Should Jericho bother coming back?

For his own sake, I don't think he should. He's had very few injuries compared to other wrestlers over the years. If he were to quit now, I'm betting he'll live longer. As a fan, I'd love to see him back though. There will always be a spot for Y2J to fill.
He should definitely come back. That should go without even saying. He may have been world champ and held other titles. But he can still add to his all time legacy. Jericho has more to offer and can still do anything asked of him.

He is one of the best ever and although he should retire when he is ready. I am not ready for that yet. I could see if he has slowed down or something like that, but Jericho hasn't lost a step and had the best stretch in his career over the last few years.

There are more guys that he can help put over and more guys that he can also school. I would like one more run with Y2J. Though Raw, at the moment is in much more need of Heels than Faces. With the return of HHH and his rumored Heel turn. Also the Cena turn rumors. Could be a great time for him to return sometime in the next few months as the face Y2J.
I could definately see him coming back and putting over some talent.

Before he goes though I want to see a world title run or a feud with christian like when they faced off at wrestlemania 20 i think.
Jericho should absolutely come back. He's one of the best and he still has plenty of good years left in him if he returns. I think that he would fit in good on Smackdown which is desparately in need of some main eventers at the moment. A feud with Edge or Kane perhaps? He is needed there more than on Raw, which has a good amount of guys at the top. I don't think he will return just yet, but it would be good because a lot of people like him and he'd make a good top heel over on Smackdown or he could return to his sarcastic face persona and be the top face. Either one would be good to focus the show around for a while.
Well even at the very least is he is done with everything and doesn't want to be involved anymore that would be fine. But he does have to make one more appearence. he can't sign off in the awful manner in which batista did, losing and complaining about it that would not be fitting for a guy of high class. He ought to come back for one more run, and it ought to be a face one. So rarely in his career have we been treated to it aqnd he can do both heel and face equally well so why not.

His 07 face return was massively short-lived so he ought to give it one last pop yes.
I would love to see Jericho come back. And I think he does have something to add still. I would like to see him come back as a Heel, but with legitimate wins. Instead of running away or getting some cheap wins with cheating and/or interference, have him win Cleanly and be a powerhouse again.
It's weird how some people say Jericho's character was getting "old" when he only had it for 3 years. He has that Y2J character since after his Lionheart character in WCW up until 2005. Which is way longer than the "I'm the best in the world at what I do" thing. :disappointed: Shameless hypocrites.

Back on topic though, I actually understand where you're coming from [OP] because on Jericho's DVD, he mentioned that he would like to retire "kicking and screaming" . He would like to be remembered as "I'm glad that guy's gone, he was a jerk." I thought that was odd, but it made sense, he enjoys very much being heel, and he does it really good.

There isn't really a logical reason for WHY he should come back, other than helping younger stars get over and might I say "tutor" them. It would sure be damn great for Chris Jericho to come back and do his thing, but is there really a logical reason?
Jericho should come back for the same reason Triple H should come back, and the same reason HBK shouldn't have retired. They are legends, they can still work...which means they can still put people over. They, more than anybody else right now, could build up new guys. Just because their time in the spotlight is over, doesn't mean they need to cash their last paycheck and walk out the door. Now, I'm of course not blaming HBK, as he has a life with his family that he cares very much for. He's earned his retirement, I just the WWE could have used him. A Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho return to finally take down Nexus would have been an epic way to go. But it won't happen.

Chris Jericho put on great matches with Daniel Bryan. Evan Bourne. And everyone else that's even made it big in the last few years. He can make future legends. He's the springboard that will get you to the top. Not because he's champion, but because he's that damn good. I didn't even start paying attention to Daniel Bryan until his match with Jericho, to be perfectly honest.

So yes, he should come back. He should come back and play his part just like all the legends in the business. If you work for WWE, it's not to become champion, it's to work for WWE. Regardless of people's fantasies, it's a business and a place of work. If your boss asks you to take train the new employees, you do it. Maybe it means you won't be at all the board meetings or shareholder meetings anymore, but you're still getting paid, and it's still your job. Jericho quit too early. I hope he returns.
I know alot of people love Y2J (myself included), but should he really come back to WWE? He has basically done everything there is to do as far as storylines and titles are concerned, but I don't think that there is a hole left in his absences or that the company really needs him.

He's yet to win a Royal Rumble, so that's one thing thats certainly eluded him. He's yet to have a proper send-off as well, and for someone whose spent as much time in the sport as he has, he deserves more then a punt to the head on Raw to end his career.

That being said, you're right on the latter part. Where a Y2J is quite valuable, the hole left by his absence isnt as large as one would think. WWE has lost HBK and Batista to retirement, and HHH and Undertaker for much of the year due to injuries. While their absence has been felt, they havent been unreplaceable as many have felt, because WWE does a wonderful job of building new stars. With the above departures noted, Nexus, Sheamus, Miz, John Morrison, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler, amongst others, have spearheaded the youth movement that have kept WWE relevant.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he isn't entertaining or that he woudn't add value, but it's just that there are so many up and coming stars that are trying to get their spot on the roster that maybe Jericho should just continue working with his band or maybe even expand his horizons elsewhere on more projects outside of wrestling.Then again, with so many new stars, maybe they should have some more veterans around to help them out.

This is where Jericho is so valuable. He's an able competitor who can easily transition between the main event and the mid-card seemlessly without missing a beat. He's able and willing to put younger competitors over and make them look like stars. Jericho isnt one who is generally involved in 20 minute angles on Raw, and when he is, its generally in putting younger competitors over.

So what do you think, should Jericho come back to wrestling? Is he needed back in wrestling?

These are two totally different questions, with two entirely different answers.

Should Jericho come back? Only if he wants to and would feel fulfilled by doing so. You could make the argument that so many wrestlers have done it all, even those as young as John Cena. The same argument could be applied to Jericho. Aside from winning the Royal Rumble, there's very little in his career he hasn't done. But if he still finds enjoyment from wrestling, and can compete at a high level, there's always a use for a talent as valuable as Chris Jericho.

Is he needed? No. Other then perhaps John Cena, no wrestler within WWE is irreplaceable. As Ive stated above, WWE has done a remarkable job of transitioning up and comers into main eventers and main eventers into virtual legends. The whole with WWE is always greater then the sum of its parts. While Jericho has been an integral part of the business and a versatile competitor, there are those within the company right now that are capable of taking his place. I would loce to see Jericho return as he can make a great contribution to the business in whatever role he plays, but he's not a necessity. He's a talented guy who should continue doing whatever venture leaves him feeling most fulfilled.
On one hand I say yes, and on the other I say nay.

Everyone brings up the terrific point of the Rumble, which he has never won, but in all honesty, that, and holding what is considered the WWE Title now, are the only accomplishments he really can not lay claim to. He has done just about everything he can do in a ring, aside from a HOF spot, which wont come for a while (and it inevitably will). So a part of me wants Jericho to come back in a blaze of glory, but another part of me does not want him to become irrelevant.

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