What to do with Shad and JTG?

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
I've been wondering ever since that silly little strap match they had, what the hell are they gonna do with these guys? I was hoping maybe their feud would be continued for a while but no, it's now over. They gave Shad a very generic monster heel gimmick but then did nothing with him, they switched JTG's attire up and left him with the same gimmick, so now what, it doesnt seem like they have plans with them so why the fuck did they break up the tag team? I personally think that they have 2 options, either have them ressolve their differences and reunite the tag team and make the division even more interesting, or they need to repackage both guys into charecters that they have plans for.
Who cares? They are jobbers now. They've been jobbers. They are the kind of superstars that WWE puts in battle royals and the RR just to fill up space. I can see them releasing Shad soon, and giving JTG the Spike Dudley treatment for a while until they give him good wishes on his future endeavors.
They should have never broken them up in the first place. They were the most over tag team on the roster and were a pretty good team. Neither one of them is doing much to stand out; especially Shad.

They should just pretend the whole break-up angle ever happened and just put them back together for the sake of the tag division. The singles spots they have would be better served for an NXT rookie anyway.
I agree they never really broken them up but thing is even when they were a team.They really weren't do anything other then beating The Dudebusters and The Hart Dynasty when they weren't the champions.

But I guess since they are single stars they could just be built up to win the ic title. Shad could possibly do more but since he hasn't been on for like 3 weeks I guess creative lost interest in him.
To be honest I don't think either of them are good wrestlers.. I just don't see them ever receiving a major push. Mid carders at best in my opinion.
Future endeavored, I'd hope. The two of them are an incredible waste of money and time, and as singles "stars", they're total duds. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say their tag team was equally as meaningless. Neither is a skilled wrestler in the slightest, and worse yet they aren't any more believable as brawlers for that matter, so what use are they other than a walking stereotype to hold African Americans to an unfair standard?

I don't think these two are even good enough/popular enough that TNA would even pick them up, and considering the track record of TNA over the last two years, it's unfathomable that they'd let ex-WWE guys walk if even they didn't think there was something to be had there.
They should have never broken them up in the first place. They were the most over tag team on the roster and were a pretty good team. Neither one of them is doing much to stand out; especially Shad.

Exactley, these two, with their current gimmicks dont stand out at all and really dont have a chance at making it as singles stars, either act like the whole thing never happened or have them make up on Superstars like they did w/the Colons.

Future endeavored, I'd hope. The two of them are an incredible waste of money and time, and as singles "stars", they're total duds. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say their tag team was equally as meaningless. Neither is a skilled wrestler in the slightest,

Well maybe it's just me but i kinda liked cryme tyme, especially when they were "robbing" people, i dunno that kinda amused me. And i think that they are talented wrestlers, maybe it's just me but hell, id say JTG is a good wrestler.

I don't think these two are even good enough/popular enough that TNA would even pick them up,

I wouldnt go that far.
I think it was a mistake to split them up. They were a tag team that were needed by the division and they were very over too. In the short-term, it produced a decent feud, even if the grand finale was a match on Superstars. In the long-term, it has produced two midcarders despite the midcard on both shows being totally full.

So, what to do? Neither are spectacular. I think Shad has a slim chance at being a main eventer, but it is a very slim chance. He has the monster heel thing going on and is generally quite good in and out of the ring. JTG, I have no idea. It's impossible to say. He can either be a good midcard champion or future endeavored. Don't put them back together though. What's done is done. It wouldn't make sense to re-create the team as Shad seems like he can do well as a dominating heel.
They don't have the best gimmick, and they aren't the best wrestlers. But they are a tag team - with a gimmick that could work.

Splitting them was a completely stupid idea. Yes they don't offer massive amounts as a tag team, but they don't offer a thing as singles competitors. Regretably creative never seems to learn/don't seem to care that splitting a tag team rarely works unless the superstars within have merit as a singles competitor - which these two do not.

If I were creative right now, write these two back together. Doesn't matter how (and to be honest I don't think anybody would care about whats gone on if they put them back together), and start them tagging again.

Quick Question - (had an 18 month break from WWE - and have only started watching with Unified tag titles). Do we see the title holders regularly on both shows? Are we likely to see The Hart Dynasty/The Usos on Smackdown for a match or two?
The trouble is that one might as well have referred to Cryme Tyme as one wrestler because that was pretty much what it was: one wrestler in two bodies. Shad and JTG had the absolute same gimmick and fought pretty much the same way. When the WWE split them up, we pretty much had one wrestler fighting with himself and then two half-wrestlers fighting in various other matches. Now, although we've seen JTG in a few minor roles post strap-match, I haven't seen or heard tell of Shad at all. Maybe once after that match and then...gone.

My guess is that Shad has already moved on. JTG...there's still some possibility for him if he wants to stay with the company, as long as he manages to keep from being another Charlie Haas or Jamie Noble. JTG has ability as a wrestler, he's pretty good on the stick, and he's instantly very recognizable. I think that the WWE is eventually going to repackage him and give him another go, but I don't think they have any future plans for Shad.
They never should have broken up.They were extremely over ever since their debut.Few teams in the WWE can stay as popular with the fans as they did.Neither of them have good in ring talent but their gimmick could have stayed interesting if they toned it down a bit.I think the only chance for JTG and Shad is to have them reunite.otherwise they take up space and they need to be wished the best in their future endeavors.

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