What next for Sting?

I would hope that this will set up DX vs nWo War Games in either the cell or elimination chamber at Extreme Rules. nWo wins, earning a world title shot.

I have said since November, that I want Sting to win the WWE Title, even if he vacates it the next night. It would be the perfect cap to a hall of fame career
As a huge Sting/WCW mark from back in the day this one hurt. When it first became obvious these 2 were going to wrestle I was excited. More so than had it been Sting/Taker. If that match had happened Taker obviously would have went over. But I thought Sting would go over Trips. As I don't watch WWE on a weekly basis I didn't see much of the buildup at all. But last night watching the PPV when Sting came at out first it immediately put doubt in my mind. And then as soon as JBL started his 'SuperBowl' crap with the best of WWE and best of WCW reference I knew the writing was on the wall.

Vince may have fathomed Sting defeating HHH, but WCW beating WWE just wasn't happening. In hindsight I truly believe this angle was a complete ego stroke on the part of Vince.

I hope Sting got a huge payday.

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