What Mid-Card Title for ECW (if any)?

Which Mid-Card title for ECW

  • European Title

  • Crusierweight Title

  • Television Title

  • No Title

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Why Always Me

WWF Champion
As much as I hate the roster split, if ECW is going to stay around for a while, I would like to see a secondary title brought in for the lower card wrestlers to feud over. The question is, which one?

There are 3 choices IMO

European Title - Back in the day, this was a slightly less prestigious version of the IC title. A lot of wrestlers would happily fued for both titles, and on a couple of occasions the belts were held at the same time (4 times I think). My only gripe with this title is that if it is the European title, only European wrestlers should be able to hold it.

Cruiserweight Title - I used to love the Light Heavyweight division in the WWF and the Crusierweight division in WCW. When the two were unified (sort of), I thought the division would be here to stay, and it was with the likes of Mysterio, Kidman, Matt Hardy, Noble and Chavo fighting for it. Then Hornswoggle won it and the rest is history.............

Televsion Title - About the only title never used in the WWE. This was ECW's secondary title belt. The WCW version used time limits and could only be defended on TV, which I thought was a nice twist. This would get my vote as it isn't geographically restricted.

Television title is a good choice. It was used in ECW and was used in WCW. ECW generally only gets one bout per PPV, so the TV Title would be a great way to groom up and comers who aren't quite ECW Title material, but aren't "green"...ie Shelton Benjamin, Sheamus, Goldust, Tommy Dreamer, Ezekiel Jackson, Burchill etc. Titles add intensity to feuds. If done correctly the TV title would work on ECW. Have Sheamus carry it and establish the mid card division on ECW.

I am a fan of titles, and if done correctly, I think the more the merrier. Gives everyone something to do. If a division doesn't have a title, why would I bother to watch...to see who's the better wrestler??? Please.
I'd love to see the TV Title re-instated, (with the time limit stipulation). We'd see some great matches too if ECW held a tournament of sorts that could span a month and then culminate at a PPV. That would give the title the rub that it would need to get over and be credible in the eyes of the fans.

I'd love to see a guy like Sheamus or Tyler Reks come out as the first champ defeating a Christian or Regal in the final round!
My first choice is no title. ECW is a good little one-hour show, and wouldn't have enough time to showcase a title. They might have enough talent, but I doubt the title would be paid attention to very often. It's similar to the US championship when Benjamin had it. No one really paid attention to it, just random people came in and challenged him.
That's what I predict would happen with the secondary title. No proper feuds or storylines, just random title changes.

Unless, of course, they brought back the Hardcore Title under 24/7 rules. This could lead to some amusing or cool segments. The "Anytime, anyplace" rule could lead to something fun and unpredictable. That's the only way I could see a second title on ECW succeeding.
My personal wish would be to bring back the TV Title, as it was a staple of the former WCW and ECW promotions and is the lone belt to not make the crossover.

The Hardcore belt would be a great addition to the show, but that's a pretty close call considering the PG Era is upon us, and Vince probably doesn't want kids beating the crap out of each other randomly like those segments would suggest. Inevitably, I don't think anything would reach the bar that Crash Holly set so high in his Hardcore Title segments backin the day, where 15 wrestlers were once chasing him through the playplace in some random mall....classic.

My only fear would be to see the WWE version of the TV belt, just look what they did with the US belt...I think it could be better. I can just imagine a spinning Panasonic big-screen...*shudders*
To me, the European Title is a WWE lower Mid – Card Title equivalent to the WCW TV Title and should stay retired with RVD as the last European Champion. The Cruiserweight Title is a WCW Title that has a “limit” like the Light Heavyweight and X – Title, so that wouldn’t work out to well for the Stars over 225 lbs. or so and should stay retired with Hornswoggle as the last Cruiserweight Champion. Therefore I would much rather see the Television Title reactivated for ECW. The ECW TV Title is closer on the Title Belt totem pole to the IC and US.

On a side note, I would also like to see Chris Jericho and Big Show say something along the lines of, “We are the best in the World at what we do and we are declaring ourselves the Unified WWE / World / ECW Tag Team Champions” and add the ECW Tag Straps to their collection. How dominating would it look for Jericho and Show to have three Tag Team Titles??
You can make an argument for just about all 3 of these titles. I choose the Cruiserweight Championship because I think it would bring a nice element to bring to the show. Have the high flying style bring new excitement to the show and for an hour show it would work nicely. The larger guys can still be there and even face the smaller superstars.
Im going to be honest about this. I would LOVE to see a TV title floating around WWE but I think it shouldnt be branded to one show. The problem with ECW is its only on for an hour. If you have to dedicate 15 min for this match every week you are cutting people out of tv time. Plus, it will be EXTREMELY difficult to judge who gets to fight for it with that limitation on the show and a ECW Championship to worry about.
I agree with most people and believe that ECW should have a midcard title and that title should be the Television Championship. I think it would make for a great opening bout, 10 or 15 minute time limit. Occasionally have the champion wrestle on Superstars for the title. I think a TV Title is a great way to make the young guys have a match worth fighting for. Every week we see Sheamus take on someone, usually win, and what does he get, not even an attempt at Christian. Is he ready for the ECW Title, No. Having a tournament with the veterans & newbies over the course of several weeks would make for some watchable ECW. Could help get some guys over too.

Bring the TV Title back!
Adding a new title to WWE especially it's less crowded brand. No way. First of all if we count ECW title there are 3 midcard titles in ECW right now and adding one is just pointless. Really aren't you the people that complained about the low prestige of IC and US titles. Because there are no enough person to feud with and there are no proper feuds for it. European title is a big proof that lower midcard titles are shit. It would elevate no one to nowhere. Maybe we would have a chance to see Yoshi Tatsu wear a belt but thats it. It has no point,it elevates no one,there are not enough competitors and we already have 9 titles if we count unified titles as two.
i like the idea you had about the tv title but i also like the idea that some1 else had about making ecw a cruiserweight show. i think it would be very entertaining and if you move enough superstars around then you could use smackdown to debut new superstars. i could see ecw being what the x division should be in tna. great athletes doing crazy moves and having some great hardcore matches. also with the time slot they have i think they could have a pg-13 rating and have more extreme matches, like ecw should be.
Adding a new title to WWE especially it's less crowded brand. No way. First of all if we count ECW title there are 3 midcard titles in ECW right now and adding one is just pointless. Really aren't you the people that complained about the low prestige of IC and US titles. Because there are no enough person to feud with and there are no proper feuds for it. European title is a big proof that lower midcard titles are shit. It would elevate no one to nowhere. Maybe we would have a chance to see Yoshi Tatsu wear a belt but thats it. It has no point,it elevates no one,there are not enough competitors and we already have 9 titles if we count unified titles as two.

Wrath, my very first sentence was stating I hate the brand split, but then I did state that it looks like ECW is here to stay.

If ECW is here to stay, then the majority of replies have stated why a mid card title could be a good addition, the lower card wrestlers have nothing to fight for ATM, and it could be a good launching pad to the ECW title.
iF ECW was a 2 hour show they would neddd anotha title!It wont ever happen to ECW.ECW is for up and comers and for people like Regal nad Golddust to help bring up!I f yall all want anotha ECW title draft KOFFEE Kingston back to ECW cause he sure aint doin nothing for the US belt matter of fact i forgot he was the champ into i seen anotha thread about him!He wasnt even on Raw,so i did forget,he wont be at the BP pay per view,he needs to develope his character and talking skills,why not comeback to ECW most of the wrestlers there dont talk anyway,perfect for him and me and yall could all get your 2nd belt yall want!
I'd love to see the rebirth of the ECW TV title, but until ECW gets expanded, I don't see it happening, and frankly I'm not sure I'd want to see it happen. They're already trying to stuff as much into that one hour as possible, adding in another belt might make that feel even more rushed. Granted, they could probably throw the belt on someone like Shelton Benjamin and you'd have that midcard covered, but I think throwing in another title would only hurt the show right now.

If they expand ECW, than yes, I'd absolutely love to see the re-introduction of the ECW TV title. Quite a bit of great wrestling history with that championship.
How in the world would you add another title to a 1 hour show? That would make the title barely recognized and people would have no time to fight over it. Anyway even if ECW had two hours I think adding another title on that brand would be pointless. We all know how the majority thinks of the brand. And people coming from there aren't exactly established. Its fine if they feud over one title. The creativity is the only thing that matters, which in ECW's case is just fine.
I say the TV title, It was an actual ECW title and it would be a title match every month on free TV. Plus It would be great for the likes of Zack Ryder and Shelton Benjamen to be champ and have some practice with having a belt. The cruiserweight should only be brought back if Hornswoggle is out of the picture, and they get more CW's in ECW. The European wasn't an ECW belt and it sounds restricting and their are only 2 European wrestlers on ECW. So all in all the new title if used should be the TV title. And I like the Idea of Jerishow getting a third belt as well.
As I state in every thread about adding another title to ECW, there is no need to add a new title, or bring back any old titles, because their current Title Divisions do not work properly.

The only real problem in ECW is its current Champ, or should I say Chump. The sooner the Title is away from him, the better the show will be. The rest is just fine, hopefully Jericho and Big Show will show up on the show to give it some real star power in the future.
As much as I would love ECW to have a title there is truly no need for it right now, as the roster is so thin and the majority of the midcard of ECW is rookie who have no connection with the fans and have little steam. Plus the roster is way too small for another title right now
Wrath, my very first sentence was stating I hate the brand split, but then I did state that it looks like ECW is here to stay.

If ECW is here to stay, then the majority of replies have stated why a mid card title could be a good addition, the lower card wrestlers have nothing to fight for ATM, and it could be a good launching pad to the ECW title.
I see what you're saying but adding a second title for a 45 minute(Without commercials) talent development show can't work. If there were no brnad split a lower midcard title would work. If you add a new title to ECW the only people who are chasing the title would be new up and comers that are with the company not even for 5 months. If you give this title to veterans again it will fail because ME scene will be emtpy. So adding a new title is not a good idea.

I think ECW works very good right now. It gives young up and comers to give a chance to prove themselves before going on RAW or SD if they become succesful they're given a test world title reign which is not a world title to see if he can carry a show on his shoulders if he can pass that test he goes to RAW or SD. It also gives something to do to veterans who have nothing else to do in WWE. So adding a new title is not a good idea.
I voted for the old ECW TV Title, as the titles on this brand should be brand specific. But, this should not happen until ECW is a longer show. They just don't have the time for a second title yet, but I hope they soon will.
I would say the Television Title, the fact is the title can be exhibited as a tv show only title and restrict having the ECW world title defended on tv and more on PPV, that would make both titles mean something, think of the main events that we could see for the TV championship, or feuds lasting more with the inclusion of the championship.

I just hope that the WWE does consider this, TNA has a hell of alot of championships in its Two hour show and no one complains, so i dont see any reason not to add another title to the WWE's third brand as long as they do something different with the belt and not just make it another meaningless belt, and I do believe the WWE can do the job as they have done with the IC and US titles before it.
I went with the TV title and was actually thinking about this last night and wanted to start a thread on it. With WWE having three seperate brands and two of them having multiple titles and ECW having one belt it leaves guys like Dreamer,Goldust,Sheamus,etc. with nothing to do. Christian is the one guy on ECW I take seriously as ECW world champion. Everyone else on the roster would do well in a TV title situation. Goldust and Sheamus had a great feud for a few weeks on ECW and that would have been magnified if it were for a championship. If time is an issue for you give ECW another hour and start it at 9 oclock like you did before. Bring some of the lower card guys from Raw and Smackdown over who aren't getting enough tv time so there are enough guys to feud with Christian and the TV champion. Frankly ECW gets about three matches a week plus one on superstars. You could build a tag team up to challenge Jerishow with one of those spots, highlight the TV title feud with another spot and have the main event match with the last spot. That still leaves one spot open for guys like Reks and Tatsu who may not be ready for a TV title even. So time isn't neccessarily an issue for me. But if it is for you go with the suggested hour add on earlier start time and larger roster. Here are some peoople I'd bring over to ECW.

The Miz: After getting the Cena rub got a more serious approach changing his ring attire and his attitude. But after challenging Kofi Kingston and once again failing he seemingly can't accomplish anything he sets out to do. A move to ECW and a feud with the ECW champion would help him once again re-focus.

R-Truth: He's fodder for the scottish dude Drew McIntyre. On ECW he would be one of the bigger stars and would be able to work on his in-ring basics which he lacks. I like his gimmick and innovative moveset. Fundamentals is what he lacks.

Evan Bourne: He's not getting it done on Raw for some reason. Instead of being downgraded to being part of the stupid Hornswoggle/Chavo storyline let him compete on ECW with men at or below his level. Bourne could do wonders with Christian,Shelton,Sheamus etc.

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head besides the obviouses like Yang,Chavo,and Noble. A secondary title on ECW would be good for buisiness, it would help midcard talents on ECW, it would bring more to storylines, and it would help ECW improve as a show which helps WWE improve as a company.
I voted for the television title. A lot of complaints I read was that ECW is only an one hour show. Well ECW's Hardcore TV and ECW on TNN was only one hour, and they had enough time apparently to push a tag team division, a TV title, and a Heavyweight title. I'll give you that the roster is far smaller and this ECW is run by the current WWE creative team, but this could work. The title doesn't have to be defended every week, and between ECW episodes they can build up feuds for later title matches. I think there's enough talent to justify a mid card title on ECW. And another point that was made is we can leave ECW's main title be defended at pay per views, making it more important. The TV title will be something for the younger wrestlers to obtain before they go on to win the ECW title, and it would give some of the older guys like Goldust and maybe even that Jim Duggan to fight for as well.
The TV title makes sense, certainly, and I don't think I'd object to it, but I think there is more depth to be had from a cruiserweight title. I think it could give the brand its own identity, something that it doesn't have at the moment, and something that would make it more watchable.

For those that say it doesn't need a title, think about how often the ECW title is defended on TV, compared to the WWE title, and you wil see that adding a lower title would improve the prestige of the other title. As for the time/roster size arguments, Raw has 21 men, 2 hours and 3 titles, ECW has half the time, two thirds the roster, but only one third of the titles? Doesn't sound right to me.
I will take any secondary title as long as they get rid of Abraham Washington. Whoever came up with the idea for this guy to be on ECW hosting a crappy talk show needs to be shown the door. Abraham brings nothing to ECW. I can say the same thing for Tiffany being the GM of the show.

I agree with one of the earlier posts that the ECW tag team titles should be involved in the whole unification process. Better yet, create a new tag team title representing all three brands and take the current titles and hide them away in the production truck until the "dispute" between the brands begins.
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