What was your favourite storyline?


The hardcore casual fan
So, guys, what was your favourite storyline from WWE, TNA, or ROH? Mine has to be the CM Punk vs. John Cena rivalry in 2011, when Punk's contract was set to expire. I remember I absolutely loved the "pipe bomb" that got everyone talking, and I knew I HAD to see the match at Money in the Bank that year. Would Punk actually make good on his promise to leave WWE with its most prestigious title? Turns out he really didn't, but I still wondered what could have happened when Punk won and actually left. A close second for me is another CM Punk rivalry, and I know I'm biased, but his rivalry with Jeff Hardy in 2009 was what really put him on the map in my eyes. His transition to heel was seamless and natural, his reason for doing so seemed legitimate, and he really showcased how good he was as a bad guy. That rivalry got really personal, IMO, and although he got fed to the Undertaker right afterward, his feud with Jeff was what made me a fan of Punk.

So, now I open it to you guys. If you can't remember what your favourite storyline was, then try and think of the last time you could not wait to see a certain match between 2 or more superstars and why. What was it that made you say "I CANNOT miss this match!"?
Probably be one of many Macho or Mr Perfect.

-Ric Flair / Macho Liz story was good
-Macho / Jake The Snake Roberts *Wedding
-Macho / HBK
-WCW Macho vs nWo

*Mr Perfect's feud with Hogan was gold.
My top favorite stories are

1; The early NWO storyline

2; Kane's debut and rivalry with the Undertaker

3; The Rock's heel turn vs Steve Austin and becoming the corporate champion.

4; Punk turning heel and forming the SES. I loved his heel personality and how he thought being pure made him better.

5; The best angle of all time Katie Vick.
My absolute favourite storyline has gotta be The Rock vs Austin from wm17. Here you had 2 guys arguably at the peak of there powers, the two biggest faces of the company, set to throw it down at possibly the biggest ppv ever. Whenever i see the promo for that match and Austin is there drinking 4 beers at once (4!) then you see The Rock stalking him then bang stunner. With the perfect commentary laid over the top

JR: Wait a minute The Rock just hit the Stone Cold Stunner on Stone Cold Steve Austin!
Paul Heyman: How personal can this get!
JR: Can you imagine what it's gonna be like at Wrestlemania! :worship:

Absolute perfection
My absolute favourite storyline has gotta be The Rock vs Austin from wm17. Here you had 2 guys arguably at the peak of there powers, the two biggest faces of the company, set to throw it down at possibly the biggest ppv ever. Whenever i see the promo for that match and Austin is there drinking 4 beers at once (4!) then you see The Rock stalking him then bang stunner. With the perfect commentary laid over the top

JR: Wait a minute The Rock just hit the Stone Cold Stunner on Stone Cold Steve Austin!
Paul Heyman: How personal can this get!
JR: Can you imagine what it's gonna be like at Wrestlemania! :worship:

Absolute perfection


Everything about the storyline was perfect. Debra being Rock's Manager, Austin being the jealous husband, both trying to one up the other, The Rock beginning to make his way into Hollywood, the match itself where Austin turned heel, the next night when Power Trip was formed... All of it was just so damn great to see unfold. One of the few things I liked about the Attitude Era. BUT if there was ever a storyline that could match it, then it would have to be HBK vs. HHH.

It was years in the making. HHH was practically left to sink or swim by Shawn, and he had to be the one to keep DX alive. Then HHH had to deal with his former friend coming back and taking all the spotlight from him... and the Unsanctioned Match at SummerSlam. Just a really well told story. Also, another rivalry that had a great video package.
You make a great point there that is why I am very excited about the possibilities WWE has with The former shield members as they all came through together so they immediately have history and over the next few years hopefully they continue to be booked as equals and the matches between them are saved for special occasions. If pulled off correctly their rivalry could be talked about as one of the all time greats

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