Paging Dr. Stevie...For The Last Time?

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This Thursday on Impact, Dr. Stevie finds himself in a career-threatening match against the monster Abyss. There's a lot of possibilities swirling though.

When Foley made the match, he said something along the lines of "Dr. Stevie will leave TNA forever...". This, of course, leaves room for Stevie to stick around, in a different character. Maybe he just stays as Stevie Richards, and accepts his hardcore roots...Maybe we get a bWo reunion. Lords knows Meanie isn't doing anything, and I'm sure Nova is only a phone call away.

Or, he can win...Ending his feud with Abyss once and for all. This is unlikely, with Abyss going on a recent streak, starting at Bound For Glory. He needs the win to keep moving forward. Dr. Stevie obviously does not need the win. He's not a title contender, he's just an awesome promo guy that enhances some talent.

What do you think? Is Dr. Stevie on his way out, in one or all incarnations? Will he win, and stay? Be sure to include your reasons!
I'm looking for a stereotypical Dusty finish, where Foley could pull another one of his monthly heel turns, and help Stevie win. This of course would allow the Dancin' One to stay with the company, while still keeping Abyss' upward mobilty intact. I think this is one of the few times that tactic would work.

Of course, with the way TNA is throwing us clean finishes, we'll more than likely wind up with a pinfall by Abyss, which would result in Stevie reinventing himself once more. Maybe have him join up with Rhino, Team 3D, Raven, bring Shane Douglas back and make a sort of "hardcore" MEM type deal.

Either way, I'm not inclined to believe we've seen the last of Stevie. Be it "Dr." (hailing from the ECW Psych Ward), Dancin' Stevie, or just plain old Stevie/Steven Richards.
Maybe have him join up with Rhino, Team 3D, Raven, bring Shane Douglas back and make a sort of "hardcore" MEM type deal.

You pander to my love of ECW, and this makes you special in my book.

As much as I like the idea of grouping these guys together, I'm not sure it would work. Rhino has been working great on his own, and Team 3D is in limbo for the moment.

Stevie working with Raven is always an option though. Raven got him his real big break, and for that, they'll always be intertwined. Working as a full blown stable right now though, seems like a big risk. The MEM got a lot of flack when they started, and it took some time for them to be accepted. It's probably best to avoid that...For now at least.

Either way, I'm not inclined to believe we've seen the last of Stevie. Be it "Dr." (hailing from the ECW Psych Ward), Dancin' Stevie, or just plain old Stevie/Steven Richards.

Agreed. He's a chameleon, really. He can cut a promo in any role they give him, so for all we know, they'll put a mask on him, and have him work some crazy character for a few months.
The mask thing would work as long as he couldn't speak. Stevie's voice is recognizable among 1,000 people. :lmao: I don't want Stevie to leave. I've enjoyed the hell out of his time in TNA as Dr. Stevie. Damn that man can cut a promo. I liked the whole thing with Abyss too. Put Raven back in the feud? Pft. I love it. I love Raven. I love Richards. Please don't "fire" him. Abyss's job isn't on the line too is it?
The mask thing would work as long as he couldn't speak. Stevie's voice is recognizable among 1,000 people. :lmao: I don't want Stevie to leave. I've enjoyed the hell out of his time in TNA as Dr. Stevie. Damn that man can cut a promo. I liked the whole thing with Abyss too. Put Raven back in the feud? Pft. I love it. I love Raven. I love Richards. Please don't "fire" him. Abyss's job isn't on the line too is it?

Abyss' job is safe. No worries there.

As far as his voice being recognizable, I think that would be the beauty of it. He'd probably work a few matches, using the Stevie Kick as a finisher, and all the basic mannerisms that are connected to him, and then he cuts a promo, and it would kind of turn into Eric Young and Super Eric.

I like Stevie too much in his current role to see him do anything else, but that's not to say he doesn't have other options that work, or could work. We'll have to wait until tonight and see what happens...
Abyss' job is safe. No worries there.

As far as his voice being recognizable, I think that would be the beauty of it. He'd probably work a few matches, using the Stevie Kick as a finisher, and all the basic mannerisms that are connected to him, and then he cuts a promo, and it would kind of turn into Eric Young and Super Eric.

I like Stevie too much in his current role to see him do anything else, but that's not to say he doesn't have other options that work, or could work. We'll have to wait until tonight and see what happens...

.. I never thought of that. Kind of like a Mr. America-esque type thing right? Dr. Stevie is damn entertaining. I don't wanna see it leave myself. It's different. I wouldn't mind seeing Stevie go into a comedic role myself either. You're right, he's a versatile dude. He can pull off anything.
.. I never thought of that. Kind of like a Mr. America-esque type thing right?

I didn't have a specific gimmick in mind, but yes. Anything where he has a mask, and is working for TNA anyway. It'd be a comedy thing, with Foley trying to unmask him, and prove he's really Stevie under the mask. It's hokey, but it wouldn't kill much TV time, and would probably never appear on a PPV.

Dr. Stevie is damn entertaining. I don't wanna see it leave myself. It's different. I wouldn't mind seeing Stevie go into a comedic role myself either. You're right, he's a versatile dude. He can pull off anything.

Versatile isn't the word for him. He's worked under Raven as a flunkie, then in the bWo, then as the leader of RTC, and then as the guy that Chris Masters seriously F'd up. He can work with anyone.

If he is going off of TNA TV, let's at least hope he'll be backstage, working with younger guys on promo skills and how to work different matches. This man has been in the ring with Terry Funk on PPV. I honestly don't know another guy in TNA that can say that, besides Foley.
I hope Dr. Stevie wins so he can stay around. I mean right now, he's like Abyss' main enemy. Their feud has been pretty epic. Him and Abyss and Daphney now make up TNA's hardcore center. Letting him go would be sad, because he kicks ass.
My guess is that, since TNA doesn't seem to have anyone else lined up for Abyss, this feud isn't over yet. It's already been announced that Raven is returning, so there's probably a greater-than-50-percent chance that he's landing in this mix somewhere. (The only other place I could even remotely see him is in the Dudleyz/Rhyno thing, but that's a stretch.) I'd wager that after tomorrow night, things will really start picking up in this altercation.
I didn't have a specific gimmick in mind, but yes. Anything where he has a mask, and is working for TNA anyway. It'd be a comedy thing, with Foley trying to unmask him, and prove he's really Stevie under the mask. It's hokey, but it wouldn't kill much TV time, and would probably never appear on a PPV.

Versatile isn't the word for him. He's worked under Raven as a flunkie, then in the bWo, then as the leader of RTC, and then as the guy that Chris Masters seriously F'd up. He can work with anyone.

If he is going off of TNA TV, let's at least hope he'll be backstage, working with younger guys on promo skills and how to work different matches. This man has been in the ring with Terry Funk on PPV. I honestly don't know another guy in TNA that can say that, besides Foley.

Yeah, pretty much.. Mr. America. lol. Except that took up way too much TV time. What would you do if they involved Funk in the whole hardcore feud? Would you be like.. "WOO!" or "What the fuck..? Why is he here?" It'd be fun to see him make a brief appearance. I'd probably mark out for a sec. Then ask him to keep what little health he is intact and go home.
Yeah, pretty much.. Mr. America. lol. Except that took up way too much TV time. What would you do if they involved Funk in the whole hardcore feud? Would you be like.. "WOO!" or "What the fuck..? Why is he here?" It'd be fun to see him make a brief appearance. I'd probably mark out for a sec. Then ask him to keep what little health he is intact and go home.

Seriously, Funk?! He'd break a fucking hip just getting into the ring. I'd rather see Abyss be put in against someone who can still work a match and be believable in doing so. No offense at all to Funk. The man is a legend, but he's also like 70 years old -- seriously!

In some ways, I wish Abyss was still "The Monster Abyss," the unstoppable freak he started as in TNA. There are just too few of those types of characters any more, and I'm a sucker for the mega-monster heel.
Seriously, Funk?! He'd break a fucking hip just getting into the ring. I'd rather see Abyss be put in against someone who can still work a match and be believable in doing so. No offense at all to Funk. The man is a legend, but he's also like 70 years old -- seriously!

In some ways, I wish Abyss was still "The Monster Abyss," the unstoppable freak he started as in TNA. There are just too few of those types of characters any more, and I'm a sucker for the mega-monster heel.

Didn't mean for him to work a match. Maybe show up and brand someone, maybe set someone on fire. I know he couldn't work a match. I'd still like to see it. Just for shits and giggles. Abyss was great as The Monster. He's getting too soft for me. Even with all this hardcore stuff going on. Mega-Heels are attractive. Alas, Kane.. where have ye gone?
Getting back on-topic:

Terry Funk would be horrible for TNA, unless he arrived as just a manager type, and he has too much passion to stay on the sideline. Stevie could work in that role though.

Give Stevie a young guy with OK mic skills, and the ability to bump like hell in the ring. Off the top of my head, someone like D'Angelo Dinero, perhaps? He's not the best on the mic, or in the ring, but he can learn along thew way from one of the best that TNA has.

Stevie will teach him how to not only "work" a character, but how to "become" a character. Stevie never seemed like Stevie Richards in a role. When he was leading the RTC, you believed that he was wacky enough to live and talk the way he acted. That's sorely needed in today's wrestling biz.
He won! He's staying! Thanks to help from Raven, he won his match with Abyss, and has formed a stable that can wreak all sorts of havoc on TNA. Daffney, Raven, and Stevie are all epic mic workers, and could put on some solid matches in the ring.

I'm happy Stevie isn't going anywhere. He's always been a favorite of mine, and he just seems to keep getting better with age.
I'm loving the fact that Stevie and Raven have gotten together again as well NSL. My absolute fondest memories of ECW were the old Stevie-Raven days back in 95, 96, and then The Flock in WCW. Those two just go together perfectly. I'll never forget the wars they had with the likes of Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck among many other teams.

I love Stevie Richards, always have. How in the fuck can you not? Never doubted he was going to go away in the first place considering Raven just got brought in.
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