What Stables Would You Like To See In WWE?


Dark Match Winner
Ok so I made a thread about a week ago about an idea for the "Fortunate sons" stable and that wasn't really good because due to the fact I mentioned a list of jobbers who I thought could join so I got a new idea for this now please hear me out.

I remember after this years draft when R-truth was drafted over to Raw and was attacked by the new reformation of the Colons Primo and Carlito who were then paid for their services by Ted Dibiase Jr. We all thought maybe that was the formation of the fortunate sons group but unfortunately Carlito was released b/c he refused to go to rehab.

So it leads me to my question why not pair the Uso's with Dibiase think about it they had the "domination" thing going when they made their debut and it looked like they had bling on or something when they debuted and they look like they have the build to play a good bodyguard type build to both of them and I remember when Ted was looking for a "Virgil". So why not pair them together and they decide that b/c these 3 individuals keep losing they form an alliance to "dominate" together?
Sorry I don't see the Usos as bodyguards, maybe as the real tag team of nexus or the corre. The Fortunate son's stable would had worked with Ted and Brett Dibiase, Husky Harris, Michael Henning,Cody Rhodes and Vickie as the cougar manager.
I could see Ted Jr. as the leader of some type of Stable or Faction. But I think putting him with The Usos is a bad idea. I think making him the leader of a group, whether it be because of his financial superiority or what, is a good idea to push him.

I think having him be the leader of some bigger names or names more equivalent to his would be a much better stepping stone for him.

A Stable controlled by him or his money, involving Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, and/or Sheamus would be a better angle for him.
dibiase - ahem 'dominated' (as you put it) because he was part of a team. a team later turned into Legacy. a team with a serious identity crisis until orton came along. since then he has been fast tracked to the possible F.E. list due to lack of charisma. even maryse cant save him from lack of interest.

the uso's are going to soon fall to the inevitable wwe breakup mold. vince just cant resist to break up a team. (hart foundation\legacy, etc) its sad really, bc with all the 2nd\3rd gen stars here, they can have a solid tag division.

the wwe cant just start throwing together stables of people who the crowd dosent give a crap about & excpect it to gain cred. truth is, if wwe took him off tv for about 2 months, gave him new music & teamed him with his brother- it might work. but the uso's are probably destined to be F.E. or bant to the land of Superstars- where talent goes to die.
I think the 'Fortunate Sons' stable has been thrown out there before with Ted, Brett and Cody. Including others like Husky Harris and Mike McGillicutty could be good too. There are lots of second generation, even third generation stars that could be involved. Only question is, would this be considered a rip off of Legacy?

I think WWE needs a fresh new stable because Nexus and Corre are really boring and pointless now (in my opinion of course).
I think just making another group of 2nd/3rd gen stars would accomplish nothing. It wouldn't get Dibiase over just pairing him with 2 other guys who aren't over. While I like both Dibiase and the Uso's, I think they could make a much bigger angle out of it. I'm talking a full blown war between all 2nd and 3rd generation stars under contract to WWE. Maybe not EVERY single one, but probably all on TV and maybe pluck one or two out of FCW. Imagine this storyline.

Ted's in a slump right now. He's most likely gonna get dumped by Maryse and seem on the brink of losing it all. At Wrestlemania this year, say there's a Tag Team Turmoil match for the Tag Titles. The team of Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty win the belts after the random interference of Ted. Later in the night, Husky and Michael help Ted to win Money in the Bank and it would now seem the 3 have a sort of alliance. Husky and Michael could eventually leave Nexus under the reasoning that Ted helped lead them to gold where as Punk was only concerned with himself to the point where he let Husky get kicked in the head and other examples. Also, Michael starts going by his real name Joe Hennig. Ted can later on RAW explain that with the current status of RAW and SD both being ruled by large groups (ex. Nexus and Corre) that people seemed to be more interested in surprising acts by random new comers, then the real talents of 2nd and 3rd generation stars who had this business in their blood. And to avoid getting swept under the rug, the 3 of them had decided enough was enough and they would be out to take everything they wanted. Thus, the Fortunate Sons is born. Soon Ted can bring his brother Bret up from FCW to join the group, putting the group at 4. Adding the 5th member is when the angle would get interesting.

With Ted in line to become WWE Champion with MITB briefcase, Husky and Joe holding the tag belts, and now Bret available to chase the U.S. title, Ted scouts a Diva to complete the group. This leads to the heel turn of Natalya. With the group slowly building dominance, we're now in the middle of the summer, and Ted want's Natalya to recruit her cousin DH Smith, to give the group more muscle. Smith however has shown disappointment in Nattie's heel turn, and refuses to join the group. This eventually makes him enemy of the Fortunate Sons, who after growing frustrated in his rejecting of their offers and bad mouthing them, end up jumping him. A week later, a similar situation breaks out, only this time, The Uso's come to the aid of DH, turning them face. Now with a small group forming with Smith and The Uso's, we put the finishing touches on a Rebellion.

The Uso's are easily able to convince their cousin and former manager Tamina to join them, matching them up almost even with the Fortunate Sons. But they're still out numbered by one, and that's when we again pluck into FCW. Promising to reveal a surprise 5th member, the Rebellion (which is what I'll call them for now) eventually introduce Richie Steamboat, son of The Dragon, as a member of their cause to fight off the Fortunate Sons!

So in this Stable War we'd have..
The Fortunate Sons: Ted Dibiase, Bret Dibiase, Husky Harris, Joe Hennig, & Natalya
The Next Gen Rebellion: DH Smith, Richie Steamboat, The Uso's, & Tamina

If they all finally clash at Summerslam, then feud throughout the end of the year, with all members of each stable getting some gold, and maybe even a potential point where one stable holds all the gold.. then this would be an angle with HUGE benefits. It would make all involved bigger and more relevant stars. By the time the feud was over, I'd expect Ted to be in the main event, DH to be on the cusp of main event status, The Uso's to be a very over face tag team, and Husky and Joe both able to break away and succeed on their own. Bret might have to stick around with his brother for a bit longer, and Richie could easily be on his own in a position similar to where Daniel Bryan is now. It might be easier to wait a while before going through with an angle like this with so many stables in the WWE right now, but with this situation, the Nexus would be down to 3 and would probably be close to dissolving.

But yeah, that's totally how I would do it.
NO Legacy was about 3 individual not wanting to be like their Fathers. The Fortunate Sons would be about living off their fathers legacy and money. Thats why I added vickie as the cougar manager. The wwe could had gone much farther with this group then Legacy.
i think that its a great idea except that the stable would need more people than three i would have mabye leader:ted dibiase jr powerhouse:mason ryan ditches nexus possibly tag team:uso brothers and finally leaders helpers:mike mcgillicuty and husky harris. that would be pretty awesome i guess like mabye ryan contends for us or ic title ted goes for world or wwe title and harris and mcgillicuty for nothing and usos for tag team titles reply if you think different.
Here's my thought, why not have him purchase the Services of the Big Show...aka Million Dollar Man and Andre.

Here's how I'd do it. At Wrestlemania, have him win Money in the Bank. At whatever point you want to pull this off, I'd have Big Show come to the ring and lay out one of the champions. Dibiase cash in the briefcase and voila instant push. Now Dibiase has the Giant Body guard pretty much fight his battles for him. Wins through cheating etc. Eventually, I would have a super face over come all odds to take the belt back.
I like the idea of Ted and Big Show because right now Big Show isnt really doing anything either. There'd really be no point to start a new stable right now because The Corre is on SD and New Nexus on Raw so whatever new stable you would throw together wouldn't be given the tv time and mic time to build up a rivalry or get pushed at all. We know WWE, we can only focus on one stable at a time unless you have a face stable and a heel stable feuding. Just put Ted with one guy, like Big Show or maybe have him form some sort of alliance with Sheamus or Miz/A-Ri. It doent necessarily have to be a stable but just something for his character. Im betting at WM we see King/Daniel Bryan vs. Dibiase/A-Ri with Cole involved somehow. But starting a stable with Ted right now when you already have Nexus and Corre is just going to bury him more.
I must say I do like where you are going with your thinking but the only thing I see wrong are the relevance of these superstars. Ted had a good run teaming with Miz but didnt look too impressive. I want to see him become a top contender because I really do believe that he is a huge part of WWE's future but he needs to show something. The Uso's on the other hand, I think Vince just brought them in to feud with Kidd and Smith. Upon the Hart break up the Uso's worked well as decent contenders to Santino and Kozlov. They have really done nothing to speak of, maybe jobbing on Superstars.
I like the idea of Ted and Big Show because right now Big Show isnt really doing anything either. There'd really be no point to start a new stable right now because The Corre is on SD and New Nexus on Raw so whatever new stable you would throw together wouldn't be given the tv time and mic time to build up a rivalry or get pushed at all. We know WWE, we can only focus on one stable at a time unless you have a face stable and a heel stable feuding. Just put Ted with one guy, like Big Show or maybe have him form some sort of alliance with Sheamus or Miz/A-Ri. It doent necessarily have to be a stable but just something for his character. Im betting at WM we see King/Daniel Bryan vs. Dibiase/A-Ri with Cole involved somehow. But starting a stable with Ted right now when you already have Nexus and Corre is just going to bury him more.

Not really, because Nexus and The Corre are 1 stable, just look up the definition of nexus it means a connected group, I believe this story will develop at mania 27
i see where your coming from. but i just don't see that going anywhere. there now talking about spilting the usos up. which i don't know why. but they need some big build up for that to happen
to the stable of the fortunate sons..... they already started the one with orton, debiase jr., and rhodes which was pretty much like that, i wouldnt think they would come out with another one that similar. also the uso twins are not big enough to really make a power stable like that. the thought is good but the pieces are just not that appealing once you think about it.
I still think Fortunate Sons could work, but I wouldn't bring Cody into it - too much like Legacy. Instead I'd have Ted and David Hart Smith as the leaders (and later tag champs) and have younger guys like Brett DiBiase, Richie Steamboat and Wes Brisco come in (if they could snare ROH's Briscoes I'd be happy too). They could feud with Nexus or Corre, leaving a way for Harris and McGillicutty to renounce their Nexus names and join. (replacing Briscoes when they get greedy for tag gold). You could have Chavo trying everything to join for some comedy value, and eventually have Ted and DHS go at it over the IC or US Title to end the faction in a year or two. Just my thoughts.
WWE has had more than 1 stable in the past...
DOA- Nation of Domination- Los Boricuas-New Hart Foundation
Ministry of Darkness-Corporation

So it can be done. I would see a stable of wrestlers living off of the success of their fathers (Dibiase, Rhodes, etc)
Then another stable that feels they are not getting the respect they deserve or that their fathers were not respected (USO'S, Hart, Matilia)

Could also use a group not associated with either of the other groups that is constantly interfering to try to get attention

My Personal preference is a Somoan team that feels they need respect because of everything their parents and grandparents did. Maybe they attack Orton and Dibiase and the Harts and tell them they beat them just like my Daddy beat your Daddy.
Well seeing as we already have NeXus and Corre [I mean did the writers ever took their english classes :wtf:], we can't have more stables right now.. If you wanted random wrestlers to be grouped together then you could very well create your Tag Team division and that's not happening. The Nexus had a definitive plan when they started and when The Corre :banghead: was formed, it was probably a possibility that Barrett might face Taker at WM.. But apart from that we don't need more stables right now.. Not the group of 2 or 3 gen superstars [Legacy ripoff] or a bunch of up-comers [Nexus rip-off]
i dont see why the nexus dont bring in more NXT guys... is that not where the originaly came from etc ? make them literally take over get them to turn on punk and establish themselves and the youth movement ..

it feels like wwe has completly lost there train of thought with the nexus ....what was all this greater good ? ie attacking cena constantly.....then taker ?

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