What to do with Koslov?


Dark Match Winner
Theres a what to do with Burchill thread and since Koslovs pretty much in the same boat I think a what to do with Koslov threads needed too :)

IMO the WWE dropped the ball by not having Koslov as Chavos enforcer instead of Neely. Theyre stuck of what to dow wth Koslov and imo hes the better wrestler and so should have the Bam Neely role. Anyway I think Koslov would benefit from becoming the security guard of Santino thats supposed to happen soon. Itll be a wast of time bringing in a new wrestler for the role since theres no room for one. Theres too many wrestlers not doing anything so why clutter the roster up more? Give Koslov the job instead.
I think Koslov's in a worse place that Burchill. Given paul burchill is already an established wrestler in wwe and people remember him from his debut and pirate gimmick. Koslov's new so to speak. but he's got one big disadvantage...he's one of a large number of generic muscular wrestlers who have been in wwe and lasted months (master, jones, morgan, chuck palumbo) before wwe realise that they have very little to use them for.
however, that being said, he's Russian so the obvious is the stereotypical anti-american Russian communist type so I suppose at least he has a gimmick he can go down.

As for use as a body guard, it'd work because he's got the build for it. he's a big dude and can mix up his styles enough that he'll probably last longer than some of the others, but we'll see just how successful he is
I think Kozlov should be put into US Title contention while he is still fresh. Play the Russian monster vs American underdog card (so original, I know..) They should also put a few more lower-card heels into contention (Dykstra, Burke, Benjamin). The twist would be that rather than working well with the other heels, Kozlov destroys everyone regardless of alignment (Kind of like how Big Show was working the battle royal this past friday). Eventually, one of the lower card heels could win the belt, thereby putting Kozlov over as an insane monster, Hardy over for defending against all comers, and whoever wins the US Title.. 3 for 1 ain't bad. The one thing that I don't think they should do is keep him undefeated for too long..We already get the fact that he's a powerhouse..now develop him a little..
1. Give him a new finisher. What's the point of the first half of the move?

What is there really for Kozlov to do? He's Smackdown's equivalent of Raw's Snitsky and ECW's Mike Knox. They fill the same role: strong guy who could job to the stars but constantly is beating down jobbers, and thusly, not receiving a push because it means NOTHING if you defeat 100 jobbers.

I actually like the fact that he doesn't have music, but why do they have to build him up as the same generic monster as everyone else? All these monster characters are just cookie cutter. Strong, foreign language (or they don't talk at all), "ruthless and dominant to nobodies who couldn't beat Funaki or Delaney", angry 24/7.....same old, same old. I say, if you want Kozlov to go anywhere, get him as far away from that as possible. We already have Undertaker, Batista, Kane, Mark Henry, Khali, Big Daddy V, Snitsky, Umaga, Knox, and Big Show...and to a lesser extent, Palumbo, Neely, and Burchill, all as "big men" or "monsters". Do we really need any more?

I can't really think of anything for him to do. He doesn't deserve to run for the US title over guys that have been there longer and have been built up better....he doesn't have any solid people to tag with....I sure as hell don't want to continue seeing him just beat jobbers in a 2 minute squash match...I honestly have no answer in my head for where to put him. FCW? Lol.
What to do with Kozlov......

While I do agree that his finisher isn't the best, it is pretty uhh, unique. But it's the finisher of a Snitsky like character. It takes to long to set up, and is sort of stale.

I honestly don't think there is a fit for him to be in, he doesn't do anything except beat up random jobbers. He isn't getting pushed by any terms except the, "Look, I beat up a random".

Although I just thought of the perfect place to put Kozlov, as Regal's Bodyguard, or part of his stable. WTF, you say? Here me out.

1. His entry, darkness. Remember Regal's 'thing', blacking everything out. Kozlov comes out in darkness, would be a good thing for Regal's lackey. Regal can black eveything out, and Kozlov can sneak attack.

2. The perfect stable could form with him, along with Burchil. Probably working as Regal's lackeys. The darkness thing, as I mentioned before fits Kozlov. The Russian/ English working togther. That is great heat in america.
but it's so predictable. I mean every few years there's a stable of non-american wrestlers formed to overthrow the US wrestlers and it's just too easy to throw koslov into that mix with no real effort on the part of creative. I think I just want them to do something unusual and make him stand out, rather than make him an anti-american big guy
I think he would be a great enforcer for someone, a hired hand of sorts. Id love to see him fill that role for Dibiase Jr. Or as a body gaurd to Miz and Morrison, or Santinos rumored bodyguard. Personally, I kinda enjoy this guy. I like his intensity, and what little of a moveset we have seen out of him.
He is the perfect example of what a bodyguard should be. He's big, doesn't talk (or isn't given the chance) and he would look great suited up in the background. He'd fit in with what Regal is doing. He should be thrown to RAW. Then team him with the already patners Regal & Burchill. Tag him with Burchill.

Have them dominate from the jobbers up to the higher mid-card on RAW. If it gets over then have Santino make a rival Mafia- Style Faction that would include Santino, his bodyguard, Carlito and one of the heel divas. Lead it to gang wars on RAW. Eventually introduce a face Faction to take them both down. Punk, Finlay even Hardcore Holly.

Has to be better than squashing a jobber.
He is the perfect example of what a bodyguard should be. He's big, doesn't talk (or isn't given the chance) and he would look great suited up in the background. He'd fit in with what Regal is doing. He should be thrown to RAW. Then team him with the already patners Regal & Burchill. Tag him with Burchill.


THAT would be an EXCELLENT team. Nothing but raw agression and brutality. And keep Katie as a valet. I dont see why not, would he be better utilized in a long dominant tag title run, or squashing guys named Skip Douglas every week?? And together, while not in the ring, they could be an imposing enforcer tandem for Regal
THAT would be an EXCELLENT team. Nothing but raw agression and brutality. And keep Katie as a valet. I dont see why not, would he be better utilized in a long dominant tag title run, or squashing guys named Skip Douglas every week?? And together, while not in the ring, they could be an imposing enforcer tandem for Regal

It would make for an original (hint of sarcasm) Anti- American storylines. Throw in Santino's Mafia along with CM Punk & Mr. Kennedy as your American Heroes you have a lot of mid-card entertainment. If you emphasise Kozlov & Burchill's sheer power and brute force then they will pick up heel heat quite easily. I mean just being Russian isn't enough to have hate on him anymore. All characters involved get something from it.
Whatever they do, keep the entrance, it's one of the most unique things I've seen in a while. Change his finisher? Good god yes, a reverse DDT from a 300 pounder has the same impact if it's being done from a 150 pounder...very little. Let him chase Matt for the U.S Title for a while, but don't play the nationality card, have them do the reverse of the Orton/Jeff storyline and have Kozlov attack Jeff while he's visiting Matt on Smackdown(I was grasping at an angle there lol). I can see Kozlov being a perfectly capable tag team champion...with who.....who knows?
In a previous post I had suggested teaming him with Burchill as part of Regal's RAW Revoloution but it seems as though that ain't going to happen anymore so...

I'd team him with Snitsky.
Make Snitsky a Free Agent on RAW and then bring him over team him with Kozlov. Then feed all the regular jobbers to the team. Then singles victories in consecutive episodes over Deuce & Domino (Who leave television for a while and then come back as singles superstars and adopt new personas and join Santino's Mafia on RAW).
I think they are gonna make the new indestructable character, who will seem unstoppable, until he faces Undertaker. That would be a good fued.

Except we've seen it a million times before, with every other "monster" in history. At the same time, they're only having him defeat jobbers, so it doesn't look that impressive.

Last night I noticed just how totally unimpressive Kozlov really is. He has a headbutt and two other moves, that's it. Those two moves take him forever to do and are filled with unnecessary actions. He picks up Nunzio, puts him on his shoulders, places him on the ropes, kicks him, catches him, and then does a move. Then, he picks him up, moves him around, drops him on his legs and do the inverted DDT. What's so great about this guy? Lol.

I say, tag team him with Snitsky. The tag team divisions are hurting right now because there's only a limited amount of tag teams, right? So why do we have about 20 wrestlers that are doing NOTHING right now, but aren't in tag teams? Snitsky, Super Crazy, Funaki, Noble, Palumbo, Richards, Dreamer, etc etc etc. I wouldn't mind seeing Snitsky/Kozlov as a tag team. Maybe not with the championships, but at least we could see something different instead of another Deuce & Domino match.
I don't know why or what it is, but i really like Koslov. His no frills approach works for me. Plus Foley's bigging up of virtually every heel actually works for Koslov IMO unlike Palumbo who's had like 3 chances to get over already, and Morrison who most fans like anyway, want to see him get pushed but are disappointed by how he isn't used.

Ok he's Russian, but his character doesn't rely on that fact. The whole no music no video thing is great IMO. I'm sick of talent being forced down my throat bcoz they aren't American.

"Hi i'm William Regal, i have tea and crumpets with every meal. Long live the Queen!"
"We are La Resistance. You Americans hate ze French because we don't join in on your genocide missions, but we are 'ere to prove zat ze French people are not cowards"
"I'm Muhammed Hussan and i'm sick of being disrespected because i'm Islamic and i'm branded as a terrorist. RESPECT ME!!!!!"
"I'm Nathan Jones, i'm Australian so i don't need to point out to you that i have a criminal record, because who the fuck doesn't in the land of Oz?" ("Scrub scrub here, scrub scrub there, whether your white or bronze, a man can wash another man, in the merry old land of Oz"*)
"We're the Highlanders! We wear skirts because that's how we roll in Scotland and are totally obsessed with throwing logs around, playing golf and eating porridge."

WWE are getting better with their foreign guys IMO. Back in the day, yeah we had the Shiek and others living upto stereotypes but we also had Roddy Piper thriving on his talent, not because he had a foreign gimmick. The same applies for the British Bulldog. Since 2000 tho, it's bin 'new millenium, new fans, so we can roll out all the old stereotype gimmicks.'
Now we're getting back on track. Santino does use the Italian bit every now and then (i love that Poem ad he has) but the Burchill's don't wear Union Jack ring attire and now we have Koslov who's gimmick is apparently 'FORGET ALL THAT *insert Russian expletive* GLITZ AND GLAMOUR AND FIGHT ME!!!!'

IMO i think it's time we had a guy just come out of nowhere and blitz thru everyone. Smackdown hasn't had anyone like that since Brock Lesnar. Raw did have Umaga for that purpose, but have wasted it recently, Koslov could fill that role. So long as he doesn't get the 'you've beaten all the jobbers, let's skip the mid card for you and put you against a ME guy straight away.....' like Snitsky got.
The next week Koslov will b told, 'Ok, no jobber tonight, tonight you'll wrestle Batista, but we had a vote and we decided you'll lose.'
The next week... 'Ok tonight you'll squash Jamie Noble.... You haven't squashed him yet have you? No? Excellent! Off you go...."
A month or so later....
Koslov "Yo! Vat happened to my push? Do you Americans not know about my amazing martial art background?"
Creative "Who are you again?"

*Awwwww yeah, got an "Oz" and a "Family Guy" reference in the same post.
Everybody wants to do something with Kozlov. I too like the idea of him and Burchill and Regal. But since Regal is gone for a while and we don't know what they are going to do with him when he comes back. I say put him in ECW after the draft and put him in a feud with Kane. I don't want him to win the title right now but he could use the experience and show his strength and beat Kane in some matches and have Kane beat him in the title match. He could still show up on Smackdown and say challange a heel vss heel in Mark Henry. Battle of giants we haven't seen. Then go on to Batista.
First I would stop him from wrestling jobbers and keep him on smackdown. At One Night Stand have him attack The Undertaker and cause him to lose the TLC match to edge and leave the WWE, then within 2 months have him beat good people on the roster, and build him up a Russan wrecking machine like Nikita Koloff was when he was a heel, also get him a manager that can talk for him. After those 2 months have The Undertaker do a series of weird events for his return to face Koslov at Summerslam and have them feud until Unforgiven. It will build Koslov into a big time name and a future WHC contender or champion.
I prefer the approach of hired muscle.
Yeah he can annihilate everyone that is put in front of him..... but only for a price.
I'd begin by putting him in against Colin Delaney, by order of Armando Estrada. Then he should take out Matt Hardy or someone, simply because Edge and Vickie don't like him. Then continue to do everyones dirty work for them, JBL could hire him to help out in a personal feud. Eventually Koslov will be the next Umaga and be used as Mr Mcmahons designated punisher.
I'm not sure about main event or championship material, but only time and future persormances will tell.
i read on wikipedia (so take it for whats its worth) that he used a sit out torture rack (pretty much abyss' shock treatment) in DSW, that would be a much better finisher that the scoop lift transistioned into a reverse ddt he uses. one of the worst finishing moves i have ever see. first of all the scoop lift part is so pointless and the move looks stupid. whats the point of having a giant and not using a big power move as the finisher. i think the ddt has lost its value as a finisher anyways. but if he uses the sit out torture rack it would make him look so much so much stronger. first he uses his strength in the torture rack part to make his opponents want to submit then he sits it out and it is a much more devastating move then the reverse ddt.

for a gimmick i like the idea of a hired assaisin role. have top heels hire him to take out their babyface opponents. it would be like the heel verision of the APA
Where does Kozlov really have to fit in to?

Bodyguard - We already have Bam Neely, Santino is getting one soon supposedly, and the only other person that could sort of use one would be Ted DiBiase Jr, but Kozlov's total inability to wrestle more than 3 moves (at least, that's all he's shown us) doesn't really warrant a tag title run in my opinion.

Strong Monster - Good lord, we don't need another one of these. Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Umaga, Big Show, Undertaker, Kane, Batista, Snitsky, Mike Knox, Bam Neely, Festus, Khali...is it necessary to add Kozlov as another "dominating big guy"?

Hired Assassin - People have brought this up, but really, what's the point? Why would you hire Kozlov if you could hire bigger, stronger guys, like Mark Henry or Khali or something? (Not saying they're good wrestlers either).

Because of how lackluster Kozlov is, I can't see any place for him in the WWE, outside of them just using him as Santino's guard or the bodyguard of Ted DiBiase, but until this guy shows that he knows how to wrestle past a headbutt, then I'll still be wondering why they even bothered to bring him up from developmental. I say, if you're looking for people to cut post-draft, and if you aren't getting rid of Kozlov, then get rid of Snitsky at least as Kozlov is a bald head and some acne away from being his mirror image.
After weeks of getting little, to no reaction, the fans are finally chanting U.S.A. This is a step in the right direction. At least he's getting a little bit of heel heat. Anti American heels always have potential to be intresting. Even if their in ring work is poor. In the 80's Koslov would have been great Hogan fodder. All he needs is a really good mouthpiece to get fans to really hate him. I'm sure there is somebody in Russia who can do a little public speaking. That's all they really need. There can't be much easier than being an Anti-American heel manager. It's just a shame that there isn't really any in wrestling anymore.
Originally posted by incrediblesimHe is the perfect example of what a bodyguard should be. He's big, doesn't talk (or isn't given the chance) and he would look great suited up in the background. He'd fit in with what Regal is doing. He should be thrown to RAW. Then team him with the already patners Regal & Burchill. Tag him with Burchill.

Have them dominate from the jobbers up to the higher mid-card on RAW. If it gets over then have Santino make a rival Mafia- Style Faction that would include Santino, his bodyguard, Carlito and one of the heel divas. Lead it to gang wars on RAW. Eventually introduce a face Faction to take them both down. Punk, Finlay even Hardcore Holly.

Has to be better than squashing a jobber.

I like this idea.You could have Burchill and Kozlov team.Katie Lea would be their valet.When Regal comes back they could join up.Have them take everybody.Then have Santino,Carlito,Melina(as a valet)and The Great Khali(as a bodyguard) form a faction.Then have these guys fued with each other and with La Family or what ever it is in a cross-brand fued.Then have ethier the Ministry(Kane,Undertaker,Gangrel or Kevin Thorn,and Viscera or Boogeyman),D-X(HHH,HBK,Batista),or the All-Americans(C.M Punk,Tommy Dreamer,and The Hardyz)come in as faces and take all three down.
Kozlov with the US title would be awsome IMO, even though it's kinda been done before with the Russian vs American stroyline, it hasn't been done for a while. Giving him the US title is a sure fire way of getting hate heat, and is bound to make him instantly over as a heel without him inputting v. much mic work. Of course we don't know what he is like on the mic he could be v. good. A feud with Matt Hardy chasing the Us title off him might almost be slightly intresting as he doesnt seem to be doing much now. Also I should think they should push him a bit more as a nasty fucker because he has that look about him like he just wants to twat the next person he sees look. I think that if he is brutal enough combined with a Us title reign that he could get really over on smackdown.
I must admit I like Kozlov, I think he has the ability to put on some great matches given the right opponents. I just hope they stop feeding him jobbers and put him in a real feud with a similarly sized opponent, he could be a serious heel if given the right direction.
Kozlov? Make him a trainer at FCW until they come up with a better gimmick than a bootleg Ivan Drago that does nothing but squash undersized lower-midcarders and underneath guys.
I like this idea.You could have Burchill and Kozlov team.Katie Lea would be their valet.When Regal comes back they could join up.Have them take everybody.Then have Santino,Carlito,Melina(as a valet)and The Great Khali(as a bodyguard) form a faction.Then have these guys fued with each other and with La Family or what ever it is in a cross-brand fued.Then have ethier the Ministry(Kane,Undertaker,Gangrel or Kevin Thorn,and Viscera or Boogeyman),D-X(HHH,HBK,Batista),or the All-Americans(C.M Punk,Tommy Dreamer,and The Hardyz)come in as faces and take all three down.

I like that idea. Also you could have D.H. Smith and his new stable coming up and feud with them as well. They could get into the mix. Can you imagine if this happen i mean stables back in the wwe would be great. Now that would get ratings.

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