What Past or Current TNA Wrestler You Think Should Have A Title Run?

Christopher Daniels should have one now. Monty Brown should have one when he was around. He had a lot of untapped potential. Also Hogan should have been brought in years ago and had a run with the title.
I have 3 Title runs I would love to see or at least would have loved to have seen.

Eric Young - TNA World Champion. I think EY should have had at least a month long run with the 8 plate strap. It would have been a great image of him with the first version of the TNA Belt, the latest version, and the Red Belt. Picture this, Champion vs. Champion. Title vs. Title. Television Champion, Eric Young vs. TNA Champion...Sting, or Mr. Anderson, or Kurt Angle, or James Storm, or Bobby Roode!!

Douglas Williams - TNA World Champion. I thought at the rate Doug was going in his TNA career, that he would be World Champion, facing the likes of A. J. Styles and Abyss. He could very well still get a run in the future, but only time will tell.

Kurt Angle - TNA Television Champion. In my opinion, I think Angle could have had a great run from the minute Booker T. lost the Red Strap, to today, by defeating the A's&8's Sergeant-At-Arms. After winning the TV Title, I'd love to see the return of the Angle Invitational with the Title defended weekly on Impact!! Give him a year long run with it, only defending the Title on Impact.
I would love to see daniels get a championship run with his current character he has all the characteristics like charisma , attitude etc which all make up for a great champion
Without any doubt I would pick Christopher Daniels over EVERYONE on the TNA roster. Daniels deserves to be in the main event and have a run with the World title, especially right now. He's proven this past year how good he is and has been one of the most entertaining things in TNA. While the pairing with him and Kaz is working right now, I still feel Daniels is secretly carrying the two and because of it he's being held back right now from the heights he deserves, because he could easily be a World champion. Hell, keep the pairing and use Kaz as his side kick as he wins the title and has his reign, I don't care.

Daniels could be an interesting champion right now, and he could definitely have some great matches throughout a reign with anyone they put in front of him. I have no interest at all in Jeff Hardy, but I would even be interested in a feud between Hardy and Daniels and can see it being entertaining in and out of the ring. I would love to see Daniels have a feud and eventually win the title from Jeff Hardy, then go on to feud with names like James Storm and even AJ Styles down the road, two wrestlers he and Kaz have history with. Have Daniels reign with the championship end with AJ Styles, repackages and rejuvenated, and Styles gets a good ending to that long, reoccuring feud between them and is back in the main event himself instead of doing nothing and being wasted as he has for a long time now. Everything comes around full circle and ends nicely, and you have two more main eventers ready.
I too would have to go with Chris Daniels. The guy has done so much for TNA over the years and it would be a shame if he went his whole career without winning the TNA world title at least once. Another guy who should get a run as champion in TNA is Magnus. TNA have never really done anything with him as a singles wrestler and while the guy is only in his twentys. he is already good enough in my opinion to at least get a run as TV champion.
Christopher Frikin' Daniels. He is a TNA original. He's pulled off great matches including one of the best in TNA. AJ Styles has had title runs, Joe has had one where as Daniels hasn't even held the TV title.
Why? Because "he's too small"? That shouldn't be a worry. CM Punk is small yet he's the face of the WWE.Daniels entertains the fans. Especially in Bad influence.
He is 41 years old now and the closest thing he's got to a major world title is the ROH belt.

Give it to him for a few months, he's been overshadowed by Styles for too long now by continuesly losing to him, Daniels deserves this.
Current: AJ Styles
AJ is still the best talent in TNA, and I would like to see TNA focus on him as the Main Event champion. If that means booking him heel, he can do it. I'd rather see him play a face, because he's a genuine talker and I think he works best that way.

Past: Booker T
I'm sad Booker never held the main event title in TNA. The Legends title was renamed twice after he debuted it, and lost any initial value it had when it stopped showing up on TV. Booker was a reason to tune in when he was in TNA. They could really use someone of his ability now.

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