I'd divide things as follows:
1984-1993: Classic or "Kay-fabe" Era
Started: When Hogan defeated Iron Sheik in 1984
Defining moment: Hogan vs. Andrew, WM3
Ended: When Hogan went to WCW following KOTR 1993 and the subsequent (failed) face mega-push for Lex Luger
This was when when Vince and Hogan basically made wrestling what we know today. Going national, ending the territory system, creating big PPV events and making mega bucks.
1994-1996: Goofy/ Cartoon Era
Started: When we had the likes of Doink and Giant Gonzalez at WM9/ Hogan leaves.
Defining Moment: The Summerslam 1995 card, which features among other things, a Barry Horowitz match, Isaac Yankem vs. Bret Hart, and Diesel vs. Mabel as the main event. Lowest point for WWF?
Ended: Austin 3:16
People seldom distinguish between the late 80s/ early 90s and this horrible, horrible period in the E's history. But
a lot of the old guard either retired or left around 1993/4. As well as Hogan, the WWF lost Savage, DiBiase, Haku, Big Boss Man, The Bezerker, Ric Martel, Earthquake, Barry Darsow (Smash/ Repo Man), Tito Santana, Dino Bravo -- and that's just off the top of my head. This period is characterized by EXTREME cartoonishness and colour -- quite different to the preceding decade.
Attitude/ Monday Night War Era
Started: Austin 3:16
Defining Moment: The stunner on Vince.
Ended: The Invasion Angle in 2001.
Obviously we know all about this, doesn't need repeating.
The Post-Invasion/ Brand Split Era
Started: in 2002 when they announced the split
Ended: it hasn't,
For me this is when wrestling was ruined forever. It just hasn't been the same since. It doesn't matter what they do or who they push, the fundamental set up of the brand-split just sucks. Nothing can recreate the urgency of competition that once drove the company on. Yes folks, I'm one of those fans who just wants

back. The sheer blandness of people like John Cena and Randy Orton -- now multiple champions -- just sickens me. These people are are just defecating on the history of wrestling, devaluing titles and records as they do it. This era is marked by being one big, boring, formulaic,
meh. For me wrestling died in 2001. I will not be watching Wrestlemania.