What TNA/Spike TV should do with Saturday's Replay Slot

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking of how TNA has everything they could ask for. They've got a 2-hour primetime slot on Thursday night. Now they can build up their PPVs properly, so they can convert their audience into PPV Buyers. But what about the Saturday night replay of Impact.

Can't TNA and Spike TV work it so that the Saturday slot could be more beneficial for both parties by making it a cross between Raw A.M.(which reviews the previous Raw for those who missed it) and WCW's old Saturday night show. That way it gets TNA away from replays, which is basically a failsafe for those who chose not to watch it Thursday night. It also gives TNA some more time to showcase the misused talent, ie Petey Williams,and the rest of the X Division. Plus by making it in essence original programming, Spike TV would probably get better ratings for that timeslot. Right now the replay gets between .4's and .6's.

What do you all think?
I think it would be beneficial for TNA to work it into some kind of second show. Dont like the reality show idea suggested above at all...but a kind of b show would be good. Not one that focuses on storylines just showcases matches from underused talents, do try out matches for indy stars etc etc. would be nice. They could still recap Impact inbetween the matches as well.
I think a show like Heat was a couple of years ago in the 90's could benefit TNA perhaps open up Xplosion put that out there on sat nights. Surely then they could showcase most of the X division talent they dont use and build them up before moving them to Impact full time.
Why not just have 2 iMPACT episodes a week? If Spike TV is just gonna let them have 2 hours, why not just film a seperate episode with oppurtunities for everyone to wrestle? Why does it have to be a Smackdown or a Heat? Just make it so iMPACT is bi-weekly, and we have an 8 episode build up to payperviews and more opportunities to grab ratings and fans by being available to more kinds of viewers.
Becuase neither you,nor I, nor Spike tv wish for 8 episodes of Total Nonstop Angle. The guy already bores the average audience, giving him double time would just be killer for ratings.
Why not just have 2 iMPACT episodes a week? If Spike TV is just gonna let them have 2 hours, why not just film a seperate episode with oppurtunities for everyone to wrestle? Why does it have to be a Smackdown or a Heat? Just make it so iMPACT is bi-weekly, and we have an 8 episode build up to payperviews and more opportunities to grab ratings and fans by being available to more kinds of viewers.

Althought that would be good and god knows i hate the brand split thing wwe has going on, and i hate having to wait a week for storylines to carry on, i remember watching Raw and then only having to wait 4 days to catch the next bit on smackdown, it allowed for them to fill in extra details on a less high profile show (Raw has always been the A brand), i believe this was one of the main reasons for success in the early 00's, Smackdown allowed to add depth to a storyline without sacrificing the A show or PPV air time.

I think the only thing holding up TNA from doing this is money/Time.
Yeah, I can DEFINETLY agree with you on that. Too much Angle exposure. Too much Kevin Nash for me to handle as well. And money is probably a problem too.
I think having a show like Heat would be good for TNA, just 1 rule, BAN ANGLE FROM IT!!! I mean, there is so much underused talent in TNA, the X division, etc. just have them have their own show, but also allow them to compete on iMPACT!
It definitely shouldn't have guys like Angle on it, unless it's the night before the PPV. So TNA can give the PPV one last hard sell. Other than that, forget it.

The show should be for the X Division guys and Tag Teams that don't get enough exposure on Impact. So for someone like Petey Williams, a second show would be great. He could be a stable of the show for a couple of months, so TNA can build him up. Then he could go to Impact and be placed in a feud for the X Division Championship. The same for tag teams like Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave. Right now they aren't over with the fans, b/c they don't get enough time on Impact to develop their own characters. To the fans their just hired goons for Christy Hemme and that's all. A second show could fix that. I say could b/c TNA would still have to book it correctly.
It definitely shouldn't have guys like Angle on it, unless it's the night before the PPV. So TNA can give the PPV one last hard sell. Other than that, forget it.

The show should be for the X Division guys and Tag Teams that don't get enough exposure on Impact. So for someone like Petey Williams, a second show would be great. He could be a stable of the show for a couple of months, so TNA can build him up. Then he could go to Impact and be placed in a feud for the X Division Championship. The same for tag teams like Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave. Right now they aren't over with the fans, b/c they don't get enough time on Impact to develop their own characters. To the fans their just hired goons for Christy Hemme and that's all. A second show could fix that. I say could b/c TNA would still have to book it correctly.

This is all very true and i 100% agree with it. By giving them time people like Lance Hoyt and Rave air time that isnt on Impact it can help them as well as other wrestlers to get over with the crowd and keep them for complaining that they dont get used.
However TNA wont have a second show yet i dont think mainly for the money factor. TNA needs to seriiusly tap into the resources and money Panda Energy bring to the table in order for them to put on a second show and not only that but improve the on they have. So although a second show would be great TNA need to develop Impact to the best it can be first.
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