What now for Abyss?

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Hardcore Revolutionist
So Against All Odds saw Abyss beat Judas in the barbed wire massacre match, and usually a match of this caliber would end a feud, so do you think the feud is over between the two now? I have enjoyed the rivalry but it did get repetitive and boring. I hope Abyss moves onto bigger and better things as well as Judas.

So this thread is just about what you think will happen now for Abyss and Judas.

Do you think the feud will continue?

I don't think the feud will continue and I hope it doesn't I also think that Abyss will change gimmick and perhaps become like an unmasked Kane. I think Judas will probs still be stuck feuding with someone, perhaps now Rellik or Black Reign but I do hope not.

So what will become of Abyss?
I have the feeling that this feud is far from over, either thay will continue now
or they will continue later ... like if Judas toke the TNA title I think
Abyss will face him ... cause those two just fit each other with thier gimmick
and storylines ... they are both monsters and I think it's far from over.
actually I enjoyed thier feud but the boring you talking about I think it came
bacuse TNA decided to make his debut after No Surrender 2007, and
but his match with Abyss starts last month at Final Resolution 2008 ..
I think thats the reason why people little bored.
For now I think one of them will be in X division matches IF scott wins
the X title.
If the barbed wire massacre match was a sign of things to come then I don't want to see the end of this rivalry, that match was awesome. Can't really see who else Abyss could feud with at the moment, so hopefully this feud continues in the coming weeks/months.

Im kind of getting sick of the rivalry but it is entertaining but it has been going on for a VERY long time. I personally want to see them have like a total ending to this rivalry in some really brutal match or something. Better then Barbed Wire one, but something like ridiculous. that would be good. I liked the idea of having Abyss being unmasked that would be good.
I liked the idea of having Abyss being unmasked that would be good.

Have to disagree with Abyss being unmasked, I don't want to see the same thing hapen to Abyss that happened to Kane, Removing Abyss' mask will just take away credibility, besides I like the scary, menacing look.
Have you ever seen Abyss unmasked? He just won't go over well without it. I think the feud is ok to continue since it started months ago but really Mesias just returned to continue it. The problems is that it's always Abyss getting attacked each week sometimes adding additional people in, then a PPV gimmick match, repeat. Thats really all.If they can do something fresh I think it would be good. With that said, no, I don't think the feud is over.
I also don't think that this feud is over. If TNA was smart they could use this to build a stable of guys that James Mitchell goes out and recruits to help him and Mesias defeat Abyss. I know that this is recycled on many levels however it could refresh this angle and keep it going without getting stale for awhile. Also Mesias plays the part of a stable leader well. If you don't know what I am talking about watch him in AAA. Also this could lead to something unexpected like Abyss joining the Angle Alliance for help or somehow getting Sting to come back to help his friend. Something like this could make this feud interesting and help TNA calm down the fans that are upset about poor booking.
I'd like to see abyss just get away from mitchell for awhile. This feud has been going on for years now and after barb wire its perfect time for the two of them to take a break from each other. I agree with what someone in this thread said about mitchell having a group to fight abyss, but not immediately. After a few months or even a year, then yes but I think Abyss needs to become a monster heel for awhile. It'd be a good change, and back to when I think he was at his best.
Yeah I think the feud in the long run is probaly not over infact far from over but I think as of now its over, I hope for at least a bit. I would love to see 2 new people added to the feud to give it a new dimension, like the idea of Judas having a stable against Abyss, but I love the idea of bringing Sting back to help Abyss, I miss Sting alot in TNA and I think he could refresh this angle slightly and give it a new dimension but I wouldnt want that for ages. Perhaps Abyss could take a shot at the title down the line and the Judas cost him it starting the feud again. I just dont hope they ruin either of these two by poor booking as of now.
i dont know but i think maybe it would be a good way to bring in bobby lashley if hed sign with them and he didnt have to sign a no compete clause like team judas up with rellik and abyss say he has a mystery partner and then lashley comes in and helps him out i dunno might be a good way to continue it just throwing that out there
Since people accuse Abyss of being a Kane rip-off, they should add to the ever-expanding knockout division by giving him a girlfriend, then move him to the tag team division with a partner from the X division. Then both can turn on him.

Also, at some point, either Kane or Judas will turn and we'll get a "Brothers of Destruction" low-budget copy, although Judas has so far been boring and unimpressive in the ring.
Although, the feud is entertaining at times, it doesn't need to be dragged along right now. There's not much more the two can do to eachother wrestling wise. I would like to see Abyss go for the title. 'Cause if there's one feud I'm really bored with, it's the Angle/Cage feud. It'd be nice to see some non WWE talent in the title picture.
I think trying to drag out this feud any longer is a waste. Both are talented and should be given the opportunity for other things. I wish they would have had Mitchell start up a new stable with Mesias as leader because he seems to be doing well with La Secta in AAA (as has been mentioned). But I don't think TNA would run with that kind of thing since they don't seem to be able to do anything with stables (like serotonin whom I miss darn it! But somehow Angle still gets to to keep the angle whatever the hoo... why?) so that probably will never happen. I just hope that they find something good for Mesias and Abyss to do now but I am not counting on it.
Like other postings, I was hoping to see Mitchell lead a stable with Mesias as the leader like in AAA. I figured that Abyss could be a "Chessman-like" character in the secta. A big guy who is an enforcer but can still wrestle. I figured the two could fight amongst themselves to see who would be the leader while reeking havock on others. Kind of sibling rivalry...we can fight amongst ourselves but don't mess with my brother attitude. I thought they could Mitchell as their leader - make them heels - let them be known that they are not here for gold but to reak havoc and destruction on everything that moves. They could dominate and re-build the tag team division while still working together as singles. This could have brought some attention back to the tag team division by letting them "cross the line" and fight other heel tag teams for kicks. Abyss and Mesias working together would have been a gret tag team (if booked and marketed correctly). They would have brought ratings since both are superstars. However, this won't be the case since TNA announced that Mesias has been released. How stupid of them! I think TNA should re-create Abyss as Chris Parks but leave him masked for the mystery of it all. Maybe shorter hair and different look to his gear. Biker look? He has that rough look to him...short dark hair.
Abyss is going to come back unmasked with the hopes that it will work with him like it worked with Kane in the WWE, but it won't work at all. He will be the mask monster Chris Parks or Chris Mitchell that will not get over as the mask is all Abyss is and without he is just another monster. Now if comes out with a brand new gimmick like Daniels and Curryman, then hey it may be fun, but TNA is not the masters of gimmick changes. I say bring in Paul Heyman and let him work his magic on chris and bring a new gimmick to life.
I thought judas is about to leave tna. And on abyss, I think tna should learn to invent there own thing with him and quit trying to do everything wwe does. Abyss with his kane rip off is an example
I think this whole thing is a bunch of crap. First they stuck the Mesias and Abyss in a pointless feud. Then they let Mesias go, now they are trying to change Abyss' character. I am glad I am not the only one that see's how badly this will end. But TNA has proven they can't seem to do anything right when it comes to things like this. If they were to bring Abyss back as a curry man or biker type gimmick I would stop watching TNA period.
I think that the Abyss gimmick has run it's course. I mean how long can you hold up as being the hardcore bump taking freak of the company and not get a real nod as the champion? If TNA wants to take Chris to the next level, they need to get him over as being strong as an individual rather than being lead around by Mitchell, Sting, Goldlocks, Kash, or anybody else. The Abyss gimmick is fearsome, but no longer strong. Hopefully they will bring him back and give him a real push to show that he can carry it by himself. I mean, it could be worse. They could bring him back on a motorcycle, or a moped, or a ten speed. lol
from what i've been told he will return but not as abyss but as chris parks and wrestle with that name
What kind of storyline do you think they will give him when he returns? Since Mesias is gone, he won't be able to get revenge on him. Without Mesias, there is no Mitchell to get revenge on. Who will Chris Parks wrestle in the storyline? Do you think he will come back as a heel or babyface? I would prefer to see him as a heel.
Barbedwire Massacre 2 was Abyss's revenge on Mesias. When he comes back, it will probably be with a new finisher, a slow build up, and a big storyline where Mitchell will have to come with a new crew to try and stop him. You will more than likely see him taking out all of the bad guy monsters like Rellik and Black Reign before moving up to fued with someone like Robert Roode or Christian or maybe even Kurt Angle. After that, well I gues it wil all depend on ow much he can get over as Chris Parks/Mitchell.
They shouldnt have let Judas Mesias go yet. Well i guess they could always bring him back, but there was a lot of potential left. Abyss would come back unmasked, re energized, and super confidant. Well eventually, Judas Mesias would hurl a "controversial" fireball into Chris Parks' face, leaving him severely burned. That would give Parks a reason to have a relapse with his mental health, put his Abyss mask back on, and become the emotional wreck we all know and love. Well too bad that cant happen now
I agree 100% with you that TNA shouldn't have let Mesias go. TNA should go back to him and re-negotiate a contract with him. He is worth the amount that he was reportedly asking and more. He is known internationally. He has been a champion almost everyplace that he has been. He has an established fan base. He can attract the Hispanic viewers that WWE is trying to attract. I have been a fan of Mesias since his tag team days with Vampiro. Mesias has a lot of talent that TNA never showcased. If TNA used his talents correctly and marketed Abyss and Mesias correctly, they would have complimented each other and been the future of the company. I attend TNA tapings on a regular basis and listen to the crowd response to both wrestlers and they had a good 50/50 split of fans during the barb wire match alone. I think it would be wise for them to invest in bringing back Mesias. Instead of paying a proven wrestler with an established fan base, TNA signs rejects from reality shows to contracts. These guys are worthless. If creative can find story for them, then creative should have no problem with Abyss and Mesias - real wrestlers with real talent. Like you, I hope TNA does what it takes to bring back Mesias. I hope they make Mesias and Abyss their future. Both guys take risks in the ring and are not afraid to bleed for their job. There's alot that could be done with both men. I guess we can keep on hoping that TNA comes to their senses, re-negotiates with and re-signs Mesias. Their highest rated shows had him on the card. The prior week before their highest rated shows, Don West mentioned that Mesias would be in action the next week. I would have loved to see the fireball with Mesias and Abyss. I know Abyss would have sold that fireball toss for all it was worth. Like you, I agree...it is wishful thinking now... too bad we won't get the chance to see it. I hope that the new and improved Chris Parks is not a sissy or gimmicky character. It is a risk trying to put Chris Parks over with the crowd as just himself without mic help or any pre-established story lines.
I know, how can TNA management look at Mesias and not want to do what they can to keep him on the roster. For whatever reason its fashionable for a lot of net fans to trash him, but i honestly dont know where its coming from! His work rate is nonstop, he's an international talent, and he obviously does whatever is asked of him. Hahah, he had Abyss' blood in his mouth at barbedwire massacre! How can anyone argue with his work so far? I guess its cuz he got put on the shelf right as he was making his TNA debut, that hurt him bigtime. I havent been to the impact zone, but i can hear people chant for mesias and what not. It just goes to show you that most fans trust him, because he is a proven talent who deserves to be spotlighted. He could very well put in his notice in AAA and cut a nice deal with TNA. I could see a coerced team of Abyss and Mesias with James Mitchell
With Abyss unmasking and just walking off the set, the kayfabe view would be "oh no all these terrible things Have taken their tole on Abyss and he cant take it anymore!" I think the "dissapearance" will last a few more weeks followed by a simple interview which will provide more insight as to where he stands. I can only hope the neverending "Mitchell family" fued is finally put to rest and Abyss gets involved in some serious high card fueds as a face or heel.
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