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What Now For Del Rio's Title Shot?


Occasional Pre-Show
After CM Punk has been re-instated, what is happening with ADR's no. 1 contendership? The way I see it is, next week on Raw, ADR will come out and kick up a stink saying he beat Rey and Truth last week and he should be facing Cena at MITB. I think the anonymous Raw GM will then make it a Triple Threat match for the title, this will allow CM Punk to pin Del Rio for the win and John Cena won't be fired.... Just a thought, what do u guys think?
As well an angle it seems, I dont see it happening.
Were it made a triple threat match I think it would be huge middle finger to the WWE audience because of the hype behind Punk's leaving and Super Cena saving the day...
Plus I believe the situation is if Punk walks out of MITB he would be fired.
I thought that too for a bit but that just doesn't fit for a couple reasons. A) Vince McMahon didn't say if Cena loses he's fired, he said if Punk walks out with the title he's fired. So Cena would still technically have to be fired since Punk would win and "leave." B) Del Rio isn't the number one contender, CM Punk is. That match was only to replace him and to throw off the audience. He's not replaced anymore so its void. Lastly, C) Wouldn't Vince want to fire Del Rio then? If he loses the match it would be his fault Punk walks with the title. Just doesn't make much sense but I applaud the creativity for trying to think of a way Punk can win & Cena doesn't have to be fired other than the obvious MITB cash in which is unfortunately a cop out but still the most likely scenario to keep Cena from being fired...aside from Cena winning which, to be honest, he probably will.

Edit: The person above me brought up a great point too. Adding a 3rd person would be a huge buzzkill to the hype. Punk being "honest" to the fans and doing whatever he wants, Cena defending his reinstatement but still trying to be the hero for the WWE Championship plus...Alberto Del Rio? Would kinda ruin the whole story line.
I think his no. 1 contendership will go unnoticed and will be completely forgotten - and I say this because I think ADR will get his chance at a title shot when he wins MITB. That's my prediction; ADR will win MITB and thus will get his chance at a shot. I think his #1 contendership will blow over until then.
dont be suprised if del rio doesnt win money in the bank -- everyone has been predicting del rio v cena at summerslam, well i see him coming out the raw after mitb and demanding his shot at summerslam.

another reason this way is reasonable (i think) is that i can see sheamus winning mitb and using it the same night, and it would be lasy to do this for both brands (again just my opinion
Does everyone forget that WWE has had plans to start a Cena / Del Rio feud going into Summerslam? My guess is that either A. Cena wins at MITB and Del Rio comes out the next night and argues that he should be the No. 1 contender and after a few weeks of promos he gets his shot or B. Del Rio wins MITB and cashes in that night on whoever wins the title which would again set up a match with Cena because Punk will be gone. Either way I have heard nothing about the plans for SS changing so I am expecting Cena vs. Del Rio no matter what happens.
ADR was named the new #1 Contender for the WWE title so for him to be forgotten about, come on thats stupid, depending on how CM Punk fan reaction is at the next LIVE events, CM Punk will get the title leave and we will have ADR vs. Cena at SummerSlam for the NEW WWE title

OR the most likely situation Triple Threat match for the WWE title with ADR winning thus setting up Cena vs Del Rio at SS or Cena retaining (but i think Del Rio has to win so there wont be as much heat on Cena if he wins because he is face and and ADR is heel) At SS Cena has Del Rio beaten and The Rocks music hits (its in L.A. so its a short trip for the rock so expect him to show) and he cost cena the title and Cena eventually gets it back for mania thus bringing Rock vs. Cena for the WWE title cause Vince wants that.

OR another scenario can be (i think this ones great) ADR starts complaining thus making a match for the #1 contendership at MITB between CM Punk and Del Rio. First match of the night, Del Rio wins this match and in the MAIN EVENT its Cena vs ADR for the title. Because Del Rio was scheduled to be in the RAW MITB but is now not there is a couple options WWE can go with here....
1- give the spot to the returning morrison and have him win (without Del Rio in it no other person deserves it more than JoMo) -likely to happen
2- have a battle royale the RAW before MITB and have a Nexus member (Ryan or Otunga) getting them the last spot (will elaborate)
3- give the spot to a jobber and have nexus beat the crap out of them in the hall and Punk replaces them and wins MITB

Now, if they go with 1 has no effect on this storyline
if they go with 2 the nexus member will forfit his spot to Punk after Punk loses to ADR and Punk wins with the help of Mason Ryan (explain why only him later) and wins MITB same goes with #3 just how they want to do it (personally i think 2 is the way to go for storyline purposes)

Now with Punk holding the MITB contract that gives him reason to stay or better yet try to cash in on Cena but realize Cena is to ready for him that night and Punk says hes leaving anyway and he goes. HE Returns at Mania 28 Rock vs. Cena biggest Match ever, now if Cena is still a Face which we all know he is gonna be and we'll have face vs. face, the crowd will be for the rock no doubt about it and will be filled with anger when they hear Lilian Garcia announce (shes returning for Mania 28 she lives in Miami and is great friends with everyone and loves the rock) "Your Winner & Sill WWE Champion John Cena" the crowd is filled with boooooooooo........until they see a black limo appear on the screen the stadium filled with silence and then we see Vince McMahon and CM Punk in it and the crowd goes nuts and Punk hands Vince the briefcase and Vince says glad we could work out a deal to Punk and then Punk goes after Cena and then we hear CM Punks Music he hits the ring hits the GTS and becomes the new champ, becoming Face in the process (probably) and returns to WWE Full Time. (Ruins a Nice WWE Moment but hey worth it to get the title off Cena)

OR Punk just cashes in on Cena or ADR whoever wins (prob ADR because Cena cant lose to Punk or he'll be fired) CM Punk will get the title leave and we will have ADR vs. Cena at SummerSlam for the NEW WWE title. (& you cant say Vince will say you must be employed by WWE to hold the title because he said in next weeks RAW he was afraid Punk would leave with it)

OR Punk cashes in on Cena but somehow Cena pulls out the victory on Punk after a battle with ADR and SUPER CENA is here

OR you give the MITB to Otunga with number 2 and Otunga really doesnt want to give his spot up to Punk and does NOT help him win MITB and ends up ruining the Challenge for Punk putting Otunga leader of Nexus

OR ADR contendership will go completely unnoticed he'll win MITB and choose to cash in on cena at SS

There is absolutely NO CHANCE IN HELL cena becomes heel in the process with Punk being one of the, if not the, BEST HEEL IN WWE HISTORY & RAW has a huge lack of faces you take away Cena now what, Mysterio, Riley & Kofi are supposed to be the face of RAW, ohhh or do want that Internet Sensation Zach Ryder become a Top Face.
What I think will happen is ADR will get his shot at Summerfest. I am one of the few that thinks Truth is gonna win MITB, and be the first to loose the title match.

But I would like to see a triple threat. I think it would be awesome if ADR laid down for Punk, and gave him the win. It would give Punk momentum for a potential return, it would give Cena time off, potential for a new title, and major heat for Del Rio. Del Rio hasn't been getting any heat since the move to Raw, so screwing Cena and letting Punk walk out champ would get him major heat.
Here's a point that I haven't heard anyone mentioning anywhere:

If Alberto Del Rio had been the #1 contender at MITB, he likely would've been taken out of the MITB ladder match. And this would have been unfortunate. In a one-on-one match against Cena at a PPV, where Cena has ample time to prepare, Alberto Del Rio would most certainly lose clean to Cena.

Now if he were to win MITB and then cash in on a vulnerable Cena, statistically speaking, he's almost guaranteed to win the title. Granted, he had to go through 7 other men just to win the briefcase in the first place, but none of them are Cena.

So honestly, from a kayfabe point of view, Alberto should have still insisted on being in the MITB, #1 contender or not. That way, even if he lost to Cena at MITB (which would have been likely, considering he'd already competed), he'd still have another shot with the briefcase. Granted, this wouldn't work because he'd be so tired he wouldn't be able to put on as good of a performance. And it would probably give him face credibility from the crowd for being willing to fight twice in one night.
One thing I haven't seen or heard is what I'm gonna say, forget del rio winning MITB he could lose the match and come out on raw the next night complaining that he should have been in the championship match in the first place, and that he shouldn't have to go through anyone but cena to fulfill his destiny, cena comes out and agrees that del rio earned his shot and he"ll have it at summer slam, simple as that, punk is gone and del rio still gets a title shot
This could be a longshot, & prolly not gonna be what happens, but one thought I had was Punk beats Cena for the title, The MITB winner comes out and cashes in his title shot, Punk somehow retains, Vince then comes out and says that ADR earned a title shot at MITB and that he will be getting that title shot right now, Vince is at ringside, and as soon as ADR locks in the armbar Vince screams for the bell, & we get a "Chicago screwjob finish", ADR leaves MITB the new WWE champ, Cena manages to keep his job since Punk didn't leave with the title, Punk disappears for a few months
Imo I think adr gets the title shot at ss because of his win on raw. The raw gm will honor is win, and give him his match at ss. This gives wwe the chance to give the breifcase to someone else or simply have adr win mitb, and his #1 contenders match just falls into obscurity.
This could be a longshot, & prolly not gonna be what happens, but one thought I had was Punk beats Cena for the title, The MITB winner comes out and cashes in his title shot, Punk somehow retains, Vince then comes out and says that ADR earned a title shot at MITB and that he will be getting that title shot right now, Vince is at ringside, and as soon as ADR locks in the armbar Vince screams for the bell, & we get a "Chicago screwjob finish", ADR leaves MITB the new WWE champ, Cena manages to keep his job since Punk didn't leave with the title, Punk disappears for a few months

I can actually see this happening. I don't see the MITB winner cashing in, but I can see Vince coming out with ADR and doing the screw job finish. We have seen it redone a lot, but this may be the best shot at doing it good.
And what are the fans supposed to do? Cheer or boo? A heel forces another heel to screw a third heel. Someone's a face in this situation, and it seems like that's CM Punk, and having Punk be a face is moronic. He can't even be a tweener because he clearly pointed out how much he hates the fans. Tweeners don't do that. They don't pick sides.

You're not good at basement booking, are you?
Here's an idea .. Let's jusy say Alberto Del Rio wins the Money In The Bank briefcase, then the next night on Raw he talks about how he won a #1 condenders match. He is then granted a match for the title aganist John Cena at Summerslam.

At Summerslam Alberto Del Rio loses , then after the match a returning Cm Punk , The Rock , or Vince Mcmahon attacks John Cena. Del Rio then takes advantage and cashes in his MITB briefcase on a defenceless John Cena to win the Wwe Championship.

This could give Cena time off , and further his fued with the person that costed him the match when he returns. It will also allow Del Rio to defend the title aganist other superstars like Rey Mysterio, Big Show , a returning John Morrison , etc.
What if instead of a screwjob against Cm Punk, they do a screwjob against cena? That could be used to make Cm Punk more of a heel for siding with vince, make people get behind cena and have a big thing of him trying to come and get his title back and trying to win his title back. That could also make it a way for them to show who the GM is by Cena going to his house while he is messaging the Cole and Cena demanding his title rematch... Isn't it in the clause for the champion to get a rematch?
Seems pretty obvious to me that he will use it at SummerSlam. Cena vs. Del Rio has been the plan all along, and unless they do something really crazy with Punk (which is possible), I'd imagine that's still the plan.

Now that I think about it, another possible route they could take it would be Del Rio coming out after the Cena vs. Punk match and demanding the title shot that he earned on Raw. He wouldn't even need to win Money in the Bank for this; he could just come out and, because he technically would be the number one contender for Money in the Bank, get the shot immediately. That way, they could have a younger guy win MITB and still have it for the rest of the year.
Here's my idea.

ADR keeps his no1 contender status and next week challenges the winner of Punk/Cena to a match at SummerSlam. He also wins MITB, come SS he has a good match (prob with Cena) before smashing the briefcase right into Cena's arm deliberately DQing himself. He then cashes in MITB slaps an arm cracker onto Cena and wins.

The next night on Raw ADR comes out and claims his plan worked perfectly ie no more Punk, a headless nexus, Cena out injured (for real please god let him have time off to heal or he'll end up crippled) and no MITB cash in to worry about.

He can then have a run untill RR or Elimination Chamber with the title, give new faces (Kofi, Morrison) a chance to run at him and Cena has a ready made opponant before the rock at WM.
Just noticed The Newfie Bullet had basicly ste same idea sorry my fault for not reading every post.
And what are the fans supposed to do? Cheer or boo? A heel forces another heel to screw a third heel. Someone's a face in this situation, and it seems like that's CM Punk, and having Punk be a face is moronic. He can't even be a tweener because he clearly pointed out how much he hates the fans. Tweeners don't do that. They don't pick sides.

You're not good at basement booking, are you?

A.) Punk is leaving, taking time off so it really doesn't matter if the fans boo or cheer him at the end of this, he's gone as soon as the PPV finishes anyway

B.)I have enough faith in Punks abilities on the mic & in the ring that I think he'll be able to get the fans to boo him as soon as he returns
Thats a great idea J-sin, and its probably what will happen. That way Cena and Del Rio can continue that rivalry throughout Summerslam as has been mentioned for quite some time now. They could always reserve ADR's title shot for Summerslam, but I dont think it would generate as much interest as what you said.
To the poster that pointed out the fact that having Vince use Del Rio to screw over Punk, and that this scenario not working due to it being heel heel heel, I'm going to say that it is likely due to the fact that Cena v Punk will be Cena playing heel and Punk the massive face in Chicago. Del Rio sideing with Vince and helping screw Punk will give Del Rio massive heel heat in that arena, and should help grow ADR into the top flight heel that Raw will need with Punk taking time off.
I think Del Rio will come out on Raw complaining but then the Raw GM will give him his shot in the main event later that night and if Del Rio wins then he faces Punk at MiTB but instead Cena will retain the title then Punk will come out and attack Cena.

I think this would be best happening cause with Del Rio & Cena having a match at Summerslam for the WWE Title, they could book that match as a rubber match by having Cena retain the title against Del Rio this week on Raw but then at MiTB Del Rio wins the MiTB match then after the Punk - Cena match, he cashes in on Cena winning the WWE Title, so it will 1 - 1 between the two and they have their rubber match at SS and it would make it unpredictable as to who will win between the two at SS.
I was confused by this situation too. They will probably end up using that win to get Del Rio a title shot at Summerslam. He should no longer be in the Raw MITB match if he is number one contender but dumber things have happened. A triple threat with Cena and Punk could be cool but that match needs to be one on one now that Del Rio has not interacted with them during the angle. He would be an afterthought. I think they will just wait until Summerslam because Del Rio can come out on Raw next week saying he still has a title shot and then demands it which sets up the Summerslam main event on Raw's side of the card.

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