What to do with Koslov?

They should have him form a stable with Regal, Burchill, Khali and guys like that and they could all be a huge monster heel stable and feud with the Hardy Boys, Triple H, (even Jim Duggan and Ron Simmons!!!) It'd be sweet!!!!!!! Oh yeah...and while we're on the subject of what to do with Koslov, can someone PLEASE get him some new frickin' tights?? Those tighty whiteys are so butt ugly I think I'm gonna hurl myself!!!!!
They should have him form a stable with Regal, Burchill, Khali and guys like that

Its kind of hard for Koslov to start a stable with regal and burchill when they're are both on RAW. They finally had Koslov beat a decent opponent in Festus, but I still don't think he'll ever reach main event status. His wrestling skills are just ok and I know he's not going to make it big based on his personality. He'll just follow the long line of big guys who don't amount to anything (Tomko, Matt Morgan, Luther Reigns, Nathan Jones)
One problem with Kozlov is that he's recieving the same push as guys like Umaga, Khali, Snitsky, Knox, ect...Where he destroys all his opponents for a few months and than when they finally go against a main eventer they lose and dont seem as "big" anymore. Umaga is a great wrestler but after he lost to Cena/Hardy he wasn't seen as a "legit" threat anymore, same as the other folks mentioned. They build these guys up by destroying jobbers, low/mid card guys but as soon as they go against a top star they lose and then look bad. Kozlov should loose a few times and than start a new thing instead of being a "unstopable force". Kozlov could make a great anti-american heel. Have him bash all americans, win alot of matches, lose a few, but overall come gain momentum as the anti-american. Then when he does lose he will have something to keep him fresh.
Kozlov is actually pretty good for a big man - at least he can do interesting moves convincingly. But yeah, his gimmick is growing pretty stale; we've seen it all before with Snitsky, Umaga, Khali, etcetera.

I suggested teaming up Kozlov and Umaga before, as they would be a fantastic tag team and a throwback to the old days of WWF tag team wrestling - the dominating big guy team. Not many people can pull that off or make it entertaining, but those two together just might be able to do it. I guess we'll never know.
You know I think Kozlov could have a really good year ahead of him. Take a look at the current world climate with the Georgia and you see Russia gaining a lot of negative press and hate. Coupled with their threats to nuke Poland, it's starting to feel like the Cold War again.

Then in the WWE you have Kozlov a guy with power talent and a stone face that fans would love to hate.

This could be the old Russia vs America angle from the 80's WWF but done with a modern spin.

The possibilities for opponents and feuds are endless. Though I'd wager Cena due to his all american look and 'Marine' film behind him.
To me, Kozlov’s grown stale. I stopped caring about his matches about three squashes ago. His matches are beyond boring and they’re running out of guys for him to squash. He needs a feud already.

Personally I’d like to see a Kozlov-Show program. Kozlov’s demanded better competition. What “better” or bigger or tougher competition is there than The Big Show? He’s a fricking giant with a mean right. I can hear JR calling the slobberknocker of a match now. Plus Show isn’t doing anything right now other than the occasional squash, so he’d benefit as well. Kozlov has to lose eventually. And a loss to Show, who could squash 90% of the roster, looks better than losing to some newbie or low/mid carder.
Amy put it perfectly. There is nothing left for him to do with jobbers. He's crushed everyone of them. He needs a midcard feud with someone. The thing is, who could it be? Koslov's style has to have the perfect balacne to it to make it work. He's unique, but at the same time not everyone could put on a good match with him. I like the guy and think he's got potential. I think Show could work well with him. Show can do a good promo which is what Koslov needs to get the attention onto his feud. The antiamerican gimmick is tried and true, but only with a good promo guy to defend Old Glory. I like that pairing, now if only it happens.
i see a koslov/jeff hardy feud in the near future. maybe for the us belt. the only people i see him loosing to on smackdown is jeff and hhh. i think they should do this hardy koslov feud right now. after the unforgiven. have jeff elevate of koslov and then koslov can get some real comptititon
I don't know, but I like him. Dude is a beast. An angry, strong beast. His match with Festus was oddly entertaining. I'd like to see the Moscow Mauler work a program with Finlay.. Finlay a vet and is definently better competition. It would be good for our beloved Russian giant.
To me, Kozlov’s grown stale. I stopped caring about his matches about three squashes ago. His matches are beyond boring and they’re running out of guys for him to squash. He needs a feud already.
You just said it best. I agree completly when ever i see this guy on i use it to make a sandwiche or something. I dont find this guy entertaining one bit all you see is a couple of punches maybe a quick move and its over. the guy has potential but it isnt being shown.

But i think a fued could go down well. with somebody like maybe (as Klunder said) the Big show. his gimmick is a good one but he needs to stop squashing worthless wrestlers and start facing people that actually seem like there is a chance he could lose. and the big show is the best person for him.
I don't want to see another Kozlov squash for the rest of my life. Ive seen so many since he debuted, it really was pathetic. After 3 or 4 squashes, it gets too boring and repetitive. It makes you want to change the channel. When I see a match like Vladimir Kozlov vs Jimmy Wang Yang, I sometimes wonder why I even bother watching the match. Maybe its because I am hoping that something interesting happens after the match, but it rarely does. Kozlov vs Festus was interesting, but Festus has become a jobber lately and hasn't won a high profile match in quite some time.

Ive always like Kozlov since his second match. He has talent and intencity and can be a decent mid-carder on Smackdown in the very near future. Some feud options are available for him including rivalries with: Jeff Hardy, Big Show and Mr Kennedy, after some time of course as I don't think he is ready yet to feud with those 3. The problem with Smackdown at the moment, is that there are way too many heel mid-carders. They have nobody to feud with realistically. MVP, Kozlov, Shelton Benjamin and Brian Kendrick are all mid-carders who after Unforgiven, will most likely have nobody to feud with.

A feud with Big Show or even Jeff Hardy could do Kozlov wonders. I imagine the WWE will want to push him as a monster heel very quickly. A feud with Mr Kennedy will definately do both wonders as Kennedy needs to be built up as a face more. Kozlov is fairly over for a heel in my opinion. But other monster heels like Umaga and The Great Khali will most likely overshadow Kozlov and he could therefore get lost in the shuffle. But in reality, there isn't a real lot for him to do on the blue brand. A push on ECW will benefit him, but that brand also needs more faces.

The WWE needs to turn some of these heels face and quickly, on Smackdown especially. There are way too many heel mid-carders right now which means that many wont have somebody to feud with. They each have to wait for their turn and that can't be good. Because that means more squashes and more pointless matches. Hopefully the WWE uses Kozlov to their benefit as I think he is a great and rare talent that could be a major player in years to come.
Well, I hate to say it, but I am really liking Kozlov. His music is intense and the match he had with Festus two weeks ago was excellent. It was so stiff it looked almost real. Now all WWE needs to do with him is take him to that next level. It's time for him to play with the big boys and get into a real feud. A feud with Big Show would be ideal as Show could not only make him look good, but Kozlov could make Show look good as well, especially since they are now trying to do the whole Show is a sriker thing. Kozlov could match it in both intensity and energy. Sad thing is Kozlov is a flash in the pan kind of thing unless WWE finally tries to be more creative with a superstar these days past a minute, which I find unlikely. I did really dig seeing Kozlov wrestle a guy that "Might" have beaten him though as he and Festus did have a good match. It was the best match I saw that night as everything else was the same old thing again. Kozlov rocks!
I was reading through the thread and somone (my apologies as to who, but I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back and look) mentionted Ivan Drago.

And I've been thinking the very same thing. And what a better way to get somebody over as a heel. Everyone loved to hate Drago and who didn't want to see Rocky kick his ass after Drago kileld the beloved Apollo Creed?

So build him up as this no remorse, straight laced, no frills killer. And then find somebody to be Rocky. It can't be Big Show or Cena or even Hardy because we have to believe they can't win. We need an underdog who isn't a sure fire win. Matt Hardy would have worked. Kennedy, for all his losses thse days, is still too big a star.

It has to be a relatively new person who fans are kinda getting behind. And then have them take out the machine that is Kozlov. Both Kozlov and the face get over and both get a fued that has some high profile attention to it. Kozlov has the ability to become a big star and help build a new top of the mid card face. I'm interested to see where it goes.
I think Koslov and Khali teaming would be a dcent team to watch especially with ranjin singh back as a manager/translater. Koslov could carry khali and they would jus crush people and Khali could win a title and not piss too many pepole off their signature double could be Khali locking someone in the vice and koslov headbutting them to death

As for your rocky idea i think shannon moore could do that or maybe evan bourne.
But i think a fued could go down well. with somebody like maybe (as Klunder said) the Big show. he needs to stop squashing worthless wrestlers and start facing people that actually seem like there is a chance he could lose. the big show is the best person for him.
Hey Sparky man, give credit where it's due. If you look back in the thread, a feud with Big Show was my idea.;)

I don't think that feud is going to happen anytime soon though as they seem to be saving Show for Umaga who still has about a month before he returns from injury. Also I just realized there are still a few guys left for Kozlov to squash.:eek: There's Smackdown's newest jobber to the stars Kenny Dykstra and the recently debuted yet not getting pushed for the foreseeable future Scotty Goldman and Ryan Braddock. Those squashes can be spaced out, thus they can delay giving Kozlov his first feud by another 4-6 weeks.

I thought of something else to do with Kozlov. Now I'm not quite sure how well it would work or get over with the crowd, but I'd also like to see a Kozlov-Benjamin feud. They could/should wrap up Shelton’s feud with MVP and Hardy in six weeks time and he’ll need something to do next, which fits with Kozlov’s timeline I suggested above. Shelton’s been putting on great matches since becoming US Champ, and I think he and Kozlov could have some interesting, long, physical bouts.

For Kozlov, it would be a test of what he can do in the ring besides squash a nobody. For Shelton, it would be a test to see how he carries himself on the mic and if he can carry a feud as Kozlov’s character doesn’t really talk much. Kozlov isn't decisively heel; he hasn't cut any heel promos nor attacked anyone post-match or done anything truly heelish. He's just a tough guy who wants some real competition. Shelton can remain the cocky heel and Kozlov can just be himself. Or they could possibly use this feud to turn one of them as SD! needs midcard faces in the worst way.
kozlov is very underrated...after his squash matches, you could say he was ok coz the guys he beat sucked but then he fought festus and festus isn't easy to take down so i hope they move kozlov up to maybe ME or somewhere he can fight guys like mvp, shelton, hardy and so on
Who's f**king idea was it to put Kozlov v.s Khali in a match next week? One's of creative's biggest blunders yet? It makes no sense whatsoever to put those two in a match when 1. (careful, this may shock u) KHALI COULDN'T WRESTLE IF HIS LIFE DEPENDED ON IT (honestly, I know I put this down before, but he so needs to be moved to the development camp) 2. Why would this match be put on if Kozlov's attacking Hardy & HHH and yet isn't in the PPV match with him? You think they'd address the issue on SD next week, rather then stick on this worthless match which will just consist of Kozlov continually headbutting Khali in the chest and Khali "attempting" to sell it. :[

Honestly man, this could be worse then a Mark Henry-Khali match. And that's saying something.
If they booked Kozlov vs. Khali, then the only reason I could see doing it is if they had Kozlov win and they released Khali. Having Kozlov get a definitive, clean win over Khali would mean that he would seem like a tougher threat. Plus, we all know that Khali can't last much longer and he no longer has the undefeated monster aura around him.

That being said, yeah, the match will be horrible, but oh well, its not like having Kozlov against a jobber for the umpteenth time in a row is any better than him defeating Khali, you know?
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Khali vs Kozlov, the only way Khali should win is if it's by DQ, as a win would do nothing for either man. I agree with No Fate, Kozlov should wi to keep his undefeated record, and to see him as a bigger threat to others as he beat the monster Khali. But I don't think he should or will rise to the ME, but he will stay in the midcard. A run with the US title mightn't be a bd idea, as it would get him major heat, a non-american with the US title.
Kozlov attacks Jeff Hardy, the No.1 contender, and HHH, the WWE champion. If he beats Khali, he is an unstoppable monster. If not, creative wasted all this build up. Considering the events on last nights SmackDown!, I think that he might be getting a WWE title shot in the near future. If he is still undefeated by No Mercy, and if he attacks Hardy/HHH again, I reckon he will interfere in that match and destroy both of them, and demand a title shot. I think they're building him up to be in the title hunt.
I think it seems quite clear what is being done here....last night Khali gets a convincing squash victory over Scotty Goldman, thus 'reminding' us that he is a big unstoppable monster. So when Kozlov beats Khali next week, it will look all the more impressive.

It would seem that Kozlov is being pushed into the main event picture here. Nobody for a minute believes that HHH is going to put Hardy over at No Mercy, so my prediction is that Kozlov will continue the unstoppable undefeated streak, and then HHH will end it along the line in a title match.

Basically, Kozlov is more dog food for HHH.
Kozlov has to beat khali to keep his undefeated reign going and a win over khali will make him look like even more of a monster. I dont think it would do khali too much harm to have kozlov win since he isnt really involved in anything right now. Once kozlov wins he can prove hes worthy and be even more ready for a mid card title reign
Koslov should win move to ECW and win the title from MAtt Hardy. Koslov is a good heel and he could have a good run with the title. After that the could move him to RAW and give him a Lashley type push.
Heres an idea for an angle involving Kozlov. He comes out week after week saying he wnats a challenge right. So someone finally presents Kozlov with a challenge. They challenge him to go out and score with women. This leads to a series a date segments every week on smackdown and also segments involving Kozlov trying to hit on divas. Of course Kozlov fails miserably because he just screams at the girls in Russian and then when they try to leave them he utilizes his Sambo Martial Arts skills and makes them tap.
Creative needs to continue what they're doing right now, pushing Kozlov against H. I think this guy has what it takes to become huge. He's big, strong, can cut a promo better than Hardy despite having a gimmick where he doesnt know the English language very well and he can wrestle.

This feud of Kozlov vs Triple h, intriges me more than the entire show of Raw. He looks strong and dominates most of the time, and gets a reaction. The crowd and marks dont, like him. It doesnt matter that he gets cheap USA heat or the you suck chants, all that matters is that people hate him and it gets people to watch Smackdown.

I really hope Triple H loses his title at Survivor Series or any other pay-per-view against Kozlov and not Jeff Hardy. If Kozlov would become a champion the sky would be the limit, he could be the top heel of the company in one or two years, and then eventualy feud against Cena.

Kozlov is a good and entertaining wrestler, and still has plenty of time to grow. Thats why creative needs to continue with is feud against Triple H.

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