Your Greatest Rivalry & Promo in the WWE

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CM Perfection
I had the great pleasure of watching some of the greatest rivarlies in the WWE ( Bret Hart vs HBK, HHH vs The Rock, Stone Cold vs The Rock, HHH vs The Rock, HHH vs HBK etc)

But my Favourite WWE Storyline & Promo is Undertaker vs HBK. This storyline was just amazing from the Promo's to the build up the Epic match at WM25

So what is your favourite WWE rivalry and Promo ????
I'm not that into picking the same old rivalries and promos. Someone will have posted The Rock and Austin by the end of this thread, or Austin and Triple H. Instead, I'm going with one of my personal favorites, Wrestlemania 20's Chris Jericho and Christian rivalry.


I could name a bunch of classic Attitude Era matches, or possibly even the old Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage "Mega Powers" explosion, but I thought I'd go with something a little more recent. In 2008 one of my all-time favorite feuds went down with my two favorite WWE Superstars of all time. Shawn Michaels was nearing the end of his career, everyone knew it, and he had officially reached "legend" status. Chris Jericho was experimenting with this new, edgy, maniacal jackass character and was, in many people's opinion, at the very best point in his career. Not only did this feud have all the right materials going in with the top heel in the business and one of the greatest legends of all time on his way out the door, but the WWE actually gave it the majority of the year to expand and grow. By the time they had "one last match" the fans were begging to see it. Jericho reached levels of heel-dom never before seen by blinding the Showstopper in one eye and assaulting his wife. HBK "lost his smile" and once again entered into his rarely seen, deadly serious mode. 8 or 9 months of work built up to the finale, which Jericho (the heel!) actually won...sort of. The entire thing was just brilliant and if I could go back and watch the entire thing unfold again I would.
Here comes the bias again but of my three favorite feuds two involve Shawn Michaels. I think the HBK vs Hitman feud was great because it worked when they both had the "mutual respect" thing going (mainly because Bret was able to bring a little edge that gave the feeling like he really did not like Michaels but respected him). It worked when Shawn was a heel, then it worked when both were heels. Who else can say that.

Then there was HBK vs. Chris Jericho. Honestly, Jericho was about sixty percent of why it was great. The character he was creating was different than anything--the put-upon guy with a superiority complex but HBK mixing the one-upsmanship humor with the anger of bringing the wife into it was brilliant!

However, The Rock vs. Stone Cold rates at the top. Every week there was brilliance on the mic and each guy kept stepping past the other until the culmination with the end of Austin's career. Austin was amazing in telling the story and The Rock did what Austin did after beating HBK...he took off to the stratosphere.

Other than that, I do have to give honorable mention to Red Rooster vs. Brooklyn Brawler.
In my opinion, Austin vs. McMahon was the best. They really made you believe that there was a pure hatred between the two. They had me tuning in each week, wondering what was going to happen next.
The Rock vs SCSA at WM XV- You had these two feuding for the IC belt back in late '97 to early '98. But that wasn't enough. When the Rock joined the Corperation in '98, he came up in the ranks as one of the top dogs. The most classic feud was born. I don't remember the exact order, but Austin threw the Rock's IC belt over the bridge into the water. Then, Austin cut a promo talking about paging the Rock the number "3:16", to which Rocky turned around and received an ass whipping. Then, The Rock and Austin met at the bridge, as The Rock tossed Austin and his belt over the bridge. Then the next week, Rocky had a "funeral" for Austin. Austin then came on the titantron and ran over The Rock's limo with his monster truck! In early '99, I remember when the Corp. was in the ring, and Austin came out with a beer truck, and drenched them with freshly brewed beer! The match was more or less, but definitely one to remember!
In my opinion, Austin vs. McMahon was the best. They really made you believe that there was a pure hatred between the two. They had me tuning in each week, wondering what was going to happen next.

Until the WCW Invasion I remember Austin wearing a little cowboy hat & singing to vince to cheer him up about WCW's Invasion. OK I know this was story line & austin was acting crazy at the time but this ruined austins credability as the meanist SOB in wrestling, later he would have that burn out & he just left.

The greatest IMHO was Bret Hart Vs HBK are people forgeting this fued lasted a min of 10 YEARS ? come one...
Randy Orton v. Triple H
WRESTLEMANIA 25.....the build-up was awesome....from ddt-ing Stephanie and for the first time announcing triple h and stephs real life HHH showing up at Orton's home...definatly brings back the attitude era vibe...the match itself was not worthy of the build-up but the rivalry and promo's were phenomonal
I loved the 24/7 hardcore title with crash holly. kanes debut with taker. Austin and Mcmahon of course just a few off of my head. I always liked mankinds promos. of course rock and austin are promo legends...
I am going to go back a long way here. Since we are not including anything other that the Vince group I am going Wrestlemania 8, Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ric Flair.

You cant point to one promo, you cant point to one moment, then the match was just exceptional, one of the best ever. That angle, how fully committed to it all parties were, was something I will always remember as one of the greatest feuds in the careers of both men. That is saying something.
My favourite is the Mick Foley vs Triple H in 2000 especial the royal rumble match and no way out both were epic. ended at one of the worst wrestlemania main events but before the rock and big show got involved it was epic. I love the video before the main event at royal rumble best intro vid have seen.
Rock v SCSA is probably one of the greatest rivalries in the history of the business. You talk about 2 of the best on the mic AND in the ring at their best. There isn't one promo in particular, but all of them during their runs were classic. I have an honorable mention for John Cena v. JBL for WM21. Those promos were also pretty good.
the rock vs triple h

hands down one of the best. one of my favorite matches was the rock vs hhh backlash 2000.

then there was the oh so great hbk vs bret hart. but i didnt really like their promos tht much.

but when it comes to just plain mindless fun. i still laugh thinking abt it. stone cold vs vince mcmahon. frm being beat up in a hospital, to being almost shot at, to austin being named CEO of wwf. and who can forget when austin ripped off his suit and punched mcmahon downstairs. tht feud never got old
Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart 1997, and this promo by Shawn I'm posting. Michaels really crossed the line here and brought real-life, backstage issues into the promo, which was never done in the WWF up to that point. Shawn talked about Bret's personal life, family, and money outside the ring and semi-broke kayfabe. If you watch, they keep showing Owen and Davey and JR says at the end "they can't be very happy right now" cus Shawn crossed the line so much that it really pissed them off.
i think Undertaker/Stone Cold Steve Austin was one of the greatest feuds of all time.

This feud happened at the height of the Attitude Era and had so many tense, crazy moments that came from it. I dont know if anyone else remembers the Undertaker trying to embalm Austin at the morgue, or Austin being tied to a cross bearing the Undertakers symbol and then raised up in front of the Titan Tron, not to mention the shovel shots to the head that happened on a consistant basis, and the Buried Alive match that soon followed.

This was also at the height of the Undertakers Ministry of Darkness, and was the Undertakers first shot being thrust into the heel role

As a whole, the feud and the promos just had this creepy, dark feel and was intense to watch, especially when I was still in junior high and still believed that "wow The Undertaker might really kill Austin"
I was a big fan of the Randy Orton vs Evolution feud. It was a great storyline to me and one of the best ways to turn Orton into a face.
Jake Roberts vs Ravishing Rick Rude

Kurt Angle vs HBK

Undertaker vs Mankind-Its the first time that someone continually got over on the Undertaker

Greatest Promo

Paul Heyman on Raw during the wcw/ecw invasion angle. When he calls out Vince McMahon and talks about McMahon destroying the territories, stealing ecw ideas and calling it the attitiude era. It was one of those moments where reality seems to sneak into entertainment. You just think that Heyman is saying what he always wanted to say, and that his anger is real.
I know not many people will agree with me, but one of the best promo's was on the raw After the Wrestlemania where Shawn lost the title to Austin and then Shawn retired from the WWE. HHH made a great promo about recruiting for DX and then Xpac came out and I think made one of the best Promo's all the time, bashing WCW and Hogan (as this was one of the first times the WWF actually acknowledged WCW on there TV show).

My favourite rivalry's though were Austin VS HHH and HHH vs Rock as those three helped elevate each other to Superstar status
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