What was the point of that?


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Headline on WZ: Kurt Angle Taking Horseback Riding Lessons For Film Role

The article:

The following is a new "tweet" from the official Twitter page of TNA president Dixie Carter:

"Kurt Angle taking horseback riding lessons in preparation for his role in a new film. Stay tuned for more details.

So why was there an article at all.
You're talking about a site that reposted the same series of tweets from Lillian Garcia two days in a row with a different headline. AND, in addition to simply re-posting the tweets, they incorrectly stated in the headline that she was robbed. (The tweets make it quite clear that a robbery was attempted, but failed.) It was pointless, just like the Kurt Angle/horseback riding thing.

KB, it's what we in the industry call "a slow news day."
It's not as bad as when they something like "Orton, Maria, DDP to TNA?" and then it's

"DDP says he doesn't want to go to TNA

ORton is today's daily superstar

Maria is the daily diva, there are new photos of her"
I guess it was to remind people that Dixie has a Twitter account? BTW, her account is so rediculously predictable it's not even funny. JB's where it's at for TNA-related Twitter accounts. His updates are usually fuckin' hilarious!

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