What one thing will The Undertaker be most remembered for?


On A Break From Sig Requests
So I've been wondering about this for a while. We all know that Taker's has been one of the most successful careers in the business but we also know that he's retiring soon. He has done so much I just don't know what people will say when asked "hey, remember The Undertaker?" in say 10 years time.

could it be;


It could easily be any of these or more. He will leave such a legacy that it will be hard to pick one. But that's what I want to know from you guys.

What one thing will The Undertaker be most remembered for?
This is a tough question haha theres too much to remember him by. But for me in ten years time I would always remember him for his loyalty and long service to WWE/WWF. He has been there for nearly more than 20 years, has always put on a great performance and never put a foot wrong backstage or business wise either. He never jumped-ship to WCW to earn more money and throughout the years adapted to change to stay relevant in modern wrestling. Whether it was updating his look or his move-set he changed with the times. So therefore he should win 'Employee of the Decade' if WWE ever had that award.
The two things that set The Undertaker apart from all other performers are his gimmick and his undefeated streak. Of the two if I could choose only one thing that The Undertaker would be remembered by, I would choose him gimmick.

The mere mention of the word Undertaker conjures up an image of an eerie man dressed in black garments. Mark Calloway, with his whole attire, eerie entrance music and his antics as a whole personifies the image of a typical Undertaker perfectly. It is like a comic book character coming to life and that is what Undertaker is all about.

I'm not saying that Mark Calloway is a no talent roided up dude who got lucky. In fact his talent is one of the reasons why The Undertaker gimmick has worked better than the likes of say RoboCop or Subzero or some of the other gimmicky stuff that WCW was trying out in the pre-NWO era. However without this gimmick Calloway would not have been the icon that he is today. Everything, right from his streak to his title reigns to his hell in a cell matches are all a result of this gimmick taking off.
I think mostly he'll be remembered for two things:

1) The Streak - No one will ever accomplish that again it's synonymous with the Undertaker's legendary career.

2) His entrance. Anytime the Undertaker approaches the ring, I watch the entire entrance. I have been watching wrestling for 20+ years and his entrance is still incredible to this day.
I think that the Undertaker will always be remembered for his gimmick. His image has always stood out in the minds of every wrestling fan. His dedication to the business is something that will always be remembered as well. Damn, this thread just makes me kinda sad because the realization is setting in that he really is winding down in his career.
undertaker will be always remebered for his 1.gimmick 2.streak 3.entrance 4.for being with wwe for so long 5.being the most scariest superstar in wwe history. thats my opinion
Im going to go with the streak and his entrance.

The streak, presuming it isn't ended by the time he retires (I highly doubt he will lose the streak though...) will be something all fans of WWE/WWF will remember him by. The countless great matches he has had at WM over the years have been a pleasure to watch, and i certainly will remember him for the streak.

And secondly, his entrance. Whether on TV or watching live, his entrance is just amazing. When his 'music' hits and everything goes black, you get shivers down your spine. It is that good. The first time i saw WWE live, i was just amazed throughout the whole entrance.
Im going to go with the streak and his entrance.

The streak, presuming it isn't ended by the time he retires (I highly doubt he will lose the streak though...) will be something all fans of WWE/WWF will remember him by. The countless great matches he has had at WM over the years have been a pleasure to watch, and i certainly will remember him for the streak.

And secondly, his entrance. Whether on TV or watching live, his entrance is just amazing. When his 'music' hits and everything goes black, you get shivers down your spine. It is that good. The first time i saw WWE live, i was just amazed throughout the whole entrance.

I think he will be remembered most for being the the top of the business for 20+ years. Taker started and will finish his WWE tenure in the Main Event. This exteme length of success at the Main Event level can only be matched by the likes of Flair and Hogan.
his gimmick hands down, nobody has ever done a dead guy for 20 years. His gimmick is so original nobody will think in using a freaking urn as part of a gimmick.
Two words The Streak. Twenty years down the road when people discuss The Undertakers career, that is the thing that will stand out. I mean, how couldn't it he is UNDEFEATED at the biggest event in sport entertainment, and it is not like he has just squashed jobbers at the event, he has beaten the best of the best, the likes of Ric Flair, HHH and HBK.

Sure his gimmick is amazing and him innovating HIAC is great but when it comes down to it nothing is more impressive than the streak.
It has to be the streak. To remain with 1 organisation as long as he has, be a top draw for all that time and be trusted and respected enough by your employers to be given an unmmatched winning streak on their biggest show of the year indicates to me how important the Undertaker has been to the WWE all these years.

Yes he has a great entrance but so does Hulk Hogan and it isn't the entrance you remember most about him. Undertaker has a great finisher, and has had some classic feuds. He also has the most memorable manager of them all in Paul Bearer.

However, to me the streak is the One. It is universally respected and is definitely the most important factor of Undertaker's career
It is the streak. To amass as many victories in a row on the grandest stage of all in wrestling is quite the accomplishment. I don't think anything else will be close. For me though, it will also be the entrance and the gimmick. I have never been constantly as intrigued about a wrestler as I have the Undertaker.
I can't even think of one other thing that could be said except for the streak. Nobody will ever come near that again. The undertaker pulls out all the stops for the one show a year at Wrestlemania every other match he does during the year is just a warm up.

Nobody wants to end to end the streak so why would somebody want to beat it? In 20 years from now it will be the main thing the Undertaker is known for.

Then again I guess, the moaners will be saying his entrance. It goes for way to long...
The Streak.

Unfortunate, but it's an undisputed fact.

When u go the show and look at the live crowds who supported Taker with their banners, u don't see them showing " Undertaker invented Hell In A Cell" or "Undertaker is the only man who feuded with Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar" or "Undertaker's gimmick last for 20 years" or "Undertaker threw Mankind from the top of Hell In A Cell" or even "Undertaker retired Shawn Michaels", no!

You see, "18-0, who's next?" or "Undertaker, 18-0" or simply "18-0". That pretty much shows us which legacy is more cherished by the fans.
For me the Undertaker will be remembered for his streak and also for his gimmick. The Streak happened by accident whereby they suddenly realized he was 10-0 or something and built it up from there. It would most likely not be repeated again as nobody will be able to even reach 10-0 without fans whining about how the wrestler never loses at mania.

As for gimmick, I don't think any other wrestler is as identifiable as Taker is with his darkness persona. Numerous gimmick matches were created just because of his gimmick. Without the gimmick, there would be no casket matches, no buried alive, no hell in a cell, no last ride matches. Whenever anyone talks about those gimmick matches, Undertaker will certainly be mentioned as well.
Tough, Tough question. It's so hard to pick just one with the Undertaker. The ever-evolving gimmick. The Streak. Crusifying Austin. His fueds with Shawn Michaels. His first two Hell In The Cell Matches.
I'll remember him by all of these.

I think the rest of the world will look at The Streak. His gimmick is probably the best of all time, but an average fan won't look at that. The Wrestlemania Undefeated Streak is something you can highlight in a promo video for every Wrestlemania promo down the road for years and years to come.
There are so many aspects of his career that he will be remembered for and there are so many memories and moments he has given us.. It's hard to choose just ONE thing that he will be mostly remembered for because there are SO many but if there was one, I would have to go with the streak.
You see, "18-0, who's next?" or "Undertaker, 18-0" or simply "18-0". That pretty much shows us which legacy is more cherished by the fans.

You see that AT Wrestlemania and maybe the weeks leading to Wrestlemania, but you don't see "18-0" at Summerslam or Armageddon do you?

Most people will remember him for the streak, but i won't. I'll remember him as the only wrestler in an age of backstabbers, politicking bastards and ship jumpers during a ratings war, who stuck with the company that utilised him fairly, stepped out of the spotlight when told to and laid down for countless pieces of shit who should never have been allowed to stink up WWE television, and then did it for an additional 10 years afterward.

The Streak is his reward for all of that, not his accomplishment. Vince has made Taker's name as synonimous with Mania as his own and Hogan's, because of everything Taker had done up until that point.

The guy was being heralded as a lock in for the HOF before the first time the Streak was made into a selling point.

The first time Taker ever acknowledged it was at Mania 18 after beating Flair. 10-0. There was no 'who'll end the streak?' before that. It wasn't until Mania 19 that Cole said 'Could this be the year the Undertaker's undefeated streak ends?' since he was in a handicap match, and at WM20 they didn't make a big deal about it then either. Not until Orton challenged him at WM21 did The Streak become a staple at WM, yet they'd been calling him a sure fire HOR'er for years previous to that.

So for me, it's going to be his longevity, his loyalty and his ability to keep a truly stupid gimmick at the forefront of professional wrestling in a way that captivates audiences across the globe.
Hate to nit pick, but it was actually brought up in commentary during his match with HHH during Wrestlemania X7. Wasn't made to be a big deal, but it was referenced. Then again, who could forget 'Taker holding up both hands, palms open after beating Flair in reference to his 10 - 0 streak? Regardless of whether or not it was on purpose, I do believe that the streak will be the center pillar of the Undertakers legacy. Just pure awesomeness.
You see that AT Wrestlemania and maybe the weeks leading to Wrestlemania, but you don't see "18-0" at Summerslam or Armageddon do you?

Most people will remember him for the streak, but i won't. I'll remember him as the only wrestler in an age of backstabbers, politicking bastards and ship jumpers during a ratings war, who stuck with the company that utilised him fairly, stepped out of the spotlight when told to and laid down for countless pieces of shit who should never have been allowed to stink up WWE television, and then did it for an additional 10 years afterward.

The Streak is his reward for all of that, not his accomplishment. Vince has made Taker's name as synonimous with Mania as his own and Hogan's, because of everything Taker had done up until that point.

The guy was being heralded as a lock in for the HOF before the first time the Streak was made into a selling point.

The first time Taker ever acknowledged it was at Mania 18 after beating Flair. 10-0. There was no 'who'll end the streak?' before that. It wasn't until Mania 19 that Cole said 'Could this be the year the Undertaker's undefeated streak ends?' since he was in a handicap match, and at WM20 they didn't make a big deal about it then either. Not until Orton challenged him at WM21 did The Streak become a staple at WM, yet they'd been calling him a sure fire HOR'er for years previous to that.

So for me, it's going to be his longevity, his loyalty and his ability to keep a truly stupid gimmick at the forefront of professional wrestling in a way that captivates audiences across the globe.

Each man for himself, mate. If u look carefully in my post, I also mentioned "unfortunate". While it's true The Streak belittled every other thing Taker has done in his career, I don't think The Streak is a bad thing to be remembered. If we take a look in IWC only, 85% of IWC act as if The Streak were to end then the whole sport dies with it.
If I was a little kid, I'd probably remember him for his appearance. He just looks cool. I was only 7 when he first appeared on WWE television and I became a fan, instantly. Now, looking back at his career? The one thing that I remember him for is his streak. Just look at that beast of a record. He's defeated some of the biggest names I've ever seen at the biggest WWE event. He has so much intensity and energy that it's both unparalleled and overwhelming whenever WrestleMania comes around. This is a one-time feat that no one else has been able to accomplish. Sure, he's been World Champion and Royal Rumble winner, but others have accomplished that too. The record? Nope. He's won 18 WrestleMania matches in a row and he's been with the company for two decades. On top of that, it's something that still excites people today and it's what people look forward to at every WrestleMania.
i would probably have to say his entrance, since he has step foot in the wwe under that character, you get chills as soon as that gong hits, and the lights go out, its just awesome, for him to have so many versions of his entrance with the druids, without the druids is just awesome.

or one of the other things, is that he could go in the ring for so long, and change up his in ring style, submission, and even do some high flying. but to me i will remember his move pre undertaker, when he was with nwa/wcw it was called the heat seeking missle, the opponent one of the ring, he would get on the top rope on the opposite side walk the ropes and halfway through throw an elbow what guys almost 7 feet tall could do that.
I will always remeber seeing his first apperance at survivor series I was a wee little kid and thought he was creepy but I liked him ..

I have lots of good undertaker memories since then.

when he beat hogan

when he was feuding with kamala I loved that feud.

ministry of darkness.

Kane feud(s)

even his matches with HBK at the past 2 manias will be remebered fondly

but my number 1 was the cage match with mankind when he chokeslamed mankind threw the top of the cage that was the best.
undertaker will be always remebered for his 1.gimmick 2.streak 3.entrance 4.for being with wwe for so long 5.being the most scariest superstar in wwe history. thats my opinion

I disagree there, when Kane was fresh on the scene and had a mask, I would say is the scariest superstar in WWF/E history.. I was in my teens and was spooked scared of him mainly due to how the arena would turn red, the organs starting to play, his walk down the aisle and offcourse that jason-like mask.

Back to topic, I think UT will be most remembered for:

1. defeating Hogan in his first year he debuted that in itself is major, cuz Hogan was virtually unbeatable during that time..

2. WM streak.. It's bigger than many title belt accomplishments.

3. Entrance.. seen it countless times, and it still leaves me in awe..
I think its because of the streak, the only person in history to have that, of course his hiac matches are memorable along with everything else, his career its self is just memorable

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