What to do with Koslov?

Does anynone look at Koslov and is reminded of Ludvig Borga. Of course Koslov is bigger but they both have very similar gimmicks, they were both undefeated, both foreiners, their themes were lame (even though Borga's was probably the Finland anthem), both fed jobbers for their wins, were both slow in the ring, and were power houses. Ludvig actually has climbed the rope unlike Koslov. The thing is nothing about Koslov is interesting, his in-ring skills were limited, and like Ludvig Borga Vince tried to use his size to appeal to the fans as a heel. The fans don't jeer guys like Khali and Koslov because they don't like them, they jeer them because they are horrible wrestlers. Who knows what direction Mcmahon would have wentwith Borga if he was healthy, maybe if he did say healthy Mcmahon or WWE creative would have something to reference to when they thought about Koslov's current gimmick.
Unfortunately I think he has no real purpose in the WWE. He is better than Khali, but I think he is much better suited for TNA. Physically he is impressive, but thats it. Nothing else to him except that. Fire him!
Koslov did what every monster does. The domination, the build-up as some great monster, then the loss and tumble. Koslov has used up everything he has, and I think it's time for him to be nothing more than a random, monster guy who gets in short, mindless fueds. I don't particularly like the guy, but I don't like slow wrestlers anyway. So what I pretty much see for him now is a fued with... Undertaker. Maybe that could be this years Taker match for Wrestlemania. After that he will just become another Khali or Mark Henry. Perhaps they will send him over to ECW as another challenger. It would be the place he fits in most.

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