What the hell was Tarver doing there?

Jonnie Walker

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok, so as we all know by now, something happened to Teddy Long backstage. While it can be assumed that the Corre did it, nothing has been confirmed. So, Vickie and Dolph were standing over Teddy Long freaking out, and next to them was...Michael Tarver? I don't get why he was there, but I'll take a guess and say he attacked Teddy, but after seeing him getting kicked out of Nexus a few months back, why would he go to the Corre? So, am I the only one confused about Tarver being there?
This could prove to be an interesting little side swerve. Everybody assumes the Core did it as it's the most obvious answer since it happened right after they had their little back and forth. However....

What if the swerve was that the Core really was telling the truth when they said they had no idea and didn't do it? Tarver was there acting concerned, casual fans would be more focused on Vickie and Ziggler "breaking character" and wouldn't really think twice about who that even was, and later it could come out that he did it in order to get back into Barrett and Co.'s good graces and appeal to become the 5th member of the Core by telling them that he took out their biggest obstacle for them in such a quick, efficient, decisive manner.
I honestly don't think that him being there is relevant to this storyline. With how it played out on TV, it seems like it's only the beginning of a major angle. Tarver wouldn't be involved in a major angle like that. I'm assuming he finally came back from injury (which has been rumored a while ago that he was almost ready to come back). I see no potential with Tarver and doubt WWE would give him a push like this.

My guess for who attacked Teddy was either Ziggler or some random person that we wouldn't guess. It's unlikely that Corre did it, it's too soon but I hope it's not as obviously as the 'Who attacked the Undertaker' thing that led to the Kane/Taker feud.
I think this could mean that the Core hired Tarver back, but are just keeping it a secret for now for him to do some of their dirty work. This could also mean that he is fully recovered from the injury and is a type of message to say that he is back. I hope that Skip comes back in a similar fashion and also join the Core.
I personally don't think he has anything to do with it.

For me, Vickie and Dolph were acting way too 'suspicious' for lack of a better word, almost to the point where i thought to myself, 'Why would they care about Teddy?'...

So i think it was Dolph, in a way to ensure he gets a further chance at the title should he lose to Edge, or to ensure he wins the title. Another possibility is that he loses to Edge and Vickie gets him in the Rumble, who knows.
I personally don't think he has anything to do with it.

For me, Vickie and Dolph were acting way too 'suspicious' for lack of a better word, almost to the point where i thought to myself, 'Why would they care about Teddy?'...

So i think it was Dolph, in a way to ensure he gets a further chance at the title should he lose to Edge, or to ensure he wins the title. Another possibility is that he loses to Edge and Vickie gets him in the Rumble, who knows.

That's true. Why would they show face type behavior and then go right back to being heels after Vickie took over the GM duties? And who stood to benefit more by taking Long out? Vickie and Dolph because Long just got done telling the Corre that he wouldn't put up with the beat downs. And Vickie did want them to "soften up" Edge. Not to mention Vickie gets to run the show in Long's absence. Wants Edge taken out, gets the power to allow it to happen, has a great scapegoat in the Corre with what had just transpired between them and Long. Conveeeeeeeeeeeenient...

That makes total sense. Vickie wants Edge softened up, knows getting the Corre to do so would piss Teddy off, so she has him taken out so they can do their dirty work w/no interruptions. Hell, it could even work if they decided to do a Vickie/Dolph split because they could play it off as Vickie doing it, Dolph not knowing she did, and when it comes out he can act like it was way too much and doesn't condone what she did. That's probably a stretch, but if they wanted Dolph turning face in the foreseeable future that could be a way to do it.

I think I'm going to change my way of thinking here and say Tarver was there in strictly a diversionary role. The Corre was the most obvious suspect, he has the old ties, so they were banking on that familiarity to throw people off the trail of the real perpetrators, Vickie and Dolph.
What was Tarver doing there? Nothing. They probably randomly decided to move him to smackdown. He was just there to get him on TV. I doubt he would be involved in another major storyline. Its probably one of those random "signings" that is used to randomly move talents to another brand. Long probably "signed" Tarver as a free agent or some shit. Don't look too much into it.
Yeaa, this might be nothing, or it might be something...I was watching it and i see Tarver and none of the announcers (obviously Michael Cole, sorry Cole Miners) was paying any attention to it. If Tarver joins "The Core" i see Skip Sheffield returning or possibly Darren Young returning and going to the "New Nexus". I see built up frustrations between both shows and then a 5 vs. 5 Tag Team Match at WM 27 (like the first or second match) to see which team is superior, thats the only way I think of why the Nexus broke up in the first place...
Ahh good point. I did notice it but dismissed it later as he didn't seem focal to the situation at that time. But if you think a little bit more deeply... former Nexus member, fairly talented mic technician and the most convincing evidence being that the Raw Nexus has 5 guys and The Core has only four. To me it would make a great deal of sense for Tarver being the guy who did it. I mean what reason could anybody conjure up for why he was there other than that reason.

I'd say it's something we may not hear spoken of for a couple of weeks but it could well be revealed soon after.
Sadly, Nexus' second most talented member was probably just being used as a random face backstage. Without his patented creepy bandanna over his mouth, I'm sure most WWE fans were unaware that this guy was Tarver.

But, to indulge the conspiracy theorist in me, I will venture to guess that he's a Vickie Guerrero employee. While most people seem to be ready to blame The Corre for Teddy Long's assault, I think it was a secret power grab by Vickie, and she hired Tarver to do the dirty work. I think in the future he may be used as Dolph's enforcer.
I know why he was there he wanted a contract and Teddy said no so he knocked him out in 1.9 seconds LOL. But literally I think he did it because he wants to be part of The Corre. Also it could have been Dolph because they said on the show Teddy had an injury to the back of the head which could have been the Zig Zag so then Vickie could do what she wants without Teddy controlling them but this is most likely what happened but I have an idea how this could turn out though. Since Teddy is out for a while and if Dolph was the attacker and The Corre can do whatever they want now I think they will interfere in the championship match at royal rumble so they can also be a part of the title picture for elimination chamber and maybe Wrestlemania.
He was just a filler. Remember when John Cena attacked Nexus outside and threw Gabriel into the car and FUed onto the hood? Darren Young was there. Not cause he was having a huge face turn he was just filling space. Of all the people there Darren had the most reason to attack Nexus and they never really mentioned him being there. My guess is that Tarver was just walking the halls and heard Vickie and Dolph and came in.

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