What was the most epic rivalry in wrestling?

CM Steel

A REAL American
I've been a pro wrestling fan for over 25 years now. I've been a fan of wrestling promotions like the WWF/E, NWA, WCW, ECW, JCP, Japan, and AWA. And I always wanted to know. Which was the most epic rivalry in wrestling? We can take a good hard look into wrestling history...

Ric Flair vs. Duty Rhodes
Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage (R.I.P.)
Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin
Tully Blanchard vs. Magnum T.A.
Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels
Ric Flair vs. Sting
Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (R.I.P?)
The Undertaker vs. Mankind
The Rock vs. Triple H
John Cena vs. Edge
Steve Austin vs. The Rock
Taz vs. Sabu
Hulk Hogan vs. Sting
The Undertaker vs. Triple H
Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.)

Just to name a few. You could include WWE chairmen Vince McMahon somewhere on this list from the "Mr. McMahon" character & persona.

So in your own opinion. What was the most epic rivalry in wrestling?
Hmm interesting, but need to know whether you talking shoot, or storyline rivalries. If we talking shoot, Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels is the greatest real life feud this sport/profession has ever seen. But if we talking on screen Hogan vs Savage would go close. These guys feuded on and off from 1986-1999. Not sure of any other feuds that lasted that long. Just my opinion.
I didn't watch a lot of wrestling before the ruthless aggression era, but I've gone back to a lot of DVDs, youtube, etc. Pre-00's/Attitude I'd have to say Rock Vs. Austin simply because that was the two biggest stars going head to head and nothing summed up attitude more then those two beating each other up. I also enjoyed Sting Vs. Flair, those guys had some pretty entertaining matches. I always preferred Flair to the likes of Hogan, and I enjoy occasionally going back to some old school Stinger.

However, my all time favourite feud will always be Edge Vs. Cena.


Watch this promo above and I guarantee that there will be no argument that Cena Vs. Edge is one of the greatest rivalries in the history of the WWE. People always say that Cena Vs. Orton was good, but it will never have the passion, the attitude, the aggression, the story or the emotion that Cena Vs. Edge had in 2006, and would later finish in 2009.

A modern classic feud that I think will be considered to be one of the great rivalries one day if they were to finish it at some point in the next few years is CM Punk Vs. Cena. That feud was very short but it was much better then 90% of any of the other recent feuds happening. It was instantly one of my favourite rivalries and I love to see it continue one day if they do it properly.
Austin and Rocks rivallry only lasted from December 1997 through early 2003, on and off 5 and a half years. Hogan vs Savage went for over a decade, on screen and off.
I'd say the greatest rivalry in the history of pro-wrestling would be Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Vince McMahon. Without a shadow of a doubt. Why it is not in the list I don't know.

Not only was the rivalry one of the most entertaining rivalries ever, it was also the most impact-full, in the sense that it raised pro-wrestling to new heights.
The fact that Vince McMahon wasn't a wrestler just added to the beauty.

When Stone Cold first gave a stunner to Vince McMahon, it was a huge deal. That was probably the official start of the rivalry. Slow and steady.
And the way the rivalry ended during WrestleMania X-Seven was legendary.
If I had to choose from the list though, I'd probably go with Austin-Rock. Close victory over Savage-Hogan and Triple H-Rock.

Austin and Rock was just so enjoyable to watch. Austin and Rock alone are so great to watch. But together they are something else.
Two of the biggest superstars in the history of pro-wrestling going neck to neck for the number 1 spot.
Their feud were just epic.. All the times. No matter who was face and who was heel.

Together they headlined 3 WrestleMania (Main-eventing two of them). That's saying something.
A lot of people mention Andy Kaufman and Jerry Lawler? Way before my time though.

I think without question the biggest rivalry ever has to be Vince and Austin. It changed Wrestling as we know it. I think after that you would say Bret vs Shawn, that became real, really real. Third I would say Rock vs Austin. That was a long feud over 3 different Wrestlemanias and so much history.

More recent times, I would say Cena vs Edge.
The answer is Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. This was the rivalry that set up the greatest event in the history of wrestling. The match was the most anticipated of all time and the rematch was the most watched wrestling show ever.

the feud went on for over a year and never got old. This rivalry set up the greatest storyline ever. Ted Dibiase trying to buy the WWF title was brilliant. The twin referee scandal was amazing. IMO it was the best idea of getting a title off of someone. It would have been too easy to just have someone interfere and cost Hogan the belt. It was Brilliantly done.

I have seen The Rock and Stonecold mentioned a couple times and it was a great feud.
The reason I wouldn't go with this is because there wasn't as much there as Hogan/Andre to make me excited to tune in every week. I don't need anyone to make a list of moments that were great. I have seen them all. They provided some very entertaining promos and there matches were great, but the storyline just wasn't as good as Hogan and Andre

For me, Austin/McMahon got boring. I have never like the storyline of the heel boss stacking the deck against the top face. They stack the deck with guys that generally aren't in the league as the face so it's not believable that the hero is going to lose.
Remember Stonecold vs Dudelove? VKM was the special referee for that match.
OMG! How will Stonecold win with his ememy as the ref? And still nobody thought for a second that Stonecold was going to lose. It got old quick for me.
Nice thread, I've got a few to mention. The Von Erichs and Freebirds, the Four Horsemen and Dusty, Road Warriors, and Magnum TA, Buzz Sawyer and Tommy Rich (yes I have been a fan for many years), in AWA Verne Gagne and Nick Bockwinkle; and my favorite Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

People tend to forget that during DX's first run, Triple H and Shawn were rivals over the leadership; that turned into an enormous feud.
I'd like to add Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer from the original ECW. Loved this feud and it went on for what seemed like years. Definitely one of my favorite feuds of the last 20 years.
Austin vs Rock
A feud that featured wonderful promos and good wrestling

Bret vs Shawn
A personal feud that had everyone intrigued and eventually lead to the infamous Montreal Screwjob

Vince McMahon vs Steve Austin
One of the best feuds of all time boss vs employee, a classic

DX vs Vince McMahon
Probably one of the funniest feuds in wrestling.

John Cena vs Randy Orton
This was the feud that proved Randy had what it took. One of my favorite feuds of all time.

Hardys vs Dudleys vs E&C
It wasn't really a feud as much as it was 6 guys going out there and showing mutual respect. Featured some of the greatest matches ever. At the time, I cared more about these tag teams than the main eventers

Nexus vs WWE
It was the big summer feud of 2010, the Nexus were 8 pissed off rookies trying to make an impression on the business, and what better way than to take out the poster boy John Cena

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy
I know it's an odd ball, but it felt like a feud that could happen in real life. A straight edge superstar looking to rid the world of drugs, drinking,and smoking vs The Enigma, a risk taker who had problems with drugs in his past

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
For weeks Jeff Hardy had had a series of accidents happen to him, then, at the Royal Rumble, his brother Matt of all people screwed him over and cost him the WWE Championship. Their feud would go on to Wrestlemania where Matt would beat Jeff, however Jeff would have the last laugh defeating Matt Hardy at Extreme Rules
you forgot Tommy Dreamer vs Raven. great feud that would take them from enemies to tag champs to each briefly interjecting the sandman, brian lee and tommy in a scaffold match. whats not to love.
For me its got to be Bret V Shawn. I watched WWF as a little kid in the late 80's, early 90's, but it was that fued that kept me on board and bridged me into the Attitude Era and allowed me to be a fan to this day. When I get sick of some of the current stuff going on, I just pop in some Bret v Shawn stuff and I'm good.

I can't imagine another fued coming off so good for so long. Rock and Austin came close and Rock and Trips could have gotten there but I always felt like they got sidetracked after some good stuff in the spring and summer of 2000.
you forgot Tommy Dreamer vs Raven

Any feud that has a memorable moment titled 'The Chairshot Heard Around The World' has to be included in the list :p lol

I'd have to pretty much repeat most of the suggestions earlier though so I don;t think I can honestly add too much to the thread without rambling.... So I won't :)

Although, does Perry Saturn v Moppy count as a feud or a love triangle seeing as Terri/Teri (Whatever her name was) was about at the time :lmao:
I would have to say Bret Hart and Vince McMahon.....more then Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels....What started out as just a story line with Bret and Vince on Raw to the Montreal Screwjob to their closure at wrestlemania. Just my opinion.
Nice thread, I've got a few to mention. The Von Erichs and Freebirds, the Four Horsemen and Dusty, Road Warriors, and Magnum TA, Buzz Sawyer and Tommy Rich (yes I have been a fan for many years), in AWA Verne Gagne and Nick Bockwinkle.

You stole my answers! :lol: When I think of the Von Erichs/Freebirds, I think about a long, bloody feud that I read about in the magazines as I didn't get to see World Class until just after David's death.

With the Horseman and Dusty, I just keep remembering the outdoor scene where they tied Dusty up and beat him. Thinking of Magnum T.A the rivalry I think about is with Tully Blanchard, but always remember one of them ended up marrying the other's ex-wife. :wtf: And then there was Magnum vs. Nikita Koloff with enthralled a nation post cold war

Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer and Tommy Wildfire Rich was just a gruesome one that required a steel cage at a major even to end it. With Verne Gagne and Nick Bockwinkle, if the two of them still had their wits about them, they would probably still be able to cut promos on one another. A later AWA rivalry would be The Rockers against Pretty Boy Doug Somers and Playboy Buddy Rose with Sherri Martel. The blood loss on that one that was actually televised on weekly television was amazing.
For me its got to be Bret V Shawn. I watched WWF as a little kid in the late 80's, early 90's, but it was that fued that kept me on board and bridged me into the Attitude Era and allowed me to be a fan to this day. When I get sick of some of the current stuff going on, I just pop in some Bret v Shawn stuff and I'm good.

I can't imagine another fued coming off so good for so long. Rock and Austin came close and Rock and Trips could have gotten there but I always felt like they got sidetracked after some good stuff in the spring and summer of 2000.

I agree with you. Same deal. As a kid I watched in the late 80's/early 90's as well. Bret vs HBK was really something and def at the top for me. I also remember Lugar vs Yokozuno, it wasn't a huge feud, but it was really built up leading into Summer Slam. To this day I still remember the body slam challenge in 93 at Summer Slam as well as the match. :)
I'd like to add Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer from the original ECW. Loved this feud and it went on for what seemed like years. Definitely one of my favorite feuds of the last 20 years.

Yeah this feud was one of my favourites. And when Dreamer finally pinned Raven, it was awesome. I really didn't think it'd ever happen.
Austin and McMahon...DONE! Everybody knew for the longest time that Vince McMahon was the owner of the WWE/F and the fact that that came to surface on TV is HUGE. And somebody mentioned earlier that it was huge when Austin stunned McMahon...it really was. The fact that that happened at MSG is in itself proof that it was big. And then Vince getting into a MATCH for the first time in his career against Austin on RAW raised a lot of eyebrows as well. Plus Austin was the best guy to do it with because he was the most over at that time.
Hands down this was the biggest rivalry in the history of pro wrestling and is what saved the WWF from being bought by WCW.
Not epic, but one of my favorite rivalries or storylines was Big Boss Man Vs. Al Snow. When Boss Man stole Al's little dog, Pepper.

The end of the fued featured the imfamous "Pepper on a Pole" match were the remains of the dead Pepper, killed by Boss man (offscreen, thankfully) were placed in a bag ringside on a pole. The whole storyline was disgusting, but brillant at the same time.

They don;t write 'em like that anymore
There are so many, especially if you go back to the territory days. World Class built themselves on the Freebirds vs. Von Erichs rivalry. Georgia had Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer. Vince McMahon took the WWF national on the heels of Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper and then solidified it with Hogan's rivalry, teaming and later break-up with Randy Savage.

Over in the NWA, Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes were regularly feuding with each other. You also had Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard and the intense rivalry of the Rock & Roll Express vs. the Midnight Express.

In the 90's, THE two feuds that headlined the Monday Night Wars were WCW vs. The New World Order and Austin vs. McMahon. The first one allowed WCW to overtake the WWF, but when it got stale, the second one allowed WWF to take back the top spot. Meanwhile, over in ECW, Tommy Dreamer and Raven feuded with each other for a long time.

Before that, there was the intense rivalry between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, a rivalry not only in the ring but in the locker room. Both wanted to be "Vince's Favorite" and would do anything to have that coveted spot.

In the 2000's, one of the most heated feuds came from the pages of real life when Matt Hardy and Edge went to war over Lita. That feud solidified Edge as a main-eventer, but turned Lita into a pariah who couldn't show her face anywhere without fans yelling "YOU SCREWED MATT!" at her.
Runners Up:
Von Erichs vs the Freebirds: Greatest stable rivalry ever

Austin vs Vince: The attitude era is defined by this feud

Hogan vs Savage: Loved going back and watching these two in the late 80s.

The Alliance vs WWF: I know, I know. The invasion storyline could have been so much better but I really considered this to be a great time in wrestling.

But the winner has to be:

Shawn vs Bret: the realism, the in ring work, started in the tag teams through the IC division to WM, to the screwjob, to reuniting years later. This was pure greatness.
Austin/Rock is up there because they didn't abuse it to death. Even when they were involved in other storylines, that rivalry was still there. It's this kind of rivalry and long term booking that the WWE needs to implement nowadays.
id have to say WCW vs nWo, up until starrcade 97, the feud that revolutionized wrestling forever, without this feud, there would be no mr mcmahon, no attitude era no dx, just a shame they werent able to ultimately capitalize and create new superstars out of theat fantastic time in pro wrestling

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