What next for Daniel Bryan?

The Eighties

Forward Thinking Nostalgist
So Bryan has left the Wyatt's after a cup of coffee and now begins his journey towards WrestleMania, the interesting qusetion is what does he do when he gets there?

Option 1 - He wins the Rumble and faces the WWE Champion at Mania. This seems the most logical but if Orton is still champion I can't see it happening, something else has to shift as regards the title for Bryan to fight for it at Mania in my view.

Option 2 - He continues his feud with the Wyatt's all the way up to Mania and faces Bray in some sort of gimmick match at the PPV. This isn't out of the question but I'm not sure Bray is really ready for a match of that level or that it would really be the best use of Bryan.

Option 3 - He goes on to challenge Taker for the streak. I know some hate this idea but there has been reports recently that were updated yesterday that Taker has requested the match after having second thoughts over facing Lesnar. They could do something cool like have Taker be behind the Wyatt's and adopt his Ministry persona, but more likely the set up would be Bryan challenging him to try and outdo his mentor HBK by ending the streak, even though character-wise it doesn't really fit with Bryan.

Option 4 - A match with Kane. This seems the least likely right now but Bryan didn't help Kane when Kane feuded with the Wyatt's and it was Kane who booked him in a handicap match against them, as well as being the one who locked the cage last night.

So do you see one of the above happening or something completely different?
So he's split from the Wyatts already? Well that was a waste of time. I'm glad I didn't give it my attention. Surely he should've split at/or around Elimination Chamber leading to a match with Wyatt at Mania. That would've made sense.

A couple of months ago Bryan would've seemed like a sure thing Rumble winner. Now I don't see it. In fact, now I don't see anything. I didn't watch it, but I put all my eggs in that Daniel Wyatt basket.

Bryan vs. Undertaker? Don't buy it.
I'm guessing that Bryan continues to feud with Wyatt for a while. As of right now, not counting the Royal Rumble match itself, there are only two matches on the card: Cena vs. Orton & Show vs. Lesnar. Given that Bryan went all dark ages on Bray Wyatt's hairy ass last night, WWE could certainly announce a match between them at the Royal Rumble this Friday on SmackDown! or at the go home Raw for the Rumble next week.

In one of his sit down, in-character interviews with Michael Cole a few weeks back, Triple H said that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship scene was going to be pretty interesting and specifically mentioned six men that it would entail: Randy Orton, John Cena, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Batista & Daniel Bryan. To me, that sounds like the potential line up for an Elimination Chamber match. So unless plans have changed, I think Bryan's program with Bray Wyatt will be winding down in the next several weeks.

As for WM plans for Bryan, I created a thread a little while back citing a report stating that WWE officials were having concerns about a Taker vs. Lesnar match. Lesnar's so stiff that there's concern for Taker's safety, which is a concern that many fans have stated whenever a discussion comes about regarding this match. If it's true that Taker has personally requested Bryan to work with at WrestleMania, there's a good chance of that happening. I mean....he's The Undertaker, he's probably the most loyal & respected member of the WWE locker room. Personally, with Bryan wrestling Taker, I think I'll feel FAR more at ease and actually be able to enjoy the match. After all, if I saw Lesnar spearing Taker through the ring barricade or something at WrestleMania, I'd be so worried about the guy's health that I'd go through a quart of vodka before the match was over. Bryan has the ability to help cover for Taker's limits and to deliver a performance that looks physical with as little real damage as possible. I know Taker's a tough old bastard and his spirit might be as viable as it ever was, but his body simply isn't.
DB will feud with the Wyatts at the Rumble. Perhaps even EC. I like the idea of Taker as a heel which has also been speculated. He could lead the Wyatts. If anyone ever beats the streak, DB is in the perfect position to be that man.
Just do Bryan, Cena and Hogan vs. The Wyatt Family.

I know, it sounds bad on paper, but I just can't see Bryan in any of your scenarios. He could win the Royal Rumble, but I don't think Bryan vs. Orton for the title at a milestone Wrestlemania is going to cut it, at least for me. Bryan vs. Wyatt is definitely dwindling down, and I say that with a pun completely intended because their "alliance" literally lasted 2 weeks. What a waste. I don't see Kane getting involved in Wrestlemania, but them showing his mask on RAW before showing him could be a hint.

Bryan vs. Undertaker? No, no, NO. Bryan does not have the credibility to face Undertaker. That's not saying he isn't over, because he is, but Undertaker has beaten Michaels, Triple H, CM Punk, Edge, Batista.. come on. Bryan inevitably can't beat him. The only man who I BELIEVE could possibly beat Undertaker is Cena and Cena only.

EDIT: And by the way, I don't like the idea of Undertaker behind the Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt is good enough to lead it himself.
Really Daniel Bryan could meet the local janitor at the RR and the crowd would eat it up. Did anyone else miss,the whole crowd chanting YES YES YES last night in unison together? I honestly cant remember a guy who was as over as Daniel is right now. As to the question goes,he has unfinished business with the Wyatts. I expect him to face Brey at Royal rumble,then go in and win the Royal rumble and face whoever the champion is at WM30,and finally get his long overdue title win!!
At this time, everything is up in the air. Just another scenario popped in my mind. What if they actually do Lesnar vs Bryan at Wrestlemania?

Bryan can continue his feud with Wyatt till Elimination Chamber while Lesnar wins the WWEWHC at the Chamber. Doesn't sound far fetched to me. A Cena vs Taker match can still happen and HHH vs CM Punk is almost a lock for Mania. This will only leave Batista with anything major to do, but E can find him something (returning Sheamus anyone? Or an Orton?).

If Rock can win the WWE title, there is no reason Lesnar can't. And Lesnar vs Bryan can actually be the showstopper. Bryan and Lesnar can go all out at Wrestlemania which might actually help establish Bryan further, and gives Wrestlemania XXX potential 3 (if not 4) big money matches. May be it's the fanboy in me talking, but I cannot see much wrong with a Lesnar vs Bryan Wrestlemania match up for the WWEWHC.
...so how exactly does it not make sense for DB to have a Wrestlemania match with Orton if Orton has the title belt?

I'm asking because pretty much since SummerSlam, you've got the following things happening;

-The Authority ultimately insists upon Randy Orton being their go-to face of the franchise, to the point where he went over John Cena clean in a PPV match.
-Until TLC, Randy Orton could not win a PPV match clean.
-Since SummerSlam, Randy Orton never ever beat Daniel Bryan cleanly.

I can see people still thinking they'll never give Bryan that major push to a title, but the whole bleeping narrative just points in that direction. I mean, the clues are just right out in the open, showcased in that painfully deliberate way that WWE is known for. But everybody seems to be predicting something significantly less.

I know I'm really freaking new to this (Only followed Wrestling since 2013 on anything resembling an interested basis, only got into the present storylines at SummerSlam) but how does this seem so apparent to me? Am I just that much of a mark?
At this time, everything is up in the air. Just another scenario popped in my mind. What if they actually do Lesnar vs Bryan at Wrestlemania?

Bryan can continue his feud with Wyatt till Elimination Chamber while Lesnar wins the WWEWHC at the Chamber. Doesn't sound far fetched to me. A Cena vs Taker match can still happen and HHH vs CM Punk is almost a lock for Mania. This will only leave Batista with anything major to do, but E can find him something (returning Sheamus anyone? Or an Orton?).

If Rock can win the WWE title, there is no reason Lesnar can't. And Lesnar vs Bryan can actually be the showstopper. Bryan and Lesnar can go all out at Wrestlemania which might actually help establish Bryan further, and gives Wrestlemania XXX potential 3 (if not 4) big money matches. May be it's the fanboy in me talking, but I cannot see much wrong with a Lesnar vs Bryan Wrestlemania match up for the WWEWHC.

I agree 100%. Lesnar vs Bryan for the title is the best scenario for the title picture and the card. It is the ultimate David vs Goliath match. This would solidify Bryan completely as a champion. Also I agree that Batista should fight Randy Orton with maybe Ric Flair as special guest referee. Cena/Taker, Punk/HHH, perfect main event card
I've said it a lot on here today... but the next step for Daniel Bryan is to win the Royal Rumble. I understand that a lot of reports say Batista will win The Rumble, but the same reports had Jericho winning The Rumble two years ago - and they were either wrong or the WWE swerved us by making a late change.

I think the same happens this year. Watching Raw last night - and watching the Michigan State football team last week - there's simply no way I can see the WWE keeping Daniel Bryan out of the WWE Title match at WrestleMania this year. The crowd, for whatever reason, just loves the guy ... and whether you like Bryan or not, you can't deny that watching 90,000 people chant both his name and "YES YES YES" would give the WWE Title match a big-match feel that would likely be lacking without his involvement.

Now, I understand that the WWE probably wants a returning Batista in the WWE Title match at WrestleMania, and I can see that happening with a win inside the Elimination Chamber in February. The WrestleMania match would be made all the better if The Authority sided with Batista - for similar reasons they've sided with Orton - and Batista took on a heel role in the match.

So then the question of what to do with Orton arises... And I think that's the easiest question of all to answer: You let him continue his feud with Cena while paying homage to WrestleMania 1 main event.

WrestleMania 1 featured Hogan and Mr. T vs. Piper and Orndorff (with Bob Orton in the corner.) It would be fitting if WrestleMania featured Hogan and Cena vs Piper and Randy Orton (with Bob Orton in the corner.)
...so how exactly does it not make sense for DB to have a Wrestlemania match with Orton if Orton has the title belt?

I'm asking because pretty much since SummerSlam, you've got the following things happening;

-The Authority ultimately insists upon Randy Orton being their go-to face of the franchise, to the point where he went over John Cena clean in a PPV match.
-Until TLC, Randy Orton could not win a PPV match clean.
-Since SummerSlam, Randy Orton never ever beat Daniel Bryan cleanly.

I can see people still thinking they'll never give Bryan that major push to a title, but the whole bleeping narrative just points in that direction. I mean, the clues are just right out in the open, showcased in that painfully deliberate way that WWE is known for. But everybody seems to be predicting something significantly less.

I know I'm really freaking new to this (Only followed Wrestling since 2013 on anything resembling an interested basis, only got into the present storylines at SummerSlam) but how does this seem so apparent to me? Am I just that much of a mark?

No you're not a mark but there is a prevalent fear that the WWE may be afraid to pull the trigger on DB. From a storyline perspective it makes perfect sense that DB would get his commeupance on the grandest stage of them all but with so many dynamic components being introduced on the Road to Wrestlemania this year It's really a toss up. Ideally he would win the Rumble and many people pegged that would be where he would betray the Wyatts not before, and thusly making three enemies in the process. Batistas return has been heavily hyped and if he doesn't win the rumble I'm expecting he will make a huge impact in the match which will lead to his inclusion in the Chamber.

There's really a lot of ways this can go though, Daniel Bryan could win the Chamber and face the Rumble winner at Wrestlemania (assuming the belts on the line in the chamber). Or he'll be fighting Bray in a slop match.
Since Lesnar is seemingly a shoe in for a shot at the title, WWE either have to let Cena beat Orton at RR, or have Orton retain and have everyone in an EC for the title at EC.

I think this early break off from the Wyatts for Bryan has come too soon, I would have preferred to see him go over Bray as the last 2 in the RR match, imagine the crowd...it'd be like last night except 3 times more hyped.

At least this doesn't make the RR winner easy to predict...will it be Batista? or Bryan? or Punk? Who knows?

Maybe WWE are throwing a curveball, since this is WM30, and it's gonna be the first on the WWE Network, and Vince says there's no more heels and faces...maybe the WWE WHC match at Mania will be Bryan vs Cena? They had an excellent match at Summerslam with Cena only at 50%, and they're the top two guys in the company right now, it could work.

That frees up Batista and Lesnar to have a match, or Lesnar vs Undertaker, and Punk vs HHH. Personally though, I think Bryan is gonna be in for the title at Mania come-what-may.
At this time, everything is up in the air. Just another scenario popped in my mind. What if they actually do Lesnar vs Bryan at Wrestlemania?

Bryan can continue his feud with Wyatt till Elimination Chamber while Lesnar wins the WWEWHC at the Chamber. Doesn't sound far fetched to me. A Cena vs Taker match can still happen and HHH vs CM Punk is almost a lock for Mania. This will only leave Batista with anything major to do, but E can find him something (returning Sheamus anyone? Or an Orton?).

If Rock can win the WWE title, there is no reason Lesnar can't. And Lesnar vs Bryan can actually be the showstopper. Bryan and Lesnar can go all out at Wrestlemania which might actually help establish Bryan further, and gives Wrestlemania XXX potential 3 (if not 4) big money matches. May be it's the fanboy in me talking, but I cannot see much wrong with a Lesnar vs Bryan Wrestlemania match up for the WWEWHC.

This was going to be my answer.... I can totally buy it. They have billed Bryan as the ultimate underdog.... what is a better underdog story than DB v Lesner.... I mean even Punk couldn't beat him. Imagine the Yes chants ending the night as Lesner is tapping out to the No Lock! But that is just a Pipe Dream.
Since Lesnar is seemingly a shoe in for a shot at the title, WWE either have to let Cena beat Orton at RR, or have Orton retain and have everyone in an EC for the title at EC.

I think this early break off from the Wyatts for Bryan has come too soon, I would have preferred to see him go over Bray as the last 2 in the RR match, imagine the crowd...it'd be like last night except 3 times more hyped.

At least this doesn't make the RR winner easy to predict...will it be Batista? or Bryan? or Punk? Who knows?

Maybe WWE are throwing a curveball, since this is WM30, and it's gonna be the first on the WWE Network, and Vince says there's no more heels and faces...maybe the WWE WHC match at Mania will be Bryan vs Cena? They had an excellent match at Summerslam with Cena only at 50%, and they're the top two guys in the company right now, it could work.

That frees up Batista and Lesnar to have a match, or Lesnar vs Undertaker, and Punk vs HHH. Personally though, I think Bryan is gonna be in for the title at Mania come-what-may.

With the companies penchant for trading wins, the prospect for Cena Vs Bryan at WMXXX scares me. I don't see DB beating Cena clean twice, and after DBs meterioc babyface rise, losing to Cena at WM and still not getting the title isn't how I imagine the night ending. Here's something to consider Brock Lesnar will beat the Big Show the biggest guy on the block to make him look legit again. Lesnar is going in the Chamber and very well could win it.
Team Hell No versus The Wyatts (Wrestlemania Match)

This has been Kane and Bryan's plan to get the Wyatt's since they attacked Kane. Kane first gains the trust of the Authority so that when the time is right, he can put the screws to them. Bryan joins the Wyatt's because he needs to get Bray alone in a compromising position, and can't do that with the rest of the family (and the Authority) around.

So Kane books him in the handicap match where Bryan turns and joins them. He then locks Bryan and Bray in the cage together, where Bryan finally gets Bray Wyatt alone in a compromising position. Kane will keep up the ruse a little longer, to get the Wyatt's in another compromising position, where he then reveals that he's been working with Bryan the entire time and gets his own revenge on them.
I kinda saw it as Kane doing DB a favor by locking him in with Bray.after the Uso's were gone it was what DB wanted all along. and did Kane come down and open thr door? enough said
Really Daniel Bryan could meet the local janitor at the RR and the crowd would eat it up. Did anyone else miss,the whole crowd chanting YES YES YES last night in unison together? I honestly cant remember a guy who was as over as Daniel is right now. As to the question goes,he has unfinished business with the Wyatts. I expect him to face Brey at Royal rumble,then go in and win the Royal rumble and face whoever the champion is at WM30,and finally get his long overdue title win!!

I agree wholeheartedly. Vince isnt an idiot, he has seen the cheers and massive reactions Bryan is still receiving, yet after everything they have thrown at him on screen and behind the curtain.
I completely expect Daniel Bryan to win the Royal Rumble and go on and face John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Title IN THE MAIN EVENT OF MANIA XXX. I expect Cena to lose clean, and raise Bryan's hand at the end of the match, with both Nikki and Brie ringside for the match....only for Cena to attack him and take him out after the match, leading to the hugely overdue Cena heel turn, commencing the next phase of WWE with Cena as the most hated man in the business and Bryan the most over guy and champion. Hell it could even lead to Hogan coming out to stop the attack and have Wrestlemania XXX go off the air with Cena and Hogan eyeballing each other......
WM XXX Main event Lesnar (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Cena vs Bryan (RR Winner)

So much could be added to this story

If Cena beats Orton he's on 15 World Titles. As Lesnar has established himself as the No.1 contender it'll most likely the EC main event involves either Lesnar in a chamber match (unlikely) or more likely a 1 on 1 against Cena. Cena will get brutalised and lose.

If Hogan does come back for WM it's natural for him to get behind Bryan. Given Bryan's following and his popularity Hogan getting Bryan hyped and getting behind him seems logical.

Then there is Ric Flair, the 16 time World Heavyweight Champion. If Cena does win and then lose he'll be chasing the magical 16 himself. Ric Flair comes in, styles, profiles and tells Cena it's his generation. Go out there, prove it to every single one of these fans like I used to every single night!

Heyman of course will be up to his tricks, probably try to turn Cena against Bryan and vice versa. Try and wiggle out of the triple threat but can't get around the legalities. Of course the authority will get behind Lesnar as a) They "can't stand" Bryan and b) Cena "isn't who Vince wants".

We already know Cena and Bryan mesh well (even with Cenas tricep tendon), Lesnar and Cena can work well. Adding a ring savvy Daniel Bryan will not ruin that, and hey, ultimate underdog comes out on top of everyone.

It would be perfect. I know we aren't meant to mention his name but WMXX, the triple threat main event is still one of my favourite WM moments.
There could be nothing in bryan future if the concussion rumor is true... :( let's hope it is nothing or at least enough so he can wrestle in rumble(maybe give him high number so he wouldn't have to do much.) In the mean time let him just cut some promos. I hope that this "concussion" isn't true
There could be nothing in bryan future if the concussion rumor is true... :( let's hope it is nothing or at least enough so he can wrestle in rumble(maybe give him high number so he wouldn't have to do much.) In the mean time let him just cut some promos. I hope that this "concussion" isn't true

Unfortunately it does appear to be true. More reports from different sites are confirming this. I guess there's still a minor possibility they are all wrong, but I doubt it. This really stinks.
If the plan was for Bryan to win the Rumble and main event Mania they will find a way for it to happen. How I see the road to WrestleMania going down:
It gets announced some time before the Rumble that the night after the Rumble Lesnar gets a title shot. At Rumble Orton retains title by getting DQ'd. Show beats Lesnar. Punk somehow gets screwed in the Rumble match. Bryan wins the Rumble. Next night Lesnar beats Orton and is new champion. Cena complains about the DQ, Show says he earned a shot at the title by beating Lesnar, Orton wants his rematch, and Batista is Batista. EC is set: Lesnar vs Orton vs Cena vs Show vs Punk vs Batista, HHH names himself the REF. Orton, Cena, Show get eliminated cleanly. Down to Lesnar, Punk and Batista. Lights go out, Undertaker's dongs hit and freezes Lesnar he gets eliminated. HHH pedigrees Punk and Batista is the new champ. Wrestlemania card is somewhat set:

Batista vs Bryan
HHH vs Punk
Lesnar vs Taker
Cena vs Orton ( maybe incorporate Hogan and Piper)
if he wins the Rumble, he really doesnt have to wrestle again from Rumble to Mania 30.... best part of 10 weeks he can rest up. No issue there, he doesnt have to be at Elimination Chamber. He could complete interviews and backstage vignettes to keep relevant
what next for daniel bryan?
Take one month vacation leave and enjoy his concussion period with brie bella. Bcoz
WWE Confirms Daniel Bryan Suffered a Concussion.
He should win the Royal Rumble then when given the shot at Orton say No,No,No - and ask for a shot at the streak...

I doubt they will have him win the Rumble because I don't think they will invest that much into him but now is the time and it would shoot him way past Cena in popularity which again I don't think the WWE wants.

So I'll go with option Bury - HHH/Steph/Vince will just bury him now..

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