What should Jericho do if he comes back?


Getting Noticed By Management
Most of us know and love Chris Jericho. He is one of the biggest pro wrestlers/entertainers in the history and one of my personal favorites, in my top 5 of all time. We all know he is busy with outside stuff, with his music (which is really amazing), his books and all, therefore it's hard for him to come back to wrestling, to try and get a paycheck probably on par with what he makes with his band, and put his body on the line etc etc.

BUT, let's say he was to come back, full time, like he last runs. What would you do with him? Utilize him as a mid-carder to help get others over? Let him get a title shot? EVEN hand him the title?

-For the first situation, we know that, no matter how good Jericho is, he can't "create" other guys, except if given a big stage. No one can. If the other guy sucks, then no one can save him *Ryback* *cough* *cough*. Therefore, I'd say that if he is gonna be utilized as an enhancement talent in irrelevant programs, then he might as well not come back.

-He should, in my opinion at least, be utilized in the main event scene, there as mentioned above, he can wok and create stars if given the bigger stage. With names like Bray Wyatt, Bryan, the Shield, Cesaro and so on needing THAT BIG WIN to get on top, Jericho could be the guy to go to. I mean, give him the IC/US belt, or even the WWEWHC. Then let the other guys come to him. We know how Jericho can put on amazing matches, so everyone will probably shine, even in a losing effort. Eventually, they can have a 2-3 month program with a Shield guy or so, and they snatch the title off him.

The basic point is, if he is to come back, don't just throw him in the mid-card, hoping that people will be interested. Y2J is amazing, but if you don't give him a big stage, then it will be a huge waste of what he could offer.
If DB wins the title at Mania be a nice fued with Bryan against a heel jericho. Or maybe have jericho work with Reigns putting him over at summer slam
I would like to see him and Ziggler have a feud for a few months. Both can go on the mic and the ring, and he's the perfect person to give Ziggler the rub back in the right direction. I would like to see another go at it with Fandango, hopefully the dancing gimmick slowly going away during the feud. I would like to see him back as a heel, maybe wearing the suit again and being part of the Authority. Seems like that can be a direction to go, having some of the Attitude guys in suits
Either at the top or don't compete at all.

He deserves a high profile feud with Bryan/Reigns for the belt, and even a title run to shake things up.

Or stick him on commentary (which I doubt he will do, as he might view it as "beneath" him).
When he returns, he needs to win a Royal Rumble! It's sad that he hasn't won one yet. Sheamus could have waited for a few more years; Jericho should have won at 2012! Just like how ADR could have waited for a few years. If they had Punk and a returning Christian be the last two in the Royal Rumble of 2011, it would have made Punk (Royal Rumble winner) vs Orton (Elimination Chamber winner) as the main event of WM (instead of Miz-Cena) and Christian vs Edge would have been the Smackdown main event. WWE let ADR win at 11, when someone like Punk could have won, and they made Sheamus win at 12, when Jericho should have won, even tho it would have been predictable.

I would love to see Jericho headline Wrestlemania one last time, win the championship and have a good run with it till he leaves. When he does, it would be pretty cool to have him win the MITB so that when he returns, it will be a huge shocker.
Orton-Jericho is one feud I would like to see. He needs to beat Cena as well, which is such a lame thing. Why the hell can't Jericho beat Cena when he can beat Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and other greats?

He can feud with the younger talents while being champion actually. He doesn't really have to put over everyone, he can just have a good match with them. He has put over way too many superstars, some of them who don't even deserve it so even if he doesn't put over any younger talent now, I wouldn't really mind it. Where did Bourne go after defeating Jericho at PPV? Where did Ryback go after defeating him last year? And how about Fandango at Wrestlef'nmania? Jericho didn't really lose anything much from it, since he still gets a big pop. But trust me, a guy like Jericho should just not put over stars if they don't deserve it. Right now if he puts over the Shield or Wyatts, it's alright. But why guys who are gonna job in the future?

I'd love to see Bray Wyatt vs Jericho, Daniel Bryan vs Jericho (tho I don't want him to be a heel anytime soon), Orton vs Jericho, Ambrose vs Jericho, Rollins vs Jericho and Reigns vs Jericho (out of the Shield members, Rollins vs Jericho could be one of the best matches ever, while heel Ambrose vs Jericho could be a great feud).
I kind of like the idea of him vs Daniel Bryan just because he was Bryan's first opponent in the WWE.

I'd like to see him break the fourth wall a little more. Maybe a shirt "I put over CM Punk at wrestlemania 27 and all I got was this lousy shirt" on the back "what ever happened to him anyway?" That suggestion is mostly a jest.

Put someone over like he always does. Let him pick.
1)In my view Chirs Jericho is kinda out of shape (I love him though) so he should get a title shot just for the run for future HOF. On his return he should get a shot for IC/US title. Then he should turn into a heel again (which he's so good at) and should push some of the raising superstars.

2)Or it should be like Russev(That freaky Russian) should come in destroy a bunch of WWE superstars and Jericho should make his return TO SAVE THE WWE. That would push both Russev and Jericho's carrier that he is battling with a meatball.
I could see him doing what he doing before he left, putting midcarders over. I wouldn't be surprised to see him face Bray Wyatt.

Personally, I'd want to see him help elevate the US/IC championships. If anybody can do it, it's Jericho.
The problem they have is that they used up his "invincibility" so he would need a solid winnign run to build it up if they want him to put people over... You can only do what he did for so long.

Have him show up as Trips' plan to get the belt off Bryan where they have a solid feud, when he fails "as punishment" he can get put against guys like Rusev or Reigns.

I am still a little pissed they don't have him going for the 10th IC title at Mania 30. It's a pretty big deal that would have elevated the belt more than the fatal fourway they seem to be teasing.
Would like to see him in every ppv putting some one over in
Amazing matches.

Cody Rhodes
Dolph ziggler
Kofi Kingston
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Daniel Bryan
Roman reigns
Bray wyatt
Wade barrett
Sting'easy to right a Fued with these 2
Tyson kidd at mania 31
It would annoy me if Jericho's last ever WM match was putting over Fandango, considering the latter is being used in a comedy feud with Santino.

I would have liked to have seen a cocky, arrogant Y2J try and end the streak but I think that ship has sailed.
I do wonder, what if when CM Punk walked out, the WWE had replaced him with Y2J and do the same CM Punk plans with Y2J in the Anti-Authority role instead. I do wonder how the WM card would have looked.

As for if he returns; I think a heel Y2J programme with Daniel Bryan would be interesting as many have said.

If he comes by the time the 3 Shield members have split, then a Face Y2J vs Heel Ambrose would also be an interesting programme both in-ring and promo-wise.
Chris Jericho needs to wrestle guys that he hasn't wrestled before and especially guys that are hot right now. There are so many potential classic feuds in the making for him. I wouldn't say that putting over everyone would be a good move per se since that only cheapens Jericho's worth as a true challenge. I wouldn't mind an exchange of victories, which would make the entire situation more unpredictable. I also would love to see Jericho win his 10th Intercontinental Championship just for the sake of extending his record. It would be a cool thing to see one last time as a fan. Other than that, there really isn't much more for him to do in the WWE.

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