The Eighties
Forward Thinking Nostalgist
So Bryan has left the Wyatt's after a cup of coffee and now begins his journey towards WrestleMania, the interesting qusetion is what does he do when he gets there?
Option 1 - He wins the Rumble and faces the WWE Champion at Mania. This seems the most logical but if Orton is still champion I can't see it happening, something else has to shift as regards the title for Bryan to fight for it at Mania in my view.
Option 2 - He continues his feud with the Wyatt's all the way up to Mania and faces Bray in some sort of gimmick match at the PPV. This isn't out of the question but I'm not sure Bray is really ready for a match of that level or that it would really be the best use of Bryan.
Option 3 - He goes on to challenge Taker for the streak. I know some hate this idea but there has been reports recently that were updated yesterday that Taker has requested the match after having second thoughts over facing Lesnar. They could do something cool like have Taker be behind the Wyatt's and adopt his Ministry persona, but more likely the set up would be Bryan challenging him to try and outdo his mentor HBK by ending the streak, even though character-wise it doesn't really fit with Bryan.
Option 4 - A match with Kane. This seems the least likely right now but Bryan didn't help Kane when Kane feuded with the Wyatt's and it was Kane who booked him in a handicap match against them, as well as being the one who locked the cage last night.
So do you see one of the above happening or something completely different?
Option 1 - He wins the Rumble and faces the WWE Champion at Mania. This seems the most logical but if Orton is still champion I can't see it happening, something else has to shift as regards the title for Bryan to fight for it at Mania in my view.
Option 2 - He continues his feud with the Wyatt's all the way up to Mania and faces Bray in some sort of gimmick match at the PPV. This isn't out of the question but I'm not sure Bray is really ready for a match of that level or that it would really be the best use of Bryan.
Option 3 - He goes on to challenge Taker for the streak. I know some hate this idea but there has been reports recently that were updated yesterday that Taker has requested the match after having second thoughts over facing Lesnar. They could do something cool like have Taker be behind the Wyatt's and adopt his Ministry persona, but more likely the set up would be Bryan challenging him to try and outdo his mentor HBK by ending the streak, even though character-wise it doesn't really fit with Bryan.
Option 4 - A match with Kane. This seems the least likely right now but Bryan didn't help Kane when Kane feuded with the Wyatt's and it was Kane who booked him in a handicap match against them, as well as being the one who locked the cage last night.
So do you see one of the above happening or something completely different?