What was the era that just passed???


Prof Ulti at work as usual....
Hmmm I was thinking today. The Hogan era was the prime time/cartoony era of wrestling which ended in 1997. Then there was the Attitude era which ended in 2001. The era today is probably the 'PG' era. But what will the era from 2001-2006 be remembered by? I think it'll go down in wrestling history as the 'quitest' era as nothing really actually happened.
I would say that from '97-01 was the Attitude Era. Because, well, it was Attitude.

I'd say 01-03 was the Post-Attitude Era. This was the time in which the WWE tried to keep with the Attitude Era style booking and shock factor, only tried to slow things down at the same time, and bring back some decent wrestling to the ring. It was also the time in which many of the Attitude Era stars began to fall off.

I'd say that from 03-06 was the Adjustment Era. The major stars from the Attitude Era was gone, many guys were leaving the business, and the WWE was trying like hell to frantically create new superstars. In this time we saw Lesnar, Cena, Orton, Batista, JBL, Lashley, RVD, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Chris Benoit, etc. all rise to main-event spots. We saw new talent like Carlito, Chris Masters, John Morrison, etc. introduced to the midcard. It was the time in which the WWE was trying hard to create new superstars to replace the ones they lost.

And calling this the PG Era is silly, but I don't know what else to call it.
In terms of WWE... I guess it was the Triple H era. Where he carried the company and waited for the new generation for arrive, which he had to pretty much do by himself since Rock and Austin left. He had many many title reigns, started eviolution, and kept the WWE strong when talent was defecting to TNA

As for TNA... well I guess that could be considered the X-Division era. When the X-Division was pretty much the reason people watched TNA, before all the veteran wrestlers started turning up. It was this time period that made people notice the company while WWE were burying their cruiserweight division to hell.

Or if you're just lazy you can just argue that it was still the attitude era right up until Cena became champion thanks to stuff like the Katie Vick angle *shudders* and Eddie winning the WWE title with his Lie, Cheat and Steal gimmick.
I would call the WWE stuff from 02-06 either the Triple H era or the adjustment era cause the WWE was trying to keep the stuff from the attitude era & basically didn't know who would be their future once Rock & Austin left.

Now for TNA their first era was the X-Division/Jeff Jarrett era cause the X-Division was the main reason why lots of people watched TNA & Jeff Jarrett always held the NWA World Title.
I Would call that the wrestling era being that there was more of a focus on wrestling then there was in the other eras also being called the expansion era with the draft(wwe) the launches of Tna and Roh.
Eras are defined by individuals who have a rippling and memorable impact on the business. Hogan's 4 year reign, Hogan/Andre, The Mega Powers Collide and The Ultimate Challenge all defined the Rock'n Wrestling era. Austin 3:16 born at the 1996 King of the Ring, Austin/Michaels, Austin/McMahon and Austin/Rock all defined the Attitude Era.

So what have we seen since Wrestlemania 17? Nothing. Diddly shit. Cena is the face of the business, yet his "epic" encounters with JBL, HHH, HBK and Orton have had no such everlasting effect as the men who spearheaded the previous said eras, Hogan and Austin. This time of the WWE is a transitional period, much like the period when Bret Hart was the face of the company. Wrestling isn't a cultural phenomenon, it's just sports entertainment so there is no "era." It's just rasslin'.
no way. you could call it the era in which they quit doin wrestlin moves. or the era of throw the guy in the turnbuckle punch kick throw him in the other turnbuckle punch kick throw.. oh wait reversal he throws him in the turnbuckle puch kick. i'll call it the "there's no competition for the wwe so fans will watch anything they put on tv era". get that.
Well, I'd say the eras are roughly 5 years apart with several transitional periods.

Hogan era started to end in the 90s and we had a bit of a transition in around say, 92.

In 93, we started the New Generation era led by people like Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Goldust, HBK, Diesel, etc.

Transitional period for most of 97.

In 97, we started the Attitude Era.

Transitional period with the Invasion angle in 2001.

In 2002, we started the Brand Extension era.

Right now, we're in another transitional period. The young guys are coming up with people like Edge, Orton, Cena, Punk, and Hardy being pushed as main event guys. The older guys are either retired or plan on doing such soon (Flair, Dreamer, HBK, Taker, JBL, Victoria).

Basically, this is an era void, and voids have no names. Nothing has happened in it because its all surrounding the preparation of the next era. Within the next year or two though, we'll be ushered into a brand new era.
Im waiting for someone to say The Age of Cena (that guy gets everywhere) But seriously.As this past period becomes WWE history arent we,or havent we just seen The Age of Wellness?
Think about it...Why,among other reasons is Booker on TNA.Why will we only see RVD once in a blue moon..Why didnt Chris Masters last that long? & Why are Regal.Jeff ,Orton & half the locker room secretly crapping themselves.
I tell ya,I think the WWE History books will say,He didnt wrestle much,but that £$%# Wellness has got a lot to answer for!
I agree this is a transion period, But for the sake of argument I am going to say this is the era of Heels. Never before in history of wrestling has has heel been the face of the company but that is what Randy Orton and Edge have become. This was proven when With the new wwe cd coming and being titled Voices which is the name Randy theme music and also proven to night at no way out with having edge win the world heavy wieght championship. Somthing else I have heard it called is the era of nostalgia there is nothing people want to see more than austin and hogan and all of there old favorites which will end up being bad for the bussiness in the long run.
With the Attitude Era ending in my eyes at WM 17, I would say the next era begain with the Brand Split. Think about it. That was indeed the truly next big thing to happen in company history. For me, the era of the brand split lasted from the day the split happened to the day of the Benoit tragedy. That entered us into the Benoit Era. Everything that happened around that time had his cloud hanging over it. No matter what happened, you could connect it to him. That era is very slowly beginning to fade though. Steroids are seemingly becoming less of an issue in wrestling, as is he. The current era could be seen as a new one or still the tail ened of the Benoit Era. EIther way, this one hasn't defined itself yet.
how about the entertainment era? When they started focusing more on the entertainment aspect of the business and less on wrestling.
'97-'01- Attitude
'01-'03- Quiet Era/ Adjustment
'03-'05- Triple H/ Evolution Era
Then WM 21 started the Cena/Batista Era
'06-'07- Rated RKO Era (Edge and Orton took over the main event)
'07-'08- First Age of Orton
Now- Entertainment Era/2nd Age of Orton
I agree this is a transion period, But for the sake of argument I am going to say this is the era of Heels. Never before in history of wrestling has has heel been the face of the company but that is what Randy Orton and Edge have become. This was proven when With the new wwe cd coming and being titled Voices which is the name Randy theme music and also proven to night at no way out with having edge win the world heavy wieght championship. Somthing else I have heard it called is the era of nostalgia there is nothing people want to see more than austin and hogan and all of there old favorites which will end up being bad for the bussiness in the long run.

I don't think so somehow, heels have been popular for years now.

The NWO- bunch of heel, coincidently the face of WCW. You can leave that up to their politicing or whatever, but think about other wrestling icons.
Austin started off as an mega heel. Antagonising in every way. But then he became the biggest star. Same goes for the Rock. HHH in evolution, another heel who was the face of the company.

So heels have always been the faces of the company (there's a confucing sentence).
It's just now that it seems there's no plans to make them face in the forseeable (that's a word, right?) future.
I'd divide things as follows:

1984-1993: Classic or "Kay-fabe" Era

Started: When Hogan defeated Iron Sheik in 1984

Defining moment: Hogan vs. Andrew, WM3

Ended: When Hogan went to WCW following KOTR 1993 and the subsequent (failed) face mega-push for Lex Luger

This was when when Vince and Hogan basically made wrestling what we know today. Going national, ending the territory system, creating big PPV events and making mega bucks.

1994-1996: Goofy/ Cartoon Era

Started: When we had the likes of Doink and Giant Gonzalez at WM9/ Hogan leaves.

Defining Moment: The Summerslam 1995 card, which features among other things, a Barry Horowitz match, Isaac Yankem vs. Bret Hart, and Diesel vs. Mabel as the main event. Lowest point for WWF?

Ended: Austin 3:16

People seldom distinguish between the late 80s/ early 90s and this horrible, horrible period in the E's history. But a lot of the old guard either retired or left around 1993/4. As well as Hogan, the WWF lost Savage, DiBiase, Haku, Big Boss Man, The Bezerker, Ric Martel, Earthquake, Barry Darsow (Smash/ Repo Man), Tito Santana, Dino Bravo -- and that's just off the top of my head. This period is characterized by EXTREME cartoonishness and colour -- quite different to the preceding decade.

Attitude/ Monday Night War Era

Started: Austin 3:16

Defining Moment: The stunner on Vince.

Ended: The Invasion Angle in 2001.

Obviously we know all about this, doesn't need repeating.

The Post-Invasion/ Brand Split Era

Started: in 2002 when they announced the split

Ended: it hasn't, sigh

For me this is when wrestling was ruined forever. It just hasn't been the same since. It doesn't matter what they do or who they push, the fundamental set up of the brand-split just sucks. Nothing can recreate the urgency of competition that once drove the company on. Yes folks, I'm one of those fans who just wants :wcw: back. The sheer blandness of people like John Cena and Randy Orton -- now multiple champions -- just sickens me. These people are are just defecating on the history of wrestling, devaluing titles and records as they do it. This era is marked by being one big, boring, formulaic, meh. For me wrestling died in 2001. I will not be watching Wrestlemania.

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