Dibiase & Henning - Fortunate Sons


Getting Noticed By Management
I think with the mixing of different people into tag teams they need one that really makes sense. I loved the fortunate sons angle in FCW and really was hoping they'd do it on Raw or Smackdown. I think Ted Dibiase and Joe Henning would be a great team. They both need a little mic work but maybe they can work off of each other. The gimmick of Fortunate Sons plays out and one thing that is different from "Priceless" is that Both Dibiase Sr and Curt Henning were heels. This could be a great way to get these guys back on TV. I know HHH is high on Henning so It'd get him back on TV and Dibiase has returned from his injury and is in dark matches.

I think during the time they are trying to revive the tag division, this would be a very smart move. Now I don't think they should make a stable out of it to bring the others to the show but it'd work perfect these 2.

any thoughts?
Well for starters, you are going to get reamed for getting the last name "Hennig" wrong multiple times in your post, INCLUDING the title. While I'm not one of those people, just prepare yourself...

On to business.

I do agree with you. I like the idea of pairing these two up. With the tag division being revitalized in full force, any tag team that makes sense and has a gimmick is better than just throwing superstars together (i.e. Santino and Ryder). Having these two in a tag team would be a great addition. While this tournament currently going on is great for the division, once it's over, we are going to need teams that can hold a mic, and hold it well. While I'm not sure they have those skills yet, with intelligent storylines provided by creative, I think this could seriously boost both of their careers. Ted needs it most imo, he's fallen so far from grace, he needs something big before it's too late. After Maryse left, he's had NOTHING. But all in all, yes, I agree. Just as long as creative does it right... which is where the true gamble is.
This is a great idea. Ted Dibiase is a stiff, but I think Mr. Perfect's kid has a ton of potential once he drops the name of Mcgillicutty. I'd love for him to get back on WWE TV in some capacity.

I know this doesn't apply to this particular thread, but while we're on the topic of 2nd generation stars, I'm really looking forward to Bray Wyatt on the main roster as well.
This idea again? God there is more topics about this than ones for a Cena heel turn! :banghead:

The team would be pretty good, Always liked both and think Hennig would be better off with his real name but I don't think the team is exactly high on WWE's list of teams to make. I would say just give Hennig daddy's gimmick and let him roll with it and build up Ted into a top midcarder there better off solo then in a team.
I agree they both would do great on there own. Eventually.

But putting both of them on the main roster in a solo capacity will take up 2 segments. If you get them together, with the recent push on the tag teams they could actually make more sense then Gabirel/Kidd, Rhodes/Sandow, Ryder/Santino.

I just feel if there going to start building the tag division they need to make more sense of the tag teams. Plus these two have been off of the tv for a long time so bringing them in together would be refreshing.

Ofcourse like in TagTeam a year or two down the line have one turn heel and it can start there solo careers, but for now they need to be doing something.
Like one of the posters pointed out, this is a thread that I've seen created multiple times, this probably makes the 3rd or 4th this year alone. I can't say that either DiBiase or Hennig have impressed me all that much.

Aside from having an overall better & more athletic look than his father, DiBiase is considerably inferior to his Hall of Fame father. When it comes to Joe Hennig, AKA Michael McGuillicutty, he's just inferior to his father Curt in every way. He doesn't have as good of a look as his father did, he's not as crisp as his father, he doesn't have the personality or charisma of this father. I just haven't seen anything from either of these two since they came to WWE.

I admit that it's been quite a while since I've seen Hennig so he may have improved. He's mostly been relegated down to FCW, now NXT, for quite a while now with an ocassional appearance on Superstars. DiBiase has been MIA for a while now and I'm wondering if his father isn't the only reason he hasn't been future endevored yet.

As far as pairing them as a tag team goes, I don't really see any harm in it. I just don't expect anything significant out of them. Going the route of having these two sort of build off of the legacies of their respective fathers is something WWE has tried to do in the past. Needless to say, it's a tactic that's meant with limited success due in large part to the fact that neither of these men are anywhere near as good as their fathers.
i think they should start a faction with yoshi tatsu as there leader. have them give yoshi a makeover and dress him up like the undertaker, then run a story that hes undertakers son and lets say his mother was mr fujis daughter and when she got pregnet she moved back to japan and had yoshi and never told him about his familys wrestling background. one day yoshi watched wwe on late night japan tv and instently fell in love and found out about his grandad mr fuji, he finally met his graddad and he left home and started training with him. after a few years of training mr fuji gets yoshi a contract with wwe.

which leeds us up to were yoshi is now in wwe. yoshi now finds out his dad is the undertaker and wants to be more like him which leads to him dressing like him and doing the same moves. this is were the fortunate sons come in and they make a faction with the three of them. and all 3 become upset that there fathers had better careers than they are having so decide to take out the only one who is still wrestling UNDERTAKER. the 3 attack him week after week before mr perfect jr has a match and is pummled and beaten soundly same goes with ted jr. this leads up to a match at wrestlemainia between dad and son for the right to the name of UNDERTAKER were the winner takes the name and the loser is never seen again.

at wrestlemainia yoshi beats his father in the mainevent in a tough match and yoshi drops his name and becomes THE UNDERTAKER and becomes the next face off the wwe for the next 10-20years with ted jr and perfect jr by his side and the 3 take over the wwe and change everything for ever.

whats everyone think about that i think it would be awesome
I don't know about this team, I think Dibiase should be pushed as mid carder, While they should push the team of double M and Johnny Curtis, they have teamed a few times on nXt and they have been pretty good together.
Honestly I dont know why everybody feel Ted should even get a push and why the IWc praise him so much but anyways on the topic. They should be put in a team only if its to push Joe Henning in the long run. They do make sense to be in a legitimate tag team and I can see it working
Guys like this kind of get caught on both sides of things. I'm not sure we would have seen either of them in WWE without their family connection, but now that they are kicking around the WWE, they are held to the impossible standards their fathers created.

Some guys have done it, though. Cody Rhodes and Golddust are their own things, but neither is quite the legend their father became and probably never will be. Still, both are considered successful in their own right. The Rock and Randy Orton have totally escaped their respective father's shadows.

My guess is that neither Hennig nor Dibiase make much of a splash in the future. Maybe, with the right packaging they could, but they just don't seem to have the personality to pull it off. Right now, I think of them coming out to the ring and me going to get a sandwich or crawling around on the floor with my kids as they play with their WWE action figures while waiting for someone they like (or hate) to appear.
i think they should start a faction with yoshi tatsu as there leader. have them give yoshi a makeover and dress him up like the undertaker, then run a story that hes undertakers son and lets say his mother was mr fujis daughter and when she got pregnet she moved back to japan and had yoshi and never told him about his familys wrestling background. one day yoshi watched wwe on late night japan tv and instently fell in love and found out about his grandad mr fuji, he finally met his graddad and he left home and started training with him. after a few years of training mr fuji gets yoshi a contract with wwe.

which leeds us up to were yoshi is now in wwe. yoshi now finds out his dad is the undertaker and wants to be more like him which leads to him dressing like him and doing the same moves. this is were the fortunate sons come in and they make a faction with the three of them. and all 3 become upset that there fathers had better careers than they are having so decide to take out the only one who is still wrestling UNDERTAKER. the 3 attack him week after week before mr perfect jr has a match and is pummled and beaten soundly same goes with ted jr. this leads up to a match at wrestlemainia between dad and son for the right to the name of UNDERTAKER were the winner takes the name and the loser is never seen again.

at wrestlemainia yoshi beats his father in the mainevent in a tough match and yoshi drops his name and becomes THE UNDERTAKER and becomes the next face off the wwe for the next 10-20years with ted jr and perfect jr by his side and the 3 take over the wwe and change everything for ever.

whats everyone think about that i think it would be awesome

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! *deep breath* NO!

I don't think I need to explain why having Yoshi Tatsu become the next Undertaker is a crappy idea. Instead, I'll give you my thoughts on how DiBiase and McGillicutty could become a successful tag team.

I would use the Primetime Players as a blueprint for the Fortunate Sons. Young and O'Neil began as singles wrestlers feuding on NXT, they were rivals who had a lot of similarities. DiBiase and McGillicutty I would imagine might put on some fantastic matches for the NXT crowd, and could be brought up to Smackdown with some experience working together. There can be a singles match debut on Smackdown to reintroduce them that makes them look powerful yet equal in strength. I would have DiBiase win since he has more experience, yet he would gain respect for McGillicutty after the intense match. In the following week the two would decide to form a team to challenge the Tag champions.

The Fortunate Sons need to be interesting characters, so some personality must be dialed up on both men. Rather than having them emulate their respective fathers, I'd have Dibiase and McGillicutty convey the best traits of both. The cool, cocky attitude of Perfect; the condescending tone and arrogance of the Million Dollar Man. Their ring attire should match, and should hint at their father's legacies but stand on their own as a classic wrestling attire design. Matching singlets reminiscent of Mr. Perfect would be a great choice.

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