in that horrible place called high school.
Fuck School i was a Badass i smoked weed behind the woodshop room, got caught with beer, told my teacher "Fuck off Damn Bitch!" to her face got supspended like 500 times didnt go to school ditched school!
Fuck School i was a Badass i smoked weed behind the woodshop room, got caught with beer, told my teacher "Fuck off Damn Bitch!" to her face got supspended like 500 times didnt go to school ditched school!

don't take this the wrong way but that doesn't make you a "badass" it makes you a person who missed out on plenty of learning opportunities by doing the things you listed. I can say this as I've been out of school for seven years now (yes i am old) but school is a necessary and short lived part of your life. you should make the most of it.

In school I was the Quiet smart girl, and very shy but i still had many friends.
Fuck School i was a Badass i smoked weed behind the woodshop room, got caught with beer, told my teacher "Fuck off Damn Bitch!" to her face got supspended like 500 times didnt go to school ditched school!

I bet you're the guy that picks through my trash, aren't you.

I was always kinda to myself in school. If I truly wanted to list everything, it'd take a bit. The most notable things were...

I was held back in 2nd grade, because of 2 reasons. The first, my Grandfather was a racist prick.. & told me I didn't have to listen to black people.. so "I" (being the innocent kid I was) listened to my elder, & told my teacher that she was a "n***er" & that I didn't have to listen to her. That, combined with the fact I missed half the beginning of the year while spending 6 monthes in the hospital, learning how to walk again after having a trailer wheel smash my foot..

Then, fast forward to 6th & 7th grade.. & I got in a lot of fights, sticking up for the people who got picked on. Like I said, I kept to myself. I had my friends, but they weren't from any "group/cliq." And I didn't care much for people who judged off of looks, money, or athletic ability. So when jocks would shove fat kids, I'd fight them, in defense of the bigger kids.. & when snobs picked on poor kids, I'd interject myself there too.

I always felt like I was suppose to stick up for those that either couldn't, or wouldn't. As a result, I got in trouble & ultimately had a lot of issues with becoming the Principal's personal target.

Finally, my worst issue was my "demise" in school. I grew tired of being the oldest in my grade, due to the being behind in a grade. So I was depressed a lot & didn't want to study, or do anything. My Parents worked out a deal, that if I could prove I had the ability to succeed by skipping ahead a grade, that I'd be capable of rejoining my rightful class. Well.. I was subjected to taking a lot of tests, to prove I could handle everything.. & I passed with average levels, nothing great.. but passed.

However, in the course of all that.. I simply ignored my current grade & had dropped in some of my classes & courses, so as a result, I was not only denied skipping ahead, but there was discussion of holding me back, yet another grade. At that time, my Parents disagree'd with everything the school board did.. & they pulled me out of school.

The Principal at the time told me I'd never succeed beyond her school, & that I'd become a failure in life. Within the same year, I was put into G.E.D. courses & passed on the first try, with all 5 major course tests. I graduated in 2000 with my rightful classes.. I had to wait a little over a year, because I succeeded above expectations through the G.E.D. course.

I sent an invite to my former Principal to attend my graduation.. she never showed up.
I graduated in 2000 with my rightful classes

me too class of 2000 rocks :)

I was held back in first grade though, The teacher thought I wasn't mature enough to go to 2nd, so i changed schools redid 1st grade and got tested and put into extra classes, turned out i was actually borderline gifted (if not for my eyesight i would have been) and i was not immature but rather bored the first time in 1st grade
me too class of 2000 rocks :)

Yeah it does, the Double Zero in my car rocks. lol I'm actually happy I graduated with how I did, as the colors of the college I took the G.E.D. from were red & black.. as opposed to the crap colors of Blue & Grey, or Purple & Grey.. something.. I don't know.. the Red & Black tassle is way better looking.

I was held back in first grade though, The teacher thought I wasn't mature enough to go to 2nd, so i changed schools redid 1st grade and got tested and put into extra classes, turned out i was actually borderline gifted (if not for my eyesight i would have been) and i was not immature but rather bored the first time in 1st grade

So, by gifted.. you mean.. "special?" (sorry, I don't know how to term it without saying '******' but in a nice way) If it helps, people sometimes question my tardation.. but I'm just me. lol And what do you mean, by if not for your eyesight?
my school colors were Blue and Gold <3

my eyes are, to put it frankly weird. they do not work together rather I have one eye that is farsighted and sees 20/50 and one eye that is nearsighted and sees 20/25 (hence the glasses in my pic) the last eye doctor i saw said most people with my eyesight are blind in the weakest eye, but since it was spotted early (i had glasses at 11 months old) and the good eye was patched and that forced the bad eye to work that my parents helped me avoid that fate. this also means i have no real mid vision or depth perception
my school colors were Blue and Gold <3

my eyes are, to put it frankly weird. they do not work together rather I have one eye that is farsighted and sees 20/50 and one eye that is nearsighted and sees 20/25 (hence the glasses in my pic) the last eye doctor i saw said most people with my eyesight are blind in the weakest eye, but since it was spotted early (i had glasses at 11 months old) and the good eye was patched and that forced the bad eye to work that my parents helped me avoid that fate. this also means i have no real mid vision or depth perception

Your eye issue seems kinda unique, actually. Unique works for people more than normalcy. I'm sorry, for what it may be worth, that it had to happen. I couldn't imagine anything like that & you're amazingly lucky to have Parents so dedicated to keep glasses on you, from that early of an age. (especially since I know how hard it is to keep anything on the head of a baby)

For whatever its worth, I wish I went to a school with Blue, Black & Silver as the colors. I'd love to have that type of tassel.
I was the guy that everyone could get along with, i didn't want to stick out but people just like talking to me, i kept to myself mostly though. I have a couple of real good friends from school that i still talk to alot...People tended to talk to me alot but they didn't want to really do anything with me, they were mostly just acquatices or their side of the friendship was superficial
I was the typical kid growing up, only a bit of a regect. I started playing pokemon a year after the other kids started, and stopped a year after the other kids did, I always wore the dirty clothes to school seeing as I was from a poor family, and when I hit high school, I ended up in a group of kids that didn't have any other groups to be in. we all ended up pretty good friends till graduation, I haven't seen alot of them since then, and I live in a really small town.
I was the typical kid growing up, only a bit of a regect. I started playing pokemon a year after the other kids started, and stopped a year after the other kids did, I always wore the dirty clothes to school seeing as I was from a poor family, and when I hit high school, I ended up in a group of kids that didn't have any other groups to be in. we all ended up pretty good friends till graduation, I haven't seen alot of them since then, and I live in a really small town.

I know what you mean & where you're coming from. My Family has never been average with money. We weren't "dirt poor" to the point of never being able to afford anything, but growing up wasn't typical through some aspects. School & clothing were one of them.

I can't say they were "dirty" but they definately weren't "stylish" or "the in thing." They were always worn looking, or generic. Hell, I remember once being made fun of because I wore sweat pants one time.. thats such a horrible thing to wear when you're going through the stage of life when every female you see creates an "issue." Needless to say, I did a lot of pointing without my finger. :lmao:

I'm happy & comfortable enough to know I grew up, & grew out of that stage in life where I felt depressed because of how I looked to other kids. Now I'm happily not giving a shit. hahaha No, that much I joke about. I care a great deal on opinion.. but it doesn't effect me as much as it did when I was a boy growing up. Plus, I happen to think I have very nice & stylish clothes now.
I was pretty quiet in elementary. Until in grade 5/6 saw that good guys finish last so i became bad for 2 years then i got in trouble all the time. So i became a good guy sticking up for the losers and fighting of the bullies.:bringit: :bringit: :bringit:
I was pretty quiet up until middle school when I started to be less cautious about what I did. I didn't do stuff that I would get in trouble for, just stuff that would make people laugh. Now that I'm a senior, I make friends with pretty much whoever I talk to. To be honest, I'm a dick. But people think its funny and talk to me. I'm not popular at all, but I have a lot of friends. I'm the kind of student that is friends with the teachers. I can do pretty much whatever I want and not get in trouble. Usually get A's and B's on my report card, but I could do much better because I put in absolutely zero effort. I'm kinda gonna miss high school, its been fun.

C/O 08
Don't Hate 08

P.S.: This was my 100th post. Yay me!
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