What Past or Current TNA Wrestler You Think Should Have A Title Run?


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I would go with Scott Steiner when he first debuted in TNA as Jeff Jarret so called body guard . Scott was in pretty good shape at the time and the kind of heel Scott is with his trash talking he should of been the TNA Champion and could of had some great feuds . I admit towards the end of his TNA career Scott starting looking slow in the ring and showed his age.

Another guy is AJ Styles when TNA did weekly PPV AJ carried the company he was a great champ. But the last few years AJ career has took a turn for the worst sure he can still put on a great match but his character and writing sucks for him right now. They need let him go back to old style the cocky attitude and having a manager with a style like Paul Heyman could of push him over again .
the fact that you spelled ''tittle'' wrong.... and aj styles has already had many title runs.... proves you have no logic of wrestling...

Pretty funny you just trashed someone about their spelling when you misused "There" in your signature. When it's possessive, you're supposed to write "their ideas".

Now that the stupidity is aside, I would say Bully Ray. His break from Team 3D seemed silly at first, but he dropped weight, created a whole new character for himself, and seems primed for a title run
The wrestler from TNA who I would most want to see win a World Championship is Christopher Daniels. He's good in the ring as well as on the mic and has more than earned it. If AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, James Storm, and Bobby Roode were all good enough to hold the belt then so is Daniels. I don't see it ever happening though unless if it was a rather short "thank you" run with the belt, and even then it looks doubtful that he will ever win it which is too bad because he would deserve it. I also wanted Booker to win it back when he was in TNA. I thought he was going to during his feud with Samoa Joe in summer 2008.
I am not sure if you're asking for people who never had a title run, or are you asking if you'd like to see anyone from past to present have a title run?

My choice, for right now, would have to be Christopher Daniels. He is a guy who people say isn't world title material. I can agree, to the point where Daniels has been the best he's been now, than ever before. His heel work, charisma, mic skills, and overall in-ring work has been solid. I would love to see him take the title away from Hardy. These two guys could probably produce some epic matches. They'd probably be on par with Daniels/Styles. I wouldn't give Daniels a long title run, maybe just 3 to 5 months depending on how well he does.

Another choice for me, a present talent, would have to be Crimson. Yes, hate on this guy all you want. He has been honing has craft down in OVW. He has the look, the style and attitude to be a world champion. Problem was, they pushed him way way to fast. I like this guy. He just screams badass to me. He was a little over in the Impact Zone too. Hopefully, when he gets his call up to TNA, they push him slowly and shows he has grown as a wrestler

Honorable mentions: Wild Cat Chris Harris, Samoa Joe, Abyss and Matt Morgan.
I would have liked to see Kevin Nash get another run. He's one my all time favourites and was with the company for a good 3-4 years. He could still do a lot of his signature spots he did in his prime. In 2008 he could of headlined some pay per views against the likes of Joe, Angle and Foley.
Easily Daniels. IMO he is one of the most improved personalities this year. His ring work was always there, but his new heel persona has really made him stand out. After beating AJ I think now would be the perfect time for them to get Daniels in the title picture. I agree with RKOtheworld in that Daniels would be a good choice to take the title off of Hardy. I have said in the past that Daniels was not World title material, but I think he has really come into his own on the mic. He can obviously still go in the ring, and now more than ever I think he would make a great heel champion.
My first pick & biggest is by far Matt Morgan especially when they have him playing the monster who just attacks anyone he wants when he wants.

My Second pick is Mr Anderson cause I believe WWE did not use him correctly so TNA should give him a run just 2 c if he can do it he gets a reaction everytime he is in the ring face or heel
the fact that you spelled ''tittle'' wrong.... and aj styles has already had many title runs.... proves you have no logic of wrestling...

I was typing on a iPad and made a mistake what's your excuse ? Either contribute to the topic or don't comment on my thread.

And I agree Matt Morgan would make a great TNA champ if they actually let him be the monster heel like he was when feuding with Hernandez .
Would love to see Daniels get a run, hard to see it happening though with Aries and Roode on the scene. Such an entertaining bunch of heels that TNA has floating around.

Agreeing with another couple of names mentioned also in Morgan and Anderson.

But I'm going to say Sonjay, would love to see him get a stint with the X Division title, he's been around and back, great performer, think he deserves it on his resume.
I always wanted to see Monty Brown win the World Title at some point in 2005 or 2006. He's one of the reasons why I started watching TNA. Stupid Serengity gimmick and animal mannerisms aside, he had a good look, was charismatic, he could talk on the mic and his Pounce finisher was the bomb. The guy was really over with the crowd when I first started watching, he was like a black Goldberg.

I also agree with Daniels, Morgan, and Crimson.
Bully Ray. I'm betting on him getting a run in 2013, and if he doesn't I hope he leaves. He deserves it right now more than anyone. He will lose all momentum and become irrelevant yet again if he doesn't make it to the top.
I am not sure if you're asking for people who never had a title run, or are you asking if you'd like to see anyone from past to present have a title run?

My choice, for right now, would have to be Christopher Daniels. He is a guy who people say isn't world title material. I can agree, to the point where Daniels has been the best he's been now, than ever before. His heel work, charisma, mic skills, and overall in-ring work has been solid. I would love to see him take the title away from Hardy. These two guys could probably produce some epic matches. They'd probably be on par with Daniels/Styles. I wouldn't give Daniels a long title run, maybe just 3 to 5 months depending on how well he does.

Another choice for me, a present talent, would have to be Crimson. Yes, hate on this guy all you want. He has been honing has craft down in OVW. He has the look, the style and attitude to be a world champion. Problem was, they pushed him way way to fast. I like this guy. He just screams badass to me. He was a little over in the Impact Zone too. Hopefully, when he gets his call up to TNA, they push him slowly and shows he has grown as a wrestler

Honorable mentions: Wild Cat Chris Harris, Samoa Joe, Abyss and Matt Morgan.
Good point on daniels but I prefer aries taking the title from hardy and christopher daniels vs aries will happen.Search the sacrifice 2005 and it will show you they can put up an epic match and not to mention aries improved a lot from that time so it will be an epic match

And I also agree with crimson as he is below 30 and he is really a good wrestler now that he is now in ovw

And my pick is magnus as he is still young and still improving his craft
If you Eric young ever drops the comedy stick i feel he could be a good champ.If he just goes back to the way he was in 2010.the guy was so over.

Another guy is Hernandez once he drops that dead weight known as chavo i feel he is due for a H.Title reign.the guy moves unlike any 6ft+ ive ever seen he flies around like an x division guy.
Out of the current TNA wrestlers I would go with Rob Van Dam. When he had the title he was majorly over and was on a pretty good momentum streak, but for some reason TNA wrote him out to further build 'They'. I feel that he could carry the X-Division title to Destination X and cash it in for the World Title shot and win, or draw and win a rematch to differentiate from Aries.

Out of previous TNA wrestlers I would of liked Alex Shelly or Chris Sabin to win it. Both were very over as a team and a breakup resulting in a heel world title reign would work for either of them, and could subsequently put both of them in the main event.
I dont understand if you mean people who have never been champ before or people who arent Jeff Hardy?

But I would choose between Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan. Bully Ray seems to be on another level right now. Whether he is Face or Heel It seems Bully gets over either way. His promo's are fantastic and Wrestling isnt that bad. 10 years ago if you would have told be that Bubba Ray Dudley would be on the cusp to winning a world title i would of said stfu but now I hope he gets what he deserves

Daniels is an amazing wrestler who much like bully ray is very over right now. He is a great heel. The match between Christopher Daniels and Austin Aries on impact earlier this year may have been the best match of the year between TNA and WWE just imagine if it was for the TNA Championship.

Morgan has proved his self in my eyes to be championship worthy but hes to bust F***ing around with Joey Ryan. (I know not his fault) but he could be the monster Heel every Internet Wrestling fan talks about. The beard really works for him and it looks like while he was off he put alot of time into his body. Hes not ripped but he does look bigger and more fit.

But to get off topic for a sec Bobby Roode is the best thing in professional wrestling right now and that comes from a Jeff Hardy and CM Punk fan.
There is a few that deserve at least another shot at the WHC.

Samoa Joe - Look at his undefeated reign until Kurt Angle came in. He was huge. He's not so solid on the mic as he is in the ring, and he can still perform up there with the best. His nation of Violence gimmick, I thought was brilliant.

Bully Ray - Crazy over, superb on the mic ad he can back himself up in the ring. He was in the most popular tag team ever in tag team wrestling. And TNA saw the potential in him as a singles competitor. He's done so well. Once all this crap with Hogan is done, I'm hoping he'll get a shot.

Christopher Daniels - Possibly my favourite wreslter to date. UNBELIEVABLY under-used. Crazy on the mic, he can still perform moves which the young talent wouldn't even dare to go. He deserve a run with the title, at least a shot. He can work well as a heel or face. Top quality.

Jay Lethal - Might get some stick for this. Superb in the ring. Still holds my favourite promo to date with Ric Flair. If anyone hasn't seen it, look it up. I still cry over it with laughter. Needs to get back into TNA and fast.

Crimson - Again, might get some stick for this too, couldn't care.
He was pushed too soon and it destroyed his run. He has been getting tons better in OVW, very well could be the face of the company in the future.

Magnus - Need I say more? He's ready in my eyes. As a fellow brit, he's made his way up in the company, and now he's been taken out by A&E. When he gets back, he deserves a shot. You don't have many english wrestlers in America. But when you do, they are perfect.

Runners up:
Monty Brown
Matt Morgan
Booby Roode
Aj Styles
Shannon Moore

I like the guy, think he's a good wrestler and is surprisingly isn't bad on the mic. I felt he should've held some gold at least once in his time in TNA.

I liked his work in Ink Inc and thought he and Jesse Neal (even though I felt Moore carried the team) should've captured the tag titles.

I wouldn't have minded him winning the TV or X-Division title either. I mean he's athletic enough to work in the X-Divison and the TV title scene pretty much anyone goes. I mean there could've been a storyline about his appearance hindering his TV time or something.
Former TNA talent? I'm not sure what you mean... I think Christian would be fun to see, but he's with WWE now, so there's that...

I have to agree with the Daniels and Bully Ray people, both had an amazing 2012. I think Daniels needs it more, because Daniels v AJ has been done to death and knowing TNA they might stretch Bully v Hulk for all it's worth.

Also, Sting should get a last run for his work in TNA. If Hogan gets a shot, I think Sting should take it off him. Maybe we can get a guy in his forties as some "young gun" to take it off him then...
i want bully to have the title. it seems like the last couple weeks he is in a transition from heel to face and he just deserves it. Playing a heel or face he gets the crowd up and going and he has amazing mic skills (i think the best in wrestling) and just overall talent. Have him win it at lockdown and I will be happy!
With all of the attention that he has gotten with the mere mention of going after the title (and it wasn't even on a wrestling show), clearly HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN should win the TNA World title just based on the publicity it would generate for TNA.
Samoa Joe....

However I'd repackage the guy as Joe "the Samoan Submission Machine" Seanoa. Maybe have him take a break to go train in HB with Tito Ortiz. Then start have him snapping bones. Joe was a f***** Beast and now he's just a shell of his former self.
Nigel McGuiness, AKA Desmond Wolfe. The guy is the total package, and hasn't really ever done a thing for the "big leagues" of professional wrestling. And now that he's technically "retired", the window is all but closed. It's a damn shame too.

The first thing Wolfe did upon joining TNA was feud with Kurt Angle. Not a bad way to kick start your career. I think they actually had four or five matches, including their pay-per-view Three Stages of Hell match. Angle went over, but in a contest like that nobody truly "does the job". I really thought that by aligning him with Chelsea and, to a certain extent, Ric Flair that TNA wanted to do big things with him. London Brawling could have also been a pretty badass tag team.

I feel like Wolfe, more than just about any other former TNA guy, should have been given that World title run. Particularly in a phase where TNA was desperate for new blood, and people were really bored of the same old shit.
As to who currently might "deserve" a title run on the roster, I'd probably have to go with Cowboy James Storm. Storm is someone that, for a while, was the top babyface in TNA and I think he's someone that could easily be on that level again.

Since it doesn't appear as though Storm is heading back into the main event slot anytime in the near future, it wouldn't bother me at all to see him get a run with the TV title if TNA would be willing to actually make it relevant. Storm's a top level talent, but I'd have little interest in seeing him simply be another guy that's just carrying a title in TNA. He's hugely over, he's got the ability both in the ring & on the mic and is someone that could inject some much needed life into TNA's mid-card title picture. While I'd personally rather have Storm as TNA WHC, a meaningful run as TNA Television Champion could at least give him something to do that's worthwhile before heading back into the main event picture a bit later.
I'd say Christopher Daniels. Despite winning just about every major title in TNA, he has never become World Champion. And when you think of guys that helped establish the X-Division and TNA in general in the beginning, Daniels has to be consider top 10. He has grown since then as both an on-air personality and in-ring performer. Aside from Daniels, maybe Samoa Joe. He didn't get a proper TNA Title reign before and should be given that opportunity.

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