Face It, You'll Never Be Happy: Comparing The Rock and Chris Jericho

There's a huge difference between the 2. Chris Jericho traveled around the world learning his craft. By the time he took his first "leave of absense" he has been in the business for 15 years! He was also at a low point in his career in WWE and as stated in his book UNDISPUTED was getting a rep for just being a "good hand" instead of a main eventer. The 2 years he took off gave him time to recharge his batteries, spend time with his young children, and come back to us better than ever. Also, whenever Jericho make an appearence on anything, he's still Chris Jericho, not Chirs Irvine unlike Dwayne. Now after 4 years he's doing it again. He'll be back, and be awesome. He never really leaves. Look at Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Undertaker. They work wrestlemania and then take half the year off as well, so its not that much different from Jericho, other than Jericho wants total freedom from a contract.

The Rock is a completely different story. He worked from 96' to Summerslam 2002 (not even 7 years) when he dropped his last WWE Championship to Brock Lesnar. That was the last time Rock worked a full time schedule and even then was taking time off for Scorpion King. Sure he came back for X8 to wrestle Hogan, then again 19 for Austin and brief feud with Goldberg. Around long enough for a cup of coffee with Mick foley a couple years later. He stopped going by THE ROCK and became Dwayne Johnson, and didn't bother to do another live appearence for 7 long years. He'll never wrestle let alone a full time schedule again unlike Chris Jericho. Rock's wrestling wasn't half as long as Jericho's and Rockys been out of Wrestling as long as he was in it at this point.

I'm still a Rock fan, but the difference with Jericho is world apart
I think people would ressent it more if he would give them a time frame this time. Don't say you are never ever leaving again only to leave after Wrestlemania.

Just make it WELL KNOWN that you are only there for Wrestlemania or 3 weeks or a year. If he set the record straight people would be fearing to get their "heart broken" again.

Some people here try to say that it's bullshit that The Rock was trying to distance himself from wrestling but it isn't. He stop being calle Dwayne The Rock Johnson, he dropped the Rock part, never made and appearance and even turned the WWE down when they ask him for the Raw 15th anniversary.

I don't think it's the fan who made him and that he owe us, but without the WWE he wouldn't be big and to just drop it like that. Plus let's be honest he isn't that big in Hollywood either. The Rock is big in the WWE and he decided that he didn't wanted to be a part of it for a long time so he should have come from time to time to do a promo, to say hi and things like that.

Without the WWE his movie career with have never picked up, we were the one who went to see his shitty movie at first because we were fan of him. But then he took the WWE fans for granted and probably got told that to reach a bigger audience he had to drop his tie with wrestling and he did, but his WWE fan (well some of them) turned on him.

I don'T hate The Rock, but I can't say that I wasn't 100% behind Cena's comment when he made them.
I don't think there's as big a backlash against the Rock as some people are making it out to be. It just seems that way because of a very vocal and loud minority. Many people stopped following WWE religiously when he left, heck, many actually stopped watching. His return has got many abuzz, many who left came back, and those Attitude Era fans who've long felt cast aside have come to life again.

Personally, the Rock owes me nothing. He does not owe me a farewell party, farewell tour, or even a mere shout-out that he's leaving. If he wants to leave quietly after he has fulfilled his obligations with no fuss, bells and whistles, and speeches, then that is his right. I paid no attention to him early on in his career, then he started getting interesting and damn entertaining that he made me notice. He got me to buy a ticket, buy the PPV's, and I felt I got what I paid for because he made me laugh, hate him, love him, and just flat out entertained the hell out of me. I'm not one of those with the fanboyish mindset that believes "We Fans 100% unequivocally and totally MADE (insert superstar name here)." I'm not saying we didn't have a hand in his success, but lets be honest, it was him, his talents, hard work, and perseverance that got us to buy into him in the first place.
I will never lower Chris Jericho to the level of The Rock in wrestling.

What has the Rock done?2 or 3 years of high quality entertainment and after that , he is only the name.I see people still loving him and I can understand the reason why they do so , but to me he is just a legend that i will be happy to see him on my TV screen anytime ,like many others in wrestling.I marked out when he popped up 2 weeks ago but I did too when HBK came before FRumble and I'm gonna do it next week when rattlesnake shows up.

Jericho's been in this business for like 20 years , He's been someone out of WWE but he's never too busy or he's never too good to be known as a WWE guy.When he's in , he doesn't care about himself and he does all he can to help WWE.Jericho is my hero and Rock can never be.
Oh okay guys the same people defending the Rock and acting like his disciples are the same people that would call him out the same way Cena did. The Rock comes back and now he is forgiven and the pain all of a sudden is forgotten. Thank god the IWC doesn't reflect the entire wrestling community because then it'd be full of nothing more than mindless drones that can't ever make up their minds. I've never seen a group of people flip-flop with this much consistency, whether it's going back and forth praising/bashing the Miz or Orton, forgetting about the Rock, or praising/bashing the Youth Movement

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