TNA: Stay on Spike or go to Fox???

Spike or Fox

  • Stay on Spike, and take the two hour deal

  • Take the Fox Deal, four hours is bad ass

  • One Hour is fine for me on Spike TV.

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They only get 1s in the ratings on the basis of Spike actually doing the typical thing that they have done since 1999/2000 in getting a Wrestling program and expect it to do well without advertising, it happened with ECW it happened with WWE and it happens now with TNA. you can't have deccent ratings for a television program if you do not advertise it. By having little advertising for the program and a low rating people know pretty much nothing about it thereby meaning you do not have a big enough fanbase that watches it consistently. they need to get to a Network that will show advertising for their product meaning that they will get a larger fanbase. They have names that are either big or will be big if they get exposure which is what going to fox will do.
Whats happening with the FOX deal anyway? We haven't heard anything about it for a while? Is it dead in the water or have I missed a report?
I dunno about leaving spike cause spike wont give it the push it needs but also we cant forget about fox banning stuff that isnt a instant success.

but on the other hand if they do go wwe will be in troouble but i would work on taking out the nightmare ecw and go from 9-11, to get that peace of trash out of our lives, I mean that smackdown head writer is a genous, what can i say i make sure to watch that every friday he even made khali watchable with his feuds which i thought wouldnt ever happen.

so about the time slot i would go tuesday over friday and probably go with fox.
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