What TNA needs to do; The "Dirty" hour

I think it's a brilliant idea. TNA has got to do something different, otherwise it's a case of "do I want to watch WWE, or do I want to watch WWE with added rejects?" Sure, there's people going to work the next day, but seeing as ECW was drawing 1.2 in the same timeslot on a Friday as the number 3 company with zero promotion, and Monday Night Football consistently draws in the teens it's not beyond the realms of possibilty that this could draw at least 1.5, capitalising on the wrestling audience. TNA needs every weapon in its arsenal to combat WWE, and the biggest asset it has right now isn't Hulk Hogan, it's TV-14.
I'm in two minds about this idea. Personally, I don't want to see it. I've already made a thread in this section detailing exactly what I want TNA to do in order to draw more viewers and differentiate itself from WWE, and it means LESS shock TV and more MATURE things.

However, not everyone thinks like me. Loads of people want "dirtiness". They want sex, drugs, violence, and swearing. They want insane shock TV. So I suppose it would be smart for TNA to try and capitalize on that audience, as I think they're rather numerous. And the late night timeslot shouldn't be a problem for those who want to watch.

I just wouldn't be one of them.
As March 8th approaches, and as I keep coming to the TNA boards and seeing this thread, I think the idea has finally grown on me. TNA needs something different. TNA needs a different reason to be mainstream. They can be mainstream by being geared towards adults. TV-MA would be refreshing to see, as long as it doesn't have too much sex, which can only be used in small amounts in wrestling if you ask me.

I'd watch it, and I think the publicity alone would get more people watching. Shock value alone would get people to tune in.

They can't really position themselves to do something like this until they get out of that rinky dink Impact Zone. That damn place makes the whole show look bootleg now. Its run its course.

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