Abyss is the most compelling character in wrestling.

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You don't want it with me.
Abyss' TNA run gets better every week. He delivers awesome promos, is one of the best moving big men ever, and seems to be one of the few focused guys left in the midcard.

TNA has done a commendable job of not letting the MEM run all over the show. Sure, they get the most time, and the most high profile matches, but the focus on the Knockouts, midcard, and tag teams is still apparent in every show.

The best of the "side" projects is Abyss. A brief examination of his last year shows that his character is well written, and five minutes of watching him shows that his character is well acted. One year ago, Abyss was a heel at the beckon call of James Mitchell. Mitchell made the revelation that he was Abyss' father, sent Judas Messias to kill him, and sent Abyss into therapy. In therapy, Abyss met Dr. Stevie, who taught him, apparently through Guantanomo stylr tactics to lay down weapons. Abyss was forced to pick them back up, which angered Dr. Stevie. Dr. Steve thrives on control, and Abyss didn't listen to him. Now Dr. Stevie, the psychologist is playing mind games with a mental patient. Plus, Abyss somehow pulled the best looking girl in TNA, Lauren, and she provides motivation for INCREDIBLE promos.

The Abyss character is so well acted. I absolutely love everything Abyss is involved in, and wish he would be featured more. The story has progressed perfectly over the last year, and it is beyond a typical wrestling story. If you took the mask and the black hole slam away, the Abyss story would be a top rated TV drama.
Not only is he the total opposite to me, but I am totally disgusted of the direction (or lack of) they took with this character.

The dude just is no good with the mic and he lost anything he had working for him when they "Reformed" him and told him to speak.

I'm bored when I listen to him on the mic and pretty much laugh throughout an Abyss segment. I'm sorry to sound brutal, but I just don't agree with you that this is compelling.
I agree with you on most points. I really do enjoy Abyss. His facial expressions are always priceless. I don't think you could play the character any better than he does.

That being said, I still hope to see a heel Abyss again in the future. Hell, even bring back James Mitchell and have him control Abyss again.
Well i guess that makes 2 each. Cause i totally disagree too. Then again i've never really been on his bandwagon, he was just a combination attitude era Kane/Mankind ripoff with same initial storyline as Kane

Now he's nothing more than a second rate monster character and has the impact as Kane does since he lost his mask. Only good point is he can talk the mankind style promo's at times.

The rest of the time what does he do, he spends 90% of his matches constantly adjusting his mask, acts all tough and angry but his character is weak.

As for facial expression, he has two, either the whacked out Mankind ripoff or the angry dude

Lauren is hardly the best looking woman in TNA, she's good looking no doubt but thats personal preference i guess. She's about as usefull to the product as WWE "diva's" interviewing and pretending to be wrestlers

Only time Abyss was in the least bit compeling was when he was James Mitchel's whiping monster.
I'm going to tip the scales a little....I think Abyss at the moment is a directionless, weaker halfway point between Mankind and (original) Kane.

His in ring skills are nothing to shout about (how TNA justified letting Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams go in place of this lump is beyond me), and his only high point is that he's not afraid to fall on a load of tacks.

On the mic. I think he just watches attitude era video's, copies them and turns away from the camera a little. They're acceptable I guess, but nothing like great.

I agree completely that Abyss was a good character with James Mitchell, but now just seems so directionless and flimsy.

Personally I think the only way they can bring him back up to a decent level now is a faction where he will be the muscle, but apart from that, perhaps TNA should cut their losses. But then again, I prefer a more athletic product, and that may be why I'm so down on him.

And as for Lauren being the best looking girl in TNA, I'm going to have to disagree there too. Don't get me wrong, she's hot and a little cute, but Angelina Love? Velvet Sky? Anyone? lol
I agree with FTS Abyss is one of the most compelling characters in wrestling ever. Dr. Stevie was a great addition to the whole story and his promos from the asylum where freaking insane (no pun intended) he makes you believe he is really insane and needs mental help. James Mitchel is great as a manager and then the revelation that he was Abyss's father came out of no where.
Raven one of the best Hardcore Wrestlers today being involved was great especially when he was stalking Lauren as a loophole in teh no man on women violence policy sheer genius. Everyone that like TNA or original ECW loves when Raven and Abyss wrestle HC matches. So yes this storyline is the most interesting thing in wrestling today. and I would expect it to be found on a prime time drama not sprots entertainment.
I gotta disagree, FTS.
I feel that TNA just isn't taking Abyss seriously any more. He used to be feared by the guys in the locker room. He was the Kane of TNA, with his mask, his tortured mind and his bizarre family past. His gimmick was an insane big guy who would destroy everyone else. TNA took the somewhat cliched gimmick to the next level when they told him to use weapons in his path of destruction. He was completely sadistic and used rarely seen weapons such as tacks on a regular basis.
But then he left and came back in his white attire after his "councelling" and he didn't use weapons any more. To me, that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why would they take the best thing about the character and drop? The crowd reacted to it the first few times but after the fifth time of Abyss picking up a steel chair, looking at it, and dropping it, they just found it annoying and you could tell.

Abyss is going down the exact same road that Kane is going down. Kane was a monster who everyone was afraid of, he started becoming more human, he got a girl... And well, we know what happened in that situation. They took the all time classic character of monster Kane and slowly turned him into shell of his former self uncredible wrestler that we see today.
And now Abyss is becoming more human. Now Abyss has a girl. How long till we see him take off his mask? How long till we see him putting over young guys week in week out.

I don't find him compelling because I've seen this all before.
Not only is he the total opposite to me, but I am totally disgusted of the direction (or lack of) they took with this character.

The dude just is no good with the mic and he lost anything he had working for him when they "Reformed" him and told him to speak.

I'm bored when I listen to him on the mic and pretty much laugh throughout an Abyss segment. I'm sorry to sound brutal, but I just don't agree with you that this is compelling.
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Not only is he the total opposite to me, but I am totally disgusted of the direction (or lack of) they took with this character.

The dude just is no good with the mic and he lost anything he had working for him when they "Reformed" him and told him to speak.

I'm bored when I listen to him on the mic and pretty much laugh throughout an Abyss segment. I'm sorry to sound brutal, but I just don't agree with you that this is compelling.

you must be high after watching thursday night tna impact and watching one of the best promos i have Ever seen Ever. I was in complete aw when he started sticking those tacks in his own arm and was starting to see the transformation he has made as a wrestler. It pains me when ignorant wrestling fans such as yourself determine what is what based on your own personal knowledge of nothing.....your insight into wrestling is as good as Mike Adamle's promo skills....you need to crawl under a very large rock and for everyones sake pull it down on you so it can crush you........in closing Abyss may not be champ but he is damn sure champ material in the making....
Abyss currently is bad. His promos are bad, the direction is bad. They act like his is a little kid in a mans body.

Abyss up until he began talking was amazing. He was very over and people took him serious. He was a bad ass. Now he has this girlfriend and everything is just out of wack. I think they should take Abyss back to where he was, a bad ass tweener. People loved to see him hurt other people and watch him get hurt. They would cheer and boo him, it was great.

They really did ruin a good thing.
I think Abyss's promos get better and better every single week. I thought this week's promo was amazing. I agree that I don't like the whole girlfriend gimmick with Lauren who couldn't interview her way out of a paper bag. I miss James Mitchell too, I thought he brought a lot to the table. I think pretty soon we will see the monster Abyss again especially after he loses Lauren, but I don't think we really lost the monster in the first place.
Abyss was way better a few years back, frankly I do not like the current direction of Abyss. Abyss was awesome as the monster (especially with James Mitchell) and IMO thats where I think he should go back to.
I have to disagree because I absolutely hate the direction TNA is going with him. While he originally started out as essentially a rip off of Kane with a dash of Mankind tossed in, I think it was head and shoulders above what they're doing with him now.

The whole therapy thing with Stevie Richards as this demented therapist and Lauren running around worrying about the guy, caring for his safety and so on and so forth. Abyss was interesting back in Kane mode, throw in James Mitchell and it just worked. It was a rip off, but it was still interesting.

As far as Abyss goes, I'm all for making him what he used to be or just scrapping the character and have Parks do something else. But what they're doing now just plain sucks in my view.
I like the Abyss character a lot. His acting is superb and he brings intenstiy to each and everyone of his promos. The character has pretty much been perfected, right down to the creepy, demented laugh. Abyss is definetly one of the most interesting things in TNA at the moment.

That being said, I hate the Dr. Stevie feud. I think it's gone on too far. Over the last few weeks, nothing new has really happen. Sure Raven came in and had a match with him, but after he left the storyline has lost some steam. Hopefully Abyss can decimate Stevie at VR which will hopefully lead to bigger and better things.

P.S. Lauren is definetly one of the hottest girls in TNA
I've always thought the Abyss character was just a blatant fusion between Mankind and Kane. I've never liked his character work or his in-ring abilities. I will admit I wrote him off from the very first time I saw him in TNA, but he has yet to do anything to change my opinion since.
Abyss is awesome, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I've always loved his character, ever since the little program he had with Sting a while back. The direction he has been going in lately has been very entertaining and one of the highest points of the show for me every week.
Meh take him or leave him, actually I'd rather leave him, I just think he goes over the top, in the crazy sense, and he's a big dude but he's not scary in the slightest, and I feel no sympathy for his put upon face character either, seriously I dont care. So I cant say he's compelling at all, but then I dont find all that Raven stuff entertaining either, the best part about that fued in my opinion was actually Daffney.
Abyss is awesome, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I've always loved his character, ever since the little program he had with Sting a while back. The direction he has been going in lately has been very entertaining and one of the highest points of the show for me every week.

Shows how bad TNA really is lol
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